Chapter 303 Farce
His Royal Highness the Crown Prince came in person, and all the beauties were unexpected. After realizing it, they straightened their skirts and skirts one after another. They were bound to show their best side in front of the Crown Prince. They only hoped that he would fall in love with him at first sight, and directly seal the Crown Princess. good!

It's a pity that no matter how beautiful a woman is, in the eyes of our prince, there are piles of bones, and we don't even take a look at them.

"His Royal Highness, the general election is about to begin."

His Royal Highness the Crown Prince has a surly temper, very few concubines in the harem dare to talk to him, except for Concubine He Guifei and Concubine Shu, Yun Zhaorong is the only one.

Ran Yun is the personal maidservant of Empress Yan. Before she became a concubine, besides serving Empress Yan, she took care of Her Royal Highness the Crown Prince.The prince once lost his temper and threw his own mother's milk into the snake den. Afterwards, no nuns had the guts to get close to him. Empress Yan felt sorry for her son, so she transferred Ranyun to the East Palace to take care of the prince for several years.

Ranyun has always been in awe of the prince, but more of it is a maternal love. To put it bluntly, she really loves the prince as her own son.

Ran Yun saw a timid concubine on the opposite side turn pale from being frightened by the prince's moody ruthlessness, so she couldn't help breaking the oppressive silence, "His Royal Highness, the first round will be tested by Qi Xiurong and Wan Zhaorong. If you are interested in our piano skills, you might as well stay and take a look, if you like someone you like, just order it."

Li Chenyu seemed to have listened to Ranyun's words, and his casual but cold eyes swept over the beauties in the palace one by one, and then he pondered for a while, before uttering a word under the eager and expectant eyes of all the beauties, "Let's test 'Book' first in 'Qinqi, Calligraphy and Painting'." His daughter-in-law is only good at this.

Yi Mo heard the words, raised his head slightly, and glanced at the crown prince unobtrusively, with a little appreciation.

The crown prince received his daughter-in-law's admiring gaze, and half of his body suddenly went numb, as if he was flying like a bird!
Ran Yun didn't know why, piano, chess, calligraphy and painting were items that had to be assessed, so what's the relationship between the first test and the second test.But the crown prince spoke up in person, so he had to disrupt the original arrangement and ordered the palace servants to remove the qin, and another group of palace servants quickly put out pens, ink, paper and inkstones.

The test of 'book' is easy, but it is also the most difficult. The writing is like the person, and you can get a general idea of ​​her temperament by reading the writing in her pen.

32 The beauties showed their skills, and they all stopped writing before half a cup of tea.

There is no need for the two nine concubines to check one by one, the palace servants will list the names of the beauties, and then show them to the nobles.

When Wangwan Zhaorong saw the first picture, his face suddenly became weird, and the crown prince laughed mercilessly, "Haha, can anyone tell this crown prince, what is this thing? Haha ...Is this a caterpillar?" She was rocking back and forth with a laugh.

Driven by the crown prince, the hall laughed one after another, and everyone laughed.

The beauties who were being laughed at stood up with a blushing face, "Hui, Hui His Royal Highness, yes, it is Wanfu Jin'an." The voice was crying like a mosquito.

It was fine if she didn't say it, but when she said it, many women couldn't care less about restraint and burst out laughing.

That beauty is thin-skinned, she is both aggrieved and ashamed to be ridiculed in the hall, her arrogant temperament makes her want to stop, but the other party is either a prince or a concubine, she has no guts to cover her face under the humiliation and ran out crying——

"Ah! Come here—Miss Qu jumped into the river!"

The guards outside the hall became agitated.

The laughter in the hall stopped abruptly.

The sudden silence was like a thick fog and haze pressing on everyone's hearts, but at this moment, His Highness the Crown Prince's sloppy voice hovered in the hall.

"Ah, why is this girl so stingy? It's just a joke..."

All the beauties bowed their heads together, feeling a gust of cold wind pouring in from the skirts of their clothes, making them feel cold all over their bodies!

The general election will continue, and it is impossible to stop it just because a woman jumped into the river unbearably humiliated.

Compared with that Ms. Qu's handwriting, Miss Cai Jiasan's handwriting is "floating like clouds, and as sharp as a startling dragon".Wan Zhaorong nodded with a smile, "The brushstrokes are euphemistic and subtle, the fonts are elegant and graceful, and there is peace and nature everywhere."

"Too small. Like an ant!" The crown prince's casual comment made Wan Zhaorong's graceful and decent smile froze on his face.She hurriedly glanced at Cai Xuehui, fearing that she would not be able to bear the blow, so she ran to jump into the river. It can be seen that she was still smiling slightly, and the curvature of her mouth remained unchanged. .

Yu Xiangrong has been reading and writing with her father since she was a child, and she writes plum-blossom lowercase in one hand, which is so elegant and beautiful, that even Yimo's eyes shine when she reads it.

The crown prince glanced lightly, smashed his mouth, "It's okay!"

Wan Zhaorong was relieved, and finally put on a bright smile, and kept praising, "Enen, Miss Yu's lowercase writing of plum blossoms is really good. Apart from the current Grand Master Yan, this is the first time I have seen anyone who can write plum blossoms in regular script. Small letters are written like this..."

Then came the characters of Yimo. As soon as the palace servants began to express them, the prince exclaimed exaggeratedly, "Ah! This is a good character, this character is good. The body is vigorous, the bones are strong, clean and vigorous; the brushwork is exquisite, The pen is strong and straight, and the structure is rigorous. Good, good! This is the heart of the crown prince..." Hearing his exaggeration, he stood among the beauties with black lines all over his head, half of his face darkened, and the cold knife in his eyes Flying straight to Li Chenyu.

Knowing the reason, Yu Xiangrong couldn't help twitching the corners of her mouth, and even Ran Yun couldn't help wiping the cold sweat off her forehead.

Others don't know, although His Highness the Crown Prince is a little excited, it is understandable, after all, the handwriting written by Princess Ping'an is indeed unusual, and there is a tendency to form a school of her own.

Even Concubine He Gui couldn't help saying 'yes' after reading her handwriting.

Immediately behind Yi Mo was Feng Ya, the crown prince didn't even bother to read Feng Ya's words, and said coldly, "It's too big." The heart is too big.

Being disturbed by the crown prince, only twelve beauties were eliminated at the first hurdle. Concubine Ren Shu and Concubine He were frightened when they saw the number. If I brush all of them down, I wish I could only leave Yimo alone.

The election of the crown princess in the palace is like a farce, but there are turbulent winds outside the palace.

In a dark house in an alley in central Beijing, the man was wrapped in a deep black cloak. The wide cloak covered him from head to toe, only a pair of dark Liuyun official boots could be seen on his feet.The man looked around cautiously, and after confirming that no one was following him, he turned and entered the alley and knocked on the back door.

There was already a guide waiting at the back door, and when he saw the person coming, he didn't ask any questions. He only bowed when he saw the man in black making complicated gestures, and then led the man in black into the courtyard.

The courtyard has a unique scenery, and the pond is full of water lilies that are just about to bloom.There is an exquisite elegant pavilion built beside the pond. There are silver bells hanging on the four corners of the pavilion. When the breeze blows, the crisp and melodious ringing of the bells floats above the lotus pond, giving it a unique elegance.

In the pavilion, a man stands in front of the stone case with the handrails. He stands with his back facing him, and he can't see his face clearly, but he can feel the beauty when he sees the back. The jade crown is tied up, his head is slightly bowed, the ends of his hair are scattered on his shoulders, a little disheveled but charming, his broad back is tall and tough, like a green pine... There are pens, ink, paper and inkstones on the stone table in front of him, and the piece of rice paper in his hand On the top is a half-painted picture of "Water Lily and Breeze".

With one hand resting on his hand, he held the brush with the other hand, stroke by stroke, and carefully and carefully outlined the edge of the picture. Judging from the trend and outline of the pen, he painted a woman, a woman standing by the pool and looking out. .

The man in black stopped three meters away from the elegant pavilion, "Third Master."

"Well, here we come." The man didn't turn his head back, and continued to concentrate on drawing his subordinate's picture, "How's the situation in the palace?"

"Back to the third master, the palace is choosing a concubine for the prince."

"Oh? Choose the crown princess?" The man paused slightly, with some amusement in his tone, "Which women are running for the election?"

"After the first round of the crown princess election, only [-] women remained. These [-] women are the third daughter of Cai Xiang's family, Miss Cai Xuehui; the girl of Feng's family, Miss Feng Ya; Yu Shaofu's family Miss Yu Xiangrong, the daughter of Lord Ke, Miss Ke Qian; the righteous sister of King Yunze, Princess Nishang...the daughter of Lord Thunder, Princess Ping An. Yuqing, the daughter of Shangshu Yu..."

"Princess Ping An?" The man chuckled, his pen was stained with ink, "Princess Ping An has a bad reputation among the people."

The young man in Tsing Yi, who was grinding for the man, also smiled and said, "Yes, I heard a lot of rumors when I went to Shuxuan to buy an inkstone for my master yesterday. It is said that Princess Ping'an is not only fierce, big and three rough, but also has pockmarks on her face. , mouth full of yellow teeth. Unbearably vulgar, vulgar and unobtrusive... Vicious and ruthless... He is a master who even shuns ghosts when he sees him. Hey! Such a character can also be shortlisted. Could it be that the ladies in the palace are blind? ?!"

The man chuckled again, with gentleness, "It's not that the lady in the palace is blind, but the people outside the palace are blind. Since she can stand side by side with Miss Cai and Miss Yu, how can she really look like the rumors?" As vicious as a god?"

The young man in Tsing Yi nodded, "That's right, rumors are generally not credible. Just like what they said about you, master..." He said this with a hint of meaning.

"Hehe, yes, the rumors are unbelievable." The man had a warm smile on his face, gentle and friendly, his satisfied handwriting, a trace of floating across the hem of his clothes embroidered with animal patterns, was very free and easy.

The boy in Tsing Yi leaned over to look at the man's painting, and when he saw the woman in the painting, he opened his mouth wide in surprise, "Master, you, you..." He pointed at the woman in the painting with trembling fingers, unbelievable, "Is she the woman you, you like, like?"

The man didn't answer, but his smile became more gentle and elegant, "How is it? Does she look good?"

"Good-looking is good-looking. But..." The young man in Tsing Yi frowned, "There is a coldness in his bones, and he is not suitable to be your partner, master."

"Oh? Then what kind of woman do you think will be my partner?"

"Gentle and dignified, a woman who can empathize with the world!"

The breeze blew across the painting, and the woman on the screen was resembling Yi Mo.

(End of this chapter)

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