Chapter 288
In the large red lacquered sandalwood box, the upper layer is full of brocade clothes and the lower layer is full of jewellery, golden phoenixes are embroidered on the brocade robe, and flying dragons are engraved on the bracelet bracelet, all of which are from Ouchi. It is gorgeous, noble and dazzling everywhere!
The head of the Ministry of Internal Affairs smiled and said congratulations, "Lord Thunder, great joy! Great joy! Princess Ping An has easily been shortlisted and passed the preliminary review, as long as the official concubine selection contest is over in a few days..."

"Fart!" With a livid face, he stared at the head of the House of Internal Affairs like a wolf, "What nonsense! The mouth is full of feces! The king's daughter didn't even go to the House of Internal Affairs to give her name, where did she come from?" Was shortlisted for the first trial?!" Cheng Xi was so angry that his chest heaved and he wished to drive out the dead eunuch who 'reported the good news'.

The flattering smile suddenly froze on his face, the chief eunuch couldn't figure it out, it was obviously a great happy event, but why did it look like a funeral in Thunder King's place?Seeing Thunder King's face getting more and more gloomy, the head eunuch was shocked and bowed to leave again and again.Walking at that speed, it's like practicing lightness kung fu, suddenly disappearing as soon as you float.The look of running away is like a scourge chasing behind!What a joke, this fiery prince is much more powerful than a scourge.He even dared to chase and beat His Majesty the Crown Prince, so why would he be afraid of offending a little eunuch, the head eunuch?If you really angered the master, you can only blame your bad luck for being injured and disabled. Even if you are not convinced and sue the emperor, it is just a few words of reprimand by His Majesty.So, if you can't provoke it, you can always hide it.

Cheng Xi looked at the large sandalwood box with the words 'Da Nei' printed on it, Mung Dou's eyes were beating with anger, his complexion was gloomy, and his aura was stern.Yi Mo frowned lightly, she had never seen her father look so angry, even when he was slandered and imprisoned by Ren Zhehe, he never showed such a sinister look.

"Father..." Yi Mo stepped forward, whispered, and was about to speak, but slapped him head-on first——

The crisp and loud slaps shook the entire palace into silence.

The maidservants who were waiting on the scene were walking on thin ice. They all lowered their heads and trembled slightly, not daring to breathe!

Jingyang recovered from the shock, hurried forward, looked at the red marks on her daughter's face, felt extremely distressed, and blamed Cheng Xi with red eyes, "What are you doing? If you have something to say, just do it. The emotional daughter didn't come out of your stomach, you don't feel bad..."

In the past, Cheng Xi would definitely put down her airs and coax Jingyang with sweet words to calm her down.But today——Cheng Xi didn't even look at Jingyang, and went to the study with a cold face and hands behind his back, "Come with me!" Naturally, he said this to Yi Mo.

Seeing his far away back showing an unprecedented toughness and coldness, Jingyang blocked his throat with complaints, and looked at his daughter worriedly, "Mo'er, your father is king..."

"Mother, it's okay, don't worry." Stretching out his hand to brush the hair from the sideburns behind his ears, he accidentally touched the red mark on his face. Yudie, whose face was pale, said softly, "Help your mother back to the house."

After that, he turned and went to the study.

In the study room, Cheng Xi calmly sat on the head seat, and there was an empty wooden box in his hand - the wooden box originally contained their family's household registration documents.

Chengxi raised his eyes, glanced at Yimo, and pointed to the wooden box, "I wonder why that shameless little thief went straight to the study and only stole the most worthless household registration documents while still keeping countless treasures, so that's it."

"Father." Yi Mo stood upright in front of him, neither timid nor weak, neither dodging nor dodging, his upright gaze did not show the slightest panic, nor was he at all overwhelmed by being found out when he did something wrong, and he was still very nervous. Fang Fang admitted, "Yes, I told him."

Cheng Xi swung his arm abruptly, swept the wooden box next to his hand to the ground, made a loud noise, stood up abruptly, looked at the 'stubborn' her, and said angrily, "I warned you a long time ago, who You can marry, but you can't marry into the royal family! If you die early, I will never agree to this matter."

Cheng Xi's resoluteness and toughness made Yi Mo a little dazed and flustered, and she didn't know what she was thinking in her heart, so she just took a deep look at him, then turned and left without saying a word.

Cheng Xi watched helplessly as she stepped out of the study and out of the courtyard. He didn't sit down until her figure disappeared around the corner.He took out the tiger talisman left by his father from his bosom, rubbed it lightly with his thumb, and his thoughts gradually drifted away...

"Xi'er, when you have a daughter in the future, you must take good care of her, love her, and protect her." Before the sick bed, his father held his hand, his eyes full of pain and regret, "Don't be like a father, regretting the past. "

"Your sister is intelligent by nature, elegant, calm, and considerate like your mother, but it's a pity... she loves the wrong person."

"Perhaps the first emperor really loved her, otherwise he would not have abandoned the empress for her, but this love is too short like fireworks... Your mother is right, there is no family love in the royal family, even if there is, that share Superficial love can't withstand the ravages of time after all, maybe before your face is old and your youth is gone, someone will take your place in his heart... But when you see a newcomer laugh, you don't hear an old one cry!"

"Your sister is such a smart person, why can't she just ignore her, and she ended up like that... If my father prevented her from marrying into the palace at the beginning, it would be great!"

Cheng Xi slowly closed his eyes, suppressed the thin water mist in his eyes, took a sniff, and when he opened his eyes again, the determination in his eyes became stronger and stronger.He didn't want to be like his father when he was old, he regretted it!

The next day, there was a rare peaceful celebration in the East Palace, but all the servants and servants who passed by the Moyu Palace were smiling, and the spring was harmonious.There is no other reason, but because the master of the East Palace is in a good mood today, and even the mood of the servants is also in a good mood.

The prince got up early this morning, very energetic. After putting on his clothes, he went to the yard to embroider and practice the piano. Ahem, of course, Yu Xiangrong was there.

Yu Xiangrong is wearing a light blue curly skirt today, with stars embroidered on the skirt, and clear clouds fluttering in the wind. She wears light gauze on her shoulders, and a ribbon around her waist. The butterfly crystal hairpin, except for the red bean earrings on the earlobe, has no other decorations. The simple and elegant appearance looks so beautiful and refined.

But seeing her full of affection, her brows and eyes full of spring.The prince couldn't help but tease, "I heard that the Donglai Building was very lively yesterday. Yu Shaofu's daughter and Zhao Taibao's granddaughter met on a narrow road. In order to win the love of our youngest and most promising Mr. Guo, they didn't care about it." Identity, let's fight."

After hearing this, Yu Xiangrong remained calm and composed, still sitting in her original position with a warm smile on her face, embroidering the long-lost double-sided embroidery of the court.Almond eyes slightly curved, willow eyebrows drooping slightly, her beautiful smile deepened a bit, and she said angrily, "It's actually spread like this."

The prince was lying on his side on the bed with a handsome smile on his face, staring intently at the embroidered handkerchief in her hand, silently memorizing the double-sided embroidery method in his heart.Hearing her rather powerless exclamation, he asked curiously, "Dare to be Miss Yu, what is the truth?"

Yu Xiangrong looked up at him, and responded half-jokingly and half-seriously, "Isn't the truth what His Highness said about 'meeting on a narrow road, fighting to win what you love'."

"Hahaha!" The crown prince laughed freely, his pure and evil face was arrogant and domineering, and his smile was as dazzling as the sun in the sky, "Big fight? Oh, I have grown so big, this crown prince has never seen you before." Fighting with others. When Xiaoliu annoyed you when I was a child, you tricked her into stealing the chamber pot of my father, which made her punished by my father to kneel down in the ancestral hall the next day. Old people say that when you are three years old and you are old, you With such a temperament, let you beat someone yourself? I'm afraid it will be a little difficult."

"People are fickle. For what they love, they change from good to evil, from simple to complex; from cowardly to strong, from timid to heroic. Just like His Highness, because of the love in his heart, he becomes different. In the past, what's so strange about Xiangrong becoming impulsive and beating people with her own hands?" She smiled and shook her head, then embroidered double-faced flowers again.

"Really? I've changed too?" Li Chenyu murmured thoughtfully, "Whether the change is good or bad, I'll... be happy for it."

In the elegant pavilion, the man is as noble as the scorching sun and as dazzling as the morning light, with a handsome body and domineering aura, so dazzling that people can't take their eyes off them.And the woman beside her is also as beautiful as a flower, Wanqiu Shuyuan, showing the elegance and self-cultivation of everyone's ladies with her gestures and gestures.The two seem to be a good match.

"Zuzu! She is indeed the daughter of Mrs. Shaofu Yu's family. With such appearance and self-cultivation, the average housekeeper lady can't compare to one tenth of her, let alone those reckless daughters." The long corridor in the distance In the dark corner of the corner, a faintly alluring voice resounded.

Xue Ruxue looked back suddenly, the cold light that shot out from her eyes was like a sharp sword, wishing to tear the enchantress who was gloating at other misfortunes into pieces, "Get out!" He yelled in a low voice satisfied with murderous intent and anger.

Enchantress is not afraid of her, she twisted her water snake's waist, and smiled enchantingly like a peach, "Yo! Are you getting angry from embarrassment? Hey, she really is a reckless girl, and she can't stand on the stage. Look at her, even if she is angry, she is very graceful..."

"Don't think that you are a member of the Devil's Cult, I dare not touch you!" His eyes were burning like torches, and his murderous aura was boiling!
"Oh, you are the majestic Miss Xue of the Medicine King Valley, how dare I challenge your majesty." The demon girl scratched her head and said with a smile, "I don't want to be like those poor girls in the flower garden, arguing and fighting, not only did not argue. To be favored by His Highness the Crown Prince, in the end, he ended up as a dead body." "It's good to know!" Xue Ruxue shook his sleeves and left.

The enchantress raised her orchid finger, stroked the hair hanging on her forehead, and looked at His Highness the Crown Prince in the pavilion with an extraordinarily seductive smile, "It really is a calamity, and it has fascinated that crazy woman so much... "Out of the corner of his eyes, he saw the father-in-law Boots, the chief executive of the Eastern Palace, coming in a hurry, and immediately dodged to hide himself, and left the place.

The father-in-law of Little Boots hurried to Yating, bowed respectfully to the crown prince and Miss Yu's family, ignored Yu Xiangrong's presence, and said: "Master, Miss Biao sent someone to call you over."

The prince was so excited that he jumped up from his sleep, his suppressed excitement revealed disbelief, "You, you, what are you talking about?"

"Master, Miss Cousin, please go over."


In an instant, the prince seemed to be in heaven, his mind was in chaos, and finally only one thought remained: his wife summoned him, his wife summoned him, his wife summoned him, his wife summoned him, his wife summoned him, his wife summoned him !

(End of this chapter)

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