black belly prince cruel concubine

Chapter 321 Chapter Mansion, Pulse Diagnosis

Chapter 321 Going back to the house and checking the pulse (2)
As soon as Yi Mo finished speaking, Zhang Yuelu's voice sounded outside the door, "Master, Lord Poxiao is here."

"Come in."

Lixiao was the first to push the door open, carrying the medicine box in his hand, first nodded to Qinglong when he came in, and then sat down beside Yimo.

Without Yi Mo's instructions, he took her hand and began to feel her pulse.Zhang Yuelu didn't know why she called Li Xiao at first, but now seeing Li Xiao silently taking her pulse, she suddenly became worried, "Master, are you feeling unwell? Where is the discomfort? Is it sick? Or injured? Is it serious?" ..."

His mouth was chattering again.Li Xiao is obviously impatient, you can see his delicate handsome eyebrows are twisted into knots.Seeing Zhang Yuelu's mouth open, Qinglong held his forehead in a speechless manner, obviously, when will he get over his frizzy temper.

Zhang Yuelu obviously doesn't know how to look at people's eyes, Li Xiao obviously frowned, and tolerated him to the extreme, but he still didn't know how to restrain himself, rushed to squat beside the two of them, propped his chin with his hands, looked eagerly at Yimo and at Li Xiao , "Hey, how's it going? How's it going? Master Lixiao, have you been diagnosed? Is it a serious illness or a minor illness? Is it a serious injury or a minor injury? It doesn't matter, is there any life-threatening..."

The veins in the center of Lixiao's brows twitched violently, and he couldn't bear it any longer. With a flick of his fingers, he gave him a dumb drug...

The world is finally quiet!
"Uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu." Why did you drug me again!
Li Xiao put his index finger on his lips, "Shhh—" motioned him to be quiet, "Too noisy will affect my diagnosis."

Zhang Yuelu was wronged to death, she looked at Yi Mo with tears in her eyes, "Umm——" Master—he bullied me.If you think it's noisy, just tell me no, then why did you drug me again?Do you know that medicine hurts your body, woohoo—why is it always me who gets hurt——

Yi Mo glanced at him, stroked his head comfortingly, then withdrew his hand for feeling the pulse, put down his sleeve, and asked in a deep voice, "How is it?"

Lixiao also withdrew her hand, opened the medicine box, and while tidying up, said casually, "It seems that I am pregnant. But the fetal pulse is not stable, and it is easy to slip. Recently, I have eaten less green dates. If I eat too much, my body is cold and it is easier to miscarry .Stay honestly in the mansion for the past few days. I will make you some medicine to nourish your body and prevent miscarriage. Also, before giving birth, don’t use your true energy. Otherwise..."

Before he could finish his words, there was a sudden loud bang.Everyone turned their heads and saw Hua Wu standing at the door in shock, the teacup in her hand fell to the ground and shattered all over the floor.

Judging by her shocked appearance, she must have heard the news that Yi Mo is pregnant.

Seeing so many pairs of eyes staring at her, his face turned pale, "Yes, I'm sorry, I'll make another pot of tea." With trembling hands, she picked up the debris on the ground, and then hurriedly exited the yard.Seeing that she was still in shock and seemed to be running for her life, Er Mo couldn't help but examine herself, did she look scary?

It wasn't until Hua Wu's figure disappeared at the door that Zhang Yuelu and Qinglong in the room realized what Li Xiao was talking about.Qinglong was quite calm, and after being shocked, he was relieved.God is still discerning, at least he didn't let his master die.But Zhang Yuelu was completely crazy.

If it weren't for the difference in dignity, he would be so excited that he would hold Yi Mo around in circles to express his joy.Now that he can't speak, he just jumps up and down around Yimo like a monkey, gesticulating with his hands and chanting 'babbling' non-stop.When he finally stopped, he stared at her stomach with teary eyes.

Look at the ink creeps!

Yimo winked at Qinglong, the meaning couldn't be more obvious, and quickly took the lunatic out.

Seeing the tired look on the master's face, Qinglong said no more, greeted her, then grabbed Zhang Yuelu's skirt and twisted him away.

Lixiao also packed up the medicine box and planned to go out, "I took the carriage today, and I may have morning sickness later, I'll make you some soup to suppress morning sickness." Before leaving, he did not forget to order, "Bring me back Throw away the green dates."

Touching his nose with ink, he thought: The dog's nose is getting more and more sensitive, not only can it smell that she ate green dates, but also that she has hidden green dates on her body.Forced to have no choice but to take out two unfinished green dates from the bag and hand them to him.

"You can rest for a while." Li Xiao took Qing Zao and closed the door for her.

Not long after dawn left, Hua Wu came back.This time he was quite calm, his hands stopped shaking, but his legs were still trembling in the wind like two noodles.

Yi Mo glanced at her.Hua Wu was terrified, "Princess, princess, your tea."

"Well, put it down." Then he ordered again, "Tell them to prepare hot water, I want to take a bath."

"Back to the princess, I'm ready."

Yi Mo didn't say any more, and went directly to the bathroom.Swipe back the serving maid, leaving only Hua Wu alone.After taking off his clothes, he stepped out of the bath, and the warm water brushed over his skin, washing away the tiredness of the day.

Hua Wu waited on the side tremblingly, lowered her head, but couldn't bear curiosity, couldn't help sneaking a glance at the master's stomach.Recalling the shocking news I heard just now, I feel a chill down my spine.The master is now a beautiful girl who chooses a concubine in the palace, and if she fails, she may become a crown prince.But not only did she lose her body, she was also secretly pregnant with a child. If the current emperor and prince knew about it, it would be a serious crime of beheading!

Hua Wu finally couldn't help it, knelt down by the bath, rubbed Yi Mo's shoulders, and said hesitantly, "Princess, that, that uncle..."

Yi Mo frowned, "Young master?" After thinking about it, she immediately understood who the young master she was talking about was.Because no one has such a thick skin except him.He was not married yet, so he asked the servant girl at home to call him uncle.shameless!Although he was slandering in his heart, there was a faint smile on the corner of his mouth.

The cool wind blows, the candlelight flickers, and the hazy gauze flutters with the wind.In the warm yellow candlelight, through the thin sand, it can be seen that there is a touch of affection in the smile, and there is happiness lingering in the smile.

Hua Wu couldn't figure out her thoughts, seeing her frown instantly when she heard the word aunt, she thought she didn't like the title, so she immediately changed her words, "Princess, I came out of your room a few days ago..." Suddenly Feeling that these words hurt the princess's reputation, she changed her words again, "It's that strange man who appeared in our house, he knows, he knows... Are you pregnant?" That is the father of the child.

Yi Mo didn't answer her words, brushed his hands off his shoulders, and came out of the bath.In the end, Hua Wu still didn't have the courage to speak again, and hurriedly bowed to serve her, wiped off the water on her body, put on her bathrobe, "Princess, the bed has been made."

"Well, go down and rest." Yimo lowered his head and tied the belt of his bathrobe, his tone was slightly cold, "What should be said and what should not be said, weigh it in your heart before saying it."

Hua Wu bowed her head respectfully, "Princess, don't worry, this servant knows what to say and what not to say. If you shouldn't say something, this servant will absolutely keep silent."

It was Haishi when Yimo finished packing and lay down on the bed, and it would be Zishi in another hour.Pregnant women are already lethargic and sleep irregularly.I slept too much yesterday, but I can't sleep tonight.He took out this folk tale, leaned on the bed, and read it slowly by the warm yellow candlelight.Half an hour later, I felt backache and thirst, so I subconsciously said, "Bring a glass of water."

What responded to her was the emptiness whistling by the cool wind.

Yi Mo was slightly stunned, closed the book, closed his eyes and caressed his forehead, sighed lightly, and realized that he was no longer in the Eastern Palace.

Outside the wall, the watch sounded, and it was already the middle of the third watch.He rubbed his sore waist, got off the pedal, extinguished the candlelight, and lay down on the bed.

He fell down on the bed, stretched out his hand and touched the place beside him, it was cold.The lack of a familiar temperature made it difficult for her to sleep for a while.

Turning over, discarding all distracting thoughts, she gradually fell asleep after a cup of tea.Breathing becomes steady and long...

The thick night is as cold as water, there is no light in the first half of the night, it is as black as thick ink, and only some stars are slightly exposed at midnight.In the deep night sky, there are few stars, and the dim starlight casts a hazy layer of sand mist on the silent night.

In the night, a figure sprang out from the East Palace, flitting across the air like an eagle, leaving afterimages on the scattered roofs, and within a few jumps, the black shadow disappeared into the distance.

It was even louder when it was ugly, and the men who beat the watch were walking through the streets and alleys, "The sky is dry and things are dry, be careful of fire candles! The sky is dry and things are dry, be careful of fire candles!

Suddenly, a cool wind whizzed past his head, and the man shrank his neck in fear, a little timidly, "No, there won't be ghosts..." The more he thought about it, the more frightened he became, his pace quickened a little, and finally he just went straight start running.

The person who looked at the wall so cowardly laughed for a while.

After laughing, he turned over and entered the Lei Ting Wang's mansion, and then walked into the lady's boudoir with ease.

In the room, he stood at the head of the bed, and through the dim starlight, he could vaguely see the outline of the sleeping woman on the bed.Somewhat appetizing, the murmur was full of pampering, "Cruel-hearted people—" As the saying goes, seeing each other every day is like three autumns apart.He was so missing that he tossed and turned and couldn't fall asleep, but she slept soundly!

Bending down, lightly picked up the feet that were exposed outside the quilt, and pulled the quilt to cover her.Although it is early summer, the temperature in the middle of the night is not warmer than that in the daytime.Still cover it, so as not to catch cold.After covering her, he took off his robe again, and lay down carefully beside her.

After lying down, he couldn't help getting closer, and finally couldn't help reaching out to hold her in his arms.

The woman felt the familiar temperature in her sleep, she unconsciously nestled into his arms, closed her eyes, frowned and murmured, "Ah Yu, my legs are sore."

Holding her tightly in his arms, he lowered his head and kissed her between the eyebrows, and rubbed her calf skillfully with his warm big hands.It was like eating honey in my heart, sweet and happy, but she scolded her in a low voice, "Squeamish. When I leave today, who can say that I can't go back? But I will call my name tonight. Stain—see you leave later What am I going to do..."

The gentle force on the legs made the woman stretch her brows, her breath sank, and she lost more steadily.

(End of this chapter)

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