black belly prince cruel concubine

Chapter 341 Feng Ya's Fate!

Chapter 341 Feng Ya's Fate! (2)
But Feng Ya understood, the person who took care of him was probably taking him to the underworld.She couldn't help but feel relieved, if the Ren family hadn't repeatedly guaranteed that the matter would not be exposed, she would not have taken such a big risk.

The slender fingers clasped the mouth of the bowl tightly, and the hatred in her eyes was surging like an undercurrent. She would repay that revenge, but now she just charged some interest.And the bastard in her stomach, she will let her be stillborn like her child!

Ten years is not too late for a gentleman to take revenge!Cheng Yimo, just wait, one day, I will get back everything I lost.The child, the prince, the crown princess, power, fame, status...everything will be snatched back.

In the garden of Zuo Xiang's mansion, ingenious carpenters made a simple wheelchair for him. Ren Zhehe sat in the wheelchair and was getting used to its usage, while Liang Yaozu bowed his head and waited on him.

Ren Zhehe turned the wheelchair in a different direction, "How is Wensan going?"

"Master Hui, the granary that was placed closest to Luosheng has been sold, and the eldest son is escorting Yinliang back to Beijing." Liang Yaozu is now Ren Zhehe's right-hand man.

"Really?" Ke Ren Zhehe was dissatisfied with the progress, and said coldly, "Before we grab the books, we have to speed up. By the way, did the person sent to Qin'an Grand Canal get any news back? "

Liang Yaozu's face changed instantly, and he hesitated to speak out, "There has been news, but the news said that there was another group of people secretly protecting Wei Feng, and they failed twice."

"Trash!" Ren Zhehe kicked Liang Yaozu's leg in anger.

Liang Yaozu was caught off guard and was kicked to the ground.He felt the burning pain in his kneecap. He endured the pain and got up from the ground. Although he felt humiliated in his heart, he could only endure it. If he wanted to survive, he had to endure it if he wanted to become a master.

"Send some more people, and we must get the books back to the truth."


Liang Yaozu was about to retreat, but the steward came to report in a hurry, "Master, it's not good, the person sent to meet Wu Bi came back and said that Wu Bi didn't show up, and someone from the palace also came to say that the prince returned to the palace to send a message." I got angry for a while, and now all the guards and guards around the prince have been dispatched."

Hearing this, Ren Zhehe just smiled but did not get angry, "The prince is angry, it seems that he has taken things to heart. Okay, okay, just take it easy."

Liang Yaozu was puzzled, "Master Xiang, but the spies reported that the crown prince did not get angry with the couple on the spot, so it can be seen that he also..."

After all, Ren Zhehe is an old man in the court. He has watched the prince grow up, and has fought secretly with the prince for many years. He understands the prince's temper better than ordinary people. Back in the palace, it is enough to prove that he has a deep love for Cheng Yimo. If he rushed out and killed Wen Nuo recklessly, then the relationship between him and Cheng Yimo would only be on the verge of breaking point. He understands Someone is playing tricks in the dark, so I don't want to fall into other people's tricks, so I can only swallow my anger and pretend that I didn't see it. But... the more you forbear, the more you will be suspicious, and the more you are suspicious, the less trust you will have. If there is no relationship based on trust, in the end It will go to perish." Ren Zhihe is worthy of being Ren Zhihe, and he is very scheming.No matter how the prince chooses, he can achieve his ultimate goal.

"What's more, our prince is a more domineering and powerful man than ordinary people, ha ha." Ren Zhehe chuckled meaningfully, "This good show, the truth can be expected."

"But Master Xiang, that Wubi..." the old housekeeper mentioned again.

"Let that person go. It's just a poor life. It won't last long." He flicked the dust that fell from the corner of his clothes.

"What Xiangye means is that he will fall into the hands of the prince?" After all, Liang Yaozu's brain is easier to use than the housekeeper's wooden fish brain.That's right, with the power of the prince, I'm afraid the whereabouts of that person will be found within a day.

The old housekeeper looked anxious, "Master, if Wu Bi falls into the prince's hands, wouldn't we be exposed? With the current situation, we may not be able to withstand the two-sided attack of the prince and the Thunder Palace."

Ren Zhehe sneered with a smirk, "The truth is always cautious, how can the prince catch the handle?! Don't forget, it was Shuangshu from the palace who went to Wu Bi. Although Shuangshu secretly Our person, but she is the servant girl serving Feng Ya on the surface!"

Hearing Feng Ya, Liang Yaozu's downcast eyes flickered slightly. Now he can't talk about hating Feng Ya, let alone love.Since the child in her belly was gone, he had nothing to do with her at all.It was agreed at the beginning that as long as she can help him save his father's life, then he will help her connect with the Ren family and send her into the palace.After she entered the palace, he should have nothing to do with her, life or death has nothing to do with him.

Ren Zhehe pushed the wheelchair and turned into the study, leaving only a cold and heartless voice floating in the garden, "If you can't even protect a child, what's the use of keeping it!"

After all, Liang Yaozu underestimated the mighty power of the crown prince, he captured Wu Bi in just two hours instead of a day.

In the wing room in the backyard of the East Palace, Feng Ya lay down on the bed to take a nap after drinking the chicken soup. A woman who had a miscarriage was no different from a woman who had given birth, and she had to be cared for carefully. You have to avoid water and wind, and don't be tired, otherwise you will suffer in the future when you get old.

Feng Ya has always taken good care of her body. Not only did she often let her servants cook all kinds of nourishing soup, but she also avoided all kinds of taboos. In the first few days, she endured the smell of sweat all over her body, and she was in poor health for several days. She didn't get wet at all, and it wasn't until seven days later that she simply washed herself with hot water. Now she was taking a nap in the house, and also closed the doors and windows tightly to prevent the slightest cool breeze from coming in. Just in case, she also covered her body with a thin quilt.

On the delicate gums, she slept very sweetly and deeply. Perhaps the impending storm between the prince and Cheng Yimo made her feel very happy, even smiling in her sleep.She has delicate eyebrows, a straight nose, and her red lips are slightly parted, which is very attractive. Her delicate skin is as white as jade under the thin snow-white silk quilt.

Suddenly, a bang woke her up.She sat up in astonishment, and her obscene clothes, which were as light as thin sand, clinged to her skin, highlighting her exquisite figure in an extremely seductive and sexy way.She frowned, and was about to get out of bed, when she saw a gust of wind rushing towards her face, she raised her eyes, and was suddenly shocked!
"His Royal Highness Tai, Tai, Prince..." He was so shocked that he couldn't even speak smoothly. Although he was shocked, he was more happy.

She got out of bed in a hurry, and in a panic, her belt was torn off, and the obscene clothes slid down her shoulders.But she didn't care about pulling it well, and knelt at the prince's feet after she got off the ground, saying hello softly, "My concubine sees His Royal Highness the prince."

The prince looked down at her——

The woman knelt on the ground, her clothes were half off, her round and plump breasts bulged her pink apron, and her thin sandy clothes hung on her arms, revealing her fragrant shoulders with snow-white skin like jade.Her jet-black hair was draped over her shoulders, with a deadly allure in the mess.

(End of this chapter)

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