black belly prince cruel concubine

Chapter 293 Wen Nuo's Sadness

Chapter 293 Wen Nuo's Sadness
Just when Wen Nuo was stopped by the onlookers, three thugs from West Alley had already beat Mrs. Liang to the brink of death. Seeing this, Wen Nuo hurriedly pushed the three big men away, "Three big brothers, Stop hitting, stop hitting. If you hit again, you will die."

The three thugs knew the severity, and knew that if they fought again, they would be broken.Besides, they only taught her a lesson according to the order of the bustard, and they would not really kill her. When they saw someone obstructing them, they stopped.One of them waved, "Take it back."

The other two men were not the masters of Lianxiang Xiyu, one of them grabbed Liang's leg and dragged her away, leaving a long bloodstain on the ground.After all, Wen Nuo is a bodhisattva with a heart, no matter how bad a person is, there is a chance to reform himself. Without even thinking about it, he took out the wages he just got, and trotted forward, "Brother, wait." Put the broken silver into the man's hand, " I have a few small coins here, you can find a doctor to show her, and for the rest, invite the three elder brothers to drink tea."

Suddenly, the crowd didn't know who was talking about the Liang family anymore, and it happened to be about the marriage between the Liang family and the Lei Ting Palace, "...before the young master of the Liang family and the young lady of the Feng family were in love with each other, and when the love reached the depths, He even wrote a poem for Ms. Feng's family: each other vows to tie the knot, and the husband and wife will live together deeply. It can be seen the relationship between the two, but now... Hey, the Liang family is in trouble, and Mr. Liang is down, so Miss Feng's treatment of him... ...Avoid like a snake or a scorpion."

"Who says it's not? When it comes to the meeting, knowing and loving each other, it's just like what was sung in the play. At that time, for the sake of Miss Feng's family, Mr. Shen Zhi did not hesitate to ruin the reputation of Princess Ping'an and the face of the Thunder Palace. To dissolve the marriage with Princess Ping An, hey, such an irresponsible man is not much better..."

I didn't hear clearly what the person behind said, but the sentence "I didn't hesitate to ruin Princess Ping's boudoir reputation and the face of the Lei Ting Palace, and blindly wanted to dissolve the marriage with Princess Pingan" kept echoing in my ears.Wen Nuo's heart suddenly turned cold, and he stretched out his hand to snatch back the broken silver stuffed into the man's hand, and when he turned around, he glared at the bruised Liang Shi.

That man was the most aggrieved, the money he got flew away for some reason, his heart was full of anger, and he punched and kicked Liang Shi again in resentment, "I told you to run! Tell you to run..."

Wen Nuo turned around and raised his eyes. When he saw the person standing beside the bay red BMW in the distance, the clear eyes overflowed with color, bursting out with shining brilliance in an instant.

"Yimo." Qingyue's voice was full of joy, and his handsome face was smiling, the smile was as bright as a flower, and it was like the spring sun melting ice and snow, converging into streams, and the scenery was picturesque.

Yi Mo led the horse and strolled forward, with a slight smile on his lips, without the usual desertedness, "Wen here."

Yi Mo handed the horse to the waiter in the teahouse, pointed to the elegant building, "Go up and sit down?"

"En." Wen Nuo blushed and straightened his cuffs uncomfortably.

The two went to the teahouse and opened a private room.In the elegant room, green smoke curls up from the incense burner, and the elegant landscape screen divides the inner room into two rooms. Behind the screen, there is a low table and two bamboo chairs. On the east side, there is a fan-shaped hollow carved window. The river surface with clear water and the unique flower boats in Jiangshan.

The tea house is built near the water. In late spring and early summer, the reeds on the riverside are verdant, and the water lilies in the river are gradually budding. The cool breeze blows, the emerald green lotus leaves sway, and the crystal water drops in the leaves follow the inclination of the lotus leaves. When it leaks into the water, it makes a pleasant and crisp sound of 'ding dong'.Such a picturesque scenery, coupled with a low table, a bamboo chair, and a pot of tea, how leisurely and carefree it is.

The delicate blue-clothed maid offered tea, knelt down in front of the low table, and touched the white jade teapot with her onion-white jade fingers, intending to make tea for the guests.

"Wait." Wen Nuo took the teapot in her hand, smiling softly, "Please, let's do it ourselves."

The maid smiled elegantly, nodded, got up and left the tea room.

Wen Nuo has a lot of research on tea art, and the tea brewed by his hands is more fragrant and refreshing than the tea house maids who specialize in making tea.

White mist rises from the window, filled with the fresh fragrance of tea, like wisps of light smoke drifting out of the window, going away with the breeze.

"Try it?" Wen Nuo put the green jade teacup in front of Yi Mo, with anticipation in the corners of his brows.

He is also like an ordinary person. In front of the person he likes, he always carefully curbs his bad temper, showing his own advantages nervously and proudly; he always guesses her thoughts habitually, demanding that he do his best, Looking forward to earning an appreciative look from her.

Yi Mo glanced at him, raised his hand to pick up the teacup, and took a sip, the fragrance of the tea flowed between his lips and teeth, his heavy heart seemed to be relieved by the fragrance of the tea, and even the frowning brows gradually relaxed.

Seeing her relaxed, Wen Nuo's heart felt as if a warm current flowed through her heart, and the smile on her face gradually deepened due to her stretched brows. The bright smile is like the warm sun in winter, which can warm people's hearts.

Wen Nuo also picked up the teacup and drank lightly.This is good, this is good.Love is not a balance, it pays attention to fairness and equality.It is not a business, and you may not get the same return for your efforts, but it doesn't matter.As long as I can stay by her side, guard her, love her, watch her happy, and accompany her sad.When she is tired, offer your shoulders, and let her lean on unsuspectingly; when she is lonely, offer your arms, and make her feel that the world is still beautiful... Isn't this also very good? !
"Wen here." In the silence, Yi Mo spoke first, "In a few days, there will be a big chaos in the capital, you go back..."

Wen Nuo seemed to know what she was going to say next, so he spoke first in a panic, "Yimo! Are you okay that day, that day?"

He was talking about the day he was forcibly taken away by Li Chenyu.

Yi Mo paused, thinking of the madness that day, couldn't help but blushed slightly, and nodded unnaturally, "It's, it's okay."

Seeing her blushing cheeks and flickering eyes, Wen Nuo felt sad, maybe even she herself didn't know how attractive she is now...the tenderness revealed in the iron and blood...can make her look like a little girl That person is destined not to be me!

Suppressing the sourness in his heart and hiding the gloom in his eyes, Wen Nuo regained his confidence and talked about Cheng Xi's imprisonment, "Yimo, Uncle Cheng was wronged and imprisoned, but someone wanted to kill him?" Although Wen Nuo was innocent, , but he is not a fool. Although he doesn't understand the intrigues of the officialdom and the royal family, he at least understands the ways of the world.Cheng Xigui is a prince, holds a lot of power, and can be taken down and imprisoned in an extreme time, there must be someone with high authority manipulating behind the scenes.

"Don't get involved in this matter." Yi Mo didn't want Wen Nuo to be involved, and kept silent about the grievances between his father and Ren Zhehe.Taking out the Muzan hidden in her sleeve, she thought she had lost it, but unexpectedly found it at the bedside. She also knew in her heart that it was A Yu who took it.The fingertips lightly stroked the pattern on the wooden praise, feeling a little bit reluctant.But no matter how reluctant to give up, you have to make a choice, no, your heart is biased towards the one you like more.

(End of this chapter)

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