black belly prince cruel concubine

Chapter 322 Jade Butterfly Engagement

Chapter 322 Jade Butterfly Engagement
In the early morning, a morning rain suddenly ushered in. The drizzle was like the misty rain in the south of the Yangtze River, and the fragrance of the soil and flowers floated into the house with the breeze.

The person who was sleeping on the bed faintly woke up.In a daze, she turned over, but unexpectedly missed her hand, and opened her eyes immediately.After being stunned for a moment, he slowly closed his eyes again, and frowned in annoyance, why did he forget again.He was about to withdraw his hand, but he was taken aback for a second, and touched the bed with his palm, his eyes were full of suspicion, there was warmth? !
Turning his eyes, his eyes fell on the pillow beside him in a daze. On the brocade and white embroidered pillow, there was a blue silk that seemed to be dyed with ink.He stood up, twisted his hair with two fingers, and took a look.This obviously not hers.

Recalling the peace of mind that I felt faintly in my sleep last night, I don't need to think carefully to know who has been here.

A soft smile curled up at the corner of his mouth.

The carved fan-shaped wooden window was slightly opened, and a man stood proudly on the red-painted wall not far away.

In the haze of mist and rain, the oil-paper umbrella rotated slightly. On the surface of the umbrella was a man in a coir raincoat standing beside a clear mountain pool, with a fishing rod in his hand and a fish basket at his feet. He sat down on a low stool. The quiet and leisurely life is yearning for.

Under the umbrella, the fan was lifted slightly, revealing the man's pure and charming face, ink-dyed hair, narrow eyes, knife-cut outline, and cool pink lips.The eyes that look like springs in the cold pool at night flow freely, revealing a soul-stirring elegance and charm.There is tenderness between the eyebrows and eyes, but the tenderness is full of arrogance and domineering.

Like water's gentle gaze, through the misty mist and rain, the slit of the window fell on the woman sitting by the bed. The woman's skin was like creamy fat, her collar was like a grub, and her teeth were like a gourd rhinoceros.The eyebrows are curved like strokes, the starry eyes are full of waves like peach petals, there is a slight smile on the corner of the mouth, the warmth in the rippling under the eyes is fleeting, and the smudged eyebrows are full of green thoughts.

The thin lips were slightly parted, and the sexy and deep whisper was still floating in the drizzle, but in the blink of an eye, the stunning figure disappeared in the rain.

"Finally not so cruel!"

Yi Mo in the room seemed to feel the scorching gaze, and suddenly looked back, outside the window, there was continuous rain, so the world was gray, and the quiet courtyard and wall were empty.

"Princess, do you want to get up?" Hua Wu pushed the door open, holding a bowl of medicine in her hand, "Princess, Master Lixiao ordered you to drink this bowl of medicine when you wake up."

Yi Mo put the green silk into the palm of his hand, and without getting up, he just nestled on the bed, took the medicine bowl, held his breath, and drank it in one gulp.After drinking, the bitter smell in her mouth made her frown again and again, and she couldn't help muttering, "How many Coptis chinensis are put..."

Hua Wu prepared Huamei for her, and stuffed the paper bag containing Huamei into her hand, "Princess, eat one quickly, to get rid of the bitterness."

Yi Mo looked at her appreciatively, he became more and more considerate, picked up a plum, and just about to stuff it into his mouth, his father came in.

With such a carefree temper, don’t expect him to knock on the door or give an announcement when he enters his daughter’s room, stretch out his foot, and then shout at the top of his voice, “Cheng Yimo, squat in the room and lay eggs.” What?! The sun is shining on your butt, and you still have the nerve not to go out!" Keke, he is embarrassed.When his daughter didn't come back, he talked about it every day.When I came back at night, I was afraid that it would disturb her rest too late, so I suppressed my excitement and let my daughter have a good night's rest.

The man who used to sleep until the sun was up, woke up early today, and waited for his daughter to come and treat him with tea, but there was no one there, so he finally couldn't help it, and went there himself.

ah!Thinking of women eagerly!
"Ah, I didn't even eat breakfast because I was waiting for you. It's good for you to hide in the house and eat happily. It's really unfilial." The paper package, even the one in her hand, was picked out from her fingertips, thrown with a raised hand, and fell into the tiger's mouth.

Bajibajizui, vaguely said, "It's not wrong." Not bad.

Yi Mo just watched him eat with enjoyment, and swallowed salivatingly, but as soon as he swallowed it, his mouth was full of bitterness, and she felt so sick that she wanted to vomit.

Hua Wu hurriedly gave her winks, princess, you have to hold back, you can't hide this pregnancy thing.

Seeing this, Yi Mo immediately swallowed back the sour gas gushing in his throat——

"Get up quickly, get up quickly, your mother is still waiting for you to bring her tea in the front hall." Cheng Xiyang threw another plum into his mouth, then shook his head and went out the door.

As soon as he saw him going out, Yi Mo couldn't bear it any longer, and quickly grabbed the medicine bowl on the bedside table, "Ouch!"

Yi Mo dressed up and went to the front hall to have breakfast. During the dinner, Princess Jingyang, Chengxi and Yudie all arrived.

When Princess Jingyang saw Yi Mo, her eyes were reddish, and she had only been separated for more than ten days, but she looked like she had been separated for more than ten years.

"Mother." Yi Mo walked up to her and sat down, wiped the tears from the corners of her eyes with his hand, and said softly, "What are you doing, I'm not going to the battlefield to kill the enemy. It's like..."

Jingyang lowered his head and wiped the tears on his face, and said with a sigh, "The palace is more dangerous than the battlefield. On the battlefield, you still know who is your enemy and who is your friend, but in the palace, even a good friend It is also possible to become an enemy in the next moment and stab you in the back. Do you think I, a mother, can not worry? But, it’s okay, okay... I’m back safely.” She looked at her daughter’s face with red eyes. She stretched out her hand to touch her outline, and said distressedly, "It's just a little thinner."

Although Cheng Xi didn't say a word, he felt distressed, and quickly picked up a piece of her favorite braised pork, "Eat more, eat more, and make up for the lost meat."

The breakfast in the palace has always been light, but Cheng Xi and Jing Jing were very happy when their daughter came home, and specially ordered the kitchen to get her her favorite braised pork.

Yi Mo looked at the fat, pink and tender braised pork in the bowl, and before he could eat it, he felt a sour gas gushing out of his stomach.He patted his chest, suppressed the sour smell, pushed the braised pork away, pretended nothing happened, and said in a panic, "Eating too greasy food early in the morning is not good for your health. Give me a bowl of meat porridge."

Yudie hurriedly served her a bowl of porridge, "You're starving, eat quickly." The family started to eat breakfast.

The rules of not talking when eating or sleeping are all for outsiders to see. In front of their own family members, they are very casual.

Jingyang also took a sip of the meat porridge, and said to Yimo, "Mo'er, mother went to Luosheng Wen's house a few days ago, and talked with Princess Deyang about you and Wen Nuo. Your father said, you and Wen Nuo Wen Nuo also met in the capital, what do you think of Wen Nuo's child?"

Yi Mo was taken aback, before he could speak, he heard his father yelling, "I think that kid is not bad, he looks good, he is gentle, and he treats people kindly, much better than some people." People' obviously refers to the prince.

Cheng Xi didn't give Yi Mo a chance to speak, and decided directly, "You don't have to think about it, your mother and I will make it up for you. When Yu Die gets married, you and Wen Nuo will get married." Cough cough, it's not at all He never thought about making his daughter a princess.

After hearing his words, Yi Mo automatically ignored the first and last half of his sentence, leaving only the middle sentence, raised his head in surprise, "Yudie is getting married?"

Yudie lowered her head shyly, her delicate face was slightly flushed, and she replied softly, "En."

"Who are you marrying?" She was completely at a loss.It's just a trip to the palace, why is it too soon to get married?

Speaking of this, Cheng Xi glared at Yudie angrily, "Who else is that poor scholar who works as a teacher in Liyuan! I don't know what kind of vision he chose for such a thing."

Yudie's face turned pale at what he said, and shrank her shoulders timidly.Knowing her well, Yi Mo thought she would change her mind, but unexpectedly, the person who has always been cowardly like a little white rabbit showed the perseverance of a camel and the persistence of a wolf for his marriage.

Her eyes were hurt, it was her father's disapproval of the man she loved.But there is no regret, she does not regret her decision today.

Jingyang opened his mouth to smooth things over, "A scholar should be a scholar. Our Lei Ting Palace can't afford to support people. As long as Yudie likes it, it's a big deal to move to the Palace in the future. Isn't the west courtyard empty, just right."

Submitting the attack means that there is an opinion, "My adopted daughter of King Thunder went to marry a poor scholar, isn't that a shame to my old face. The princes and grandsons in the capital didn't choose him, but they just fell in love with such a person. This king has always had a good eye for people. Sure, the king knew at a glance that he was not an honest person, she would definitely regret it after marrying her..."

Seeing that Yudie was crying silently into tears, Yimo also said, "Isn't it possible? I've met that person twice. Although I don't know him well, it's still solid..." She said these solid words casually.Anyway, she didn't believe her father's way of looking at people, otherwise she would have fallen in love with Liang Yaozu's family in Liangyue Lake.

Even the daughter spoke up, but Cheng Xi had nothing to say, "I'm just saying a few words, and she may not be allowed to marry that scholar. Your mother has already chosen a good date for her, and ten days will be an auspicious day. But..." He paused slightly, looked at Yudie, "I said my ugly words first, if you regret it in the future, don't blame me for not reminding you." He said that he agreed to the marriage.

Yudie wept with joy, knelt on the ground and saluted him, and said firmly, "Daughter will not complain or regret!" But after what happened that day, Yudie regretted the past, and she hoped that she had never met a man named Yu Wenchen in her life. Man, I have never met a woman named...Cheng Yimo!
Seeing that the marriage was settled, Yi Mo was in a good mood, and even drank two extra bowls of meat porridge.After drinking, Yudie called her to the boudoir.

Chengxi originally wanted to talk to his daughter with her, but Yudie called her and resolutely let her go. Before leaving, she gave Yi Mo another order, "cough cough, follow Yudie to see more, learn more, don't wait for you When we get married in the future, we will be in a hurry." The marriage partner he was talking about was naturally Wen Nuo.

Yi Mo made up his mind to become Li Chenyu, rubbed his stomach, thought of getting married in the future... happily and happily followed Yudie.

(End of this chapter)

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