Chapter 312
The sky is gradually breaking dawn, and the colorful clouds are rolling and rolling in the bright white sky, like a gathering of angels in the sky, everywhere there are fairy clouds and purple air lingering.In the eyes of everyone, a disk-sized fireball suddenly jumped out of the colorful clouds and slowly rose with a hot light.

Wisps of light-colored golden light penetrate layers of clouds and fall on the ground, passing through layers of golden light for the well-arranged houses.

Under the golden light, the red lacquer inlaid gold plaque hanging above the eaves of the hall shines brightly, and the four characters of "loyalty, benevolence and filial piety" are so eye-catching!

The jade mace stood below with his hands behind his back, his head raised, staring blankly at the plaque that had been warning the descendants of the Yu family for generations in front of the ancestral precepts.With vicissitudes on his resolute face, he sighed lowly, turned around and walked to the desk, picked up the secret letter on the desk and resolutely left the study.

Hong Wu outside the door was already waiting, "Master, the carriage is ready."

"Hong Wu, what time is it?" He straightened his court clothes and stepped into the carriage.

"Back to Master, it's already a quarter of Mao, and the morning court will be in three quarters of an hour."

Inside the carriage, Jade Mace slowly closed his eyes, took a deep breath, and nodded slightly, "Well, let's go."

Hong Wu has been driving a carriage for more than ten years, and his skills have reached the point of perfection. The carriage he drives is stable and fast, and within the time of two cups of tea, he has arrived at Donghuangmen.

In front of the Eastern Emperor's Gate, the ministers have already been waiting.As soon as the jade mace got off the carriage, some people snorted with angry faces, and some even said in a strange way, "Looking at Master Yu's face, I'm afraid I didn't sleep well last night. That's right, my daughter was sentenced to be executed in autumn, should she sleep?" Anwen. Hey, that Yu Saner was raised by me. I never thought that this kind of person could even kill her best friend who is as close as a sister. It's really chilling..."

The person who spoke was a second-rank official, and his daughter was also selected as a concubine, and she looked like a fairy.He originally hoped that his daughter could be chosen as the crown princess, and that in the future she would become the empress of the world, and he would also be able to ascend to the sky and become the emperor's father-in-law.Unexpectedly, Yuqing's dose of poison turned all his expectations into nothingness, and he was so angry that he wished to stuff Yuqing back into her mother's stomach to recreate it again. Why is this damn woman so cruel!

This time, Yuqing was outraged by the public. The majestic crown prince and concubine involved many confluence of interests and power alternation, but because of her alone, the hopes of many families were reduced to empty talk.

Jade Mace also understood the importance of this matter, so he resolutely decided to rebel against Ren Zhehe and go to Thunder Palace.Thunder King acted wildly and without any scruples, only he dared to reach out to help him.

The jade mace was silent, with his hands folded in his sleeves, standing in front of the palace gate, his unfazed appearance made many officials itch with hatred.

Someone was angry and cursed in a low voice, "Pretending to be a show! The upper beam is not straight and the lower beam is crooked..." The voice was not high but not low, and it fell clearly in everyone's ears.

The one who cursed was Zhan Shi Xu Mao, the fourth-rank Zhan Shifu's young master.Xu Mao's intention to grant Ren Zonghe must be clearly separated from the jade mace, and he must try his best to show resentment and shamelessness in order to win over other officials.

But as soon as he cursed out loud, he saw an ink-stained jet-black spirit card smashed from his forehead, causing him to scream in pain.

Appearing behind him like a ghost, holding a spirit card in his hand, he smashed his forehead vigorously, "Tell you to be talkative! Tell you to be talkative! Tell you to be talkative..."

Xu Mao knew that this spirit tablet was engraved with the four characters of "the first emperor's spirit position", so he didn't dare to fight back, so he had to hide around with his head in his arms, and only asked him to be in a better mood and act more gently, and don't act like the previous two times. They beat him until he couldn't get out of bed for half a month.

Satisfied to see Xu Mao holding his head in embarrassment and jumping around like a mouse, he laughed freely while beating, "Hahaha, it's your luck that this king beat you. This is the spiritual seat of the late emperor. Prince, beat the prime minister. You, a little fourth rank, were beaten by the spirit card of the former emperor, do you think it is your luck?"

Xu Mao burst into tears, "My lord, do you need to kneel down to thank Dade?" with a hint of gnashing of teeth.

With a wave of his hand, the spirit card was instantly returned to his sleeve, and he smiled like a gift, "If you insist, it's not easy for me to stop you."

"..." Xu Mao gritted his teeth with hatred.

Just as he was considering whether to 'thank you', someone yelled, "Ah, Mr. Ren is here."

I saw the carriage of Zuo Xiangfu slowly approaching the palace gate, and finally stopped in front of everyone's carriage. The luxurious and flamboyant carriage was as arrogant and domineering as its owner.

The curtain was lifted by the servant who was driving the car, and he bowed and said respectfully, "Master Xiang, we're here."

Ren Zhehe was dressed in the deep purple court attire of a first-rank official, sitting majestically in the carriage.As far as the eye could see, they were still in the same color as before, with black and white hair tied up by a purple jade crown, meticulous, majestic and cautious.It's just that the cheeks are thinner, the gray hair on the temples is more, and the belt is wider, and the wind and frost that has been experienced are faintly accompanied by shadows.

Everyone sighed softly, it is really commendable to be able to recover to such a degree after going through that kind of experience at such an age!
This was the first time they saw Ren Zhehe after his accident, and they all stared curiously.It is said that a leg was amputated.How can you walk without a leg?
Ren Zonghe was calm, lowered his eyes and hummed softly. The servant who drove the carriage understood, hurriedly got into the carriage and carried him off the carriage, then picked up the artificial leg that had been prepared, and pressed it on him.

When everyone saw it, they suddenly realized!
It's no wonder that the Ren Mansion recruited highly skilled carpenters a few days ago, and it turned out that they were making prosthetic limbs for Mr. Xiang!
"Yeah, is this a prosthetic leg? Let me have a look, let me have a look." Extremely excited, he pushed away Xu Mao who was standing in front of him, and jumped to Ren Zhehe's side, ignoring Ren Zhehe's face turned ashen for a moment, he squatted down and stared at his artificial leg, and kept muttering, "This leg is fake? Wow, who made it, it's so realistic. Look at the shape of this leg, Look at the height, look at the size, it's completely tailor-made for you, Mr. Ren... Hey, it's really well done. Mr. Xiang, can you tell me which master made it? Qian asked him to make one for you, for the left foot, in case you accidentally hurt your left foot in the future, just use it... Hehehe, just in case."

As soon as these words came out, Ren Zhehe was so angry that he wanted to pounce on him and bite him to death.But because it was at the gate of the palace, he could only suppress the anger, and replied in a sinister manner, "Thank you Thunder King for your kindness." The servant of Ren's mansion was also winking, so he hurriedly passed Ren Zhehe a cane Taking advantage of the trend, he squeezed the attacker away, "Master, your crutch."

"En." Ren Zhehe limped towards the gate of the palace with a cane on his hands.

At this time, three o'clock had arrived, and the heavy palace gates slowly opened, and the guards on both sides stood awe-inspiringly holding guns. In front of the majestic Longteng Avenue, there were nine stone steps. The father-in-law stood at the entrance of the nine-fold stone steps, holding a whisk, and sang loudly, "The time has come, please enter the hall to pay respects—"

Ren Zuoxiang took the lead, followed by other officials. They climbed the nine stone steps and entered the golden palace.

Emperor Qianmin wore a dragon robe and a crown, and sat on a dragon chair.

All the officials kowtowed, "Long live my emperor, long live, long live!"

"Everyone loves to be flat!"

When Emperor Ganmin looked at the leader Ren Zhehe, he was extremely surprised, "Master Zuo, have you healed?" A pair of rogue eyes stared straight at his legs.That expression is at least [-]% similar to the expression he had when he was staring at the young woman's buttocks.

"Back to the emperor, the minister's injury is no longer serious."

"Okay, okay. Come here." Emperor Qianmin sympathized with his subordinates, "The left minister has not recovered from his injury, and his body is weak, so he has no choice but to stand up and show the left minister his seat."

"Follow the order." Su Mu took the order, and hurriedly ordered the palace servants to bring chairs and send them to Mr. Ren.

Ren Zhehe burst into tears of gratitude, "Thank you, Your Majesty."

Emperor Ganmin nodded and waved his hands grandly, "Okay, all the gentlemen have something to report."

"My Majesty, I have something to play." Ren Zhehe just sat down, then stood up again, "Yuqing, the daughter of the minister of the Ministry of Industry, poisoned the beautiful girl who chose the concubine. It is a heinous crime. It is the father's fault to raise it or not. If you are careless at home and not strict with your daughter, you should be severely punished, and I ask the emperor to make a decision."

"My lord Yu won't win the hearts of the people if he doesn't punish him, so I ask the emperor to make a decision." As soon as Ren Zhehe opened his mouth, officials immediately agreed.

"The emperor please decide." Immediately, most of the civil and military officials in the main hall knelt down, more officials than those who were asked to punish the attackers in that memorial.

He squinted at all the officials in the hall, hummed twice, and said, "Yo! Is that how you use 'whether you raise it or not, it's the father's fault'? You!" Pointing to the nearest official, he said in a choked voice, "You The son robbed the civilian girl last spring. The woman was still a married man. She refused to obey your son and jumped into the river. After the woman's husband learned about it, he went to Jingzhaoyin to sue your son in anger. Your son Relying on his power and power, he randomly found a family member to plead guilty. According to this, you also have to plead guilty. And you." Turning around, raising his hand and pointing again, "Your bastard lost his hand in trouble on the East Street Killing someone, isn’t that also your fault for being uneducated? And you, your brother-in-law forcibly expropriated farmers’ fertile land, forcing them to have nowhere to go, starving to death in mass graves.”

Cheng Xi pointed at three people, and the faces of the three officials who were accused immediately changed, both frightened and terrified.What is frightening is why does he know this matter so clearly?What's frightening is that he said this without any scruples in the Jinluan Hall. If the emperor is displeased, it's a small thing for them to lose their black hats, but it's a big deal for them to kill themselves!

All the officials kneeling in the hall also changed their faces.Staring at Cheng Xi was no longer frivolous and contemptuous, even Emperor Qianmin looked at Cheng Xi with deep meaning.The words seemed casual, but they revealed an incomparable strength.It was just two trivial matters, but it showed the power of his Thunder Palace.

Even Yan Wenshu couldn't help frowning, last spring?At that time, the Thunder King's Mansion hadn't moved to the capital, but he was able to grasp every move of the officials in Beijing!What exactly is Thunder Palace going to do? !

Seeing the colorful faces of civil and military officials, Cheng Xi smiled triumphantly, and he admired his precious daughter more and more in his heart.Throughout the ages, has any woman been able to hold all the civil and military officials of the Manchu Dynasty in the palm of her hand without being in the court!
The shock in Baiguan's heart hadn't faded away, and the jade mace dropped another blockbuster.

"Your Majesty, I have a book to play!"

I saw the jade mace come out, present a confidential letter, and reported in a solemn and awe-inspiring manner, "Report to the emperor, the left prime minister Ren Zhihe, deceive the saints, deceive the upper and lower; lie about the disaster, accept bribes, and fill the pockets; Oppressing the common people, fish and meat villagers, is really a heinous crime!"

As soon as these words came out, the entire hall was in an uproar!

(End of this chapter)

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