black belly prince cruel concubine

Chapter 332 Let the dog bite!

Chapter 332 Let the dog bite! (3)
Feng Ya is going to be a concubine, and the person who is a concubine does not show any courtesy or red, but only wears a dark red suit and carries it in through the back door.

The palace was full of commotion, and there was no peace outside the palace.The much-anticipated election for the crown prince came to an end. Knowing that the chosen person, civil and military officials were all caught off guard. In astonishment, they ordered their servants to prepare gifts and rush to the Lei Ting Palace to congratulate them. Like after.The deserted Lei Ting Palace was bustling for a while, and the officials who came to congratulate him were from the outer three floors and the inner three floors, and the palace was completely surrounded.

Cheng Xi, who went out for a walk with the wolf dog, came back and saw so many people gathered in front of his house. He was so surprised that he became suspicious, and hurriedly asked Yuen Long beside him, "Is this still my house? I can't go wrong, right?"

Yuen Long looked around uncertainly, and when he saw the familiar copper lion at the door through the crowd, he nodded firmly, "It's not the wrong way."

"Then what are they doing?" Pointing at the officials around the door.

Someone in the crowd with sharp eyes saw Cheng Xi standing behind, and immediately shouted, "Ah, the lord is there! The lord Thunder is behind."

Then all the officials turned around and rushed forward, congratulating each other, "The prince is very happy..."

"My lord, congratulations, congratulations."

"My lord, what a joyful event."

While talking, he offered congratulatory gifts. Although Cheng Xi didn’t understand what was going on, he couldn’t stop smiling from ear to ear when he saw the stacks of generous gifts in his arms. My king is giving you gifts to congratulate me, but I don’t even know what you are talking about? Is there any kind-hearted adult who can tell me about it?"

A civil servant was quick to speak, before everyone else said, "My lord, great joy, your Princess Ping'an will be crowned as the crown princess, and she will marry the crown prince in two months, then you will be the emperor's in-laws, and you will be married to the emperor. "

As soon as the civil official finished speaking, Cheng Xi's face changed, and the sky was clear and cloudy immediately, which made the civil official stop talking.A military officer who couldn't read people's faces interjected, "That's right, the prince and the emperor have become in-laws..." Before he finished speaking, Cheng Xi let out a low voice, "Rhubarb, bite me!"

"Wow, woof, woof!" The obedient wolfhound immediately pounced on it, and its fierce appearance scared the officials to flee in all directions, jumping wildly for a while.

A civil official shouted with a pale face, "My lord, why are you doing this? We are here to congratulate you, you, you hurry up and hold your dog. All the ministers present, the mainstay of the court, in case It’s hard to deal with the bite..."

As soon as Cheng Xi heard the word 'He Xi', the fierceness in his eyes became even stronger, and he even loosened the chains of the other two wolfhounds, "Give this king a hard bite! Hard bite! This king will see who dares Come and congratulate the king!"

The Thunder King never followed the normal course of action. He let the dog bite the official who came to congratulate him. When the news got out, everyone just sighed, and didn't think it was shocking.As soon as the news came out, the footsteps of the officials who wanted to go to the Lei Ting Palace to express their congratulations were stopped immediately.

"Hahaha, this attack is really..." Grand Master Yan burst into tears when he got the news, "He really lives a chic life, dares to do anything, dares to say anything, dares to beat anyone, It's hard to find a person who lives as freely and freely as he does in thousands of years!"

Yu Qingfeng also sighed in his heart, "Yes, if you want to ask the person who lives the most comfortable life in this world, it must be Prince Lei Ting. Even the most honorable person in our Chengtian Dynasty has his concerns and considerations."

"Beating the crown prince in front of the emperor in the Golden Luan Hall, beating the prime minister in front of the ministers in the court hall of Dali Temple, and now letting dogs chase and bite the civil and military officials who came to Daoxi. Hahaha, I really look forward to his next actions..."

"The next move?" Yu Qingfeng was puzzled, "Teacher, what do you mean?"

"The fact that he let the dog chase and bite the Daoxi official at the door proved his disapproval of this marriage. You said that with his staunch temper, how could the disapproval be completed smoothly?"

"The Grand Master means that Lord Thunder is going to ruin the marriage between the crown prince and Princess Pingan?" Yu Qingfeng was shocked, "This is an imperial decree issued by the emperor himself, Lord Thunder dares..." Resisting the order is disrespectful! ?

"Who knows..." Taishi Yan chuckled lightly, that man never played cards according to the rules, who could figure it out clearly.

Yu Qingfeng remembered the reason for coming, and said, "Teacher, what do you think the emperor is thinking this time? Could it be that the emperor really wants to give up the Seventh Prince and Ren Zuoxiang?"

Grand Master Yan chuckled again, "I'm afraid it may not be true, our thoughts today are unfathomable, and no one dares to make a decision lightly."

"But the emperor's edict is obviously paving the way for the third prince."

"But who knows, he didn't pave the way for the Seventh Prince?" Grand Master Yan looked at him with a half-smile.

Yu Qingfeng immediately thought of Mr. Qin, "Teacher, what do you mean..."

Taishi Yan smiled lightly and said nothing, "Let's go today, we are deeply thinking."

"We're here today, you're thinking deeply." The same sentence rang out in the right minister's mansion, Cai Qing leaned tiredly on the grand teacher's chair, with his fingers resting on the corner of his forehead, his eyes were full of complex expressions.

The staff of the Prime Minister's Mansion said, "Master Xiang, now that the emperor has given the young lady to the third prince, we want to..."

Cai Qing waved his hand and sighed softly, "The emperor's intention is that he is afraid that the truth will become another Ren Zhehe."

The staff thought for a moment, and suddenly understood that the most favorite candidate in the world is still the prince. The prince is not only the heir but also the eldest son, and he is the most legitimate heir.If the Cai family lady becomes the crown princess and the prince succeeds in the future, then the Cai family will become another Ren family.

Cai Xuehui stood behind the gauze curtain, holding hot tea in her hand. Hearing such a conversation, she left the study room in silence.Not being able to become the princess, she felt disappointed and unwilling. Three years ago when she was Jiji, many people said to her, 'You will become the most honorable woman in the world', 'You can't laugh like that, because you will be the most honorable woman in the future. She will become a princess, and the prince will only like virtuous women', "Don't learn how to serve men, because you will serve the most honorable prince in the future", from now on, everything about her will be in accordance with the rules of the princess.If you want to ask her whether she wants to be a princess, she doesn't know, and she can't tell whether others want her to be a princess or she wants to be a princess.

Before that day in Kunyi Hall, perhaps she would say that she wanted to become the crown princess herself, and became the crown princess for the sake of that fairy-like handsome man.But after that day, she hesitated.Wherever there is Princess Ping An, the Prince's eyes will not stay on other women.If you are forced to marry a man who is impossible to pay attention to yourself for the rest of your life, the final outcome will definitely be sad.She has the determination to love her lover, but she doesn't have the courage to suffer for a lifetime.Maybe this ending is the best...

(End of this chapter)

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