black belly prince cruel concubine

Chapter 343 The Jade Butterfly Gate

Chapter 343 Jade Butterfly Returns to the Door (2)
Before Hua Wu came back to her soul, the crown prince called her, "Come here."

Hua Wu trembled, and moved towards him at a turtle speed in fear. The crown prince frowned impatiently, "Okay, let's just stand there. When you come over, I'm afraid it will be dark. Ben Young Master has something to tell you, if you do it well, you will benefit in the future, if you can't do it well..." Qingyue's voice instantly became cold, and the menacing aura rushed straight to Hua Wu's face , "There is no need to live in this world."

Hua Wu was so frightened that she knelt on the ground with a thud, and Li Hua cried with rain, "Gu, uncle, please let this servant go, slave..."

"Okay. Don't act like you're dying, as long as you follow my orders, your little life will be saved." The prince looked at the door in case Yi Mo came back suddenly, "No If you want to do something difficult, you just need to draw a seven-color flower at the first corner of the back door of the palace when your princess is going out."

Hearing this, Hua Wu breathed a sigh of relief, it was indeed not a difficult task.

"Okay, get up quickly. Also, wipe away your tears. If your princess sees this, she will think that my uncle is bullying you..."

The crown prince said this, just like how kind he is.It's not because of you that people cry like this!
In the garden, Yi Mo was taking a walk when he happened to meet Mei Hong, a concubine who was also out for a walk.When Mei Hong saw Yi Mo, she turned around and ran away like a mouse seeing a cat.Yi Mo is also used to it and doesn't bother to talk to her.Turning around and walking into the gazebo, as soon as he sat down, Qinglong came.

Qinglong brought Wei Feng's message, "Master, Wei Feng agreed to take the account book to the Golden Palace to file a lawsuit, but he wants to see you."

Yi Mo caressed the gold border on the embroidered robe, and sneered, "It seems that Wei Feng is indeed a smart man who knows how to seize opportunities." Wei Feng saw that she just wanted a powerful position and a guarantee.

"I'm afraid he already knew that the account books in his hand were fake."

With Mo's delicate thoughts, he can guess a little bit of Wei Feng's intentions, "If you fail the high school test once, you will take the second test, and if you fail the second time, you will take the third test. He will not give up until he fails three or four times. It can be seen that Wei Feng is extremely eager for power and status, but he is not a person who will go to the end desperately for power and status. He went to Beijing with the account book, just to win a man who "defies power and serves the people wholeheartedly" It seems that whether he can sue the imperial court to bring down the left prime minister because of his good reputation is not within the scope of his consideration."

Qinglong asked, "Is he not afraid of offending the left minister?"

"The literati in the Chengtian Dynasty have always hugged each other, especially the literati at the feet of the emperor. Wei Feng was originally a literati, and he was very much supported by the literati in Bangtai. Then he can win the support of scholars all over the world. Compared with offending Ren Zhehe, this is nothing. What's more, the account books in his hand are fake, except for giving Ren Zhehe a false alarm. There is no other loss. Besides, the whole world knows that he offended Ren Zhehe, if Ren Zhehe angered him again, it would be ridiculed by the world. What's more, in order to maintain his own image, Ren Zhehe Maybe he will be forced to praise Wei Feng for being upright and dignified!"

Yi Mo smiled, laughing at Wei Feng's abacus, "Now our appearance has disrupted all his plans. Send the real account books to the Golden Temple. If the left side is reversed, he will live in peace. If the left side If he doesn’t fall, then he will definitely die. But now the Prime Minister of the Left sends people to hunt him down, and we are his only amulet. If he doesn’t follow our orders, he will die without waiting until he enters Beijing. So he has nothing else to do. If you choose, you have to follow our requirements and enter the Shangjinluan Temple in Beijing."

Qinglong understood, "He wants to see his master and let you be his talisman for survival. After all, Prime Minister Zuo has been in the court for so many years, with great power, it is still unknown whether an account book can be brought down, so he wants to plan ahead."

Yi Mo played with the teacup on the stone table, "I'm the one he can see whenever he wants."

"Yes, this subordinate understands." Qinglong turned around to leave the pavilion, but was stopped by Yimo, "Wait a minute."

Yi Mo remembered that when he saw Wen Nuo yesterday, his hands were wrapped in gauze, and his body was very thin, he was a little worried, "Send someone to find out what happened to Wen Nuo recently."


When Yi Mo returned to the house, the crown prince had already left.

Hua Wu is still cleaning up the house.The courtyard where Yi Mo lives has the fewest people, except for Hua Wu, there are only two or three maids and a woman who boils water, but those people are not allowed to enter the inner courtyard, so all the work in the inner courtyard is done by Hua Wu. people do.Hua Wu was also diligent, cleaning the inner courtyard clean and tidy.When Yi Mo came back, she was sweeping the floor.

Seeing her red eyes, Yi Mo asked her, "What's the matter? Did you cry? Is the work in the inner courtyard too heavy? How about sending you two maids in the future?"

"No, no, no." She shook her head hastily, and hurriedly explained, "The servant accidentally let dust fall into her eyes when she was sweeping the floor just now." In order not to make Yi Mo suspicious, she also learned to change the subject, "Princess , Just now the concubine sent someone to say that today is the day when Miss Yudie returns home, and she asked you to go to the front hall later."

"Go back to the door? Got it. I'll go in and change my clothes."

Yi Mo changed her body into a light pink skirt, after all, returning home was also a festive day, so she couldn't wear white to meet the newlyweds.

When Yimo arrived at the front hall, Yudie and Yuwenchen had already arrived.

Yudie is wearing a rose red gauze dress today, her hair is tied into a woman's bun, her pretty face is lightly made up, and her brows still reveal the charm of a new woman.Yu Wenchen stood beside her, his slender figure dressed in green clothes was like a jade tree facing the wind.

Yuwen Shen was the first to see Yimo who came in, and hurriedly bowed to salute, "See Princess Ping An."


Jingyang also greeted, "Don't be too polite, don't be too polite, from now on we're a family, why bother to see others like this." She pulled Yudie to sit down, and asked with concern, "How is it? I'm still used to Yu's house. How is your mother-in-law? Does she treat you well?"

As soon as she said this, Yuwen Shen's face showed a bit of embarrassment.Yudie has lived in the palace since she was a child, and she is not used to it when she first came to Yujia Village, and Yushi is a domineering person. At first, she was afraid of Yudie's status as the adopted daughter of the palace, but after getting along for a few days, she knew that she was weak and easy to bully. After losing his temper, he stopped being polite and began to insult at every turn.Yu Wenchen was also a weak and incompetent man in front of his mother, and he didn't dare to speak out to help her.Cheng Yudie was being bullied by Yu Shi, so he could only stand aside and watch, thus fueling her arrogance.

Yuwen gave Yudie a warning look, fearing that she might say something she shouldn't say, so she spoke first, "Don't worry, Madam Wang, the grass people will take good care of Yudie and won't let her be wronged."

(End of this chapter)

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