Chapter 291
Wang Zeming also reacted, and quickly nodded in agreement, "Yes, yes, yes! As long as you let us go, we will treat this as never happened."

Jiang Chunhua is intimidating, Wang Zeming is inducing, and the two cooperate perfectly.If it was really an ordinary bandit, I'm afraid they were fooled by the two of them.

The two waited for the other's reply, and for a while, only the heavy breathing of Jiang and Wang remained in the dark cell.Seeing that the other party did not answer, Jiang and Wang were secretly delighted, thinking that the other party had listened to their words and was thinking about it.Jiang Chunhua was very scheming, planning to hit her with a stick first and then give her a sweet date, and immediately put on his official authority, and was about to threaten and shout again, but he heard the other party speak.

"The two of you worked hand in hand with Ren Zhehe, deceived the saints, lied about the disaster situation, increased taxes privately, filled your own pockets, oppressed the people, and caused countless wronged souls. Is there such a thing?" The indifferent tone was full of majesty and domineering that could not be resisted. In the ears of Jiang and Wang, it was like a thunderbolt from the blue sky that almost scattered their souls and seven souls.

Wang Zeming trembling mouth, pale face, guilty retort, "smear, slander, this is slander! This official and Mr. Jiang are both upright and upright officials, and Mr. Ren Xiangye is even more upright and highly regarded by the present. The pillar of the country .Where did you hear the news? It's nonsense, nonsense!" At the end, he said with righteous words and anger, as if he had been wronged and wronged by the sky.

Jiang Chunhua was smarter than Wang Zeming. With a sullen face, he calmly said, "Girl, you must tell the truth and rely on facts."

Yi Mo leaned his elbows on the armrest of the grand teacher's chair, gently rubbed his chin with his slender fingers, his eyes were as deep as the sea, "Evidence? I'll get it soon."

Hearing this, Wang Zeming suddenly saw the missing account book in his mind, his face turned pale again, and he screamed, "It's you! It's you, right? You stole the account book!"

Jiang Chunhua's expression also changed, that account book was their trump card to save their lives.Over the years, what they did for Ren Zhehe was to implicate the nine clans. In order to prevent Ren Zhehe from pushing them to be scapegoats after the incident was exposed, they connected all the money and food sources and hoarding places without telling Ren Zhehe Everyone writes clearly.

If this account book is exposed, they will be the first to die!
His black eyes sank slightly, and the fingers rubbing his chin paused, Yi Mo didn't speak, and a strange and oppressive atmosphere spread in the air.Jiang and Wang were blindfolded by black cloth, so they couldn't see the outside scene, and the unknown was more frightening.Even Jiang Chunhua, who has always been calm and composed, was made short of breath by the oppressive atmosphere.

Wang Zeming couldn't help breaking the silence in the dark cell first, "You, you, what do you want to do?"

Yi Mo put his hands down and crossed his hands on his lower abdomen, "I just want to know how you guys got in touch with Ren Zhehe."

"Hmph!" Jiang and Wang were stubborn and kept silent.

Yi Mo sneered, and waved to Zhang Yuelu, "Go get the vise."

"Okay!" Zhang Yuelu was so excited, like a gust of wind, he ran out and in, and when he came back, he had a big vise in his hand.

As soon as the vise was opened and closed, there was an agitated sound of metal colliding, which made Jiang and Wang tremble.

"You, you don't mess around, I, we are the imperial court, the imperial court officials." Wang Zeming was so frightened that his tongue was tied.

Yi Mo leaned lazily on the back of the chair, pointed at the trembling Wang Zeming, and ordered Zhang Yuelu, "Remove his nail caps."

"Obey!" Zhang Yuelu picked up the vise with a smile, went to Wang Zeming and squatted down, threatening with vile humor, "Master Wang, hold on, my little hands and feet are quick, hold the edge of the nail cover, pull it hard, absolutely not It will be sloppy and fleshy. Oh, don’t shake it! If you shake it, the little one will shake too. If you don’t catch it, it will be halfway, and the fingernails will hang on your fingers with flesh and blood. It’s so ugly..."

When he said this, Wang Zeming was so frightened that his soul was gone, his bones went limp, and he begged for forgiveness repeatedly, "A good man spares his life, a good man spares his life. Whatever you want to ask, just ask, I will definitely know everything..."

"Wang Zeming, you bastard!" Jiang Chunhua cursed angrily.

Wang Zeming ignored him, begging to save his life, "As long as you guys spare my life, I will tell you the truth."

Zhang Yuelu looked up at Yi Mo, "Master?"

Yi Mo squinted his eyes, "Unload it!"

The two words of indifference fell on Wang Zeming's chest suddenly like a heavy hammer. Suddenly, the bone-piercing pain from his fingertips hit his whole body, causing him to roll on the ground in pain!

"Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!" The screams made Jiang Chunhua's eardrums bulge. Although he couldn't see it, a strong bloody smell came to his nostrils, making his stomach tumbling like a sea, "vomit, vomit!"

The vise clamped the bloody fingernail and put it in front of Yi Mo, Zhang Yuelu seemed to ask for credit, "Master, look, this subordinate is definitely clean and tidy this time."

Yi Mo pushed his hand away, and looked at Wang Zeming who was rolling on the ground, "Master Wang, you have already thought about your answer. If I find out that you have cheated, it will not be as simple as pulling out your fingernails."

Is it as simple as pulling out the nail cap?Fingers connected to heart!
Wang Zeming broke out in cold sweat from the pain, "Say, I, I must be honest."

With this warning, Wang Zeming was really honest, "We usually communicate with Mr. Ren by letter, and the letter paper used for the correspondence is the code. The letter paper used for the letter in January is Brunei rice paper that was born, and the letter written in February The letter paper I use is Moxiang patterned paper produced by Annals, and Yunze’s Baihua paper is used in March. When I write a letter on Brunei rice paper, I will draw a winding moon on the upper left corner. When I use Moxiang patterned paper A silver and white star point will be drawn in the lower left corner, and a blood-red sun will be drawn in the upper right corner on white Chinese rice paper..."

"Wang Zeming!" Jiang Chunhua's angry voice interrupted Wang Zeming's words. He was so angry that he could not wait to pounce on Wang Zeming's skin, "You fucking bastard, do you want to kill your wife, children, and mother at home!"

Jiang Chunhua's uncontrollable roar undoubtedly told Yimo and the others that Wang Zeming was telling the truth.If Yi Mo hadn't heard about the situation from Ren Zhongyuan first, she might have believed what Wang Zeming said, after all, the two acted so vividly!
(End of this chapter)

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