Chapter 314 Blocking
At the end of the song, everyone couldn't recover for a long time.Even Yi Mo was intoxicated by his soft and light singing voice.

Concubine Ren Shu even clapped her hands and shouted, "Wonderful!" Her brows bloomed with undisguised joy.

Concubine Xi also nodded in satisfaction, and commented softly: "The sound of the piano is melodious, and the singing is soft and gentle. Although they are not top-notch, they are better than the word 'suitable'."

Not really.The tune played by Feng Ya is not comparable to Cai Xuehui's in terms of skill, but it is more suitable. This melodious tune is suitable for the light and soft tune, and also suitable for her delicate voice.

In order to suit the occasion, Feng Ya also specially dressed up today, dressed in elegant and indifferent green clothes, wearing a piece of psychic jade around her fair and slender neck, which added a touch of extravagance, and a pair of silver butterfly earrings dangled next to her ears. The hairpin holds the black hair and coils it into a delicate wind and mist bun, which is fresh, beautiful and extremely elegant.

"Please invite the next show girl." The maid said, reminding Yi Mo.After Feng Ya, it was her.

She got up and went in, looked at Qixuanqin, and instinctively frowned.Seeing how she was in trouble, Feng Ya proudly raised her head and smiled at her. The arrogance and contempt between her brows instantly destroyed the rare elegance and indifference.

Feng Ya flicked her sleeves with her fingers, stood up slowly, stepped in front of Yi Mo, and mocked without any concealment, "Princess Ping'an must play well~"

Yi Mo leaned sideways, staring at her eyes, looking coldly into eyes with contempt and sarcasm, his eyes sharpened suddenly, and he raised his hand and slapped her on the face.


The sound is crisp and loud, and the action is clean and neat!

"A little minister's daughter dares to despise me!" The cold voice was tinged with cruelty, like the sound of death coming from the crack of hell.

Feng Ya clutched her cheek that was hot and painful from the beating, staring at her viciously, her right hand hanging by her side was tightly clenched into a fist, her nails sank into her palm and drew deep blood marks without her knowing it.

Yi Mo is pregnant and has a very weird temper. If she was normal, she would not make things difficult for a weak woman because of such a trivial matter, but today, for some reason, without even thinking about it, she raised her hand and slapped her again. "What are you looking at!" The gesture was extraordinarily domineering!

Although Feng Ya's status is not as good as that of Cai Xuehui, Ke Qian and the others, she is still the daughter of the third-rank official of Dali Temple. Besides, Feng Chengyi has always had a good reputation and is loved by the people, so her status has naturally risen. The fifth-rank Beijing officials also respectfully address her as 'Miss Feng' when they see her.When have you ever been insulted like this! ?A strong sense of humiliation welled up in her heart, Feng Ya's eyes turned red with anger, and without thinking, she raised her palm and slapped Cheng Yimo's face——

Yi Mo's eyes narrowed instantly, murderous aura surged in his eyes, and when he was about to strike, a figure flashed past the window like lightning, and stood in front of her in a blink of an eye.

Li Chenyu grabbed Feng Ya's raised hand, his handsome face was terribly gloomy, as if dark clouds gathered in the sky, giving people a sense of panic and oppression.

"Prince, prince." Feng Ya was so startled that her tongue was tied up, her face changed suddenly, and she was about to explain.But he suddenly let go of her hand.Feng Ya was overjoyed, and thought: It seems that the prince is not completely unintentional towards him.

"Get out." The crown prince glanced at her and shouted.

Feng Ya refused, raised her face, revealing the slap marks on her face, her starry eyes were foggy, so delicate and pitiful, she raised her finger at Yi Mo, as if she wanted the crown prince to seek justice for her, "Your Highness, be safe!" Princess, she deceived..."

"Get out!" The crown prince interrupted her with a stern voice.

Feng Ya was unwilling, but due to the majesty of the crown prince, she had no choice but to bow down and bow, and stepped back, "Yes."

Before leaving, he gave Yi Mo a provocative look.

With ink qi, the murderous aura rolled over his body like sea waves, his eyes sharpened, and the thick zhenqi came out through his body between his raised hands.Seeing this, Li Chenyu's expression changed instantly, and he suddenly turned around to hold her outstretched hand.During this period, Feng Ya turned around and left the inner room, and turned outside the screen.

Yi Mo's face darkened, and he shook off his hand angrily, "Get lost!"

The crown prince was not angry, and hugged her body.Yi Mo pressed his elbow against his body, not letting him get close.But the prince couldn't help his thick skin, he glanced at his arms, took her whole body into his arms, hugged her tightly, buried his handsome face on her neck, rubbed his lips against the warm and delicate skin on her neck, and said softly "Mo'er, don't make trouble. Let's play the piano first, can we talk about it later?" In his opinion, nothing compares to Mo'er's choice of concubine.

If it was normal, if Feng Ya dared to touch Yi Mo, if she didn't use Yi Mo, the Crown Prince would not hesitate to let her body be torn into pieces.But now, Li Chenyu didn't dare to take risks, nor did he want to take risks. The choice of concubine this time was related to his and Yimo's lifetime happiness. He couldn't afford to bet on it, and he didn't want any accidents!
The door of the inner room was separated by a screen, and all the concubines were sitting far away, so naturally they couldn't hear what was going on in the inner room.The beauties are another compartment in the inner room, and once the door is closed, they are isolated from the world.

Feng Ya turned into the compartment of the inner room, and all the six beauties looked at her together, but seeing the two red marks on her face, they were all taken aback!
These women are the daughters of ministers, they are well versed in world affairs, they know what to ask and what not to ask, they all cautiously put away their curiosity, just pretending they didn't see it.With a cold expression, Feng Yaqing sat in front of Cai Xuehui without saying a word.Cai Xuehui raised her eyes from the teacup, and gave her a cold look. Seeing the red marks on her face, her heart was like a mirror.She couldn't help sneering, she was really a fool, she said earlier that he was not easy to get along with, but she just wanted to touch him in disbelief.

Coincidentally, Feng Ya happened to catch a glimpse of the sneer at the corner of her mouth. The suppressed anger in her heart erupted like a volcano, and her face was distorted with hatred. She couldn't bear it anymore, and swept the teacup beside her to the ground.

There was a sudden bang, which shocked all the beauties present.Some people were naturally not used to it, and they lowered their faces, and were about to reprimand her, but saw Aunt Ji appearing at the door.

Aunt Ji frowned when she saw the broken porcelain pieces on the ground, "What's wrong?"

Feng Ya came back to her senses, and finally remembered that this was not her own home, but the palace where one wrong step would be lost forever. teacup."

Aunt Ji glanced at the marks on her face with special meaning, nodded without asking any questions, said a few polite words such as be careful, and then ordered the palace servants to pack up the pieces and go out.

Feng Ya breathed a sigh of relief, just as she sat down, a melodious piano sound suddenly sounded.

The sound of the piano is just the opposite of the graceful and soft sound played by ordinary women. The impassioned and generous sound is like turbulent waves hitting the shore, like a waterfall falling from the nine heavens, clanging and killing evil spirits, and it comes out with the sound!

The high-pitched and rapid sound of the piano is like a golden horse and an iron horse, and the sword dances in the sky, vigorous and passionate.There are short sounds and majestic weather, such as turbulent waves rolling on the sea.

The sound of the piano fell to everyone's ears, causing all the beauties present to change their faces.Even Cai Xuehui, who has always been calm, also sullen, the shock in her eyes is clear at a glance.

Such superb piano skills, even Master Qin Qing, who is known as a national master, can't match.

But Feng Ya was in disbelief besides being shocked.impossible!impossible!Absolutely impossible!She knows better than anyone else what Cheng Yimo's piano skills are, and it is absolutely impossible for her to play such an impassioned piece.But, the sound of the piano is indeed coming from the inner room, why is this?She couldn't figure it out...Suddenly, a flash of inspiration flashed in her mind, she stood up abruptly, and stared at the partition door with her suddenly wide-open eyes, she felt incredible for her own thoughts!

But no matter how unbelievable, this fact has to be admitted.Apart from Cheng Yimo, there is only His Royal Highness the current Crown Prince.If Cheng Yimo's qin skills can't play such a qin sound, then there is only the prince!
It was the prince who was helping her!It was the prince who was secretly helping her!Feng Ya slumped down in the chair in a daze, the images since the election of the concubine flashed through her mind one by one, and she immediately understood.The ultimate goal of this princess election is to make Cheng Yimo the crown princess!
The Crown Princess is the future queen of the world, she must not only be dignified and wise, with a good personality, but also be outstanding in all aspects.However, Princess Ping'an Cheng Yimo has a bad reputation and has a reputation for cruelty and cruelty. If she is directly decreed to be crowned princess, it will inevitably provoke opposition from the civil and military courts of the Manchu Dynasty. The ministers who were elected in the middle school had nothing to say!

Feng Ya bit her lips tightly, feeling jealous and unwilling, no matter in appearance or temperament, she was better than Cheng Yimo, she was the most suitable person to be a princess!She is the one who should accompany the prince to accept the worship of all people!

The resentment in Feng Ya's heart expanded infinitely with the exciting piano sound, gradually infecting her remaining reason.

In the inner room, the prince is sitting on the floor, his slender and graceful fingers are dancing on the strings like clouds and flowing water, his curved eyelashes form a seductive arc on his handsome face, straight nose bridge, cool and sexy lips... The piano moves, and occasionally raises the head, making people breathe hard, what a face that is so graceful and startled!
Sitting next to him in ink pan, he was wearing a long white plum blossom dress that stretched across the floor. Inside, the chest was wrapped in pale pink brocade. His neck was long and graceful, and his skin was as white as jade. The cuffs were embroidered with delicate golden butterflies. A layer of silk gauze is as thin as a clear mist, and a golden belt is tied around the waist, which is noble and elegant.

The two sat together, like a couple of gods and gods.Of course, Yi Mo's seriously displeased face should be ignored.

With Mo's face downcast, the passionate sound of the piano didn't move her at all. She was angry because Li Chenyu stopped her from teaching Feng Ya.

As soon as the five fingers are retracted, the sound of the piano suddenly stops at the exciting and high-pitched place.

Li Chenyu tilted his head just in time to see her sullen little face, couldn't help laughing, stretched out his arms to wrap around her body, with both arms, he hugged her into his arms, let her sit on his lap, and lowered his back She nodded, looking for the pouting red lips, kissed her, and said with a smile, "Baby, are you still angry? Oh, don't be angry, if you keep pouting, our son will laugh at you, tell me Like a child... Oh, what should I do? My daughter-in-law is getting younger and younger, you said that if the son is born, do I have to take care of two children?"

"Nonsense!" Yi Mo was amused by his words, but she had to admit that her temperament had indeed changed since she became pregnant. Sometimes she lost her temper for no reason, and sometimes she was sentimental for no reason. The other person can't control himself.

(End of this chapter)

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