Chapter 289

On the second day, when Hua Wu came into the room to wait for Yi Mo to wake up, the prince was already fully dressed, standing in the corner like a little daughter-in-law, facing the wall thinking about the past, and at the same time sneaking peeks at his daughter-in-law's face from time to time with those small resentful eyes .

The flower dance girl has already trained a body of copper skin and iron bones. When she saw Li Chenyu standing in the corner facing the wall, she didn't have a trace of surprise in her eyes, and she didn't take a second look, she just pretended that there was no such person.

"Princess, well, do you think this is okay?" Hua Wu was dexterous, even if Yi Mo asked her to wear a simple ponytail, she could still make it delicate and cute.

Yi Mo looked at the bronze mirror, nodded with satisfaction, it was okay.

"Clean up the room." While speaking, he glanced at Li Chenyu in the corner, then turned and went out.

The prince stretched his head spookily and saw his daughter-in-law disappearing at the gate of the courtyard. He immediately became dishonest. He raised his head and twisted his neck twice, then walked to his daughter-in-law's gums and sat down under Hua Wu's strange eyes. Then he leaned lazily on the bedside table, put one leg up, reached out to take the blue book that his wife had read, and flipped through it lazily, with a very chic posture and expression.

"What are you doing standing up! Come here and beat your uncle's legs." Hey, he also summoned his daughter-in-law's maid as a matter of course.

The honest and docile flower dance girl suddenly thought: there is no tiger or monkey king in the mountains!
No, as soon as the 'tiger' walked away, his 'monkey' started to be lawless!

Hua Wu knelt down, and beat his leg with low eyebrows, the strength was neither light nor heavy, just enough to relieve the soreness of the knee - kneeling all night, how can it not hurt!

The crown prince squinted his eyes comfortably, and asked quietly, "Where has the princess been these two days?"

Hands paused slightly, Hua Wu lowered her eyes, she couldn't figure out what this master wanted to know for a while, and then said without any scruples, "Go back to my uncle, the princess hasn't gone anywhere, and has been staying in the mansion with the prince and concubine. They play table cards."

"En." The crown prince smiled with satisfaction, it's good that he didn't go out, the kid surnamed Wen is now in the capital, if Mo'er goes out, maybe he will meet him.Well, it's better to stay in the mansion.After thinking about it, I asked again, "Who have you met?" You can invite people to the house without going out.

"Go back to my aunt, the princess has never seen anyone other than the prince, concubine and Miss Yudie in the past two days."

This time the heart is completely put in the stomach.

After asking these insignificant matters, he thought of the serious matter, "Did something important happen in the mansion?"

"Back to my uncle, the people from the Ministry of Internal Affairs sent a box of things the day before yesterday, saying that it was prepared for the princess to choose the crown princess." The crown prince asked her what she would answer, and she was not afraid to slip up and say what she shouldn't have said. After all, she knew it. All the servants know, it's not a secret.

He knew this, or it was his will, what he wanted to know was not this, "Then how will the prince and concubine react?" Someone must have objected, otherwise the daughter-in-law would not have lost her temper with him as if she had regretted it.

"Going back to my aunt, I heard from the Yuen Long guards beside the prince that the prince lost his temper that day, and even slapped the princess."

Hearing this, Li Chenyu subconsciously covered the left cheek that was beaten by Yi Mo last night, and thought: My wife really angered him...

After getting the news from Hua Wu, the crown prince knew the crux of the matter—if he wanted to marry a wife, he had to deal with the old man!
The crown prince suddenly pushed Huawu and got up suddenly, his eyes were full of swearing that he was bound to win, he could handle thousands of troops, could it be that he couldn't handle a bad old man! ?

On the banks of the Tongsi River, the snow-white apricot petals are rolled up by the breeze, like a burst of white snow, which is really beautiful.

The boats in the river are full of people coming and going, and it is extremely lively.Without exception, these painted boats are all places to search for flowers and ask willows, and all of them are flower boats bought by famous flower houses in the capital.In spring, the riverside is not only beautiful, but also accompanied by beauties. You can see both the flowers and the people, so many people come here.

Cheng Xi carried the birdcage, hummed a little tune, and boarded the boat gracefully.The owner of Huafang saw him coming, his old face smiled like a chrysanthemum, and he was extremely flattering, "Oh! Your lord, you are here. Hurry up, please come inside, please come inside. You have not come for a few days, and many girls here are hurt. They all suffer from lovesickness, and they are listless all day long. They have lost weight several times. Hey! I look forward to the stars and the moon, but I finally have you here... Huanhuan, come on, come on, come on, so I can serve our Thunder My lord, if you are a little negligent, I will see if your mother will not take your skin off."

A coquettish and revealingly dressed enchanting woman came here with a small waist twisted. She followed the old mother's instructions and was extremely enthusiastic about her. Then he entangled him ambiguously like a boneless snake, and kept blowing hot air into his auricles, pulling him so distracted that the birdcage in his hand almost fell to the ground.

There were also acquaintances in the official circles in the painting boat, but they were all low-ranking officials. When they saw the attack, they immediately got up to greet them, "Oh! What kind of wind is blowing today that brought you here, my lord? "

"This officer knows that it is Beiyan wind that is blowing today. Miss Beiyan is performing on stage today, no wonder the prince is back. Hurry up, prince, please take a seat, please take a seat. When the above program is over, Miss Beiyan will be on stage .”

Chengxi was not polite, he sat on the main seat with Huanhuan in his arms, handed the bird cage in his hand to the servant who came up to serve, and said with a smile, "Beiyan performs on stage once a month, how can I miss it?" reason."

Miss Beiyan from the Mandarin Duck House is a new prostitute who has just debuted. She has a beautiful appearance and extraordinary dancing skills. Many high-ranking officials and nobles covet her. No one dared to force her, and although Cheng Xi was a fool, he was not a heartless person who forced her into prostitution. Since she didn't want to, he didn't force her.

Humanity is: what is not available is the best.

Before Cheng Xi got her hands, the interest would only grow stronger and stronger, but that girl was not only high-minded but also arrogant, she said she would not follow, she would not follow, helpless, Cheng Xi had no choice but to watch eagerly, looking forward to it every month She went on stage to perform that one time, and she relieved her greedy eyes.

Not long after Cheng Xi sat down, Bei Yan came on stage.Beiyan is dressed in a passionate red dress, her face is like a lotus, her eyebrows are like catkins, and her charming eyes are like peach blossoms. She just stands on the stage without dancing, and half of the men in the audience are tender.Coupled with her hot and bold dancing posture, she is like a living fairy alive.

After the performance, Beiyan didn't leave proudly like before, but walked lightly in lotus steps, swaying her figure and came to Chengxi, changed from her usual aloofness, bowed her knees with winking eyes, and said, "Nujiabei Yan has seen Lord Thunder."

"You, you, you..." Chengxi stammered, so shocked that he couldn't even speak smoothly, he slapped his thigh for the last time, and roared excitedly, "Baby, have you figured it out?"

Beiyan nodded shyly, her hair hanging down her ears, adding a bit of coquettish charm, "My lord, being able to serve you is a blessing that I have cultivated in my family for several lifetimes."

"Hahaha, good, good!" Chengxi clapped his hands and laughed, pushed the woman in his arms away, stood up and held Bei Yan's Yi Yi, staring at her plump breasts bewitchingly, flirting with her like an old hooligan , "Yan'er can make me wait so long."

Bei Yan snuggled into his arms obediently, seductively, "Yan'er is really damned for making the prince wait for so long. The prince wants to be beaten or punished. Yan'er has no complaints. I only hope that the prince will take pity on Yan'er." Son, be lighter, Yan'er has a weak body and cannot bear the prince's meng waves." Such blunt words made the blood of the people and beasts present boil.

Among the people present, there were quite a few people who had a heart for Beiyan, and seeing the always upright beauty nestling in Cheng Xi's arms so docilely and softly, they were extremely envious, "Congratulations, congratulations, you finally got the beauty back. "

"It's easy to say, the king is happy today, and this matter is covered by the king." Chengxi took out a stack of silver bills from his arms, and stuffed them into the hands of the old bustard like money.

The old bustard smiled awkwardly, and returned the silver ticket to Cheng Xi strangely, "My lord, a nobleman has already invited you for tonight's event, and even Miss Beiyan was bought by that nobleman, saying that he bought it as a gift for you. Miss Beiyan is dedicated to serving you alone."

Cheng was extremely surprised, "Who is it?"

"This, that..." The old bustard was in a bit of trouble, and he hesitated to say the nobleman's name.

But at this time, a domineering and clear voice came from afar, "Uncle, do you like the gift from your nephew?"

Hearing the sound, everyone looked back, and seeing this, they were shocked!

The prince has a clear face and white shirt, black silk dyed with black ink, and a snow-white brocade robe embroidered with a four-clawed golden dragon. His exquisitely carved facial features are peerless and beautiful, the peach blossoms and phoenix eyes are shining brightly, and the natural domineering aura of the king is revealed inadvertently. The officials present were so shocked that they were dripping with cold sweat.

"I'm waiting to see His Royal Highness the Prince."

In a blink of an eye, everyone in the painting boat was kneeling, only Li Chenyu was proudly independent.

"Get up, this is not in the palace, so there are not so many rules." The crown prince walked over to Cheng Xisheng and sat down.

"Yes!" Everyone responded in unison.

Although the prince said that there is no need to be too polite, how dare you be really presumptuous? The current prince's thoughts are more difficult to figure out than your majesty, and his methods are cruel and vicious, not to mention his mood is still uncertain. I am afraid that a bad look will attract the prince's attention bear grudges.Therefore, all the people present waited cautiously with fear.

But there are also bold officials who want to take the risk of patting his horses in order to make a career in the world, "Your Highness, this is Miss Mengzhen. She hasn't been listed yet. How about letting her serve you?" The officials in the ears pushed the delicate and beautiful woman in front of His Highness the Crown Prince.

The woman named Mengzhen looked at the aloof prince with admiration, she was extremely happy, to have a spring night with such a noble and handsome man, death is worth it!

Lightly moving lotus steps forward, she knelt down at his feet in a submissive posture, calling softly, "His Royal Highness the Prince."

(End of this chapter)

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