black belly prince cruel concubine

Chapter 316 The News of Pregnancy Leaked

Chapter 316 The News of Pregnancy Leaked (1)
The lotus pond and water pavilion in the East Palace are specially used for His Royal Highness to escape the summer heat. The pool is deep and clear, and the white hibiscus stands in a green lotus plate.The bright sunshine is pouring down, refracting colorful rays of light on the rippling blue waves, and among the glittering fluorescent lights, the hibiscus is as white and tender as a newborn baby.The cool breeze blows, and the fragrance is full of the pavilion.

"The water in the north pool of the East Palace is clear to the bottom. White hibiscus grows in the middle, and there are three hundred stems of stalks. The sun shines brightly, and the fragrant fragrance is scattered in the clear. The silver bag is broken, and the jade plate is poured. The wind is Qiong Yaoying, but I know it is Honglian." The prince read with deep meaning.

Eunuch Boots has been with the prince for half his life, and after thinking about it for a while, he understands.The meaning of what the crown prince said was that Feng Ya looked pure and kind like a white lotus on the surface, but she was bloody in her heart. As long as there was a little trouble, she would immediately reveal her instinctive temperament.

Eunuch Boots couldn't believe it, "Master, you can't, my servant looks at that girl Feng Yan..." Before he could finish speaking, he was kicked down by the crown prince!

The crown prince signaled him to shut up, and immediately walked out of the pavilion with a bright and flattering smile, "Mo'er, are you here? Are you tired from walking? Come, sit and rest in the pavilion..." Holding her arm with one hand , holding her slender waist with one hand, just like serving a pregnant woman with a big belly who is pregnant in October.

"..." Eunuch Boots immediately stopped talking when he saw the person coming.

Yi Mo sat down on the padded stone chair, and the crown prince immediately squatted beside her, beating her legs and rubbing her feet, serving her more comfortably than Lafayette, "Baby, do your feet hurt? Do you still have cramps? Is your appetite better? Do you want to eat some sour fruit... Ah, let me hear if our son is good or not?" With his hands on his waist, he put his ears on her lower abdomen, and the white brocade handkerchief reflected His handsome face is so handsome and radiant!
Eunuch Boots was kicked down by the prince, just got up, but in a blink of an eye, he saw the prince squatting, so he could only pout his mouth, bend his legs, and knelt down again.The master is squatting and the slave is standing, that is a serious crime of beheading!A good slave, when the master is lying down, you have to stand up.If the master is standing, you have to squat.The master is squatting, you must kneel.If the master kneels, then you can kill yourself in Wujiang!
Eunuch Boots knelt beside the prince, muttering in his heart, it's only been a month, and a single bean sprout can be heard as fart!

But the prince who is a new father doesn't think so. When he thinks that there is a child who looks like him and her is slowly growing up in his wife's womb, he can't restrain the excitement in his heart, let alone a child. A root of bean sprouts, even a pile of shit, he held it in his hand and took good care of it.

The crown prince wanted to get close to his son, but Yi Mo did not let him do so easily.He stretched out his right hand, pinched his chin, and forced him to raise his head. The movement in one go was rather rogue, and even his eyes were full of chic and coquettish, "What were you talking about just now? I heard Feng Ya's name It's..."

The crown prince looked slightly startled, and hurriedly denied it as a cover-up, "No, you heard it wrong. We were discussing what to eat tonight. The book said that you should eat more walnut porridge in the early stages of pregnancy, so that the baby born will be smart. Right? Boots!" The last sentence is looking for an ally.

"Really? Hmm!" The two unscrupulous people looked at Little Boots together.

The father-in-law Boots was covered with cold sweat. On the left side of his mind, the bloody picture of Miss Biao ordering the woman tied to the apricot tree to be cut into pieces, and on the right side of his mind was the horror of the prince pushing him into the snake den with a grim smile on his face. In the end, terror prevailed over blood, and he replied tremblingly, "...Yes, yes."

Yi Mo's complexion darkened, his slightly squinted eyes gleamed fiercely, he stretched out his feet, the black boots embroidered with Liuyun were dignified and dignified, and he used the toe of the boots to lift the father-in-law's chin, extremely arrogant and domineering, "Really? "

Eunuch Boots raised his head with trembling eyelashes, and touched those cold and treacherous eyes, his heart was trembling with fright, and he wanted to lower his head to avoid it, but when the toe of the boot on his chin was pulled hard, his delicate skin hurt, It was like a sharp knife was on the jaw.Eunuch Boots shivered down his spine, and cried out very spinelessly, "Wuuuu, master, I'm sorry for you." Then he exposed His Royal Highness, "Uuuuu, Miss Biao, just now we did say that Miss Feng is coming. with..."

The prince's face turned dark, his phoenix eyes turned, and he stared at him murderously, wishing he could push his head into the lotus pond and drown him.

Yi Mo was very satisfied with his sense of taste, and he withdrew his foot and ordered, "Go and get some green dates."

Eunuch Boots wept bitterly with gratitude, "Yes, I'm going right now, servant." As soon as he left the murderous sight of the prince, the little Eunuch Boots ran very fast.

When the prince saw the 'traitor' run away, he immediately realized that he had been betrayed by his allies, and even more realized that he was in trouble now!Ever since he knew he was pregnant, his daughter-in-law's temper has become more and more serious.

"Baby, don't listen to his nonsense, he is lying to you. He just doesn't want us two to be good, so he talks nonsense to provoke our relationship. You can't believe it, or he will really do what he wants. "He is fooling his wife like a fool.

Yi Mo pinched his chin with both hands, bent down, and looked at him, "Really? Sowing discord? He is a slave and you are a master. How dare he put his mind to you?"

The prince looked up at her, and laughed dryly, "No, I am not dignified as a master. They see that I am easy to bully, and climb on my head all day long."

"How dare you lie to me!" The two fingers joined together suddenly, and the strength increased a little, and two red marks were drawn on the handsome cheeks, and he said in a cold tone, "Not only did I hear you mention Feng Ya's name, but also I heard him say that you like to hear Feng Ya play the piano. Is Feng Ya's piano nice? Does it fascinate you so much?"

"It's not good, it's not good, it's very bad!" Ignoring the pain, I quickly shook my head to express my opinion.

really!Yi Mo's face looked better, he let go of his hand, but did not put it down, his slender fingers slid across his eyebrows, his round and delicate fingertips gently rubbed against the handsome and resolute outline, and said softly, "Feng Ya sees him today. It's very annoying, and I planned to teach her a lesson, so that she wouldn't be so arrogant..."

The prince answered immediately, "I swear, I definitely didn't stop you from teaching her because I like her."

Seeing his daughter-in-law staring blankly at him, he immediately added, "Really! I was afraid that when you taught her a lesson, you would make a noise and be discovered by those concubines sitting outside."

"Baby!" Grabbed her hand, knelt down beside her on one knee, leaned over and buried her face in front of her breasts, which had become more plump due to pregnancy, kept mumbling, her voice hoarse, "playing the piano." That item, we have to keep it secret, and we can't let others find out. If you can't pass the test because of Feng Ya, it's not worth it, don't you think?"

Thinking about it with ink, it really is.The heavy and gloomy mood suddenly cleared up, and he patted the dust on his shoulder that didn't exist at all, and said softly, "Then get up."

(End of this chapter)

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