Chapter 315
After the piano skills, two of the eight beauties were sent out.With Yimo's 'qin skills', there is no doubt that he was left behind.

Ran Yun looked at the six peerless beauties who had different postures but were all beautiful and virtuous, and couldn't help but sigh, the young lady also passed the test like this... Looking back and looking back, more than 20 years have passed before I know it.

"Girls, this round is to test your reds. Girls, please take out the brocade handkerchiefs that were handed out to you a few days ago." Ran Yun got up and ordered, and the close maid Bihe stepped forward and raised her hand to help her go. In front of all the beauties.

Beside them stood a palace maid dressed in pink and pink, holding jade plates inlaid with gold and carved dragons in their hands.All the beauties took out the embroidered brocade handkerchiefs and put them on the jade plate.

The first one Ranyun inspected was Cai Xuehui's. The brocade handkerchief given by the imperial palace was embroidered with a red-crowned crane, with a simple and pure feather color, and an elegant and elegant figure. There were also two rows of poems embroidered next to it, "Look down for fear that the sand will fall, let the sun shine." Wings often suspect Bai Xuexiao'.

Ran Yun nodded with a smile, and gave Cai Xuehui an appreciative glance. Whether it is piano, chess, calligraphy, calligraphy or female celebrities, they are all excellent. Among the younger generation of women in the capital, no one can match her. If there is no Princess Ping An, she may be the most Fit to be a princess.

When Cai Xuehui came down, it was Feng Ya. As soon as Ran Yun walked in front of Feng Ya, she heard a sharp scream, "This is not my embroidered handkerchief!"

The woman's exclamation attracted everyone's attention, and they looked at Mo Xunsheng, and saw that she was twisting a brocade handkerchief embroidered with a red flower in her hand. But it is very charming.

"It's impossible for me to embroider such an ugly thing!"

"..." He choked in ink, and could barely take back the words 'the embroidery is not bad' in his heart.Compared to her who can only twist the thread into a ball, she embroiders pretty well.

Ran Yun frowned, looked sideways, and asked Aunt Ji who was in charge, "What's going on?"

The woman raised her voice and replied, "Madam Zhaorong, please be my daughter's master. My daughter's embroidery has been stolen. This is not my daughter's embroidery... Ah, that is my daughter's embroidery."

The woman's eyes turned, and she saw the embroidery on the jade plate beside the beauty in yellow at a glance. Seeing the familiar embroidery pattern, she exclaimed.

The woman in yellow looked a little flustered, "Nonsense, why is your embroidery here? This is the peony flower I embroidered for a day and two nights, how could it be yours?"

I saw that the embroidered handkerchief was also red, but it was much more delicate than the one on the embroidered handkerchief just now.The peony is as red as fire, with graceful posture and outstanding appearance. The petals and pink flower heart are clearly visible, which shows its superb embroidery skills.

The woman was so irritable that she ignored all the concubines in the palace, stepped forward and slapped the woman in yellow, "You thief who stole, how dare you deny it! I know what I embroider, every time I embroider peonies , I will always embroider a word 'Luo' on the inconspicuous corner of Huaxin, look, is there a word 'Luo' on it?"

The woman's name was Qin Luo, and she was the great-granddaughter of the old general Qin. She carried the toughness and straightforwardness of the old general in her bones.

When the woman in yellow saw that the incident was exposed and was humiliated by Qin Luo again, she felt aggrieved and cried while covering her face in public.Her heart is not bad, but she made such a low-level mistake on impulse.Her female red is not good, she wanted to embroider many peonies, but only embroidered a ball of red, and accidentally saw the peony embroidered by Qin Luo, and she felt unwilling. No, if a flower ruins her position of power and power, she will never forgive herself even if she dies.I have been thinking about it all my life, and the more I think about it, the more I am not reconciled, so I have the current result.

"I, I didn't do it on purpose, I just didn't want to, didn't want to..." The woman in yellow broke down in tears.

Ran Yun couldn't understand her thoughts, and sighed softly, "Nvhong is the embodiment of women's wisdom. A woman may not know how to play piano, chess, calligraphy and painting, but she must know how to be a nvhong. You, you go back."

When a woman gets married, a large part of the dowry is female red objects, which are called red makeup.The quality of a female celebrity symbolizes a woman's face.

"Whether it is a wealthy family or an ordinary person, the first thing to do to cultivate a daughter's self-cultivation is a female celebrity. When a woman is looking for her husband's family, she must hand over her embroidery to the matchmaker, who will take it to the future husband's house, and let the mother-in-law test the needlework. Live well or not. A female celebrity is a symbol of a woman's social status and a weight to decide a woman's marriage." The soft voice sounded faintly, and gradually calmed down the anger in Qin Luo's heart.

Ran Yun looked at the embroidery of several other people, and finally came to Yi Mo.On the embroidered handkerchief in the jade plate is a goshawk with wings spread out, which is lifelike, domineering and sharp.Ran Yun picked up the embroidery and lowered his eyes to look carefully. When he saw the exquisite embroidery method, his eyes lit up. He eagerly turned over the other side of the embroidered handkerchief. There was a glimmer of clarity.

Looking closely again, I saw that the double-sided embroidery method was somewhat familiar, and my heart was like a mirror. Finally, I put down the embroidered handkerchief calmly, took a meaningful look at Yi Mo, and turned to leave.

Yi Mo quietly wiped the cold sweat from her forehead, the phrase 'female red is a symbol of a woman's worth, is the weight that decides a woman's marriage' made her extremely ashamed!

It seems that her worth is probably lower than that of slave girls bought and sold on the black market—she should marry a butcher who kills pigs!

This round, five people remain.Besides Yi Mo, the other four are: Cai Xuehui, Feng Ya, Qin Luo and Nishang who was named the princess.

Kunyi Hall.

Empress Yan is dressed in a phoenix cloak and a rosy crown on her head. Her dignified and exquisite makeup makes her majestic.The finger painted with Koudan tapped the table, and asked in a deep voice, "You follow the prince all day, so it can be seen whether he is particularly interested in any beautiful girls?"

The father-in-law of the little boots knelt down in the hall, respectfully echoing Queen Yan's question, "Go back to your mother, except for His Royal Highness, who cares more about Princess Pingan, all other women..."

Empress Yan's face turned cold, and it was that peace again!

"...Oh, by the way, I just remembered. His Highness the Crown Prince is probably interested in Mrs. Feng's daughter, Miss Feng Ya. That day when Miss Feng Ya played the piano, His Highness the Crown Prince once fell into obsession after hearing about it..."

Empress Yan's face changed suddenly, and she asked with joy, "Are you sure it's Feng Ya?"


"Okay." Empress Yan waved her hand to get Eunuch Boots to step back. Ran Yun came out of the side hall, walked to her side calmly, picked up the teapot herself, poured her a cup of hot tea, and handed her both hands.

Empress Yan took the teacup, and her joy was self-evident, "Interest is the beginning of marriage. The sound of the piano is the line of marriage between the two. One day, Yu'er will change from being interested in the sound of the piano to being interested in people." of……"

Ran Yun was a little worried, "His Royal Highness is now interested in Princess Ping An, and if he wants to be interested in Feng Ya, I'm afraid that he will have to wait for that interest to calm down..."

"Wait! I can afford to wait." Empress Yan smiled, the gloom in her heart these days disappeared because of Feng Ya's appearance, "Although Feng Ya is only the daughter of a third-rank official, Feng Chengyi is fair and honest and is loved by the people. She still deserves the title of Crown Prince and Side Concubine."

Ran Yun was startled, "Ms. want to make her the crown prince's side concubine?" Women in the crown prince's harem are divided into three classes: regular wives are named concubines, regular wives are named concubines, and concubines are called good concubines.The only one who can be recorded in the annals of history is the main wife, called the crown princess, and only one person.Ping's wife is the prince's side concubine, but there can be two people, one is called the left concubine, and the other is called the right concubine.There are countless Liangdi.

Empress Yan had already planned that the daughter of Prime Minister Cai Qing, who was as careful as dust and wise, would be the most suitable princess.And Yu Jiaxiang is elegant and calm, with a pure heart and a heart, and is the concubine on the left.Ke Qian is smart and looks like a fairy, so she should be the concubine on the right.But God's calculations are not as good as people's calculations, and the two of them were killed by a poisonous trick, leaving only Cai Xuehui.

Empress Yan was aware of her son's temperament, and after much deliberation, she took a step back. At the same time, she was forced to let Ping An fill the position of the crown prince's side concubine.

"No one can change the fact that Ms. Cai's family is the rightful concubine!" The firm tone resounded loudly.Empress Yan made Cai Xuehui the crown princess not only because of her virtue and character, but also because of her identity. She is the daughter of the right minister Cai Qing.Cai Qing is a direct minister who was single-handedly promoted by the emperor, and neither belongs to the princeling party nor the princeling party.He is the leader of the direct ministers of the imperial party faction. If Cai Xuehui becomes the crown princess, then Cai Qing will be the prince's father-in-law. If he does not look at the monk's face or the Buddha's face, the direct ministers of Cai Qing's faction will naturally face the prince.

East Palace.

In the elegant pavilion, the prince was lazily leaning against the fence, holding a handful of melon seeds, nibbling smartly.

The father-in-law of little boots knelt beside him, holding a cup of herbal tea, serving him better than his ancestors.

"Master, the name of the girl playing the piano today is Feng Ya." Eunuch Boots asked curiously, "What do you think of her?"

The prince didn't care, "how about it?"

"Just being a human being." Eunuch Boots pretended to be casual and said, "I heard that he can play the piano very well, and he and Ms. Cai San are called 'Qingqin Twins'. Speaking of which, Ms. Feng's understanding is higher than Miss Cai San's Ms. Cai's master is a master of qinqing who is unparalleled in piano skills, and Miss Feng inherits her folk master. It is really rare to be able to reach this level. Besides, she is also beautiful like a fairy, with a gentle temperament and kindness to people. Master Feng is really raised She's a good girl. No wonder Mr. Shenzhi loved her so much back then, even..." For her sake, he abandoned Miss Biao.

The prince kept nibbling melon seeds, squinted his eyes and thought for a while before saying, "Beautiful as a fairy? Gentle-tempered? Kind to people? Are you talking about Feng Ya?"

"Yes!" Eunuch Boots nodded again and again, "It's the girl who played the piano today." He repeatedly emphasized that it was the woman who played the piano.

"Well, the sound of the piano is quite good, I like it." The prince raised his hand and threw out a handful of melon seed shells, scattered like petals on the water, causing the fish in the pond to rush around, "I will invite her someday." , and play another song for the prince.”

Eunuch Boots was overjoyed and said in his heart: The prince is really interested in her.Just about to speak the words from the empress.But the crown prince took the lead.

Hearing a sexy and deep voice, he said quietly, "Ah, the hand playing the piano is also quite beautiful, how about this, after the playing is over, the prince will chop it off and keep it as a collection!" Dare to hit Mo'er, wait When his family's Mo'er became the crown princess, he chopped off his hand as a congratulatory gift.

Hearing this, Eunuch Boots just felt creepy!

(End of this chapter)

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