Chapter 308 Framed
The simple ox cart was driving slowly on the clean bluestone ground, and the servant lightly waved his whip and asked puzzledly, "Master, why don't you go and see Miss San in person?"

What the boy answered was the muffled sound of "gulu" and "gulu".The boy pursed his lips, thinking that the master would not respond to him, but after a while, a dull voice full of vicissitudes came from the bullock cart, "It's me, a father, who has no face to see her!"

The boy didn't understand the deep meaning, but he could understand his remorse and guilt, "Master, you don't have to blame yourself, Miss San is so sensible, she will understand you."

"Yeah, San'er is so sensible, she should understand me!" Youyou sighed and fluttered on the bluestone road.

Prison prison.

Holding the token she asked for from Concubine Ren Shu, Feng Ya entered the prison of the Ministry of Criminal Justice unimpeded all the way.

"Girl, we're here. Please make a long story short. Don't make it difficult for the pawn." The jailer led Feng Ya to the place where Yuqing was being held, and when he opened the cell door to let her in, he didn't forget to give some instructions.

Feng Ya quietly stuffed a few taels of silver into the jailer's hand, "Brother jailer, please." Then she bowed and entered the cell.

Yu Qing, who was curled up in the corner, heard the sound, and raised her head subconsciously. When she saw Feng Ya, her confused eyes were a little dazed.When Feng Ya saw her in the prison cell, she was also slightly stunned. The red cheeks that looked like rouge had all faded now, and the shabby prison uniform made her thin body look very weak, and her messy hair was casually attached. At the neck, the beaded hairpin on the bun is crooked and crumbling. Is the person in such a mess still the Yuqing who has the sweetest smile in her memory? !
"What are you doing here?" Yu Qing's tone was lukewarm, as flat as meeting a stranger, without the enthusiasm and intimacy before.

"Master Yu asked me to bring you some clothes." The messy and cold cell was incompatible with her bright and luxurious makeup, "I brought you some food, you can eat while it's hot."

Yuqing stared at the familiar clothes in the package in a daze, her eyes gradually turned red, hugged the package tightly, and murmured, "Father..."

Seeing her like this, Feng Ya's thoughts were extremely complicated. Seeing Yu Qing fall into this situation, she felt distressed and gloated at the same time.Yuqing is the daughter of a high-ranking member of the dynasty. She has been well-clothed and well-fed since she was a child.Moreover, she has a cheerful and innocent personality, even Cai Xuehui and Ke Qian, a noble girl with high-sighted eyes, treat her differently.And she, who often runs into walls in front of Cai Xuehui, is naturally jealous of Yuqing.But... she is also the only one who has sincere friendship with her.

"Yuqing, I know you are suspicious of me, that I framed you."

"Isn't it?" Yuqing gave her a disgusted look, and snorted softly, "The palace servant who is serving you by your side is Concubine Ren Shu, right? You hooked up with Concubine Shu, and she helped you choose a concubine. You are willing to be her A chess piece in your hand, and I am also a chess piece sent to the palace by the Ren family. You are afraid that they will choose me to abandon you, and let you become nothingness with infatuation, so you will attack me cruelly. In this way, as long as I am crippled, Even if the Ren family knew it was you who made the move, they would not do anything to you, after all, you are the only pawn in their hands."

Feng Ya was so stimulated by the disgust in her eyes that even the last bit of sympathy was wiped out, Qiubo's eyes were as cold as winter, "Yuqing, although I have this idea, but I don't have the guts to let my family be like wolves and tigers." How can I, a little girl, play tricks under their noses." A sneer appeared on the corner of her mouth, gloating, "Yuqing, it seems that there are people who just like me don't want to see you well."

"Get out! Get out! Get out—" Yu Qinghong raised her brocade box and threw it at her angrily. To show how kind, affectionate and righteous you are, I will not give you this chance! Get out—”

Feng Ya dodged the thrown food in embarrassment, walked out of the cell quickly, looked at Yu Qing who suddenly went crazy, and sneered contemptuously, "What a child who hasn't grown up!"

Yuqing's fuss attracted the jailer, who yelled angrily, "What's your name! It's called Hun'er. Stay calm, if you keep yelling, see if I won't break your leg!"

"Brother jailer, don't be angry, she has resentment in her heart, don't blame her." Feng Ya's hypocrisy follows her everywhere, no matter when and where, she can put on a virtuous and kind bodhisattva heart.

Yuqing was disgusted with her, looking at her hypocritical face, she wished to tear her mouth open, "Get lost!"

"Sister Yu, don't be angry, my sister will leave now. You have a good rest, and my sister will come to see you next time."


The vile attitude made the jailer see it, and he couldn't help but feel sorry for Feng Ya, "You really don't know what is good or bad! You have become a prisoner and you are still acting like a young lady. It is your blessing that people condescend to see you, no I am grateful to Dade for kneeling down to thank you, but I still have such an attitude." After she finished her words, she immediately stretched out her hand to lead Feng Ya out of the cell with a doggy smile, "Girl, let me take you out, this place is dirty, be careful not to stain your skirt ..." The voice faded away.

In the dark, a pair of sinister eyes had a panoramic view of the situation in the prison.The woman is dressed in white clothes that are as snowy as snow, with slender eyebrows and clear eyes, her gentle and jade-like face is cold, arrogant and refined, beautiful and beautiful.But seeing her holding a small urn carefully in her hand, she didn't know what she was chanting into the urn, and then there was a sound of biting poisonous insects coming out of the urn.


A low and sharp shout suddenly sounded.

Following the low shout, the woman's complexion was as if poisoned, and a black air quickly swayed from between her brows, instantly covering her entire face.The originally glamorous and stunning face instantly turned into a peerless ugly face as black as the bottom of a pot.

"Zuzu! I thought you had found some good way to control this Gu, but I didn't expect it to be this old way of harming others and not benefiting oneself." There was a flirtatious allure in the soft voice.

An abrupt voice sounded behind the woman.

The woman lowered her head in shock, immediately covered the poisonous gas lingering on her face with a large sleeve robe, and hurriedly took out a pill to suppress the poisonous gas from her sleeve and stuffed it into her mouth.In a few breaths, the poisonous gas gradually faded away, and the skin on his face returned to being so soft, white and tender in a blink of an eye.

"Yao Ji, if you find you following me next time, don't blame me for being rude." Xue Ruxue narrowed her eyes, her vicious gaze was as dazzling as the sun's rays, and her cold tone was full of murderous intent!
Yao Ji's smile was still captivating, she swayed forward and looked up at Yu Qing who was trapped in the prison.I saw that Yuqing was suffering from the disease of losing his soul, one moment he was full of anger and hatred, the next moment he was like a lifeless puppet, at the mercy of others!

A green silkworm worm crawled out of her ear with its soft body, and when it touched the scorching sunlight from the small skylight, it turned into a butterfly. The butterfly flew over the skylight and flew into Xue Ruxue's hands. It landed in her palm and immediately transformed into a chrysalis.

Yao Ji glanced at the sub-gu in her hand meaningfully, "I'm afraid this Gu has been raised for several years. People in the Central Plains have always regarded Gu as evil, and I didn't expect that you Yaowanggu would also raise Gu. This news If it gets out, I don’t know if people of the righteous way of martial arts will still respect you Medicine King Valley so much.”

If Xue Ruxue hadn't heard of it, she didn't take her threat to heart at all, "The Gu raised by Medicine King Valley is only used to save people."

"Really?" Yao Ji raised her eyebrows, as if she had discovered a new world, "But why did I see you hurt people? Dirty!" Su finger pointed at Yu Qing who was squatting in the prison and recovered, "That girl is really pitiful. People control their minds and do outrageous things, but they always think that they are framed by others, so that they lose even the last friend. Relatives abandon them, friends hate them, ah! There is nothing more tragic than this in the world. You have to be so miserable, you still have the face to say save people?"

"Who saw that I was bewitching her to confuse her mind?" Xue Ruxue put away the bewitching, turned around and left the prison of the Ministry of Criminal Justice, with an extremely arrogant attitude, "Did you see it? Is there any evidence?"

Yao Ji twisted her water snake's waist and followed step by step, "Well, I have no proof." She sighed helplessly and shrugged, "Who told me I was a witch? No one would believe me when I said it, hey! These days, It's been a fucking frustrating time."

"Ah! I was fooled by you so much, I forgot what to ask. Let me think about it..." She raised her elegant orchid finger, nodded her forehead, and looked thoughtful, "...Ah! I remembered, don't you have a deep-rooted love for the prince and don't marry him? It stands to reason that those women are your rivals in love. Why do you only give them laxatives? Immortals have returned to the sky countless times, and they can all be solved at once, how good it is, to save trouble."

Without waiting for her to respond, Yao Ji said to herself, "Ah, I understand. You are afraid of killing people and making things worse. It's time for the imperial court to order a thorough investigation of the matter and find out the ins and outs. You won’t be able to run away if you’re poisonous. Enen, people say ‘big breasts and no brains’, I didn’t expect you to have brains..."

She only knew one thing and didn't know the other. There were three reasons why Xue Ruxue didn't kill her.The second is that I am afraid that other poisons will be discovered, because this laxative is not considered poisonous, and if I take too much, I will collapse at most and cannot die.The third is aimed at Yu Xiangrong.

Thinking of Yu Xiangrong, jealousy overflowed her eyes and distorted her face.Xue Ruxue recalled that day when she was talking and laughing with the prince in Yating, she quietly clasped her hands.She has always known that there is a woman hidden in the prince's heart. When they first met, he was injured and unconscious. He once mistook her for the woman in his heart. He pulled her and begged her not to leave. She has been looking for the woman in his heart all these years , I didn't expect it to be that bitch Yu Xiangrong!As long as Yu Xiangrong is knocked down, she has nothing to worry about.

Xue Ruxue accidentally made Xue Ruxue think that Yu Xiangrong was the prince's beloved woman. This beautiful misunderstanding made Yimo feel a lot easier.At least you don't have to be on guard against this perverted woman to assassinate her all the time. Now, for her, childbirth is the most important thing!

(End of this chapter)

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