black belly prince cruel concubine

Chapter 331 Let the dog bite!

Chapter 331 Let the dog bite! (2)
When Concubine Ren Shu in the palace got the news, her eyes turned red with anger, and she was so angry that she dropped her most beloved ancient style vase.At this time, the eyebrows and eyes that still had the charm were ferocious, and the red lips were clenched, "Okay! Good! Good!" Gritting his teeth, he said three good words, "What a ruthless and unjust royal family." In the morning, he still had affection for her, but Turn around and push her into the abyss.

He actually promised Cai Xuehui to the third child!Hmph, it really is partial to that bitch!
Among Queen Yan, Concubine Ren Shu, and Concubine He Gui, Concubine Ren Shu is the most unwilling.Although Cheng Yimo does not have the virtuousness of her mother, but behind her represents the entire Thunder Palace.Although Thunder King is incompetent, he holds a hundred thousand cavalry in his hands!Only her, only his son, only their mother and son have nothing, nothing!

"Beng—" In resentment, he swept off the teacups and kettles on the table.

The palace maid knelt all over the ground, even her breathing became cautious.

Concubine Ren Shu looked at their timid faces, and the anger in her heart became even stronger, "Get out! Get out of my palace—" She beat and kicked the nearest court lady, and yelled cursingly, "Things that look down on people with dog eyes If you see our mother and son are weak, you will bully them? If you see our Ren family in trouble, you will make trouble..."

The sharp roar went far away.

At this time, the maid who was serving Feng Ya ran into the palace in a panic, seeing Concubine Ren Shu lose her temper, she shrank herself and did not dare to approach.Concubine Ren Shu pushed away the servant girl who was being beaten and scolded by her, glanced at her, and asked coldly, "What's the matter?"

Shuangshu walked up to Concubine Ren Shu and whispered something.

Concubine Ren Shu's face changed instantly after hearing this.He also didn't care about tidying up the messy dress, and hurried out of the hall when he lifted the hem of the skirt.

Outside an unremarkable and simple woodshed in the Guerlain Palace.Concubine Ren Shu frowned and looked at the dirty woodshed, "Why are you here?"

Shuangshu took a few steps forward, walked to the front and opened the door for her, "Go back to your mother, there are too many people in the front hall wing room, and the servants are afraid that things will be exposed, so they put her in this remote firewood room."

Concubine Ren Shu covered her nose with her embroidered robe, and stepped into the woodshed with some resistance.

In the dark woodshed, Feng Ya was lying on a simple bed made of straw covered in blood.The obscene pants on her body have been taken off by Shuangshu, and her legs are just exposed in the air. There are streams of blood flowing out from the depths of her thighs. The white and delicate skin is in sharp contrast with the dazzling red, which makes people creepy !

"It hurts, it hurts, someone! Come and save me, it hurts..." A weak moan sounded in the dark woodshed. Feng Ya has fallen into a semi-comatose state, her face is pale like a ghost, and her cheeks are turning purple , covered her eyes with messy hair, and looked a little scary, "Please, help me, my stomach hurts, my stomach hurts..." The moans became weaker and weaker.

Uncle Shuang was a little worried, "Niang Niang, do you want to call the imperial doctor? If Liangdi, who is now the crown prince, dies here for no apparent reason..."

Concubine Ren Shu frowned in thought, Feng Ya was a pawn of their Ren family, although she failed to take the position of the crown prince, she was still the crown prince's good concubine, and she would be useful in the future.

"Well, go and bring Tian Zhenyi here, so that no one can see."


Shuangshu traveled quickly, and brought the imperial physician Tian Zhenyi in just one stick of incense.

Tian Zhenyi is Concubine Ren Shu's confidant, and he was not curious when he was brought to the firewood house. Seeing Concubine Ren Shu standing in the room, he hurriedly knelt down to salute, "I see Concubine Shu."

"Get up, hurry up and show her." Concubine Ren Shu pointed at Feng Ya who was lying on the straw in disgust.

Tian Zhenyi raised his head and followed the line of sight she was pointing at. When he saw the woman's snow-white thighs exposed, his eyes froze.

Concubine Ren Shu saw how he behaved, and reminded in a neutral manner, "She is the prince's good concubine."

Tian Zhenyi's heart trembled, he hurriedly lowered his eyes, not daring to look again, and walked over with his head down, quietly feeling the woman's pulse.Then he reported to Concubine Ren Shu, "Madam, the fetus in the woman's womb is dead. She is almost two months pregnant, and she is pregnant with twins. The two stillborn babies can't come out in the stomach, so she needs to find an experienced midwife as soon as possible. Its drainage, otherwise there is a danger of life."

"Okay, you can go back." Concubine Ren Shu sent Tian Zhenyi away and ordered Shuangshu to find the midwife, save the person to the end, and send the Buddha to the west.

It was an hour after Shuangshu found the midwife, and Feng Ya had already passed out from the pain.

The midwife was really experienced, she touched Feng Ya's belly with her hand, and she knew what was going on.The midwife knew that the lady in palace attire in the room was the master, so she asked Concubine Shu for instructions, "My lord, this woman is unconscious now, but the drainage needs her own strength to cooperate. Besides, after the drainage The pain is no less than childbirth, I'm afraid this woman won't be able to bear it, should I boil some medicinal soup for her to relieve the pain, or boil hot water to wash her body to relieve the pain..."

Concubine Ren Shu stomped the dust on the embroidered shoes, disgusted with this place in her heart, just wanted to leave quickly, so she said impatiently, "What's the trouble, just get it for her."

The midwife was also a shrewd person, and immediately understood that the one lying on the bed was an unfavored master.The midwife has secretly done things for many people over the years, and her heart has long been hardened. Don't expect her to be caring. Seeing that the master doesn't care about her, she has no scruples.

Stretching out his hand and pressing down hard on Feng Ya's stomach, Feng Ya, who was in a coma, was awakened by the pain, "Ahh—"

Feng Ya woke up and felt that her posture was very strange. She opened her eyes and saw a woman supporting her legs, and her lower body was naked. The humiliation was greater than the pain, but there was nothing she could do to close her legs. She hadn't had time yet. As she spoke, she saw the woman take out an iron rod with a small circle at the end of the iron rod. When she saw that she put the object between her legs without a word, her eyes widened in horror and she made a hoarse voice. , "You, what are you doing..."

The woman said kindly, "Your Majesty, don't worry, this old woman has been doing this job for more than ten years, and her technique is neat and neat. I guarantee that the stillbirth will be drawn out in the shortest possible time, and the pain will not last long..."

Concubine Ren Shu couldn't bear to watch, she covered her nose and went out, Shuangshu hurriedly closed the door to block out all the sound.

In an instant, there was a shrill scream from inside the firewood room, and Shuangshu's face turned pale with fright.Although she is still an innocent woman who doesn't know anything about human affairs, she also knows what the drainage is about. She inserts a cold instrument into her body, and then wrings out the stillbirth——

After half an hour, the door finally opened, and Shuangshu breathed a sigh of relief.The mother-in-law bowed and told Concubine Ren Shu, "Your nobleman, it's done."

Concubine Ren Shu nodded and gave her a bag of silver, "Do you know the rules?"

The mother-in-law took the silver bag with both hands, and smiled flatteringly, "Don't worry, my lord, I've always kept my mouth shut, old lady."

"It's good to know. Go down!"

After sending the old lady away, Concubine Ren Shu ordered to Shuangshu, "Clean her up and carry her directly into the East Palace."

(End of this chapter)

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