Chapter 299
In the luxurious and elegant Guerlain Palace, the small election is in full swing...

"Zhang Xiya." All the beautiful women who read their names took a step forward, and after the three aunts had seen their looks, they would stay if they could pass, and they would be sorry if they didn't look satisfactory.

A woman named Zhang Xiya stepped forward lightly, curtsied to the three aunts with a sweet smile.The three aunts nodded in unison, and the female officer who was recording at the side found her name in the car in her hand and wrote down a little red.

"Give me a seat!" The female officer raised her voice and ordered, and the palace servants below lifted out the chair and led the female to sit on the other side.

The woman who sat down breathed a sigh of relief, and quietly smoothed the hem of her clothes that was wrinkled due to tension, it was over.

"Hou Shenghua."

The dark-skinned and burly woman stepped forward, bent over, and roared in a rough voice, "Blooming flowers are polite." Her voice was already rough, but she deliberately lowered her voice as if imitating the soft-spoken voice of a lady. I don't want to make a sound, but it is similar to the roar of a trapped animal, which is very scary to the ears!
The three aunts were used to seeing beautiful and gentle beauties, and when this, such... suddenly appeared, their faces turned pale with fright, and they hurriedly shook their heads.No, no, this is absolutely not good, it looks too fierce.This is the selection of a princess, not a female general!

Seeing this, the female officer quickly drew a red cross on Hou Shenghua's name.It was as if her name stayed there for a second, and Hou Shenghua turned into a princess.

Seeing that there was no hope of choosing a concubine, Hou Shenghua sighed resentfully, and finally left the Guerlan Palace in despair.

"Rain scene."

But I saw a graceful and graceful woman stepping forward, dressed in white like a fairy above the nine heavens, pure and extraordinary, with waterfall-like hair reaching her waist, and two white ribbons gently bound her, simple and elegant, her face Wearing chiffon, only a pair of clear and bright eyes are exposed.That, those eyes, how should I put them... With swaying glances, there is an inexplicable charm and charm in the eyes, but there is a purity and cleanliness between the brows.

Although you can't see the whole picture clearly, you can already look at it like this.I really don't know how magnificent the appearance is under the veil! ?

Aunt Wen and Aunt Yu nodded their heads one after another. This appearance alone was enough to pass the test.However, Aunt Ji was more cautious, and before the female officer wrote a pen, she asked, "Miss Yu, please take off the veil."

Miss Yujing lowered her head, her posture was swaying, like a boudoir daughter who is shy and shy when she meets a man outside the door for the first time.She obviously didn't want to take off the veil, but she couldn't resist Aunt Ji's insistence. Under the eyes of all the girls, she hesitated and hesitated, and finally she honestly reached out to take the veil!

Yu Xiangrong was drinking tea, when she suddenly raised her eyes to see the woman's face, excited, she couldn't help spouting tea!

Sitting opposite her were Yimo, Miss Ke's family, and Feng Ya in a red dress.Yi Mo sat in the upper position, a bit farther away, she reacted quickly, covered her face with her sleeves, and only splashed some tea on the sleeves.Miss Ke's family and Feng Ya on the opposite side were not so lucky, spraying water mist on their faces was enough for them to wash their faces.

Ke Qian took the handkerchief handed over by the palace man, greeted the three aunts, and was taken to the apse by the maid to clean it.But Feng Ya just wiped her face with the embroidered handkerchief, and did not get up to leave the table.She did this because first, she didn’t want to leave the impression of being delicate and domineering in the hearts of the three aunts, and second, her status was no better than Ke Qian’s, and the women here randomly picked out one who was either a princess or a princess, no matter how bad it was, she would be a first-rank grandma. She is the daughter of a second-rank courtier, and she is the only daughter of a third-rank Sizheng.The women in the palace are very snobbish, without a noble status, how can they give you a good look, why should she find it unpleasant.

Feng Ya is also a person who knows how to be a man. Not only was she not annoyed when she was sprayed on the face by Yu Xiangrong, she even smiled at it, nodding at Yu Xiangrong with a graceful and dignified smile, as a greeting.Her behavior made Yu Xiangrong very embarrassed. He took out the embroidered handkerchief in his sleeve, and wiped the corner of his mouth in embarrassment, "Ahem, Miss Feng, I'm sorry, Xiangrong didn't intend to do this. It's just that Miss Hugo is really good looking." Too, too..." She is as intelligent as Xiangrong, she has dealt with princes and princesses for a long time, and she has long been trained to be good at dancing with long sleeves, talking nonsense to the devil, talking to people when she sees people, but at this time she can't think of a word to describe it. Here comes Miss Hugo, who looks like a fairy.

Even Yi Mo, who was so light and cloudless as to be outside the world, couldn't help sighing, quite regrettable.You said, with such a beautiful back that looks like a fairy, such clear and watery phoenix eyes, and such a curvaceous figure, why do you have such a face like a ghost and a snake? !

Her big mouth can't cover her black and yellow buck teeth!

Everyone changed from stunning and jealous at the beginning to panic and contempt, and they dared to choose the princess when they grow up like this!

Even the toughest girl Hugo couldn't bear the contemptuous and disgusting gazes of the girls, and finally covered her face, and Lihua ran out crying with rain.

Aunt Ji drank a cup of tea, suppressed her shock, took a deep breath, and made full preparations before she lowered her head to look at the car in her hand. Under Hugo's name was: "Mu Xiaoxiao."


"Mu Xiaoxiao?"

Seeing that there were no beauties coming out, Aunt Ji read it again in a concentrated voice.

"..." But there was still no one.

Seeing this situation, the beauties couldn't help whispering, "Who is Mu Xiaoxiao?"

"Didn't you come..."

The ladies sitting in the main seat also stretched their necks to look at it, and Ke Qian just came back from changing clothes at this time, nodded to the few people sitting, and sat down generously.

Cai Xuehui sat upright with her eyes downcast, wearing a light blue dress that made her extraordinarily dignified and virtuous, and there was a hint of maternal grace between her brows.

Yu Xiangrong looked up, looked at Ke Qian and smiled apologetically.Ke Qian snorted, then stopped looking at her and sipped her tea.Yi Mo cast a sideways glance at Ke Qian, only to feel that this woman is genuine, not as hypocritical as the woman from the Feng family.

Of the women in the palace, Yimo is probably the most leisurely, drinking tea and eating cakes, watching the calculations and calculations of all the Yingyingyanyans in the palace, it's all like watching a play!
"Where is Mu Xiaoxiao?" He whispered with some coldness.Aunt Ji glanced coldly at the group of women who had not yet been named.

"I, I, I am here, here!" A timid voice came from behind the beauties.All the beauties turned sideways one after another to make way.

I saw a three-foot dwarf standing under the corner of the wall, his trembling body was like a yellow leaf swept by the autumn wind, trembling slightly, his tearful eyes looked pitifully at the black-faced man Aunt Ji.

A cold wind blows past...

Everyone felt a crow croaking and flying over their heads, leaving black lines all over their heads.

I don't know which beauty accidentally laughed out loud, causing other beauties to cover their mouths and laugh no longer.

The five or six-year-old girl stood trembling in the distance, a thin smoky veil looming, no matter what she could not cover her tender and delicate snow-white skin, her small breasts were wrapped in a tender pink tube top corset, for her The person who dressed up seemed to be trying to make her a curvy and exquisite figure so as to seduce the darling of His Highness the Crown Prince, so he just put on a tube top and a light gauze for her, as long as she turned around, The fat ass can be seen.But after all, she is just a small bean sprout with green vegetables, and the baby fat has not been removed. No matter how she dresses up, she can't get the shape of a peerless charming fairy.

Aunt Ji frowned, which family's child is this?I really want to climb the dragon and become the phoenix, I'm crazy, and I sent a little girl who has not yet been weaned into the palace to choose the crown princess!

In the eyes of the girls who looked like wolves and tigers, the little girl couldn't bear it any longer, her mouth shrunk, and she burst into tears with a loud 'wow'.

He raised his head and howled loudly.The loud cries covered up the low laughter of the beauties.

This time even Yi Mo was amused.It's not a fake man who is as strong as a man, or a real woman with yellow teeth, and now there is a child who is still young... It's really interesting to choose a concubine.

In the first round of the small election, only ten people were selected.All that remained were top-notch beauties.In the second round, look at the posture.How do you see it?Undressed view.Those with unsightly scars and bad birthmarks are not allowed to stay, and even women who have lost their virginity and lost their Shougong sand are not allowed to stay!
"Cai Xuehui."

Any woman who reads her name needs to go to the inner room of the apse to take off her clothes for inspection.Cai Xuehui came out within half a cup of tea.Then followed by Yu Xiangrong, Ke Qian...

"Feng Ya."

Feng Ya's body froze, and her fingertips trembled slightly.After a long silence, she slowly got up and went to the inner hall.After half a cup of tea, she also came out, with an elegant smile on the corner of her mouth, swaying figure, graceful steps, and her own charming style.

By the looks of it, this round is over.

Holding the teacup in ink, he gently scraped the rim of the cup with the white glaze printed lid, and closed his eyes to cover the flashing doubts.Feng Ya and Liang Yaozu are related by skin, so they should not be virgins, how did they pass this test?

"Princess Ping An."

Yi Mo Zishi sits as firmly as a mountain, and regards the call as the wind in his ears, as if he has not heard it.Slowly sipping the tea in his hand, like a wild crane in the clouds, leisurely and mysterious and profound.It was absolutely impossible for her to take off her clothes for a woman to look at.

Yan Hao, a female official from the Eastern Palace who had been serving her all the time, leaned over and whispered in her ear, "Your Highness, the master has already made arrangements, you just need to go in and go through the motions."

Yi Mo remained silent, drinking tea as usual, Aunt Ji and the others had heard of her temper, and did not dare to urge her. For a while, the Guerlain Palace was as quiet as ever, only the sound of shallow breathing could be heard.The solemn and oppressive atmosphere made everyone dare not breathe boldly, and the momentum in the hall turned cold in vain.

Yan Hao stared nervously at the ancestor in front of her, cold sweat gradually formed on her forehead.Aunt Ji belongs to the empress, and the empress is already dissatisfied with this ancestor, so she will definitely find a way to get rid of her.And this ancestor is the crown prince's darling, and she is the only one in this life. If because of this, she finds an excuse of "not cooperating" and removes her name, ruining the happiness of the prince in this life, how can she There is life to live!

"Your Highness, you only..."

"Let's go." After drinking a cup of tea, Yi Mo put down the teacup, straightened his cuffs, got up and went straight to the inner hall without looking at anyone.Yanhao was overjoyed, and quickly moved to keep up.

When the deep black disappeared from the entrance of the inner hall, the oppressive aura in the hall seemed to disappear suddenly with her departure.They all breathed a sigh of relief, and Ke Qian unconsciously picked up the herbal tea at hand and drank it in a gulp, until she suppressed the faint panic and fear in her heart, then put down the teacup, and sat down on the chair as if discouraged.

Seeing her lose her composure, Cai Xuehui frowned, her eyes darkened.And Yu Xiangrong sighed and shook her head, smiled and said nothing.

Feng Ya's seat fell half of Ke Qian's body, her face was hidden by Ke Qian's side, and the affection on her face could not be seen clearly, but judging from the tightly clenched hands hidden under the sleeves, it was obvious that there was hatred in her heart meaning.In terms of talent, she is a well-known Qing Qin Shuangshu in Kyoto, while she, Cheng Yimo, knows nothing.In terms of appearance and temperament, she is confident that she will not lose to anyone, but she is indifferent and ruthless, without the gentleness and virtuousness that a woman should have.In terms of status, she thought that although Mo was a noble princess, she had a scoundrel and incompetent father, and her family style was not upright and her family was not strict.And her father was just, strict and upright, and was a well-known upright and powerful official in the Chengtian Dynasty.But why is it that she, Cheng Yimo, is so presumptuous in the eyes of Guerlain, but she can only hold back her anger after being spat all over her face, and even smile and pretend to be magnanimous!

The hatred in my heart gradually rose, and there was still humiliation and anger, and my five fingers clenched into fists.It used to be Liang Yaozu, but now it is His Royal Highness the Crown Prince!She Cheng Yimo, why did he fight against her everywhere and compete with her for everything!

Cai Xuehui glanced at Feng Ya suddenly, seeing the resentment in her eyes that was too late to restrain, and couldn't help sneering, this Feng Ya will not turn back until the south wall.

That woman is easy to get along with? !

(End of this chapter)

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