Chapter 306 Pregnant

"She, she, she..."

These three words of "she" in succession made the crown prince's heart hang in his throat.Li Chenyu asked nervously, "How is it? Are you okay?"

Even the old doctor held his old face, opened his mouth, and found an excuse under his heavy heart, "Your Highness, don't be anxious, what you need most in this pulse inquiry is calmness, otherwise it will not be accurate."

"..." The crown prince wished he could slap him to death!
Gritting his teeth: "Then you should be serious, or the prince will chop off the heads of your whole family."

"Yes, yes, yes." Even the old imperial doctor closed his eyes and looked profound, his withered fingers resting on the pulse, trembling and trembling, reconfirming that this is the true joy pulse.I couldn't help but sigh in my heart, looking at the woman's attire, it was obviously Yunying's unmarried girl.

A girl's family is pregnant before marriage, and the fetus is dark, but among the people, she wants to open an ancestral hall and soak the pig cage!

Besides, this girl is still the dignified princess!

If both the emperor and the empress agreed to the marriage between His Royal Highness the Crown Prince and Princess Pingan, then the matter of the secret marriage of the beaded fetus would be reduced to a trivial matter.If today does not agree, then this matter will become more difficult, and then it will not only be as simple as corrupting etiquette and immoral customs.And he, an insider, will definitely become a ghost by then.

Forsythia hesitated again and again, whether to pretend not to know, to report the truth, or to secretly drug her to kill her fetus before everyone checked it out? !After all, it is easy for a master of Chinese medicine like him to abort a woman quietly, even without the woman noticing it.

After thinking it over and over, Lian Qiao felt that the last method was the most feasible, and it would be best to leave the child without everyone knowing.In this way, it will not damage the reputation of Princess Pingan, and it will not make him in a dilemma.

Several years of comfortable life made Lian Qiao develop the courage to dare to conspire against the blood of the royal family!

Seeing the expression on his face change and change, Li Chenyu couldn't help but sternly shouted, "What the hell, tell the truth. If there is any deception, I will kill you without mercy!"

Lian Qiao was so frightened by his cold murderous aura that she broke into cold sweat, and stammered to tell the truth, "She, she is pregnant."

Li Chenyu was stunned for a moment, he only felt the body of the person in his arms tremble, and then there was no movement.

With some remorse, Lian Qiao silently knelt at the prince's feet.

Immediately, the huge palace was as silent as a pool of stagnant water, without the slightest ripple.The court ladies and eunuchs who were kneeling all over the ground did not know who they were, and couldn't help but gasped.

A terrifying murderous aura suddenly shot out from the twinkling phoenix eyes, Li Chenyu slowly closed his eyes, firmly suppressing the rush of excitement that was about to surge out, and waved lightly at Long Yi.Long Yi understood, saw the cold light in his eyes flickering, and as he waved his hands, more than a dozen hidden guards suddenly appeared in the main hall silently, the figures shuttled past, and the palace servants kneeling on the ground fell down one after another weakly .

The muffled sound of falling to the ground was particularly abrupt in the hall, but it fell into Lian Qiao's ears, but it was the sound of death.Lian Qiao sneaked a glance, and saw that the fallen palace people were all terrified and their eyes were wide open-the death will not rest in peace!
Lian Qiao was so frightened that she hastily closed her eyes, knelt down on her knees with her stooped body, her head dropped to the ground, she didn't dare to take another look.

In just a few breaths, all the palace people disappeared completely, and even the sudden appearance of the dark shadow guard disappeared without a trace in an instant.

Only Forsythia, Yan Hao, and Long Yi guarding in the dark remained in the huge palace.Li Chenyu opened his eyes at this time, and stared coldly at Lianqiao, "Say what you just said again."

"Returning to Your Highness, Princess Ping An's body is fine. The vomiting is not only caused by the poisoning. The princess has been pregnant for more than a month, and the morning sickness should have occurred around 40 days. It may be because the poisoning triggered the pregnancy reaction in advance. The princess's body showed no signs of poisoning, presumably because she vomited in time and vomited out most of the food she ate so that the poison did not enter her body... Also, when I was feeling the princess's pulse, I found that the princess had a body cold , and it belongs to the category of palace cold. Women suffering from this cold syndrome are not easy to conceive, and if they are pregnant, they are especially prone to miscarriage, so please be careful about your diet on weekdays. I will write a miscarriage protection for the princess later The prescription, three times a day, can be stopped after three days." Forsythia no longer dared to have other thoughts, and honestly explained it clearly.Yanhao has already prepared pen and ink, just waiting for him to write a prescription, so she can take the prescription and make medicine.

"If you still experience vomiting in the future, Your Highness and Princess don't need to panic. Vomiting, nausea, lethargy, etc. are all normal pregnancy reactions. These symptoms usually last for about three months and will gradually disappear. During this period, it is better to eat a light diet and eat less. It is advisable to have more meals." Handed the written pharmacy to Yanhao, and after explaining some precautions, she stepped aside and said nothing.

Li Chenyu glanced at him, there was an unspoken warning and killing intent in his eyes.Lian Qiao's face turned pale, and she hurriedly expressed her opinion, "His Royal Highness, don't worry, I will absolutely keep my mouth shut about today's matter." So many court ladies and eunuchs have been silenced, Lian Qiao is also afraid that her body will be found by her son in the mass grave .

"Well, let's all go out."

As soon as the crown prince let go, not only Lian Qiao heaved a sigh of relief, but even Yan Hao patted her chest quietly to suppress her shock.

As the gate of the palace was slowly closed, only Li Chenyu and Yi Mo were left in the Moyu Palace.

"Mo'er!" The low and sexy voice was choked and hoarse, he held her tightly in his arms, wishing to become one and blend into the flesh and blood, never to be separated.

When Yi Mozi heard that Lianqiao was pregnant, his head became dizzy, he didn't know how much the world was, and now he woke up after being strangled by his domineering strength, and his hand slowly stroked his belly, which was still as flat as ever. She murmured inconceivably, "Is she pregnant?" After a night of flirting, a bowl of medicine at dawn wiped out all her thoughts... Originally, she didn't have much hope, but she didn't expect that she was really pregnant!

The palms were pressed tightly against the lower abdomen, as if to feel the beating of life.Liuli's black eyes are getting deeper and deeper, with infinite emotions inside, it seems that God treats her well!
Li Chenyu hugged her as if he had won the whole world, his brows and eyes were full of joy and excitement, and his heart was like eating candy, so sweet.The big dry and warm hands wrapped her pussy and folded them in her lower abdomen, bowed her head, and kissed thinly on the corner of her mouth, the meaning of cherishing was so obvious, "Mo'er, our children are raised here, inherit The child of our common blood looks like you and mine. Shall we keep her?"

Yi Mo nodded without thinking, and did not intend to tell him that if this child cannot be kept, then she will never be able to have children in this life.

Seeing her nodding, the worry and fear hidden in Li Chenyu's heart gradually disappeared. Yi Mo's concealment from him that day had become a thorn in his heart. Although he kept comforting himself, Wen Nuo was dead. Erzhen has feelings for him, and it is impossible for the two of them to be together.But every time he thinks about it, he still feels a dull pain in his heart. Mo'er's love for Wen Nuo is like a sharp knife pierced in his heart. The deeper the love, the sharper the knife, and the truer the love, the deeper the wound.

He was cowardly, and he didn't dare to ask her personally if she was showing love to Wen Nuo.He didn't have the courage to hear her answer, and was afraid of hearing the answer he didn't want to hear from her.So he chose to remain silent and pretended not to know.

But today, Mo'er agreed to keep their child without hesitation, and all the doubts and suspicions in his heart faded away.If a woman really has a beloved man in her heart, then she cannot willingly give birth to another man's child.

These days, Li Chenyu has never been so excited as he is now. His eyes are full of brilliance, full of longing for a better future, his big hand gently caresses her belly, his eyebrows and eyes are tender, "Mo'er, Do you think it's a boy or a girl?"

Yi Mo was also very curious, "'s a boy." He rubbed his stomach, which was flat, and then knocked with his hands, but there was no sound.Are there really kids in here?That old man is lying!
"Ah! Don't knock." Her action scared the prince into a cold sweat. He hurriedly grabbed her troublesome hand, touched the place where he was beaten, and gave her a look. "What if it breaks?" ?”

Yi Mo's heart tightened, a little annoyed at his recklessness, and his mood also became tense, "What should I do? Will I be knocked to death?"

"Bah, bah, bah!" The prince was dying of anxiety, "Don't say it's unlucky, it's unlucky. Take it back quickly, take it back."

"..." For the sake of the child, Yi Mo immediately kept silent, fearing that if he said a few more words, the child would really disappear.

Dirty!The silly fools of the two children who are new parents are so funny.What if the child in the belly is a bubble, which disappears when touched?Chi, how could a child be so fragile!
But after all, they are first-time parents, and their mentality is as strange as that of a big girl getting on a sedan chair. The two of them are fools, staring at their flat stomach with big eyes and small eyes, wishing they could just stare at a child.

Yo!She was only a month pregnant, and the child had just grown into bean sprouts. She didn't even have an arm or a head. What a fart!
The setting sun is like blood, and the colorful colors are rolling in the clouds on the horizon, reflecting a different kind of heaviness, with a chilling depression, which makes people feel irritable and thunderous.

The beauties in Guerlain's palace suddenly had vomiting and diarrhea. According to the doctor's diagnosis, it was caused by poisoning.Someone put medicine in the mung bean runsi soup, and all the beauties who drank the soup were poisoned.

Empress Yan was furious when she heard about this, and ordered Xiao Dongwei, the leader of the third-rank Imperial Forest Army, to investigate the matter thoroughly.

In Kunyi Hall.

The anger on Empress Yan's face was still there, she casually threw the teacup on the table, the teacup was tipped over, and the tea overflowed.Seeing this, Aunt Ji, who was serving her personally, hurriedly straightened the teacup, and wiped off the water stains on the table in a leisurely manner, lest the water stains flow down and wet the queen's dress.

"It's really courageous. If anyone finds out who poisoned him, I won't let you down lightly."

Aunt Ji was about to speak, but she saw a beautiful figure slowly coming in at the gate of the hall, she paused, then bowed her knees and said, "Miss Zhaorong."

Ran Yun nodded to her, instead of saluting to Empress Yan, she walked behind Empress Yan and rubbed her shoulder bones skillfully.

Sure enough, within half a cup of tea, the angry look on Empress Yan's face gradually faded.Ran Yun saw that her mood was calmer, so she said lightly, "Didn't the empress have already ordered Xiao Canling to investigate? With Xiao Shenling's ability, the investigation will surely reveal the truth. Why should the empress be angry?"

Empress Yan snorted coldly, "I am so angry that what should be poured is not enough, and what should not be poured is instead a large piece."

Who should fall?Ink!

Who should not fall?Yu Xiangrong!Ke Qian!
The three favorites of Empress Yan, Yu Xiangrong, Cai Xuehui, and Ke Qian, but because of poisoning, two of them fell at once, can she not be angry?
I'm so mad!
(End of this chapter)

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