black belly prince cruel concubine

Chapter 313 The Fascinating Singing Voice

Chapter 313 The Fascinating Singing Voice

The jade mace read Ren Zhehe's book in the Great Hall of the Golden Luan, and every detail of his crimes can be described as pearls of pearls.

"Your Majesty, relying on his high position and power, Ren Xiang covered the sky with one hand in the annals. He reported to the imperial court that the disaster was serious and ordered the officials to increase taxes. The intermediary interests filled his own pockets and made the people in the annals miserable. It is a heinous crime." Jade Mace was heartbroken.

It was said that Ren Zhehe's head was so big that even his face turned pale. Apart from him, Yuan'er, Jiang Chunhua and Wang Zeming, no one knew about the chronology. Why did the jade mace know? !
"Ren Zuoxiang, what do you have to say!" Emperor Qianmin was furious, raised his hand and put the letter presented by the jade mace on the dragon case, and glared at Ren Zhehe angrily.

Ren Zhehe's rationality was replaced by an angry shout, and he quickly stood up, ignoring his injured leg, knelt down and cried, "Your Majesty, I have been wronged. I have always been strict with myself, upright, honest, and selfless. The evil thing that oppresses the common people is coming. I hope the emperor will investigate clearly and return the minister to justice!" Although he was caught off guard by the jade mace, he is a veteran minister who has been in the court for decades, and he will not raise it whenever he encounters something. Showing off his feet at a loss, making people catch him.

"You still dare to quibble!" Emperor Ganmin's face was ashen, he picked up the secret letter on the dragon case, raised his hand and threw it on Ren Zhehe's old face, "Take it yourself and see if you have been wronged you."

Ren Zhehe suppressed his old face, picked up the secret letter on the ground, opened it, and his expression changed again.There are three full sheets of paper, and there is nothing else on them, only detailing how he worked hand in hand with the sent chief envoy and the dark moon's chief envoy, carefully writing the letters between them. It also reveals how he overshadows the sky with one hand and dominates the annals to bless the fish and meat people.

Ren Zhehe held on to the secret letter tightly, and was shocked in anger. He never expected that the jade mace would probe into so many of his secrets without anyone noticing it!But... Ren Zhehe sneered, his contemptuous eyes shifted, it was a dream to try to overthrow him with just a few pieces of paper without any real evidence!
"Your Majesty, slander! These are all slanders!" Ren Zhehe blushed, looking extremely angry. The humiliation and resentment seemed to be the anger after being slandered, "Your Majesty, I have been an official for decades and have been They all keep their own place and have never done anything to make the people suffer or embarrass the emperor. The whole court ministers are very clear about the character of the minister. I also ask the emperor to investigate this matter thoroughly and return the minister's innocence. A person who spreads rumors and hurts ministers."

Emperor Qianmin's anger gradually calmed down due to Ren Zhehe's words. He leaned lightly on the large dragon chair, and slowly rubbed the jade wrench with the pulp of his right thumb, with unclear meaning in his eyes, "Mr. True or false?"

Cai Youxiang came out, bowed his eyes and lowered his eyes, "Returning to the emperor, whether what Master Yu said is true or just speculation, you will only know after checking."

Emperor Ganmin nodded, glanced at the officials who were full of people in the hall, who were wise and safe, or who were aroused by anger, or who had nothing to do with themselves. Finally, their eyes fell on one place, and they shouted authoritatively: "Where is Zhang Lin?"

"The minister is here!" Zhang Lin, the inspector and censor, came out.

"I entrust this matter to you to investigate and handle. You must investigate the matter thoroughly. If there is any concealment or mistake, I will ask you to come and see me!"

"Sir, take the lead!"

"Okay, retreat." After giving orders, Emperor Qianmin got up and strode out of the Golden Luan Hall.

Seeing this, all the officials hurriedly knelt down and respectfully said: "I will send you off to the emperor!"

Emperor Qianmin handed over the investigation to Zhang Lin, and Ren Zhehe breathed a sigh of relief, and couldn't help but glance at the jade mace proudly.The jade mace was still standing with his hand down, and the expression on his face was always indifferent.

Cheng Xi caught a glimpse of the expression on Ren Zhehe's face from the corner of his eye, sneered, walked up to him and cursed in a low voice, "Idiot!" Cheng Yimo wants you to step down at the third watch, who dares to delay until the fifth watch.Hmph, there is a good show waiting for you, even Zhang Lin can't keep you!
"You!" Ren Zhehe stared at him suspiciously, his hoarse voice was like a ghost moaning, "Lord Thunder, you can't be too arrogant, otherwise you will suffer retribution."

"Ha! That's so funny." Cheng Xi smiled exaggeratedly, with one hand on his hips and the other pointing at him, "I will return this sentence to you intact, Ren Zhehe, you can't be too arrogant , there is no impenetrable force in this world, and one day you will suffer retribution."

"Really? The truth is waiting. It depends on whether your retribution or the truth's retribution comes first." After speaking, he limped out of the Golden Luan Hall with a cane.

"Huh?" Cheng Xi looked back at the jade mace, pointed at Ren Zhehe's back with a trembling finger, "Do you think he is crazy?" I don't know where his self-confidence comes from, making him feel that he is the best in the world God, everything can be done as He wants! ?

In the Guerlain Palace, the five beauties who were less poisoned were already in good health. There were originally four beauties who were not poisoned. Among them, Yuqing was disqualified due to a crime and was imprisoned. Now there are only eight beauties in total who have chosen the crown princess.

Three days passed, and the eight beauties re-entered the Guerlain Palace.

In the Guerlain Palace, the eight beauties were already ready, Concubine He Gui and the Nine Concubines were also in place, only Concubine Ren Shu remained yet to show up.

The general election was supposed to be co-chaired by the two concubines and nine concubines in the harem, but now that Concubine Ren Shu has not arrived, everyone has to wait.Standing among the beauties, Yimo rubbed her sore waist unobtrusively. If it was the past, she would definitely be impatient, but thinking about the news that was sent back from the court this morning, she couldn't help but smile.The secret letter only described how Ren Zhehe, Jiang Chunhua and others worked together, without any real evidence. It is absolutely impossible to convict Ren Zhehe based on this.And the reason she did not hesitate to ask the jade mace to present the secret letter was to make Ren Qihe mess up his own way, and if nothing happened, he would take action as soon as he returned to the house.If there is an action, there will be a flaw, and if there is a flaw, the conclusive evidence will be found!
"Concubine Shu is here—" the palace servants at the entrance of the hall just sang, when the beautiful figure of Concubine Ren Shu appeared at the entrance of the hall.

Today, she is wearing a light green Bixia Luo skirt embroidered with peonies, she is holding Qi Luo Cui tulle in her arms, and a golden phoenix hairpin is inserted obliquely in her bun and misty temples. Her bright and luxurious dress far overwhelms the beauties present.

Ninth Concubine and all the beauties saluted one after another, "Greetings to Concubine Shu."

"Excuse me." Although Concubine Ren Shu's makeup was bright, she could tell that her complexion was not good, her eyes were bruised, and she couldn't sleep well at night.

"Concubine Shu, look at your complexion recently, don't you be sick? Why don't you send the imperial doctor to show you?" Concubine He said with a smile, her words were full of sisterly kindness, "The weather has been hot during the day and at night. If you are not paying attention, you will catch a cold, if you feel uncomfortable, you must treat it as soon as possible, otherwise it will be a serious illness in the future, and it will be difficult to deal with."

"I'm sorry for my elder sister. My younger sister's health is not serious, but she didn't sleep well at night and has no energy for a hundred days." Concubine Ren Shu replied to her in a strange way, thinking: "The cat is crying and the mouse is pretending to be merciful!"Although she said it beautifully, but in her heart she couldn't figure out how to curse her.

"Okay, let's start." Concubine Ren Shu glanced around the beauties, rubbing her forehead with a headache.Ren's mansion has been busy recently, but this morning another major incident occurred in the court, it is really a wave of unrest and another wave of troubles!
Today's first round of piano skills test, Xi Concubine, the most outstanding piano skill among the nine concubines, will be the chief examiner.

For the sake of fairness and justice, I don't know who proposed the method of "flicking through the curtain".

There is a screen embroidered with high mountains and flowing water in the main hall, and behind the screen is a lyre. The beauties sit behind the screen and play the piano. The examiners listen through the screen. Selfish selection.

Seeing this scene, Feng Ya was most proud. She and Cai Xuehui called the capital "Qingqin Twins", and their piano skills were unmatched.She is confident that she can win even if she plays across the screen without mixing anything else.But Cheng Yimo was different, she was the one with the worst piano skills in the Liyuan class.If she was only based on piano skills regardless of her status, she might be the first one to be eliminated!
Feng Ya cast a contemptuous glance at Cheng Yimo, a pheasant will always be a pheasant, even if it wears a phoenix coat, it will never become a phoenix.

Cai Xuehui was the first to appear on the stage. She was dressed in a plain white dress, sitting in front of the piano, slowly raised her hand, and plucked the strings with her slender fingers. Pointing to an unknown tune like flowing clouds and flowing water, the sleeves are fluttering like dancing, like butterfly wings trembling, gradually rising with the tune, like a phoenix singing softly, like pearls falling into a jade plate, crisp and melodious... After one song, the sound of the piano remains the same Resounding, endless.The lingering sound lingers, like a cloud that lasts for a long time.

With Cai Xuehui as a master, the piano skills of the beauties who came up behind seemed a bit clumsy in comparison.

After the discussion of the four beauties, it was Feng Ya.Feng Yaying smiled, walked up to the piano proudly, and sat down gracefully.With a raised hand, five fingers jumped, and a brisk tune sounded.The sound of the piano is like butterflies flying and cranes dancing, cheerful and harmonious. Suddenly, the scale turns, like a drizzle, low and soft... Then, the vermilion lips are lightly opened, and the sound of nature slowly flows out. , The neon clothes and feather clothes once moved the capital, holding hands to express love, Yuyang drums, horses and cubs hated their lives in front of the slope, I still remember that on the Qixi Festival, I was destined for Xu Sansheng, but hearing the bell this night made a heartbroken sound..."

The moving song, the melodious song, the sound like a small bridge and flowing water is fascinating, as if you have entered a dreamlike trap, and you don’t feel intoxicated in it. People can't stop, the sound floating from the strings becomes softer and softer, as if hooking people's heart and soul invisible, making people want to live and die with the sound of the piano, lingering endlessly.

The prince who had just walked outside the Guerlain Palace stopped involuntarily when he heard this song.The soft singing voice fell into his ears, like the murmur of a lover, instantly made him lose his mind.

The father-in-law of little boots couldn't help being overjoyed when he saw that the prince was fascinated by listening to it. He remembered that he would go to find out who the beauties were playing in a while, so that he could report to the empress.You know, apart from Miss Biao, the Crown Prince rarely shows such an interest or even obsession with other women!
(End of this chapter)

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