black belly prince cruel concubine

Chapter 329 Get angry and show off your power, use your tire gas?

Chapter 329 Get angry and show off your power, use your tire gas? (3)
Hearing this, Yi Mo suddenly held his hand tightly.As long as she thinks that there will be other women in the future who will have trouble with A Yu in the bed she slept in, and even conceive his child, she will feel a twinge in her heart.If another woman is pregnant with his child, will he still get up in the middle of the night to rub her feet; Will she also go to great lengths to name her child...

Not only did Yi Mo change his expression when he heard Queen Yan's words, Feng Ya also slowly sank down, her original firm belief was gradually shaken, and she couldn't help becoming flustered.Didn't Liang Yaozu say that Cai Xuehui would definitely not be able to become the crown princess, but why... No, she can't sit still.

Just when Feng Ya was about to open her mouth to fight for her, Aunt Ji rushed in suddenly. She bowed beside Empress Yan and whispered, "Your Majesty, Eunuch Su has come with the emperor's imperial edict."

The hand holding the tea paused, and Empress Yan frowned, "Let him in."

"Yes." Not long after Aunt Ji went out, Eunuch Su Mu led the eunuch who delivered the decree into the palace together.

"The servant sees the queen empress, empress Jin'an."

Empress Yan nodded, "You came here with the emperor's imperial decree?"

"Returning to your mother's words, that's right."

After replying, Su Mu took out the imperial decree, his momentum changed, and he said authoritatively, "All the beautiful ladies accept the decree."

"By God's blessing, the emperor's edict said: Cai's Xue is beautiful, graceful, virtuous, dignified and dignified, and married to the third son of the emperor, Chen Xue. Princess Ping'an, Cheng's family, is graceful and graceful in ink, and married to the crown prince, Prince Chenyu. An elegant daughter of the Feng family, with a beautiful appearance, a wise heart, and a beautiful heart, she bestowed the crown prince as a concubine, and named her a virtuous and good concubine. I admire you!"

As soon as this edict came out, everyone's expressions changed.

Cai Xuehui was present in a daze, and a look of unwillingness flashed across her astonishment.But the superficial unwillingness gradually faded away with the passage of time, and finally turned into peace.

Empress Yan didn't expect that the emperor would make such a decree, her face suddenly darkened, and she asked in a deep voice, "But the emperor's decree 'personally'?" The word "personally" was very heavy.She thought it was the crown prince who passed on the imperial decree, after all, she knew that the son she gave birth to was very bold and dared to do anything!
Su Mu didn't say much, and presented the imperial decree with both hands, "Please take a look at it, Madam."

Empress Yan snatched the imperial decree, and when she saw the jade seal on the imperial decree, her face was full of anger.Holding Minghuang's announcement tightly with five fingers, he glared sideways at Yimo, who was the calmest among the people present.

Yi Mo innocently shrugged at her, meaning clearly, 'it's none of my business'.

Empress Yan was so angry that she stomped her feet, wishing to smash the imperial decree in her hand to pieces.Just as she was about to open her mouth to object to this marriage, someone spoke first.

"No!" Feng Ya shouted with a pale face.The hands hanging by her sides were firmly gripping the hem of the skirt, her eyes showed madness, and her face was twisted ferociously, which made Queen Yan frown frequently.

"Feng Ya, what are you doing?" The displeasure between the brows was obvious.

Feng Ya was swept away by her cold gaze, she immediately calmed down, thinking in her mind, should she announce Cheng Yimo's pregnancy?It is a taboo for a woman to lose her virginity before she leaves the court, or even have a dark knot in her womb.Even if the man who took away the virginity of the woman is the heir apparent!In the folk, any woman who loses her chastity can no longer be a wife for the rest of her life, but can only be a concubine.But... once she said it, the prince might hate her for it.

Feng Ya has no other choice now, as long as Cheng Yimo becomes the crown princess, she will have no hope in this life.What's more, according to the imperial decree, Mo was his wife and she was a concubine.If a wife is respectful to concubines, then she will be inferior to Cheng Yimo all her life.No!The crown princess is hers, and no one can take it away.

Feng Ya stepped forward, knelt down in front of Empress Yan, bowed her head and kowtowed, "I beg your empress to forgive me for ignoring the crime of ignoring my daughter!" The glamorous face is the justice of exorcising demons and defending morality.That body is iron-boned, that body is proud and awe-inspiring, very much like the awe-inspiring Feng Chengyi.

Seeing how she behaved, Empress Yan also sank her thoughts. With Aunt Ji's support, she sat on the phoenix seat and said coldly with an unpredictable expression, "Okay, I forgive you for not reporting the crime. What's the matter? Tell me."

Feng Ya didn't even look at the people present, she bowed her head solemnly and said, "Princess Ping'an lost her virginity when she was unmarried! Now she's conceived in secret! Let the empress make a decision!"


Empress Yan suddenly stood up from the phoenix seat in shock, and looked at Yi Mo in disbelief.

Yi Mo suddenly turned his eyes cold, and his dark eyes suddenly turned bright red, and he looked at Feng Ya who was kneeling on the ground with a stern look.His eyes narrowed slightly, as if a devil was born, and the murderous and violent aura on his body was like a gust of wind, which made the aura of the hall cool down in vain, and an invisible coercion began to spread.

Feng Ya's complexion changed suddenly, and she stared in horror at Cheng Yimo whose hair fluttered in vain. The terrifying iron-blooded aura shook her with fear.She fell to the ground in panic, and subconsciously had the idea of ​​fleeing, but before she could stand up, she heard thunder yelling in her ears, "Looking for death!"

In Yang's hands, the large embroidered robe, which was filled with thick true vitality and was as hard as iron, was scattered on Feng Ya's face!
Feng Ya lay on the ground, half of her tender face swelled, congested, and finally turned purple at a speed visible to the naked eye.At the corner of the mouth, a drop of red blood stretched down.

Yi Mo was really angry this time, his deep eyes hid the turbulent rage, and suddenly murderous intent appeared, he raised his foot, and mercilessly kicked Feng Ya in the stomach!
With Yimo's strength, how could a weak woman withstand her kick, her body slid back a long way, and she didn't stop until she reached Queen Yan's feet.

Feng Ya only felt a cramping pain in her stomach, and then her eyes went dark, and she fell unconscious.

All the people in the temple were frightened by her sudden violence.Although Cai Xuehui was calm, her face was as pale as paper, her Nishang shrank her body timidly and hid aside, all the servants in the palace lowered their heads, and none of them dared to raise their eyes to meet her.

"Enough!" Empress Yan shouted sharply, looking at Yi Mo with complicated eyes.His eyes fell on her belly. Needless to say, the child in her belly must belong to Yu'er, that is, her own grandson.Empress Yan was in such a hurry to choose a concubine for the prince because she wanted the East Palace to produce a grandson so as to stabilize the prince's position.She held her forehead feebly, now that her grandson came so suddenly, she was overjoyed.

After all, Empress Yan still has prejudices against Yi Mo, if Cai Xuehui is pregnant with the prince's blood, she must be happy but not surprised.Empress Yan slowly closed her eyes and covered her eyes with her palms, neither looking at Cheng Yimo who was furious, nor Feng Ya who was unconscious on the soles of her feet.

After a while, she suddenly opened her eyes, raised her hand, and commanded the whole palace, "Get back!"

As soon as she finished speaking, a lazy and low-pitched noise suddenly resounded throughout the Kunyi Palace, "Without the order of the Crown Prince, who would dare to step out of the gate of this palace!"

The powerful shout was full of viciousness!
Everyone raised their eyes in surprise, only to see the crown prince coming in all his clothes.The ink-dyed blue silk was tied up high by the purple gold crown inlaid with jade, and the two dragons grabbed the pearls and wiped the forehead at the eyebrows, fully displaying the handsome and deep outline in the eyes of everyone.The exquisite and beautiful facial features are paired with a pair of sparkling peach blossom and phoenix eyes, which look wild, unrestrained, evil and sexy.There was a wicked sneer on her cold lips, "Queen, it's not kind of you to do this."

As he strode in, the whirlwind rolled up his robe and flew, fierce!Publicity!Domineering!
Also with cruelty.

Seeing him like this, Empress Yan felt terrified, "How can I be kind?"

Standing beside Yimo, Li Chenyu is tall and tall. He is wearing a goose-yellow gown with gold trim, like a jade man cast from a piece of flawless jade. A sense of noble Tsinghua University.

A pair of phoenix pupils are clear but dark, with slightly curved brows and a slight smile, the faint smile is evil and awe-inspiring.He didn't speak, just stood next to Yi Mo and stared blankly at Queen Yan, and raised his hand to make a gesture.

The gesture fell, and the heavy palace door was slowly closed.After isolating everything from the outside world, dozens of dark guards came out in full force!

Hands up and down——

The lives that were still alive a moment ago are now falling into a pool of blood one after another.

Until the end, there was blood flowing into rivers and piles of bones!

The clean and bright floor in the hall was stained with a thick layer of viscous scarlet blood. The bright red blood congealed into strands and flowed slowly, and it was about to wet the embroidered shoes. The bottom of the layer was dyed a disgusting crimson.Nishang was not much better, her pretty face was pale, and she slumped on the chair like a puppet who had lost her soul.

Murder and kill!
Except for Aunt Ji and Su Mu, none of the other servants survived.

Empress Yan's complexion was very ugly. She was not satisfied with Cheng Yimo's daughter-in-law, but under the imperial decree, she was not allowed to change at will.She intended to use the mouths of those servants to spread the news about Cheng Yimo's unmarried loss of virginity and even the secret marriage of the baby.As long as this matter falls into the ears of the front hall, countless ministers will request an order to abolish this morally corrupt crown princess.The ministers of the Manchu Dynasty requested that even the emperor should carefully consider it.She recognizes her grandson, but she doesn't recognize her daughter-in-law.Being a side concubine is her limit.Unexpectedly... Empress Yan glared at the prince fiercely, gritted her teeth and said, "He is really my good son."

"He's mine." The cold voice was incomparably domineering.Yi Mo reached out and grabbed the corner of A Yu's clothes, now she couldn't hear the word 'my' being said.

Xiumei frowned slightly, only to feel a faint pain in her stomach, and suddenly the words of Li Xiaoqian's exhortation and Wan Wan's words, "Don't use your true energy, otherwise the consequences will be disastrous." ', then remembered that when she hit Feng Ya, she used her true energy.His face turned pale suddenly, and he felt severe stomach cramps, and he squatted down slowly, "Ah Yu, I, my stomach hurts..."

(End of this chapter)

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