Chapter 319 Plan! (2)
Ren Zhehe looked at Liang Yaozu without saying a word, his face expressionless.Liang Yaozu couldn't tell whether he was happy or angry, his heart was tense because of the sudden silence in the study, and when his legs were a little weak, there was a sudden burst of smooth laughter from above.

Ren Zhehe suddenly clapped his hands and laughed, "Hahaha... Good! Good! Not only did he wear a green hat, but he also had to help others raise the turtle son. I can't wait to see the face of the prince when he knows the truth. Hahaha !"

Liang Yaozu heaved a sigh of relief, "Master, according to Feng Ya, Concubine Shu passed the news that the Empress intends to make Cai Xuehui the crown princess and Cheng Yimo the side concubine. Cai Xuehui is the daughter of Cai Youxiang, Cai You The prime minister is the head of the direct ministers loyal to the imperial party. If Cai Xuehui becomes the crown princess, then the crown prince will have another main force, which will only be detrimental to the seventh prince and the prime minister. Not to mention the addition of Princess Pingan from the Thunder Palace... ..."

When it came to the Leiting Palace, Ren Zonghe's face immediately changed, he was fierce and ferocious, "Huh! Don't look at the surface of the Leiting Palace, but it is actually surrounded by enemies. The emperor has always been afraid of the power of the three vassals, how can we make them feel better? In order to lower the emperor's vigilance, King Hao even gave up his own son; How could he easily let his daughter become the side concubine of the crown prince? But... the holy will has always been unpredictable, and the current emperor's thoughts are even more unpredictable. She can't be a crown princess." With a sneer, "the empress wants to win over Cai Qing, but the current emperor may not agree. Cai Qing was pulled out by the emperor, and he is a sharp knife in his hand. How could he hand over this sharp knife now? into the prince's hands."

Liang Yaozu understood what he meant, the current emperor wanted to train the prince, but he was also afraid of the prince, so there was the Seventh Prince, Ren Zhehe's lineage, and the Third Prince, He Zong, the two parties were involved.Although Jinshang knew that the imperial power would be handed over to the crown prince sooner or later, but when he was still in power, he would never allow anyone to spy on his throne - this is a common problem of being a superior.

Ren Zhehe glanced at Liang Yaozu, feeling very relieved in his heart, and trusted Liang Yaozu a little.He was able to mention Cai Qing and Leiting Palace, which proved that he still had some heart for him.

With this trust, Ren Zhehe no longer guarded against him so much, and took the initiative to mention the Chronicle, "The Chronicle has been plagued by locusts in the past few years, and the officials below were afraid of being held accountable, so they gave something to the truth. Find out more about this matter, you can figure out a way to get the truth out, and sell it." The 'point' in Ren Zonghe's mouth is not true.All the food lost due to the "locust plague" in recent years has been in his hands. There are more than a dozen grain depots, large and small, which add up to an astonishing number.

Liang Yaozu was surprised, and he calmed down in a moment of astonishment, "If Xiangye is not in a hurry, we can wait a month later. At that time, there will be news in Feng Ya's stomach. After diverting the attention of those people, we will..."

"No! I don't think that time will come. It must be resolved as quickly as possible." Ren Zhehe looked at the secret chronicle letter that had just arrived on the table eight hundred miles away, and hostility suddenly appeared in his treacherous eyes!
Liang Yaozu thought for a while, and said resolutely, "Master Xiang, since it's so urgent, we have to sell it."


"Yes. Mr. Xiang, why don't you sell food to the Wen family, the number one merchant in the world. The Wen family mainly deals in money and food. They sell food to the whole world. There is a huge demand for food. If you want to sell it quickly, you have to sell it to the Wen family. Only the Wen family can spend so much cash to buy grain in the shortest possible time.”

"Okay." Ren Zhehe smiled, "It's a good idea." After finishing speaking, he raised his voice and said, "Housekeeper..."

The housekeeper bowed and entered, "Master, what are your orders?"

"Go and get Yuan'er, I have something to tell him."


Feng Ya left the palace with her first foot, and Yi Mo also left the palace afterward.Of course, the crown prince refuses to give in, but Yimo is no match for his stubbornness.

Li Chenyu sent her to the car reluctantly, and stuffed her with a bag of green dates, "If you want to vomit, eat one, if you don't want to vomit, you can't eat it, don't just be greedy, eat until you see it."

"I know, I know." Yi Mo pulled down the curtain of the car with a rather impatient expression.

The crown prince immediately put his face on his face, and lifted the curtain again cheekily, acting coquettishly without limit, "Mo'er, what should I do? I started to miss you before you left. Why don't you go back, once you go What if we accidentally hurt our son?"

"Well, if my son is in danger, then I won't come when I go back." Yi Mo straightened his ripped robes, and there was no trace of joking on his clear face.

The prince was so frightened that his hands trembled, and he hurriedly let him go, "Baby, go early and come back early!"

Yi Mo looked at the sky that was about to get dark, he was completely impatient, pulled the curtain to block his plaintive face, and said, "Go back to the house."

The clattering of horseshoes spread far and wide on the bluestone floor.

The crown prince stood at the gate of the palace, tears streaming down his face, and his frail little heart was shattered in response to his daughter-in-law's eagerness to go home. He took out his handkerchief and wiped the corners of his eyes coquettishly, "Baby, really!" Heartless..." Suddenly, the eyes surged with hostility, and he made a quick move, and a majestic and thick suction force of true essence came out from the palm of his hand.

The strong true energy made the air around suddenly freeze, and the slender five fingers snapped suddenly, and the powerful suction formed a series of harsh ripples in the air, instantly sucking out the maid in green behind the palace gate.

In an instant, the woman's figure appeared in front of the prince.

As soon as the true energy imprisoning her disappeared, the woman fell limp to the ground.Without even thinking about it, she turned over and knelt down at the Prince's feet, her delicate body trembling, her delicate face pale as paper, "Prince, Your Highness."

The prince was wiping his slender fingertips with an embroidered handkerchief, leaning lazily against the red-painted wall, his slender and fit legs crossed casually, and his bones were free and easy.Turning her twinkling phoenix eyes, she suddenly appeared in a careless and comfortable manner, "What's your name? Which palace is it from?"

The woman's face was ashen ashes, and she pressed her forehead firmly on the cold floor, and her legs knelt on the ground. The cold air from the ground seemed to penetrate inch by inch from her kneecaps, like cold poisonous snakes, desperately turning into her body, so cold that She seemed to be dead, with no warmth in her body!
Li Chenyu cast a glance at her, like a king standing on the pinnacle staring at an insignificant speck of dust, his eyes turned cold.Raising his hands, the strong and vigorous vigor swept the woman's body away like an autumn wind sweeping away fallen leaves, and smashed into the palace wall like a meat ball!

In an instant, plasma splashed, and a thick bloody smell spread at the gate of the palace——

The crown prince didn't even look at the corpse that rolled to the ground, he held up his embroidered robe and wiped away tears that didn't exist, and kept saying with a sad face, "You cruel man!"

(End of this chapter)

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