black belly prince cruel concubine

Chapter 300 Misunderstanding

Chapter 300 Misunderstanding
In the inner hall, a screen separated the view from the outside, and inside sat an experienced woman. Yan Hao led Yi Mo to turn behind the screen, and just as she walked in, she saw a delicate woman coming in from a small side door.

Yi Mo raised her eyebrows, and saw the woman silently bowed her head in salute, then took off her robe and lay naked in front of her mother-in-law.

The mother-in-law was expressionless, as if blind, turning a blind eye.He said coldly, "Open your legs."

The woman opened her body obediently and let the mother-in-law examine her. After half a cup of tea, the mother-in-law cleaned her hands and turned out of the screen to report: "Aunt Ji, the woman inside is fine."

Aunt Ji's expression sank, she looked at the mother-in-law with cold eyes, and gently fiddled with the seven-color glazed tail ring on her little finger, which was bestowed by the empress, "Did Madam Wang check it out?"

The mother-in-law met her gaze directly, ignored the sharpness in her eyes and the threat in her words, and said again: "Aunt Ji, I guarantee with my life that the woman inside is indeed intact."

With a sound of 'bang', Aunt Ji put a serious face on her face, and put the teacup in her hand heavily on the table, with a cold light in her eyes, "Do you still remember what you promised my aunt?"

Aunt Ji was ordered by the empress to try her best to exclude Princess Pingan.She originally wanted to bribe Nanny Wang and give Princess Ping an unclean name, so that she could be directly removed from the election.Unexpectedly, this mother Wang turned traitor on the spur of the moment!
Aunt Ji was so angry that her fingers were trembling. In the first two hurdles, she never embarrassed Princess Pingan directly because she set up a high wall in the last stage of the small election.Who would have thought that this wall would fall down by itself!

"Nurse Wang, what this aunt means is what the queen empress means. You better think about it clearly!" Aunt Ji gritted her teeth with a livid face.

"Aunt Ji, what Wang Momo means is His Highness the Crown Prince's." Yanhao came out from behind the screen with a low eyebrow, looked at Aunt Ji with a smile, and whispered softly, "No matter how you ask, she will only know what to say." Say this. Please don't make things difficult for her."

"Hmph!" Aunt Ji's expression became even worse when she saw that Yan Hao answered the words. Yan Hao was a female official next to the Crown Prince of the East Palace. .

After three small selections, only 56 of the 32 beauties remained.These 32 people are all the top flowers among women, the best among the top flowers, and all of them are more beautiful than heavenly.

The beauties who passed the small selection were favored by the empress, and bestowed in Guerlain Hall.

In addition to the inner hall, the Guerlain Hall is divided into "Jiao" and "Lan" courtyards. There are wing rooms for beauties in the two courtyards.Yimo lived in the 'Lan' courtyard, and together with her were Cai Xuehui, Yu Xiangrong, Feng Ya, Nishang, Ke Qian and others.

This is good, a hodgepodge, all brought together.lively~

The layout of each wing room is the same, and each beauties are assigned a palace lady in green clothes to take care of the beauties' daily necessities in the palace these days.

Naturally, Yan, a female official from the Eastern Palace, is better at Yimo's side.

"Princess, my servant has already made the bed, do you want to wash and rest now?" Yanhao was diligent, making the bed, lighting the lamp, serving tea and water, and she was so busy that she didn't sit down for a rest.

Yi Mo sat quietly in front of the desk, and by the candlelight lit in front of the desk, carefully looked at the miscellaneous stories collected from the folks.

Seeing that she liked her, Yanhao smiled and said, "Your Highness is right, the princess really likes these small folk gossip books." She opened the lampshade, fiddled with the candle wick with a wire, and chattered, "Princess Don't worry, His Highness knows that you like these little books very much, so he sent people to the folks to collect a lot of them, I'm afraid you haven't read them yet after the election of the Crown Princess..."

This girl is good, she is sincere.But she speaks kind words for her master and son vigorously, wishing to praise His Highness the crown prince as a fairy in the sky, sometimes caring and gentle, sometimes facing the wind like a jade tree, and sometimes surpassing Kong Ming in wisdom...... Her family's prince is the most manly.

"Princess, this is the sweet-scented osmanthus cake that His Highness personally made for you. Please try it while it's hot."Holding the pastry plate in both hands, he approached Yi Mo with a smile, wishing he could pick up a piece and stuff it directly into her mouth, so that she could taste it quickly.

This was made by their prince himself!Out of curiosity, what does it taste like?
Yimo loves sweet-scented osmanthus cakes, and when he saw the sweet-scented osmanthus cakes, he instinctively reached out to grab them, but when he heard that the prince made them, he immediately withdrew his hand.He also looked at it with disgust, and then said calmly without showing any signs of dew, "Well, let's put it there."

Turning sideways, I changed my posture and planned to continue reading, but out of the corner of my eye, I caught a glimpse of the girl staring at the sweet-scented osmanthus cake with 'saliva', thinking of a plan, flicking the dust on the cuff with her head down, and her voice was as clear as a spring, "What are you doing today? I'm exhausted too, this plate of pastries rewards you."

"Really?" His eyes sparkled.Yan Hao licked the corners of her mouth, took the pastry plate with a smile and knelt down to thank her, "Thank you, Princess, for the reward!"

"Well, serve it while it's hot."

"The servant girl will leave." Yanhao obediently went out, and hurriedly took two steps to the corridor. She planned to go back and eat it, but she really wanted to taste its taste. After a battle between heaven and man, she finally Obedient to his own heart, he eagerly took a piece, and stuffed the pastry into his mouth tearfully with reverence and piousness—this pastry was made by the prince himself!

When she tasted the taste, Yanhao finally couldn't hold back and vomited all over the floor.This taste is really... so fucking unpalatable!

It was hard as a rock, salty as sea salt, and smelled like fish.Bah, bah, bah, Yan was so disgusted, she hurriedly spit out her mouth full of cake scum, what the hell!

The window was slightly open, and Yi Mo was sitting in front of the desk, and he could have a panoramic view of the girl's expression through the slit.The corners of the mouth were slightly raised, with a hint of gloating.Some things look good, but don't taste that way.

"What are you laughing at?" A sexy low hoarse voice suddenly sounded in the room.

At some point, the prince appeared in the room.He leaned lazily on the head of the bed, his slender legs resting casually on the bed. The gold-plated five-claw golden dragon black boots were in sharp contrast with the snow-white silk sheets, all of which were noble and luxurious.Today he doesn't have a crown, but he casually gathers the black hair on both sides of his ears and temples to form a bunch at the back of his head, and then fixes it with a jade comb button, which sets off his handsome facial features with a special kind of warmth and softness, and his temples are cut like a knife. Eyebrows like ink painting, face like peach petals, eyes like autumn waves, and handsome bones like the wind!
But such an exiled immortal, Yimo, didn't even look at him, why didn't he?I dare not look at it.This person is just like a goblin, he is hooked away just by looking at Hun'er, how can he have the time and energy to do serious business.

If the mountain does not come, I will be on the mountain!
Li Chenyu got up, walked behind her, leaned over, stretched out his arms around her waist, buried his face in her neck, and whispered affectionately like a puppy, "Mo'er, what are you doing?" Ignore me, I have done nothing wrong."

The tension and temptation in the words that no one can find out, Mo'er put on this indifferent appearance, could it be because he knows that he sent Wen Nuo to the river? !
Yi Mo tilted her head, and pushed his head away, "Stay away." The warm breath she exhaled sprinkled on the skin of her neck, which made her flustered, and she couldn't read a book.

Li Chenyu's heart suddenly tightened because of her alienated and indifferent voice, as if a hand was grabbing his stomach, and it hurt!Colic!
"Mo'er, have you met that Wen Nuo?" Li Chenyu lowered his eyes, he hid his thoughts so deeply that no one could see clearly what he was thinking at the moment.

Yi Mo paused as he flipped the pages of the book, his deep black eyes rendered a bit of a little girl's tenderness under the warm yellow candlelight, he thought for a moment, and replied firmly, "No."

Getting along with each other these days, Yi Mo more or less knows his temperament, in the government, he is ruthless and arbitrary.Emotionally, they are suspicious and jealous.If you tell him that she met Wen Nuo, I'm afraid there will be another disturbance.Therefore, in order to avoid trouble, Yi Mo subconsciously chose to conceal it.

Hearing this, the warmth in the twinkling phoenix eyes gradually cooled down, and there was a hint of violence, as if a storm was about to come.But for some reason, he suppressed all his emotions again, resting his chin lightly on her round shoulders, placing his big hands on her abdomen, stroking her slowly, his movements were intimate and tender, but his eyes were cold and cold, "No It’s fine, it’s fine if you don’t have one. Mo’er, you have to remember that you promised me that you would never meet Wen Nuo again…”

When did I promise?Yi Mo rolled his eyes, and couldn't stop slandering in his heart: This rascal!

Yi Mo's thoughts were all on the "Miscellaneous Tan Yilu" in his hand, so naturally he didn't hear the turbulent waves hidden under his calm!

The bony hand passed through her armpit, took away the book that had taken her all the attention, and threw it on the desk, "Don't read it, reading at night will damage your eyes."

Yi Mo Ning raised her eyebrows and wanted to reach out to take it back, "There are only a few pages left, wait for me to finish reading..."

Before he finished speaking, he was hugged by Li Chenyu domineeringly.Go towards the warm bed that has been laid.

The dew was heavy tonight, not as dry and hot as the previous few days, so Yanhao removed the reed mats in the room and spread silk sheets on them.

Li Chenyu put her on the soft bed, without saying a word, put her around her waist with one hand, wrapped her shoulders with the other, hugged her tightly in his arms, fell down, and pulled off the quilt Come on, close your eyes, "Sleep!"

Yi Mo raised his head slightly and stared at him, what happened to this man today?Sick or out of luck?If it was the past, with such a good opportunity, he would have just honestly put his arms around her to sleep, he must have acted like a young man who didn't want to have sex as soon as he got together.But today, my hands and feet are well-behaved...

Li Chenyu opened his eyes, and saw her slightly opened her rosy mouth, her big eyes were wide open, she looked confused and cute.With a soft heart, he lowered his head and closed his tender red mouth, feeling her softness and sweetness, and it took a long time for the two to separate.The strength of his arms increased, and he hugged her a little tighter, wishing to integrate her into his own flesh and blood. From then on, he was the only one left in her world.

"Go to sleep." Li Chenyu kissed her forehead, and slowly closed her eyes.

After being surprised, Yi Mo also calmed down.Let go of the usual indifference and toughness, leaving only his softness.Nestling in his arms, pillowing on his chest, feeling his warmth through the thin underwear, listening to his strong heartbeat, in the sound of beating, she finally fell into a deep sleep.

But Li Chenyu, who was supposed to be sleeping soundly, suddenly opened his eyes, with hatred, resentment and hurt in his eyes.She lied, she lied, she obviously met that Wen Nuo, why did she lie?Is it because...she has feelings for Wen Nuo, and she is afraid that he will find out, so she has to hide it? !
(End of this chapter)

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