black belly prince cruel concubine

Chapter 302 The Crown Prince Arrives in Person

Chapter 302 The Crown Prince Arrives in Person (2)
"I can't talk about any good luck. I'm just a traditional woman. I don't have the courage of a princess. I just hope that my husband and son-in-law are healthy and my son is safe and my father lives longer than Nanshan." Concubine Ren Shu was so angry at her words that her face turned blue. However, due to the presence of all the people present, I had to suppress my anger and said slowly and bitterly, "However, in my opinion, a woman should have the cultivation of a woman. Follow your father at home, follow your husband when you get married, and raise a child." Raising daughters, serving parents-in-law, this girl, it is better to be gentle and virtuous."

She is insinuating that Yimo is not feminine, not gentle enough or virtuous enough.

Concubine Ren Shu had resentment in her heart, and now she said it, the resentment in her heart poured out like a flood, and it was bound to rush to Cheng Yimo's unsightly wall!
Qingbo Liupan's eyes turned, and her gaze fell on Feng Ya, who was dressed in a green dress. A smile suddenly appeared on the corner of her mouth, and she beckoned kindly to Feng Ya, "Miss Feng, come forward and stand by Bengong's side." .”

Feng Ya was overjoyed, and glanced arrogantly at Cheng Yimo who was standing alone, then moved her steps lightly, walked up to Concubine Ren Shu with an elegant and calm manner, and bowed her knees in a well-behaved manner, "Feng Ya Greetings to Concubine Shu."

"Excuse me." Concubine Ren Shu stretched out her hand to take her soft white hand, affectionate and kind, "Miss Feng is really beautiful, and she has a good temper, graceful and generous, demure and dignified, no wonder the old master Shenzhi treated you love at first sight."

Concubine Ren Shu is amazing, she knows how to beat a woman.The noble ladies in Beijing also know a thing or two about the grievances and entanglements between Princess Ping'an, Young Master Liang and Feng Ya.For the sake of Miss Feng's family, Princess Shenzhi abandons Princess Pingan and wants to break off the engagement with Princess Pingan.

To be abandoned by her husband's family is undoubtedly a great shame for a woman, and her fiancé is still for another woman.This is even more so that women can't hold their heads up and be human for the rest of their lives!
Now Concubine Ren Shu is even insinuating that you are not as virtuous and dignified as Feng Ya in Cheng Yimo, that's why you were abandoned by your husband's family!
Sure enough, as soon as she said this, all the beauties looked at Cheng Yimo with mockery or contempt, and they completely lost their awe and respect as before.

With Concubine Ren Shu's backing, Feng Ya no longer forbears, and said with a sweet smile, "Thank you, Concubine Shu, for your praise. But..." Yan Ran's clever smile was replaced by a sad look, "Speaking of Mr. Shen Zhi... I am really ashamed of Ping An Your Royal Highness, Mr. Shen Zhi has a deep affection for Feng Ya, but it is a pity that Feng Ya has no relationship with Mr. Feng Ya. Originally, Feng Ya and Mr. Gong had a lifetime promise, but after learning that Mr. Shen and Princess Ping had a marriage first, Feng Ya could not do such evil things as a bad marriage. , then closed his heart, and drew a clear line with Young Master Shenzhi. Who knows that the young master has a deep affection... If this hurts the heart of Her Highness Princess Pingan, Feng Ya hereby apologizes to the princess. good."

She bowed slightly to Yi Mo, took out a brocade handkerchief and wiped the corners of her eyes.The corners of the eyes are moist, the eye sockets are slightly red, and the shoulders are trembling slightly, which makes Ping Tim a little delicate.The women in the palace couldn't help sympathizing with Feng Ya, what's wrong with her?The one who was wrong was the passionate man and the woman who couldn't control her man.

Because of the rumors, the women who thought that Feng Ya was arrogant and shameless to seduce other people's fiances now changed their views on her. They only think that she has a clear distinction between good and evil, with a beautiful appearance and a sweet heart. No wonder the young master of the Liang family would Deep roots of affection for her.

Looking at Princess Pingan with a cold face and aloof manner, they all shook their heads and sighed, no wonder, if I were Mr. Shen Zhi, I'm afraid I wouldn't choose such a tough and indifferent woman like her.

"Feng..." Yi Mo just opened his mouth, and a clear and loud voice seemed to break through the sky, coming from afar, "Why does Miss Feng need to apologize? Such a wolf-hearted man is not worthy of Mo'er."

The clear and sexy voice made all the beauties look sideways, and when the outstanding figure caught their eyes, they couldn't look away anymore.

He has a slender and handsome figure, a silk black shirt with gold trim outlines the sexy and strong lines; a handsome face, it is difficult to describe, it is not an exaggeration to say that it is peerless, and it is not an exaggeration to say that it is a distant appearance; Her eyes were domineering and ruthless in her ruffian elegance.The dark blue color flew behind him with his wide-open and wide-closed steps, and the sunlight that poured in from the outside of the hall cast a dazzling golden light on his body, which was very noble and extraordinary!

"See His Royal Highness, His Royal Highness, thousand years old, thousand years old!"

"Pingshen." The crown prince strode past all the beauties, saw that Ye didn't glance at Yingying Yanyan who was full of the hall, and walked directly to Yimo, took her hand as a matter of course, and walked up to the main seat, "Come on, give me Princess Ping An... and Princess Nishang are watching."

His Royal Highness the Crown Prince gave the order personally, and the palace servants did not dare to be negligent, and immediately lifted up two seats.

"Put it here, Princess Ping'an's chair is next to the prince." He took Yi Mo's hand, and his gentle smile was as bright as gold, "Mo'er should sit closer to my cousin. I think my cousin held Mo like this when I was young." I went out to play with my son's little hands. At that time, there was no worries, only my cousin and Mo'er, and they didn't even know what Liang Yaozu and Feng Ya were..."

The crown prince's words couldn't be more obvious, what kind of person are you, Feng Yaliang Yaozu, you deserve to make Mo'er sad!
Feng Ya's face turned pale and pale, and his hands under the sleeves clenched into fists.

The prince didn't intend to let her go just yet, let go of Yi Mo's hand, took the tea that Eunuch Boots handed over, took a sip to moisten his throat, and continued, "Come here, give Miss Feng a seat. The seat will be safe Right next to the princess, yes, right there... By the way, Miss Feng apologized to Mo Er earlier. In fact, Miss Feng doesn’t need to apologize to Mo Er. We Mo Er’s body of a thousand gold, the dignity of a princess, is so delicate, let’s not talk about him Liang Yaozu is unwilling, even if he begs for nothing, the royal family will not allow Mo'er to condescend to marry him. A poor scholar can't afford Mo'er. Alas, in the eyes of this prince, Feng The girl and Liang Yaozu are a good match. Originally, I thought that my uncle should withdraw Mo'er's marriage so that Miss Feng and Liang Yaozu could be fulfilled. Unexpectedly, so many things happened later, such a good marriage, it's a pity It's..."

One sentence hit Feng Ya to the point of utter humiliation, and humiliation welled up in her heart.Cheng Yimo's marriage to Liang Yaozu is condescending, but her marriage to Liang Yaozu is a match made in heaven? !Liang Yaozu marrying Cheng Yimo is a toad who wants to eat swan meat, so I can't afford it!But Liang Yaozu's marriage to her was like a radish and a pit - matched? !
"Looking at Miss Feng's complexion, come here and serve Miss Feng a cup of hot tea."

A court lady in Tsing Yi brought a teacup, "Miss Feng, please have some tea."

Feng Ya let go of her clenched hand, the red marks on the crescent moon in her palm were shocking, suppressed the resentment and humiliation in her heart, and went to pick up the teacup with trembling hands, but because of absent-mindedness, she touched the thinnest and softest part of the teacup, and the scorching heat spread to the teacup through the porcelain cup. The pain at her fingertips made her scream, and she knocked over the teacup in a panic. The scalding hot tea burned her soft white wrists crimson, and several transparent blisters appeared in an instant.

Feng Ya's fingers trembled uncontrollably due to the pain, her nose was sore, her eyes were reddish, and tears welled up in her eyes, her heart was both wronged and sore.At this moment, His Highness the Crown Prince's furious roar sounded next to his ears, "Drag this clumsy servant girl down, burn him!" There was unconcealable heartache and anxiety in the roar.

The grievance and sourness in her heart receded completely, Feng Ya only felt that the whole world was brighter, and couldn't help laughing through tears.I couldn't help but feel complacent, look, men are like this, when they see a beautiful woman, no matter how hard they are, they can't harden their hearts.One moment he was sarcastic and sarcastic, but the next moment he saw her hurt, he couldn't help but care about her.

Feng Ya was so happy that she seemed to have won the whole world.His Royal Highness the Crown Prince is extremely handsome and powerful, how could Liang Yaozu, a scholar, compare to her. She used to be stupid and so proud that she would rather be a poor man's wife than a noble concubine, but now that she thinks about it, what is the difference between a wife and a concubine? The prince's heart won the prince's sole favor, even as a lowly concubine, he lived a more noble life than the prince's concubine!With her intelligence and beauty, it is so difficult to win the prince's heart.Look, isn't His Royal Highness the Crown Prince interested in her now? She was so angry that she became a beauty. It was she who accidentally knocked over the teacup and burned her hand, but the Crown Prince was so angry that he burned the servant girl.

Feng Ya raised her head, smiled with tears in her eyes, and pretended to beg for mercy, just to gain a good name for being kind and generous, "Your Highness, Feng Ya is fine, please let me go..."

Before she could speak, His Highness the Crown Prince suddenly squatted down, took an embroidered handkerchief and personally wiped the water stains on Cheng Yimo's skirt, "Mo'er, are you burning? Let me see if your feet are burning." ..." Anxious, heartbroken, eager, as if the person sitting is the sweetheart in his hands, as long as she suffers a little injury, he will feel heart-piercing pain, as long as she suffers a little grievance, he will I can't wait to kill everyone to avenge her.

Burning feet? !Feng Ya laughed, laughing miserably, just the little water stain accidentally splashed on it can't even soak the fabric, and it can still burn your feet!
Feng Ya gritted her teeth, the deep humiliation was covered up by the deep hatred, she was no longer hypocritical, she pulled her sleeves to cover the scar on her wrist, lowered her eyes and said nothing, as if nothing happened.

Because the maid overturned a cup of tea, she was dragged down by the guards and burned.Concubine He Gui raised her eyes to look at the maid without a trace, frowned, and finally remained silent.

"Fortunately, the fabric is thick enough and not soaked. If it really scalds Mo'er's snow-white skin, the crown prince will also clean up the master behind the maid..." Li Chenyu did not pretend to be someone else, Squatting down, Yimo wiped the water stains on the hem of the skirt, and while talking, he squinted at Concubine He Gui.

Seeing the prince condescendingly squatting down and wiping the hem of a woman's skirt, everyone fell silent.The beauties envied the good fortune of presenting Yimo, while the nine concubines huddled their bodies and frightened their faces, not daring to show their breath. They were used to seeing His Highness the prince's moodiness, and he was also used to his maverick.I'm not surprised at all that he would wipe a woman's skirt, I just hope that he can feel better, and just don't kill people along the way!
(End of this chapter)

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