black belly prince cruel concubine

Chapter 330 Let the dog bite!

Chapter 330 Let the dog bite! (1)
The soft words made the crown prince jump up in an instant, and immediately hugged his daughter-in-law's sliding body. His eyes were burning with anxiety, and he kept asking, "Mo'er, what's the matter? What's the matter? Where does it hurt?" Ah, where does it hurt?"

When he asked, Yi Mo felt his stomach hurt even more.Her lips were trembling, and she covered her stomach with her hands, "Stomach..."

This time it was like a thunderbolt from the blue sky, completely stupefied the prince, anxious and angry, "How can a good boy have a stomachache? What should I do? What should I do..."

Can Empress Yan tell him that it was her own adult who moved her fetus?Can't sprinkle!Seeing that his son was stuck at this time, she also became anxious, and yelled out of hatred, "Stupid! Hurry up and announce the imperial doctor!" That's her own grandson in her stomach, and if she just disappeared like this, she would definitely go crazy of.

Empress Yan's angry shout could be regarded as calming down the crown prince, he bent down to pick up his wife, and ran desperately to the imperial hospital, the speed was unmatched by the top experts in the university.Just like a shooting star passing across the sky, it disappeared with just a 'whoosh--'.

The crown prince is much smarter than the queen at the moment, expecting those old imperial physicians to come to Kunyi Palace to see people tremblingly, it would be better for him to take him to the imperial hospital himself sooner!
In the imperial hospital, even the old imperial doctor was sitting in the yard with his eyes closed.Forsythia is an old man of the Imperial Hospital. He used to be the director of the Imperial Hospital, but he retired because he was old.Forsythia's job is very easy now, she only sees the doctor of the emperor, queen and His Highness the crown prince, and every month she routinely goes to check the emperor's pulse, and the chief director of the Imperial Hospital travels. Do you think his life is not easy? ?

When I have nothing to do, I will raise flowers and dry medicines, and by the way, I will tease the birds and walk the dog. If the weather is good, I will sing a little song in the sun or something.

He was lying on the homemade bamboo chair, with his eyes closed and his face full of contentment, while humming a little song and beating beats on his legs.Sudden--

"Forsythia! Old man, where is it? Come out quickly! Come out quickly!"

The crown prince's roar sounded like a devil's voice in his ears, and he suddenly opened his eyes wide in fright. In a panic, his hands dropped, and his bloated body immediately rolled to the ground like a winter melon.Ouch!Flashing old waist!
He supported his old waist and got up tremblingly. As soon as he raised his head, he saw a whirlwind blowing from the door, and his robe and hair were blown up. He quickly raised his hand to cover his eyes, "Where is the evil wind coming from!?"

"What a monster!" The crown prince was so anxious that his voice was trembling, "Hurry up, hurry up and show Mo'er, she has a stomachache, she shouted that her stomach hurts..."

The crown prince put the man on the bamboo chair, and hurriedly dragged him to see a doctor.

The poor old doctor Lian had just lost his waist, and when he was pulled, he immediately fell into a shit.The tooth knocked on the hard stone floor, and broke in half with two 'clicks'!
"Ouch!" he almost said.But don't expect the prince who has fallen into madness to have any sympathy for the elderly. He is now full of eyes on his wife.Directly ignoring the wailing of the old doctor Lian, he grabbed his hand like a dead dog, dragged him directly in front of his wife, and then pressed his withered fingers on his wife's tender white wrist—— Take a pulse!

Stains!Even the old doctor burst into tears and didn't dare to get up, so he just lay on the ground in a difficult and twisted posture, raising his hand to check the little girl's pulse.Oh no!It's a little pregnant woman!

Both pairs of eyes stared straight at him, making him sweat profusely, and stretched out his other hand to wipe the cold sweat from his forehead.

His meaningless action frightened the prince, who thought something serious happened, and regardless of his status, he squatted on the ground and looked at him nervously, "Mr. Lian, you must keep my wife and my son." Ah, if something happens to my daughter-in-law, I won't live anymore, woohoo!" This time I know it's called 'Lianlao', and I even used your word.

Even the old doctor's hands trembled in fright, he couldn't bear the honorific title of prince.

Seeing his serious expression, the crown prince suddenly felt sad and said deeply, "If it is really a last resort, please keep Mo'er. It doesn't matter if you want a child or not."

Hearing this, even the old doctor rolled his eyes, Prince, are you sure this is your child? !Otherwise, how could a father give up his child so easily!

Yi Mo also stared nervously at the old doctor Lian, but she was not as submissive as the crown prince, she stared round and round, showing a bit of ferocity in her ruthlessness, and said sinisterly, "You'd better let me and I The children are all safe and sound!"

How could Lianqiao stand up to the threat of the two of them singing in unison, she hurriedly said with trembling white-haired goatee, "No, it's all right, it's just that the fetal gas has moved a little, and it will be fine if you take some anti-fetal medicine."

ha!The prince suddenly breathed a sigh of relief.

But Yi Mo has always been brooding over Li Xiao's words, and still worried, "Is it really all right?"

"It's okay!" Even the old man got up from the ground with his waist supported.

Yi Mo frowned, and stroked his stomach with his palm, "But my stomach still hurts..."

The heart that the crown prince had just let go was brought up again in an instant, his eyes were wide open, and he stared at him fiercely, "Quack doctor! Her stomach hurts so much that her lips are turning white, and you still say it's okay?!"

Even the old doctor couldn't laugh at it, so he had to explain, "It's because Her Royal Highness is too nervous, that's why I imagined that my stomach hurts so badly."

"It's just a fantasy?" Yi Mo obviously doubted what he said.

There is no other way, even the old doctor had to show his real skills, "Princess, please relax, relax your body. Please follow the officials, close your eyes, take a deep breath, inhale, exhale, inhale, exhale... relax, just I can hear the sound of wind blowing grass, cicadas and birds..."

After half a stick of incense, the old doctor Lian looked at her and smiled kindly, "Is your stomach less painful now?"

Yi Mo looked away, with a suspicious blush on his cheeks, coughed lightly in embarrassment, and then nodded.Thinking back now, it seems that the pain was really not very painful at first, but it was because I remembered the words of the dawn that I felt the pain of falling.

That's right, but it's just hitting a person, and one-tenth of the internal strength is not used.How could such a delicate child have a miscarriage!

The child in Cheng Yimo's womb was saved, but at this moment, another child who would come to this world in the future ran away.

When the crown prince was worried about Yimo and the child in her womb, Emperor Ganmin ordered Shuxing to draft an edict, which was finally handed over to Menxia Province to issue the edict to the world.

The imperial edict said: Princess Ping'an of Lei Ting Wang's Mansion was appointed as the crown prince, and she married the prince on the auspicious day two months later.

The imperial edict said: The daughter of the Cai family is virtuous, virtuous, virtuous, youthful and quiet, and married to the third son of the emperor, Chenxue.Get married on the auspicious day after the new year.

The imperial edict said: Hui Zhilan, the elegant daughter of the Feng family, has a beautiful heart and a virtuous heart, and bestowed Prince Chen Yu as a concubine, and made her a good concubine.

(End of this chapter)

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