black belly prince cruel concubine

Chapter 286 The Judgment of Liangyue Lake

Chapter 286 The Judgment of Liangyue Lake
In the side room, under Hua Wu's trembling service, the crown prince finally tidied up his appearance, and he instantly recovered from an unsatisfied beast in clothes to an elegant and elegant young man.

Hua Wu saw his boyish appearance, and peeked at the rising sun outside the room, thinking that her master was still asleep, so she couldn't help but curse in her heart: I don't know which brothel came out of the charming girl, She actually seduced the princess so much that she didn't know the day and night with the foxy tricks!snort!

The crown prince stood in front of the bronze mirror, held up the exquisite jade crown in front of the bronze mirror, his eyes flowed, and he could see the expression on Hua Wu's face from the bronze mirror, he couldn't help but snorted coldly, "What's your name?"

"Back to the son, the maidservant is called Huawu."

"Flower Dance?" The crown prince was arranging the flowery skirts in front of the bronze mirror, his phoenix eyes were as deep as water, "Do you know who I am?"

Hua Wu bowed her head, and responded submissively and cautiously, "Slaves are stupid."

"This son is your future son-in-law."

Hua Wu has an exquisite mind, knowing that he and the princess have a physical relationship, and becoming the son-in-law of the palace is a certainty, so she responded to his thoughts and obediently called out: "Slave Hua Wu, please greet my son-in-law!"

The prince's eyebrows were beaming immediately, and his bright smile reminded him of a wealthy peony flower, coquettish, charming, and captivating!
The voice of 'Guye' made the crown prince elated, "Okay! Good! You are a clever maid, I like it." The prince stretched out his hand and untied the dragon-patterned jade pendant around his waist, "Here, take it, my uncle will reward you." your."

Hua Wu didn't dare to delay, "Thank you, aunt, for the reward." She put the jade pendant away carefully.

The prince laughed freely, and then left the side room. The moment he stepped out of the door, he suddenly withdrew his feet, looked back at Hua Wu and said, "Keep your eyes brighter, and pay more attention at ordinary times. Don't let those who don't Unworthy people approach your master." After thinking about it, he added, "Especially men!"

"...Yes, uncle!"

Well, the prince is trying to buy people's hearts, and he is going to put eyeliner beside Yi Mo.

The spring sun is bright and dazzling, and the pale golden light shines through the treetops and branches.Outside the high wall and red tiles, Fufeng weeping willows sway in the wind, graceful and graceful like a young woman, so quiet and graceful.Suddenly, there was a sound of dog barking from inside the red wall, getting closer and closer... In the blink of an eye, a handsome man appeared on top of the wall.

The prince bent his legs, sat on the wall elegantly and unrestrainedly, raised the document in his hand and waved at the barking dogs at the bottom of the wall, and smiled happily, "I want to take it!" Even a [-] army can't stop it, just relying on you few beasts..."

At this time, the householder in the mansion shouted eagerly, "Boss, this way, the slave heard the barking of the wolf dog from this side, and the thief should be going this way."

Hearing the sound, the crown prince narrowed his phoenix eyes slightly, put away the paperwork, turned into an afterimage, and left Thunder Palace in a flash.

Today, the front gate of the Yamen of Dali Temple is full of excitement.Everyone is scrambling to witness with their own eyes the first official in the Chengtian Dynasty to be promoted by a flatterer in a hundred years.

Back then when Liang Yuehu was just a small local official, he curry favor with the political envoy of his superiors, and was recommended by his superiors before he got to know the powerful Lord Thunder.In order to increase his official status, he flattered and flattered Chengxi in every possible way, so that Chengxi once entrusted his daughter to his son, and even introduced him to the Minister of the Ministry of Officials for this reason, and found him a lucrative Beijing. official position.After taking office in Beijing, Liang Yuehu became more and more intensified. He climbed the dragon and the phoenix to follow the power, and in a blink of an eye, he caught up with the Zuo Xiang.

He has no virtue, no talent, no merit and no ability, but he can become a high-ranking official of the third rank in the year of destiny, which is not uncommon~

In just a few days, Liangyue Lake has changed a lot. The majestic look in the past, always looking up and squinting and not paying attention to anyone, but now he has to hang his head down, cautiously Like a mouse crossing the street.In the prison car, he curled up in a corner, his body was ragged, his face was blue and white, and his dirty, unkempt hair was half green and half white, faintly covering his bony cheeks.

"Dog officer! Die badly!" Someone in the crowd yelled, and the people onlookers immediately went into a commotion.

They took out rotten eggs and rotten vegetables and swarmed towards Liangyue Lake in the prison car, cursing one after another, "Damn dog officer!"

"The sky is struck by lightning, and I will die badly..."

"The conscience was eaten by the dog!"

"Break off children and grandchildren..."

Liangyue Lake is facing up to the flames, climbing the dragon and the phoenix, and defrauding the people and the villagers. For so many years, the bad things he has done can be compiled into a book, such as robbing women, buying murder, and Concealing the top and the bottom, pointing a deer as a horse... all the crimes are heinous!

The presiding judges of this case are Zhengfenglu and Ning Youshu of Dali Temple. Feng Chengyi is a stern and selfless person. The family members tried to intercede with him but couldn't find a way to give him gifts. Liang's mother was so angry that she cursed "Grandson".

In the elegant pavilion in the inner courtyard of Thunder King's Mansion, on one side of the Eight Immortals table carved with mahogany, the four table cards of 140 were rubbed and rattled.Jingyang and Yudie sat facing each other, with Mo and Cheng sitting on both sides.

Yi Mo Leng's face was gloomy, as if someone owed her 800 taels.And Cheng Xi laughed very proudly, "Hey, hey, give me the money, give me the money! I can figure it out, 500 taels."

Stretching out his hands in front of Yi Mo, "Give me the money quickly, give me the money..." The eager look seemed to be afraid of Yi Mo's repentance.

Yi Mo's face darkened a bit, took a deep breath, and pulled out the banknote from the bag with great difficulty.Cheng Xi saw it, his eyes sparkled, he immediately grabbed the bank note, pulled it, but it didn't come out, Mung Dou's eyes shone, and his right hand swiftly pulled out the spirit card of the former emperor from his waist, and without thinking, he turned towards Yi Mo Pat it on the back of your hand.

The back of his hand was blushing!
Suffering from the pain with ink, he subconsciously let go.

Cheng Xi took the bank notes, counted them in a smug voice, and then happily put them back in his pocket.

"That..." Yudie glanced at Yimo timidly, and hesitated, "Sister Yimo, that...and, one, 100 taels." His eyes were fixed on the table card, not daring to look at her face as dark as the bottom of a pot, then he stretched out his slender hand, and took away the 100 taels of silver note from her hand without any timidity.

"..." Yi Mo snorted coldly, "Come again!"

"Okay, come again, come again..." Cheng Xi patted the bulging bank notes in his pocket, smiling until his face wrinkled into yellow chrysanthemums.

Zhang Yuelu glanced at his master's shriveled pockets, shrugging his head and feeling distressed to death: It's fine if you have poor card skills, but you still refuse to admit it, this is all right, even this month's food expenses have been lost, it seems that the brothers have lost again I have to eat pickle bibimbap for a month!

Cheng Xi was the first to play his cards, and threw out one in a very chic way, "Second Cake!"

Yudie glanced at Chengxi, then glanced at Yimo, hesitated for a while, and finally said, "Blank board!"

Yi Mo looked at the whiteboard, nodded in relief, and smiled slightly, "Three points!"

"Touch!" Cheng Xi laughed, "Daughter, I'm sorry...a cake."

Yudie looked here and there again, "Blank board!"

Yi Mo gritted his teeth: "Four points!"

"Touch!" Cheng Xi laughed more and more arrogantly, "Daughter, I'm sorry...five cakes."







Yi Mo held Zhang Ba Tiao, with a hesitant expression, cold sweat dripping from his forehead, obviously extremely nervous.Even Zhang Yuelu clasped his hands, staring fixedly at Cheng Xi's face with piercing eyes, fearing that if this picture goes down, another top-notch will come, and he will lose all the food expenses for the next month.

Jingyang couldn't wait to urge, "Mo'er, what are you waiting for, come out quickly. Oops~ Your father kept bumping and bumping, and after a round, he didn't play any cards for his mother." Waiting for it made his hands itch.

Yi Mo stretched out his hand, Zhang Yuelu shouted nervously, "Master! You have to think clearly..." What about the food expenses for the next month.

Cheng Xi stared at her with a smile, that smile was like a gray wolf looking lazily, "Hurry up, hurry up, everyone is waiting behind."

"..." A drop of cold sweat ran down his forehead, rolled down his ears and temples! With a sound of 'ding dong', it landed on the edge of the mahogany table, splashing a little bit of water.Yi Mo closed his eyes, took a deep breath, and played his cards with the determination to die, "Eight!"

Cheng Xi was stunned for a moment, his round mung bean eyes shot out dazzling starlight, he opened his mouth, and just as the word 'Beng' reached his throat, he was interrupted by the voice of the old housekeeper, "My lord, Liangyue Lake has been brought up In court, the presiding judges to hear the case are not Mr. Feng, but Mr. Feng Lufeng and Mr. Ning Youshu."

Cheng Xi was surprised, "Huh? I didn't expect Feng Chengyi to be as upright and selfless as the rumors say."

Cough, taking advantage of his speech, Jingyang shot first, "Twenty thousand!"

Cheng reacted and regretted endlessly.Emerton heaved a sigh of relief, quietly wiped the cold sweat from his forehead, and gave her mother a grateful smile, then turned her gaze to her father's bulging purse, and said calmly, "Let's make a bet, If you win, all the 5 taels of silver notes on me will belong to you; if you lose, all the money you won today will belong to me. How?"

5 taels? !In Cheng Xi's eyes, Yi Mo immediately turned into a gleaming golden lump, his whole body was boiling with enthusiasm, "What bet?"

The fish are hooked!Yi Mo smiled subtly, and his elegant and beautiful smile revealed the wisdom of strategizing, "What will happen if you bet on crossing the lake?"

"Okay!" Submitted the case, took out the purse from his waist, and threw it on the table, "This king bets that he will definitely die!"

Yi Mo narrowed his clear and sharp eyes, and said casually, "Okay, then I'll bet on him being exiled outside the Great Wall!"

Hearing this, Cheng Xi laughed happily, "You're doomed! The crimes committed by Liang Yuehu are enough for him to die several times. If he doesn't exterminate his nine clans, it's considered light. How can he be spared and exiled outside the Great Wall? .Hey, just wait to lose money..."

Yi Mo calmly arranged the cards in her hand, played an unwanted second cake, and responded calmly, "Really? However, accidents often happen before the last moment."

Seeing that she was so confident, Cheng Xi felt very unhappy, "Okay, then we will wait and see!" Today, he confronted her.

Two hours later, the housekeeper rushed to report amidst the hopeless waiting.

"My lord, my lord, Liang Yuehu's verdict has come down."

In a hurry, "How? Tell me!"

The old butler glanced at Her Royal Highness, who was sitting firmly on Mount Tai, and said hesitantly, "Yes, yes...exile, beyond the Great Wall!"

(End of this chapter)

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