Chapter 304 Poisoning (1)
On the first day of the general election hosted by the concubines, two tests of calligraphy and chess were taken. Ink calligraphy is fine, but chess skills are difficult to master. Fortunately, her first calligraphy has stole the limelight. Maintenance, the two concubines naturally did not dare to cross her name.

Next is the test of piano skills and female celebrities. All the beauties were sent back early.His Royal Highness the Crown Prince was also busy with affairs, and he left after all the beauties finished their 'book' exams.

Come and go in a hurry, like clouds and wind in the sky, no matter how hard you can catch it, you can't catch it!
I don't know how many girls' hearts have been taken away by this back and forth.

"Princess, Your Highness is very handsome today. It seems that Feng Ya is speechless. Hmph, that woman from the Feng family is really not a thing. She shamelessly fought with Mr. Liang's family, but now she says No, princess. Everyone in the palace said that Mrs. Feng is upright and selfless, why did she give birth to such a lowly and shameless daughter, it really embarrasses the Feng family..." Yan Hao is good at everything, but he talks a lot, you don't Let her talk, she is uncomfortable.

However, although Yan Hao talked a lot, she didn't dare to say everything. She was able to follow the prince's side, which showed that she was a smart and clever woman who knew what to say and what not to say.Now talking about this unscrupulously on this nine-curved corridor with people coming and going, it proves that His Highness the Crown Prince really doesn't take Feng Ya seriously.As for the slaves who work in the East Palace, other things don't matter, the most important thing is to figure out the prince's mind.The prince has always been moody and uncertain. If he is happy, he may not make you happy with him; but if he is unhappy, he will definitely make everyone as unhappy as him.And the worst part is, you still can't figure out whether he is happy or not!
Therefore, as long as the slaves who can stay with the prince to please him are the best of the best.

Yanhao could tell at a glance that the crown prince would be very happy to curry favor with Princess Pingan, and even more happy to belittle Miss Feng Ya!

Yanhao dragged the jade plate and walked beside Yimo, smiling brightly on her pretty face, with a bit of schadenfreude, "Princess, didn't you see that Feng Ya's hands were blistered with blood. Hey, I don't know if we can still embroider the female red... When we went to get the brocade, Lady Zhaorong ordered that the embroidered brocade be handed over to her in three days... Feng Ya's wrist, no matter what, it took two days to heal. I don't know if she can embroider a mandarin duck's head in one day... huh? This servant has seen Miss Yuqing."

Just as Yi Mo and Yan turned a corner, they ran into a beautiful woman in a pink gauze dress.The woman has bright eyes, white teeth, and beautiful eyebrows like willows. She is a delicate and pretty little beauty.It is very different from Cai Xuehui's dignified and virtuous, Yu Xiangrong's elegance and beauty, and Ke Qian's charming and charming, but she seems a bit ordinary among all the stunning beauties.

Yuqing seemed startled by Yanhao's greeting, her dull eyes were stunned for a moment, and after the startle, confusion flashed past.Then there was panic, and in a hurry, he bowed to Yi Mo, "My daughter greets His Royal Highness Princess Pingan."

"Excuse me." Yi Mo took a panoramic view of her expression, he didn't think of it as he thought, just thought she was timid and a little scared when meeting strangers.

Yuqing was really timid and not good at talking with people, so she hurried away after meeting Princess Ping'an.Yanhao glanced at her eager steps and couldn't help joking, "Princess, this little girl treats you like a scourge."

Yi Mo Gouzui smiled, and thought she was very cute, like a little rabbit, full of childishness.

"However, princess, you can't be careless. Don't look at her simple nature on the surface, maybe she is also a scheming master in her heart." Yanhao reminded her at the right time, "Miss Yuqing is the third daughter of Mr. Yumae, Minister of the Ministry of Industry, and Lord Yumae has a very close relationship with Lord Ren. Lord Yu’s concubine sister married into the Ren family and became the concubine of Lord Ren’s second son. Our Crown Prince is against us... Miss Yuqing is probably the eyeliner sent to the East Palace by the Ren family, otherwise she would not be shortlisted due to her beauty."

Yi Mo could see that if that Yuqing hadn't had Concubine Ren Shu to help her behind her back, she might have been kicked out in the first round.

Across the pond full of water lilies, Yi Mo looked at Yu Qing who had already walked in front of the stone arch.The girl might have seen someone she knew, a bright smile bloomed on her frightened and cautious face, and there were two blobs of faint blush on her fair cheeks, presumably the result of a few quick steps just now.

"Sister Feng." The crisp voice was like a yellow warbler coming out of the valley, and there was joy everywhere.There is a sweet smile between the brows, the baby-like skin is white and tender, coupled with the blush on the cheeks, it looks really cute.

"Sister Yu." Seeing Yu Qing, Feng Ya smiled lightly. The smile was neither ostentatious nor low-key, neither overly enthusiastic nor alienated. She pleaded with her heart.This is Feng Ya's brilliance.

"Sister Feng, is your hand okay?" Yuqing stepped forward and took her hand, the caring look in her eyes was not fake at all, "I wanted to go to the imperial hospital to get your medicine, but, but this imperial palace is too Big, I lost my way within a few laps. Sister Feng, I am really useless."

The temperature in the eyes was all suppressed, and it was as cold as winter in an instant.Feng Ya lowered her eyes, the smile on her mouth remained undiminished, and she pulled Yu Qing into the room where she lived, "Sister Yu, I made you worry. I'm fine, it's just a small injury, no need to apply medicine, it will be fine in two days." alright."

"It's fine, it's fine." Yuqing patted her chest lightly, looking innocent, "I was afraid that my sister would delay the brocade embroidery, but now it seems that I filtered it. Since my sister is fine, I'll go back."

"Not busy." Feng Ya held back Yu Qing who turned around and was about to leave, "Sister Yu is running around for me, I really feel sorry. It's time for dinner, sister, why don't you stay with me, so I can have a companion, no As for a person who is cold and quiet."

Yuqing has a lively temper, and couldn't bear the desertedness, so she agreed without thinking.As soon as the two sat down, a palace maid in Tsing Yi brought the meal, "Miss, please have a meal."

Yuqing ran around the Guerlain Palace, she was already hungry, and she didn't care about etiquette at this time, she happily sat at the table, waiting for the palace staff to set up the meal and start the meal.

"Wow, there is my favorite food..." The voice stopped suddenly, and she looked at the maid serving the meal with a look of surprise, and asked her name eagerly, "You, what's your name?"

The court lady was not in a hurry, she still laid out the meals in a slow manner, without looking at her, she replied: "My servant's name is An Lan."

Hearing An Lan's name, Yu Qing's expression became even more strange. She glanced at Feng Ya, then at An Lan, opened her mouth to ask something, but finally endured it.

Feng Ya just pretended not to see the strange expression on her face, "Sister Yu, do you want to drink mung bean soup, let me serve you a bowl?"

"Sister Feng, you can drink it. I haven't liked drinking mung bean soup since I was a child." No matter how simple Yuqing is, she is a lady from an official family, and she still knows how to play on occasion.Since he has guessed something, and the other party is not afraid of knowing it himself, then there is nothing to delve into, just pretend that he has never seen it.

(End of this chapter)

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