black belly prince cruel concubine

Chapter 320 Chapter Mansion, Pulse Diagnosis

Chapter 320 Going back to the house and checking the pulse (1)
Tonight's night is dark, there is no moonlight or starlight, and the silent night sky is so dark that you can't reach your fingers.

There are a few lanterns hanging here and there on both sides of the long street, and the road can barely be seen clearly.The low-key but luxurious carriage rolled over the bluestone floor with a grunt. The carriage moved extremely slowly, but it was very stable without the slightest bump.

The person who drove away was the prince's hidden guard, he held the reins and carefully controlled the speed of the carriage.

Yanhao opened the curtain, stretched out her head, and asked him, "Master, how long will it take to arrive at the palace?"

The dark guard wiped off his cold sweat, and hurriedly replied, "It's almost there, it's almost there. After passing this street and turning two more turns, we'll be there." Ahem, he replied in the same way in half an hour.

Yanhao rolled her eyes, "Do you dare to go slower?!"

The dark guard cried to death, shrugged helplessly, "I can't do anything about it." The crown prince personally ordered, will he follow?He didn't want to go back and have his head chopped off.

Yanhao was also speechless, "It should be faster, right? People walk faster than our carriage, and if they walk so slowly, I'm afraid they won't even arrive at Thunder King's Mansion until dawn." After finishing speaking, she put down the curtain and went back to the carriage. But in a blink of an eye, he stuck out his head again, lowered his voice, and told the secret guard quietly, "The temper of the master in the car is worse than that of the master in the palace. If you don't listen to her, don't wait to go back. Your Highness cut off your head, and she can immediately return your soul to the west at this very moment."

The dark guard shook his hands in fright, and the whip fell on the horse's buttocks, and the horse immediately ran happily, "Driver——"

"Woo—" The carriage stopped at the gate of the palace.

The old housekeeper who was dozing at the door heard the sound of the carriage and woke up suddenly. Seeing his lady getting out of the carriage, he hurriedly rubbed his dim old eyes to greet him, "Miss, you are home." People came from the palace in the afternoon There was news that his young lady was going back to the mansion, the prince and concubine had been waiting at the door early, but after waiting for an hour, there was no sign of anyone, and in the end they couldn't hold on anymore, so they went to the mansion to rest.Then he was left as an old man to guard the door, waiting for a long time, and now he was finally looking forward to.

"En." Yi Mo nodded to him, pointed at the secret guard and Yanhao, and told him, "Make arrangements for them."

The old butler knew that the two were from the palace, so he didn't dare to neglect and greeted them warmly.

Back at the palace, Yimo has someone to serve him, so there is no need for Yanhao.

Yanhao is also a clever person, knowing that Princess Pingan must have something to say to the people in the house, she is inconvenient to be present, so she obediently followed the housekeeper.

Yi Mo entered the palace, but did not go to the main hall to meet his father and mother, but went directly to the backyard through the front hall.

Zhang Yuelu received the news and greeted him out of the courtyard, "Master, you are back." Junxiu smiled brightly.

Yi Mo glanced at him, walked into the courtyard, and stepped onto the corridor, "Go and call Po Xiao and Qing Long."

Zhang Yuelu walked sideways in front of her, and opened the door for her first, "Master Qinglong is already waiting for you in the room." The mansion got the news that she was going out of the palace, and they naturally got the news too.The palace was heavily guarded, with countless guards and guards, and they did not enter the palace rashly for fear of alarming others, so she had to deal with a lot of things accumulated these days.Qinglong got the news that she was leaving the palace, so naturally she came to the palace to wait early.


As soon as the door was pushed open, he saw Qinglong's upright and proud figure standing in the room, and he bowed to Yimo to salute.Qinglong is much more mature now, wearing a green shirt that makes him warm and moist like jade, his elegant and gentle temperament makes people feel submissive, his shrewd eyes are full of calmness and wisdom, and his demeanor is no less than that of Yanshi, the first staff member next to the prince let.

Zhang Yuelu poured her a cup of hot tea, stuffed it into her hands, and then went out with a smile, "I'll invite Lord Poxiao to come."

The moment the door closed, Qinglong immediately took out a secret letter from the Chronicle, "Master, something happened to the Chronicle."

Yi Mo was stunned for a moment, then took the secret letter he handed over, and when he saw the contents of the letter, he narrowed his eyes, "The account book is actually in the hands of Wei Zhao..."

"Yes. Even Jiang Chunhua and Wang Zeming didn't expect that the account books are in the hands of Wei Zhao." Qinglong said quietly, "Wei Zhao has the intention of delegating power in the past few years and wants Mr. Gao to return to his hometown. In the past six months, he has spent most of his days in the mansion. Self-cultivation does not care about political affairs. Because of this, although Jiang Chunhua and Wang Zeming have been working together to suppress him, they have not been ruthless. I thought it was a sick cat that could not become a climate, but I did not expect it to be a tiger. action……"

Yi Mo put down the letter, and everything became clear in his heart, "It was the 'Jiang Chunhua' and 'Wang Zeming' who we changed to the Chronicle that relaxed their vigilance against him, so he seized this opportunity and had a counterattack." His eyes gradually deepened, lowered Sighed, "It's not the real body after all, it's easy for people to see the flaws."

Then he asked again, "Did Ren Zhehe get any news?"

"The subordinate has ordered 'Jiang Chunhua' to send him a secret letter."

Yi Mo nodded, "It's time to give it away. Ren Zhehe put so much thought into the annals, and it's not just the two eyeliners Jiang Chunhua and Wang Zeming. If the other eyeliners get the news and report to him, but Jiang and Wang don't move at all, then It’s time to reveal your identity.”

"But..." Qinglong showed concern, "The subordinates are afraid that Ren Zhihe's anger will be cruel to 'Jiang Chunhua' and 'Wang Zeming'." Qinglong is not worried about the lives of the two doubles, but the two are Xuanwu Qisu The "room" in the middle and the "star" in the Suzaku Qisu, one is the main attack and the other is the defense, so naturally there is no fear of life.He was worried: he was afraid that Ren Zhehe would abandon Jiang and Wang because of the exposure of the account books.At the beginning, someone was sent to act as a substitute for Jiang and Wang to obtain evidence of the correspondence between Ren Zhehe and the two of them in collusion. In the past, the letters were burned by the two of them. If you cut off the contact with the two, wouldn't everything be in vain? !

Her slender fingers tapped on the table, and after a moment of contemplation, Yi Mo said calmly, "No. Ren Zhehe only knew that Wei Zhao had someone secretly bring the account book to Beijing, but he didn't know who had the account book. It hasn't been found out yet. Before the whereabouts of the account books, he still needs the two "Jiang Wang" to sit in the chronicle to ensure that the news of the account books will not leak to the emperor's ears."

"Qinglong, order 'Wang Zeming' and 'Jiang Chunhua' to write a joint letter to Ren Zhehe, and let the wives and children of King Jiang's family bring generous gifts to Beijing." The purpose is to make Ren Zhehe feel at ease.

"Master, this old fox, Ren Zhehe, I'm afraid he won't trust the two of them easily." Qinglong frowned.

"The two of them won't be trusted by Ren Zhehe when they got out the account books. Now they are sending their wives and children to Beijing just to prevent Ren Zhehe from withdrawing immediately and cut off the contact with the two of them. Let Ren Zhehe feel at ease about the Chronicle. Only when he is at ease, will he wholeheartedly deal with the embezzled money and food, as long as he takes action, is he afraid that he will not be able to find a place to put the money and food?!"

(End of this chapter)

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