black belly prince cruel concubine

Chapter 340 Feng Ya's Fate!

Chapter 340 Feng Ya's Fate! (1)
In the spacious room, the dark fragrance lingers, and the glass tea set is placed on the square table carved from mahogany. The fragrance of the tea in the teacup is overflowing, and the bright sunlight from outside the window shines in and falls into the cup, shining the clear tea as clear and translucent as an oasis. .A camellia is stretched in the water, and the breeze blows, the flower floats gently, making circles of small ripples on the calm water.In the ripples, the two figures hidden in the depths embrace each other tightly.The man laughed with tears, and the woman laughed with tears.A light kiss fell between the eyebrows, and in an instant, this moment became eternity!
Outside the door, in the depths of the long corridor, a pair of violent and angry eyes stared at the two huddled together. When the kiss fell, the fury reached its peak, and the eagle-like sharp eyes were scarlet, rendering an incomparable Violence!But in the blink of an eye, the ferocity gradually weakened, and finally only suspicion and confusion remained, as well as the fear and uneasiness hidden in the depths.

Li Chenyu clutched the handrail of the fence tightly, his five fingers turned livid due to excessive force, and he also scratched a few holes on the smooth handrail.He suppressed the impatience and rage in his heart, and retracted the leg that had just stepped on the last step.He wants to calm down, calm down, calm down... This is obviously arranged by someone, deliberately for him to see, just to make him angry, to make him angry, so as to provoke the relationship between him and Mo'er for purpose.He can't be tricked, and he can't fall into someone else's trap.Yes, you can't fall into the trap, you can't fall into the trap...

Li Chenyu turned around and ran out of the century-old teahouse, got into the carriage and went straight back to the East Palace.On the way back, he wanted to be quiet and calm, but the image of the two kissing kept flashing in his mind!He began to panic and became irritable and violent.Although he knew that everything that happened was planned by others, but the image was still lingering in his mind!

Seeing that the prince came back so soon, Eunuch Boots was surprised, could it be that he didn't see anyone?He hurriedly bowed his body to meet him, "Dian..."


Following the sound of angry shouts, a frightening and awe-inspiring aura rushed straight to his face.Before Eunuch Boots realized what was going on, he was slapped and sent flying by the prince.

The crown prince returned in a rage. On the way from Chongwu Palace Gate to the Crown Prince's East Palace, all the guards and servants knelt on the ground tremblingly, and no one dared to touch him.The palace servants who originally planned to come to the gate of the Moyu Palace in festive red clothes to meet the prince to beg for rewards saw this situation, and all rushed to escape.


The heavy palace gate was kicked open, and the palace servants serving in the Moyu Palace all knelt on the ground in panic, lowered their heads, and curled up, wishing that the heavens would open their eyes and immediately create a hole in front of his eyes. Come on, so that he can jump down and completely hide his figure.

The crown prince was in a rage like a raging tiger, no one dared to step forward to dissuade him.

Seeing the slaves kneeling in the hall, Li Chenyu suddenly remembered that one of these slaves might be the culprit who framed him, his eyes were filled with murderous aura, and he ordered sharply, "Come here, drag them all out and behead them!"

Panic suddenly turned into fear, and all the servants in the hall cried out in unison, "His Royal Highness, spare your life! Your Highness, please forgive me—"

"Your Highness! Your Highness—please forgive me!"

In an instant, the wailing and begging of the East Palace resounded throughout the palace.The prince was angry, and everyone in the palace was in danger.

Li Chenyu's eyes were red with anger, as if there was a fire in his heart, he knew that he had to put out the fire as soon as possible, otherwise when the fire burned hotter, he would not only hurt himself, but also the future ink.

"Come on! Come on—"

The father-in-law Boots, who was slapped by the crown prince and had a nosebleed, didn't care about wiping the blood under his nose, and knelt down in front of the hall, "Your Highness, what are your orders?"

"Where's the person who delivered the letter? Where's the person who delivered the letter? Go and find me the person who delivered the letter!" Although Li Chenyu was angry, he didn't lose his mind because of it. He took out the envelope he sent, and the handwriting on it It was indeed Mo'er's handwriting.If all of this is a hoax, then this letter is also a fake, because someone imitated Mo Er's handwriting and wrote to him.Whether it's the person who sent the letter or the person who imitated, he will never let go!

Eunuch Boots immediately understood that the 'Hundred Years Tea House' was a scam.In his rage, the prince wanted to settle accounts with those who lied to him.He hurriedly responded, and went down to work.The nosebleed was still pouring out, and he didn't dare to go to the imperial hospital for treatment. He was afraid of delaying the prince's time, so he took out the veil and tore it in half, twisted it into a lump, and stuffed it into his nostrils to stop the bleeding temporarily, and then went to the hospital. I went to find a painter for the paintings in the palace, and with my extraordinary memory, I wrote down exactly what the person who sent the letter looked like.

The father-in-law of the little boots unfolded the portrait, looked at the person on the portrait, and hated his teeth. If it weren't for him, he wouldn't have been beaten by the prince to get a nosebleed.Now that I think about it, how can I be so stupid? The guards inside and outside the palace are so strict. If Miss Biao really knows how to send someone to deliver the letter, then the person who delivers the letter will be stopped at the outer gate of the palace, so how can she send it directly to the inner palace.Obviously it was the ghost of the people in the palace!Oh, he scratched his head angrily, he was so careless just because he recognized the words on the envelope as Miss Biao's handwriting.

In the side room in the backyard of the East Palace, Feng Ya stood in front of the window in a clean white plain dress. Her green eyebrows were lightly painted, and her face was covered with thin powder, but the red rouge still couldn't conceal her pale face. However, in a short period of time, it became thin and tapered, and the image that was originally friendly and gentle now looks extraordinarily mean and sharp.But after all, it is a natural beauty, even so, after some careful grooming, it is still beautiful.And it has the morbid beauty of "long frown and green, thin green and red".

In the past, Feng Ya loved the color of blood red, but since the day she had a miscarriage, she never wore red again.She often wears plain clothes and is as pure and pure as a fairy in the nine heavens.

Shuangshu came in with chicken soup, saw Feng Ya standing in front of the window, and said worriedly, "Liang Di, you just... you can't stand the wind, so you should close the window."

Feng Ya felt resentment in her heart, but she wouldn't make trouble with her body, so she reached out to close the window, and walked to the table.There were pens, ink, paper and inkstones on the table, and Shuangshu was helping her with the chicken soup, while she herself was standing in front of the table, picking up a pen and writing the word 'ink' vigorously on the snow-white rice paper. The font is completely different from the plum blossom lowercase that is usually written.

Looking at the unfamiliar but familiar font, a sneer appeared on the corner of her mouth. She has been smart since she was a child. No matter whose handwriting it is, as long as she takes a look at it and grasps the essence of it, she can quickly imitate it.As long as she puts her heart into it, even she can't tell the authenticity of the imitated handwriting.Feng Ya put down the pen, and was not in a hurry to destroy the "ink" character, because the backyard was always deserted, and even the servants were reluctant to step in.

She picked up the chicken soup, and asked suddenly when she entered, "Wu Bike sent you away?"

"Don't worry Liang Di, Concubine Shu has already ordered him to pack his bags and leave the palace after delivering the letter. Those outside the palace will have someone to 'respond' to him." The word "response" is extremely serious.

(End of this chapter)

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