Chapter 292

"Okay! Okay!" I patted my palm twice with ink, with a particularly cold expression on my face, my eyebrows sank, and I said coldly, "It's good to draw stars on ink-scented pattern paper, and draw strings on Brunei rice paper." Yue. As expected of Mr. Ren, a scheming master, the passwords are more complicated than others."

Wang Zeming didn't hear the awe-inspiring aura in her voice at all, only when she believed his words, he was overjoyed and said quickly, "Girl, I've told you the truth, you should let us go."

"Let go?" The sneer sounded cold and hostile, "I will let you go when the time comes, but now I will make you suffer a little."

After finishing speaking, they waved their hands towards Qinglong and Zhang Yuelu, they nodded, and went forward silently, one of them took hold of the other, ignoring the screams and struggles of Jiang and Wang, they dragged them to the dark room next door.

"What are you going to do? Let us go, let us go, we are court officials..." The terrified roar disappeared behind the stone door of the dark room.

In the dark room, Li Dawn had already washed her hands and got ready.In front of him is a stone bed, and on his right hand are a basin of hot water, a sharp lancet, and a clean dry towel.

Yi Mo bent over and picked up the silvery lancet, looked at it for a moment, "Are you ready?"

"Ready." Li Xiao took the lancet in her hand, put the blade on the candle to sterilize it, "Don't worry, I have experimented several times, after wearing a human skin mask, whether it is true or false, even if it is my own Parents can't tell the difference."

The current human skin masks always have flaws. After wearing them, the face is paralyzed or the eyebrows are raised. Careful people can find it if they pay more attention.The mask that can be peeled off at dawn can definitely be faked after being put on.

Qinglong tied Jiang Chunhua to the chair behind Lixiao, and clapped his hands to attract two men who were similar in shape and outline to Jiang and Wang.

"Come here." Li Xiao pointed to the stone bed, "Lie down."

The man who was similar to Jiang Chunhua followed Li Xiao's instructions and lay down on the stone bed with his eyes closed.

Jiang Chunhua's limbs were firmly tied to the armrests and the corners of the chair with ropes. No matter how hard he struggled, he couldn't move. He was terrified and screamed, "What are you going to do?! Let me go! Let me go!"

Lixiao took the burnt lancet and walked up to Jiang Chunhua, seeing his head shaking non-stop, his brows condensed into mountain peaks, "Qinglong, hold his head steady."

Qinglong fixed Jiang Chunhua's head according to his words.Jiang Chunhua was terrified. The only thing he could hold was his mouth. Even his eyes were covered with a black cloth, so he couldn't see any light.His eyes couldn't see, but his sense of touch became extremely keen, and he could vaguely feel something dangerous slowly approaching his face, which made goose bumps appear on his skin.When the icy thing landed on the edge of his hair, he trembled all over, as if a poisonous snake was attached to his skin, swallowing the snake letter dangerously.

"You, you want, you want... ah—"

A shrill scream suddenly sounded!
Scarlet blood flowed from Jiang Chunhua's face, drop by drop, string after string, and finally gathered into thin streams, the blood flowing like a waterfall!

The bloody aura spread in the dark room, screaming incessantly in his ears, Wang Zeming's legs became weak from fright, and he sat on the ground with his buttocks. In an instant, a puddle of light yellow water stained between his legs.

Yi Mo squatted down, reached out and patted his pale face, "Is your mind sober? Is the moon drawn on the Brunei rice paper or the bloody sun?"

Hearing this, Wang Zeming was scared out of his wits, as if seeing a ghost, "You, you, how would you know?!" Yes, Wang Zeming deliberately messed up the secret signs drawn on the rice paper.If he wrote a letter to Ren Zhehe according to the code he said, Ren Zhehe would immediately see the problem.

Risking his life, Wang Zeming took such painstaking efforts to deliver the news to Ren Zhehe, not because he was sincere to Ren Zhehe, if they were really sincere, then they would not write down the account books behind Ren Zhehe's back and leave a handle.They just hope that Ren Zhehe will be merciful and spare their wives, children and mothers for the sake of risking their lives to deliver the news.Ren Zhehe is an official worshiping a phase, and the power is poured into the government and the public. It is not something that ordinary people can overthrow. If they really betray Ren Zhehe, and Ren Zhehe is safe in the end, then the unlucky ones will not only be those who oppose him, And the two of them.

Yi Mo took the letter from Zhang Yuelu, glanced at it casually, and said, "I heard that the woman you raised in the outer house gave birth to two twin sons for you, and the full moon will be full in two days, what a pity!"

Wang Zeming's face was ashamed, even his mother and daughter-in-law didn't know about the fact that he had a woman in his outhouse, but the other party found out clearly, so it can be seen...

"I say! I say! I will tell the truth." Wang Zeming rolled over and knelt on the ground and cried, "As long as you let us and our family go, I will tell you the truth! Tell the truth!"

Yi Mo sat on another chair, crossed his legs, took a sip of tea, "Let's talk."

"Everything else I said is true, but the codes drawn on the paper have been exchanged. A blood-red sun is drawn in the inconspicuous upper left corner of Brunei Ran; A silver star is drawn on the lower left corner of the paper...every five days we will send a message to Mr. Ren to report everything about the annals...we don't know who delivered the letter, we just need to send it to Send the letter to the deep alley of Hongjie, an old man with red and white lanterns hanging in front of a family can do it... If Mr. Ren has news to convey, he will send someone to tie a red lantern on a walnut tree in the west garden of the mansion. The white ribbon..."

In Wang Zeming's honest narration, there is no deception in the slightest.

When Wang Zeming finished speaking and Li Xiao finished, Jiang Chunhua was already in a coma, his old face was peeled off and turned into a bloody mess.And the man lying on the stone bed opened his eyes at this moment, he looked down at the water basin, the reflection in the water was Jiang Chunhua's face!He hooked his lips into a smile, the look in his eyes and the curvature of his mouth were exactly the same as the shallow smile that Jiang Chunhua often wore on his face.

Li Xiao looked at his face with satisfaction, and glanced at Yi Mo proudly, "How is it? Can you tell the truth from the fake?"

Zhang Yuelu was the most curious, went up to touch the man's face, the tentacles were still warm, she couldn't help exclaiming, "This skin looks like it's growing on his face!"

Yi Mo smiled and nodded, squinting at Wang Zeming who was kneeling on the ground, "Let's do this too." Standing up, he left the dark room.

Wang Zeming screamed in horror and anger from behind, "I've said everything, why do you want to hurt me?!"

Zhang Yuelu replied gloatingly, "Hey, who told you that you were dishonest at first, you deserve it!"

Yi Mo rode back to the capital alone on a bay red horse. As soon as he arrived at the gate of the city, he saw two government servants pressing Liang Yuehu out of the city gate. Chains, barefoot on the road.Presumably, he had been tortured in prison, and his body had marks of being whipped. Old wounds added new wounds, his whole body was bruised, unkempt, blue-eyed, and dark, worse than beggars on the street.People passing by him ran with their noses covered, eyes full of disgust.

The two yamen servants are not easy to use. They are used to this kind of scene, their hearts are as hard as iron, and they have no sympathy. Cursed, "Go faster! At your snail's speed, when will you reach the border! Don't dawdle, hurry up! You can't make it to Yulin Village before dark, and you can't live in a store. I don't know if I will pick you up. Skin!"

Liang Yuehu was obedient, not daring to get angry and dare not refute. He just shrunk his shoulders, lowered his head, and tried his best to avoid the whip that was thrown at him.

The yamen servant who beat him was resentful, and when he got out of the city gate, he had no scruples, and his attacks became more and more ruthless, "Bah! Damn dog! Wasn't it very majestic before? My cousin accidentally bumped into him!" With one blow from your wife, you disabled his leg, and now it's in my hands, let's see if you're still alive..."

The figures of the three gradually faded away, Yi Mo looked away silently, his face was expressionless, he kicked the stirrup with both feet, and the bay red horse strolled into the city gate.Today was a hurry, and the street was very lively, fearing that the horse would hurt passers-by, so Yi Mo got off his horse and led the horse along the street.

Just two steps away, she saw three men in short shirts running towards her, chasing a crazy woman.

"Stop! Slut! If you run again, I'll see if I don't break your leg!"

Although the woman was wearing silk and satin, she was extremely dirty and her hair was disheveled. An old jasper hairpin was hanging on the side of her hair, precariously falling down. She looked very depressed and delirious.

"Son, Zuer? My son is gone, my son is gone." The crazy woman shouted wildly as she ran and dragged passers-by, "Are you Zuer? Zuer! Woohoo! My Zuer!"

Wen Nuo, who was hugged by the crazy woman who rushed over suddenly, was very confused. He raised his hand to separate the crazy woman, and said softly, "Madam, you have misunderstood the person. I am not your son, please let me go... "

The crazy woman was delirious, but her strength was amazing. She hugged Wen Nuo's waist tightly, refusing to let go, "Zuer! Mother has found you. Zuer, my Zuer."

The three short-shirted men had already arrived, grabbed the crazy woman roughly, and punched and kicked her, "I told you to run away! Tell you to run away! You bitch, let's see if you still dare run."

Wen Nuo is soft-hearted, he doesn't want to see three big men bullying a weak woman who has no strength to restrain a chicken, he stepped forward to stop a man, and persuaded, "This big brother, she is a woman, she can't stand the punching and kicking like you Kick, stop quickly, or you will die..."

The man put on a fierce face and pushed Wen Nuo away, "Boy, don't meddle in your own business." After speaking, he kicked the crazy woman twice.

Seeing that the three of them did not listen to persuasion, Wen Nuo wanted to stop them, but was stopped by a bystander, and whispered, "My lord, don't stop them, they are thugs from West Alley, that woman is not clean ..."

West Alley is also Hualiu Alley, and most of the women in it are women with broken flowers and willows.Not only are these women still charming, but they are also more proficient in bed than young women. The most important thing is that they are cheap, and they are most loved by men at the bottom.Most of these men are twisted and perverted in their hearts, and they tend to be violent sexually. There are at least two or three female corpses carried out from West Alley every day.

Wen Nuo frowned, "This woman seems to be forced to help..."

"My lord, such a crazy woman is not worthy of sympathy." A man carrying a burden said beside him, "She was originally the wife of a corrupt official Liang Yuehu. When she was the wife of an official, she was so arrogant. There was a man I accidentally bumped into her while walking, and she asked the servant to beat the man's leg. People often say that evil is rewarded with evil, and it is true. You see, just after her man was dismissed and exiled, she was sold by the enemy to the west. Alley is a prostitute. I heard that her son has disappeared, hehe...I'm afraid she left her unclean mother and ran away. After all, it's shameful to have a mother who has thousands of people sleeping on her back and riding on thousands of people..."

(End of this chapter)

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