black belly prince cruel concubine

309 Chapter 2 Love is Miserable

309 Chapter 2 Love is Miserable ([-])
The pregnant woman was already drowsy, but in the blink of an eye, her breathing became steady and long.

Li Chenyu lowered his head, and saw that her clean face had a gentle maternal radiance, and the corners of her mouth were slightly raised, her eyebrows and eyes were faintly smiling.He couldn't help but also laughed softly, his eyes filled with indescribable happiness.Bowing his head, he kissed her lightly between the eyebrows, his eyes were affectionate and lingering.I'm afraid he dreamed of his son in his dream... Thinking of it like this, he felt a little apprehensive.I'm afraid he never smiled so happily in his dream.

The crown prince slept with Yi Mo in his arms for half an hour and then woke up. He raised his body slightly and saw that his daughter-in-law was still sleeping soundly, so he smiled knowingly.Then he moved her body lightly, and when he touched her ankle, he frowned handsomely, it was so cold.He got up and got off the recliner, picked her up lightly, walked into the inner hall with long legs, carefully placed her on the bed, and pulled the quilt over her.Then he also took off his robe, lifted the quilt and lay down.After lying down, she skillfully lifted off her obscene clothes, and put her cold feet on his warm stomach to warm them up.The movements of the hands also kept moving, and the pads of the thumbs skillfully touched the blood on the ankles.According to the book, pregnant women are prone to leg cramps when they sleep, and they can only be relieved by regular massage.

When Yanhao came in, she saw His Highness the Crown Prince rubbing the princess's ankle with great care, as if she was holding a fragile treasure in her hands.Although she has seen it many times, she still feels shocked every time she sees it.In her consciousness, a man is a woman's heaven.When I was a child, my mother cared, loved, and protected me; when I was an adult, I had my wife who cared, cared, and loved me.As honorable as a prince, he is also favored by thousands of people. How many women kneel at his feet looking forward to his favor and waiting for his fortune.But he didn't even look at it. No matter how beautiful a woman was, she was like a bone of bones in his eyes. If he said to gouge out his eyes, he would gouge out his eyes, and if he said to break his feet, he would break his feet. He didn't show any mercy.I thought he was born cold-blooded and ruthless, but unexpectedly, he was not ruthless, but gave all his love to a woman, a woman named Cheng Yimo!

These days, she finally saw a man's deep love for a woman.That kind of meticulous care, that kind of unrepentant love, that kind of unswerving love... The prince really loves her badly, otherwise he wouldn't wake up in the middle of the night because of her sore legs and hum. She rubbed her feet, otherwise she wouldn't have sent someone to Guzhou, thousands of miles away, to collect fresh lychees overnight just because she had looked too much at the lychees in the book, and she wouldn't have condescended to wash her feet , Draw eyebrows for her, do everything for her!
"what's up?"

The clear and indifferent voice did not have the kind of tenderness when talking to Princess Ping An.Yan is so deflated, it's really discriminatory.

"Your Highness, the harem sent someone to report that the poisoner had caught him."

"Who?" The low drink was full of hostility and anger.This person who poisoned Mo'er not only made Mo'er feel uncomfortable, but also almost made him lose his son.

Yanhao shrunk her neck, feeling a little sympathetic to that cute and playful girl, "She is the daughter of Shangshu Yu, Yuqing."

"Yu Qing?" Yi Mo, who was supposed to be sleeping soundly, opened his mouth at this moment. For some reason, his mind suddenly remembered that day when he met her in the corridor. When he met her for the first time, the blankness and emptiness he saw at that moment seemed soulless. of the living dead.Can't help but think of the word 'gu poison'.Li Xiao once said that the art of Gu poison in the Central Plains is not as good as that in southern Xinjiang. If a person who has been infected by the Gu has a disease of losing his soul, his eyes will be dull and lifeless, and he can tell at a glance whether he has been infected by the Gu; During the period of controlling the Gu poison, the person who cast the Gu must use his own blood to feed the mother Gu himself, not to mention the serious damage to the vitality, and it is very likely to be backlashed by the mother Gu.This method of injuring the enemy one thousand and self-injury eight hundred will not be used unless there is a deep hatred.

Thinking about it carefully, Yi Mo vetoed Yuqing's idea of ​​being bewitched.As a girl in her boudoir, she has no grievances or enmities with anyone. Who would spend such an effort to frame her, and even take such a big risk.

The crown prince doesn't care whether he is infected or not, as long as anyone who hurts his wife deserves death.

"It is passed down from the Prince's order that the women of the Yu family are jealous, unethical, cruel, and have poisoned and murdered all the beautiful women who choose concubines. This is an unforgivable crime. I will be imprisoned in the prison of the Ministry of Criminal Justice and will be executed in the autumn!"

"...As ordered."

In the prison of the Ministry of Criminal Justice, after receiving the order, Yuqing fell down and sat in the cell with a face ashamed.She thought it was just a trivial matter. After all, no woman who was poisoned was in danger of her life. She thought that going to prison was just a minor punishment. She thought that she would go home safe and sound after the limelight passed. What was waiting was a decree to ask and cut the book!

No!She didn't want to die, didn't want to die.Yuqing suddenly got up, grabbed the father-in-law Xuanzhi who was about to leave, and knelt down and begged, "Elder-in-law, I was wronged, I didn't poison you! My little girl was wronged, I didn't poison you, I didn't poison you, please!" Please ask His Highness to plead for the little girl, please. The little girl did not poison the poison..."

The father-in-law of Xuanzhi looked embarrassed, although the other party was a death row prisoner, but after all, she was the daughter of Lord Shangshu's family. He couldn't speak harshly to each other, so he had to persuade, "Miss Yuqing, aren't you embarrassing our family? Our family can't do this. Lord, get up quickly."

Yuqing also understood, "Elder-in-law, my daughter doesn't make things difficult for you. My daughter just asks you to tell her father that San'er misses him and San'er wants to go home. Let him come and pick San'er home quickly."

"Miss, don't worry, although our family can't do it by interceding, it's still possible to send a word to Master Shangshu."

"Thank you father-in-law. If the little girl can get out of here alive, she will never forget her father-in-law's great kindness."

"You're welcome, girl."

Xuan Zhi's father-in-law was a man of faith, and he passed Yu Qing's words to Yu Mace.

Hearing the words, Yu Qi sat in the study in a daze and didn't sleep all night. When the housekeeper saw him the next day, he felt that his master had suddenly aged many years. He was still half a hundred years old, but suddenly his hair turned gray overnight. , Entering the sixtieth year.

The butler blushed, "Master."

Jade mace straightened the navy blue official robe, and said in a deep voice, "Prepare a big gift, I'm going to the Lei Ting Palace to pay homage to the Thunder Lord."

(End of this chapter)

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