Chapter 298

In the early morning, the sky is billowing with a purple-red morning glow, and the colorful light breaks away the dazzling clouds, and the brilliance floods the ground gracefully and unrestrainedly.Gold brick glazed tiles, the most honorable and sacred place in the entire capital.The first ray of light passed through the east corner of the Golden Luan Hall, and quietly shot down on the majestic hall, illuminating the golden lacquer carved dragon throne on the cloud platform, which is extremely precious!

At the beginning of the court meeting, the palace servants on the Golden Luan Hall were in place one after another, the heavy door opened slowly, and the civil and military officials in official uniforms and official hats stepped into the hall at the same time, with piety, awe, and death. Hugh's loyalty.

Wearing a bright yellow dragon robe and a gold-plated crown, Emperor Ganmin stepped in from the Emperor's Dragon Gate, walked up the cloud steps step by step, and sat on the dragon chair.After he sat down, Xu Xu raised his hand and stroked the large embroidered robe, then waved to Su Mu.

Su Mu understood and nodded.In an instant, the attic bell rang——

"Go to court!" The eunuch sang loudly.

Civil and military officials bowed and bowed, "Long live my emperor, long live, long live!"

The voice of hundreds of people shouting in unison hovered above the magnificent and magnificent Jinluan Hall, solemn and shocking!
"Everyone loves me forever!"

A layer of unchanging dynasties begins.The left and right phases stand on the main seats on both sides of the front of the hall, and the three princes, the elders of the pavilion, and a group of princes stand on the honored seats.

Emperor Ganmin flipped through the memorial and asked, "Today is the beginning of the selection of the crown prince's hall. My son-in-law, Aiqing, tell me how you arranged it."

The son-in-law of the minister of the Ministry of Internal Affairs came out and bowed to report: "Back to the emperor, the process of drafting girls is the same as in the past. There are small elections, general elections, and middle elections. Today is a small election, and the senior nuns in the palace will show off to you." The girls will be selected for their appearance, shape, and body, and then the four concubines and nine concubines will select the concubine for connotation, knowledge, and self-cultivation, and finally the empress will decide the candidate for the crown prince."


His Highness and all the officials nodded one after another. The princess concubine will be the mother of the world in the future, she will be the future empress, and she will be a role model for women in the world.Whether it is morality, intelligence, physique, or beauty, it must be the best.After such a rigorous screening, a crown princess who is as beautiful as a flower and jade will be selected.

The prince is like an old monk Ding Buddha, standing on the main hall like a steep mountain, coercive, domineering, and sharp.

A gleam flashed in his lowered eyes, and he felt in his heart that the son-in-law's solution was unnecessary, because no matter how he chose, the crown princess would definitely be his Mo'er.Anyone who dares to snatch it - chop it up and feed it to the dogs!

Emperor Qianmin also nodded, and asked curiously, "Which girl has participated in the general election?"

But the son-in-law was already prepared, and had already memorized the list of candidates by heart. When Emperor Ganmin asked, he opened his mouth and talked endlessly: "Your Majesty, there are 56 candidates for the election this time. , Miss Cai Xuehui; Miss Feng Ya, a girl from Mr. Feng’s family; Miss Yu Xiangrong, daughter of Yu Shaofu’s family...Master Ke’s daughter, Miss Ke Qian; King Yunze’s righteous sister, Princess Nishang...Daughter of Lord Thunder, Princess Ping An.

Hearing the words "Princess Ping'an", Emperor Qianmin frowned, and Taishi Yan even looked at Taifu Mu Yanting, and the surprise in the eyes of Prince Shaofu Yu Qingfeng flashed past.Even the civil and military officials of His Highness looked at each other in disbelief.

Emperor Qianmin, Yan Wenshu and others didn't express their thoughts, but only talked about the simple-minded officials in the palace.What are they thinking at this moment?
Ah!Now when Princess Ping'an is mentioned, ten words will pop up in their minds: brutal!overbearing!Unruly!Inhuman!
If a woman of this kind of virtue becomes the crown princess, then the crown prince's harem must not be turned into a pig slaughterhouse? !
Blood flowed into rivers all day long, and corpses littered the fields!
What does the princess do?It is the woman who manages the prince's internal affairs and also manages the prince.What does a queen do?Manage the women and children of the world, as well as the women in the emperor's harem!
That Princess Ping'an is strong and domineering, she has no tolerance for others, and she is not magnanimous and friendly enough. This kind of woman must never be a crown princess!

Ahem, the officials of the previous dynasty were extremely worried and entangled, and the women in the harem were also extremely excited.Crown Princess, that one is under three people, but above tens of thousands!In the future, she can be promoted to be a queen and take charge of the harem.Let's say something rebellious, when the emperor ascends in the future, he can be promoted to be the queen mother, take care of the queen's daughter-in-law, and beat the emperor's son.Anyway, it is a life of glory and a life of glory!
The beautiful girls waiting in the Guerlain Hall laughed so beautifully that they were as beautiful as flowers.Either sitting delicately, or standing coquettishly, or dignified and graceful, or playful and lively.The 55 women in the hall really have all the looks of women in the world, fat and thin, white and black, beautiful and ugly.

"Aunt Ji, Aunt Wen, Aunt Yu, here we come!"

The maids serving outside the hall sang loudly, and three senior nuns dressed in dark red palace attire came one after another.

Aunt Ji was the person next to the queen, so naturally she walked in the front.

The show girls stood up one after another, bowing their knees and saluting, "Greetings, aunts."

Yingyingyanyan, delicate and timid, at a glance, the delicate flowers and tender leaves all over the room are really beautiful.

The three aunts didn't ask to get up, and their eyes swept over the saluting gestures of the women one by one. If there was a little disqualification, their names would be crossed out of the booklet.

These are all the women of high-ranking official families of the third rank and above, and they have learned the etiquette of meeting nobles in the palace since they were young, so there is naturally no mistake.

"En." Aunt Ji and the other two aunts looked at each other, and the three of them nodded one after another, and then they excused the girls.

"Girls, today is the selection of the princesses. We only look at appearance, body, and shape. In short, we just look at the looks and postures of the girls..."

"Princess Ping An is here!"

Suddenly, Aunt Ji's words were interrupted by a loud singing, and the hall fell silent. All the girls looked sideways, and dozens of pairs of eyes, whether curious, suspicious, or harboring malicious intentions, shot towards the entrance of the hall in unison.

In the election of the crown princess, which one doesn't the girl arrive early, wishing to get up in the middle of the night to change clothes and make up, and rush to the gate of the palace in a carriage before dawn to wait, trying to be the first to arrive at the palace, just for the sake of the palace. Girls make a good impression.Soar to the sky and become the most dazzling phoenix.But... I never expected that there would be women who would dare to be late! ?
A beautiful girl who chooses a concubine, puts on airs and arrives late. This is a death penalty for despising the majesty of the royal family!Which woman has such courage? !
There was a distance between the gate of the courtyard and the outside of the hall, and the palace maid had signed up, but she didn't show up right away.The beautiful girls in the palace took advantage of this time to show their curiosity to the utmost.

"Princess Ping An? Who is it? Why haven't I heard of it..."

"I haven't heard from my lord father. I'm afraid it's a new princess. Isn't that princess in neon clothes a new one? I heard that she was just a dancing and singing singer in Yunze Palace before she was named..." There was contempt and contempt in his words, he held his head high, proud as a peacock, full of superiority.

"That's right. I'm afraid it's another dancer who came out of nowhere. Hmph, I really don't understand the rules. I think that being a princess means I'm superior..."

Three women in one play, there are more than fifty women in the hall, if they want to make a fuss, they can blow up the hall, but now they just mutter a few sarcasm, and their temper is quite grand.

At this time, the door of the palace was slowly pushed open, and the bright sunlight poured down from the outside of the palace, and a figure slowly approached, and the bright sunlight stretched her figure to the length of the elders.

When he saw who was coming, the small talk stopped abruptly!All eyes were firmly locked on the woman.

The woman wore a deep black tight-fitting curvy skirt. On the hem of the skirt was embroidered with a goshawk flying in the sky with blood-red embroidery thread. There was a gold border rolling between the sleeves of the skirt. As she walked, the goshawk spread its wings majestically, reflecting the gilded embroidery thread. , extremely noble.She was wearing a cloak embroidered with mantra patterns, and as she walked, the corners of the clothes fluttered, and a sharp and ruthless aura followed. The whole person was like a cliff, deep and heavy.

That majestic and awe-inspiring momentum rushed towards all the ladies in the palace. Some timid girls were frightened and lowered their heads, as if seeing the majestic father and brother at home, they did not dare to look up. Sese shrank into a ball.

Some courageous women secretly looked at the person coming, and seeing her behave like this, they blushed miraculously, as if seeing the lover in their dreams, and put on the shy appearance of a young girl Hanchun.

The three aunts came forward to salute, "I have seen Princess Ping An."

"Excuse me." Yimo took off the cloak on her body, and handed it to the maid who was following her.

Since the last time she was injured, her body cold has become more and more serious. If the weather is hot, it will be fine, but once the temperature drops, her hands and feet will be as cold as ice.So no matter where you go, you wear a cloak to keep out the cold.

"Your Highness, please have some tea."

The court lady probably has some status in the palace, she didn't see her salute to Aunt Ji and the three of them, she took the cloak from Yi Mo's hand respectfully, led Yi Mo to sit on the only seat in the main hall, and then offered a cup of hot water Tea.

Aunt Wen and Aunt Yu frowned together, with displeasure in their eyes.She thought to herself: This princess is too ignorant of the rules. She came so late and didn’t say anything, and she is so arrogant. Which of the beautiful girls in this palace is not of high status, but when they get here, don’t they all put away their temper obediently, honestly, they should Just stand when you stand, and salute when you should salute.Besides, among these 55 show girls, there is not a princess who looks like a human being, and does not rely on her status to be a maverick.Fortunately, she made an exception for everything, and even brought the palace servants in privately without the consent of her superiors!snort!What a no-brainer, I'm afraid he is really like what they say, a princess born from a whore!

The two of them didn't know the channel. Aunt Ji, as the queen's personal servant, naturally knew it. Not to mention anything else, she just said that the maid who accompanied Princess Pingan was a first-class court lady and a fourth-rank female official in the Prince's East Palace. The crown prince lives and is in charge of the internal affairs of the East Palace. It can be said that this woman has the highest status in the East Palace except for His Highness the Crown Prince's personal palace man, the father-in-law Boots.

All right! The 56 beauties finally arrived, and the princess concubine election finally kicked off in the eyes of all the girls' eager anticipation.

(End of this chapter)

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