black belly prince cruel concubine

Chapter 307 The Poisoned Man

Chapter 307 The Poisoned Man
Empress Yan was most angry with her son who didn't live up to expectations. He didn't know who he was infatuated with, and she became angry when she looked at her.Isn't it just a woman? It's hard to find three-legged toads in this world, and there are few women with two eyes and one nose?Why is he so stubborn!

Empress Yan was furious, and the anger that was finally suppressed had a faint tendency to rise, "Is that woman still in the East Palace?"

Aunt Ji glanced at Ranyun, and replied respectfully, "It's still there. His Royal Highness recruited the old imperial doctor Lian to treat the princess. Within half an hour, even the old imperial doctor left the East Palace. It seems that the poisoning is not deep. .”

"What about the other beauties?"

"Returning to your empress, only four of the twenty beauties were not poisoned, five of them were slightly poisoned, and eleven of them were seriously poisoned. After the emergency treatment by the imperial physicians of the imperial hospital, the conditions of the beauties were all under control, and their condition was also improved. It's getting better, but... I'm afraid I can't participate in the selection of the crown princess."

"It's lucky that no one was killed." Empress Yan rubbed her stinging forehead and waved her hand helplessly, "It seems that Yu'er has nothing to do with them. Send the eleven beauties back to the mansion, and give some rewards to choose a concubine." For the matter, wait for the five beauties who were poisoned to recover before proceeding. Also, inform the Imperial Hospital that all the five beauties will be treated with good medicine, and the five beauties will be recuperated within three days as soon as possible. The matter of choosing a concubine cannot be delayed It's been too long..." lest the night be long and dreamy.

"Yes. The servant girl is going to pass on the imperial edict."

After Aunt Ji came out of the palace gate, Ran Yun spoke, her soft voice was full of the gentleness and submissiveness of Jiangnan women, like a breeze blowing across the river, making slow ripples, "Miss, since His Highness likes it, why don't you let him go?" .”

Yan regretted lightly brushing away the hands that were rubbing her shoulders, and asked calmly, "Have you seen her?"

Ran Yun obediently sat down on the cloud chair below her, nodded her head lightly, "I've seen it, it's quite different from the impression I met the first time. Maybe it was deliberately suppressed, but this time I saw it, giving off a kind of awe-inspiring spirit." ..." Ranyun and Yan Xixi have been studying literature and writing with Grand Master Yan since childhood. Although the literary talent is not as good as the number one scholar, it is far more knowledgeable than a scholar.Even so, she still couldn't find words to describe what kind of woman she was, "...She is very different from the woman who is worried about her boudoir and complains about others."

Yan regretfully glanced at her, and said solemnly, "Although the women who are raised in deep boudoirs do not have the wisdom to govern the government and stabilize the country, even though they do not have the courage to go to battle to kill the enemy and defend the country, they are like Qiu Shuyuan, with a heart and wisdom, and they can raise children. , will handle housework. If you follow the prince's wish and use Ping An as a strength, you will definitely be involved in politics...women are not allowed to engage in politics, this ancestral precept must not be broken in her hands."

Ran Yun was not as thorough as Queen Yan, she didn't understand the overall political affairs, she only knew that the crown prince liked that woman.She watched the prince grow up, and she could tell at a glance whether he was showing his true affection to that woman or playing tricks.The way he looked at the woman was tender and full of affection. He loved deeply and crazily.

With his temperament, if he insists on blocking him, he will fight to the death.

Ran Yun didn't want to see their mother and son fight and become enemies, "If Your Highness insists on this, miss, Ran Yun may destroy the mother-child bond between you."

Yan regretted that his eyes were unhappy, "I gave birth to him and raised him for twenty years, and the time he spent with that woman was only a year in total. If he dared to make me an enemy for this thing, I would dare to interrupt him." legs!"

"..." Ran Yun lowered his eyes and said silently, with the prince's ruthless and persistent temperament, if he is determined, even if you put a knife on his neck, he may not turn back.

"Your Majesty, Master Xiao is asking to see you." Xiao Huangmen, who was guarding the palace gate, came to report in a hurry.

Yan regretted frowning, and thought for a while before realizing that Master Xiao was the general of the Imperial Forest Army, Xiao Dongwei. He straightened his phoenix robe embroidered with flowers, and his sitting body added a bit of the calmness and virtuousness of his mother, " pass!"

"It is said that Mr. Xiao has an audience—"

"Minister Xiao Dongwei, greet the empress!" Xiao Dongwei was dressed in silver armor of the imperial army, and his lean body did not look like a tall and mighty general, but rather a scholar.

"Pingshen!" Yan regretted staring at him condescendingly, "Master Xiao, you came to see me at this time, but have you found out the clues of the case?"

"Go back to your mother, the general has already found out that the murderer is Yu Qing, the daughter of Yu Shangshu."

The daughter of Shangshu Yu?Yan regretfully frowned, "Do you have proof?"

"Your Majesty, I have interrogated the imperial chefs who prepared the meals for the beauties in the imperial dining room. They all said that no other strangers went to the dining room except Yuqing, and that among the four beauties who were not poisoned, there was Miss Yuqing. She didn't drink it because she knew that the soup was poisonous. In addition, General Mo sent someone to search for the room where she lived, and found unused medicine powder in the room." Yuqing is not only the daughter of a first-rank official in the court, She is still a beautiful girl who chooses a concubine. If Xiao Dongwei wants to interrogate her, he must obtain the consent of the queen and obtain the decree, "So the general asked for an decree to arrest Yuqing for interrogation."

"Quite decree!"

Xiao Dongwei withdrew from Kunyi Palace, Ranyun looked at his receding back, with a hint of worry in his brows, this worry was for that lively and lovely woman.As soon as she entered the Guerlain Palace, that pure and smart woman caught her eyes. Different from the deep, femininity and affectation of the girl from the Feng family next to her, she was pure and straightforward, with a sweet smile that was somewhat childish. How could such a woman have Such a vicious mind.

"I've seen that child Yuqing before, and she doesn't look like someone who can poison." After a slight pause, he continued, "Besides, if she really has such thoughts, she is probably not a simple person. A loophole led Mr. Xiao to search her body, and by such a coincidence, the medicine powder was found in her room."

"I don't care if she was framed by someone because she was innocent and innocent, or if she had an unfathomable mind... She must bear this grievance!" Her eyes narrowed slightly, and a cold light shot out from her eyes, "Who?" Call her a member of the Yu family." Hmph!Ren Xinyi (Concubine Ren Shu) is really getting more and more presumptuous. When she Yan regrets her death, she dares to send someone to the East Palace blatantly!

The nights in early summer are a bit hot and dry, the moon hangs high in the sky, and the stars twinkle among the floating clouds.The bright moonlight fell on the solemn mansion, adding a bit of softness and popularity to it.

In the elegant and exquisite attic, Ren Zonghe couldn't help but frown when he received the news from the palace. In his anger, he swept off the inkstone on the table, staining the blue brick floor black, "Hmph, this is jade. A good daughter taught by mace! Stupid thing!"

"Master Xiang, I heard that Miss Yuqing is smart, pure and quick-witted, she must have...been murdered by someone." Standing beside the writing table was a man in a long gown in green. The man lowered his head, his hair hanging from his ears, covering his face, It was hard to see his appearance, but he was slender and thin, with a weak scholarly air and a refined manner.But upon closer inspection, one can feel a gloomy and deep look, and the back view reveals the vicissitudes of the earthly world.

"Simple and clever? Huh, a stupid thing! If she is really smart, she won't be plotted against. If she is not plotted against, then she is extremely stupid! It's a no brainer to do it at this time and still have a clue After Ren Zhehe scolded angrily, he raised his head slightly, looked at the young man with admiration on his face, "Fortunately, thanks to your scheme, it didn't let the truth fall by the wayside. If the truth really puts all the chips on that stupid woman I'm afraid that Truth will lose in an ugly way this time."

"Master Xiang praises me, these are what I should do." The man bowed, very respectful, "Master Xiang promised to help me save my father's life, so this life belongs to Master Xiang. Don't say it's helping The Prime Minister makes suggestions, even if I tell you to go up the mountain of swords and go down into the sea of ​​fire, I am obliged to do so." The frivolous words that were obviously flattering and flattering, but to the man, they were solemn, as solemn as an oath.

"Okay, okay!" Ren Zhehe laughed happily, walked to the man's side, and patted his shoulder with great reliance, "Liang Yaozu, as long as you wholeheartedly serve the truth, the truth will not treat you badly. Wait It will become a big event in the future, the truth will promise you the honor of Lord Marquis, and then let your father be released from slavery. Oh, yes, if this matter is done well, the truth will let your mother be released from prostitution. Although she is crazy now , but I have been thinking about you all the time. In this world, it is a blessing to have people thinking about you. When your mother becomes obedient in the future, you can take her home and take good care of her. She is a woman, hey... this life is not easy .”

The man raised his head, and the handsome face was that of Liang Yaozu who had disappeared without a trace.He lowered his head again, with hatred in his eyes, he opened his mouth, but there was no sound.After half a sound, he suddenly knelt down, only listening to his clear voice, "Thank you, Xiangye, for your great kindness!"

Liang Yuehu committed the serious crime of beheading. If the normal procedures were followed, not only his Liang family property would be filled into the treasury, but Liang Yaozu and other heirs would also be exiled outside the Great Wall.But now Liang Yuehu was only sentenced to exile, and Liang Yaozu lived in peace, thanks to Ren Zhehe protecting him behind his back.A little Feng Ya, how can she have such great ability to change the sentence of a third-rank official!

Ren Zonghe also took a fancy to Liang Yaozu's talent, so he spent a lot of time trying to protect Liang from crossing the lake. Afterwards, he even held Liang's mother in his hands, so he was not worried that Liang Yaozu would have a different heart.

Prison prison.

Feng Ya came to the gate of the prison of the Ministry of Criminal Justice with the meal and Concubine Ren Shu's token.

At the gate, a low-key green ox carriage was parked in an inconspicuous corner of the alley. Watching Feng Ya get off the carriage, the boy driving the ox cart hurried over with a package and blocked her way.

"Girl, my master asked me to come over and say 'thank you' to you, thank you for visiting my lady, and said that Master Feng is blessed to have such a loving and righteous daughter."

Looking at the boy in shorts, Feng Ya frowned lightly, at first she was confused, but after thinking about it, she understood.Turning sideways to the bullock cart, he bowed in a respectful manner, and then said to the boy, "My lord, you are being polite."

Seeing that she understood, the boy scratched his head and smiled embarrassingly, then handed her the package in his hand, "There are some clothes inside, please help pass it to my lady." After speaking, he walked back to the ox cart , then raised his whip, and drove the bullock cart slowly away from the gate of the prison.

(End of this chapter)

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