black belly prince cruel concubine

Chapter 344 The Jade Butterfly Gate

Chapter 344 Jade Butterfly Returns to the Door (3)
"It's good not to be wronged, it's good not to be wronged." Jingyang Xuan's heart suddenly stabilized, and his smile was much brighter than before, which caused Aunt Ji to ask, "Where is the prince? Today is the day when Yudie returns home. He Why are you still going out?"

"Return to master, the prince has gone to Cuixiang Garden, I'm afraid..."

"Hurry up and send someone to remind him. This person is back. He hasn't arrived yet. What are you thinking about!" In the past, Jingyang didn't care about his bad things, but today is the day when Yudie returns home. If he doesn't show up, It means dissatisfaction with the son-in-law, which is a slap in the face in front of others.If an outsider finds out, Yu Wenchen might not be able to hold his head up as a human being.


The palace sent wave after wave of people to invite them, but all the people who came back said that the prince was drunk, so drunk that he couldn't even stand up.

"Even if you're so drunk that you're unconscious, you have to be carried back to me." Jingyang scolded angrily.

"Yes." The guard nodded hurriedly, and was about to go out, but was stopped by Yi Mo, "Okay. No need to come back. Send a few people to wait on him, and send him back when he sobers up." Yi Mo opened his mouth, even Jingyang didn't dare to refute at will.

"Subordinates obey!"

"This! Mo'er, your father..." Jingyang is concerned about Yuwen's serious face. Although he is not a person of high status, he is Yudie's husband's family. I am afraid that Yudie's life in her husband's house will not be easy.

"Okay. Aunt Ji, order the dining room to set the meal!" After finishing speaking, she got up resolutely and left the living room.The awe-inspiring and domineering aura made Jingyang shut up immediately.

Don't think that Yi Mo didn't see Yu Wenchen's warning eyes, and the little good impression he had at first disappeared because of this.For such a man, let her noble father rush home without hesitation, let's dream.

In order to welcome Yudie back home, Jingyang specially ordered his servants to cook a table of delicious dishes.

At the dinner table, Jing Jing was very enthusiastic, and hurriedly picked up vegetables for Yudie, "Come on, eat more, eat more. Seeing that you are losing weight, come here, this is your favorite dish, eat more quickly, I don't know when you will get it next time..."

These words fell into Yu Wenchen's ears, but they carried a strong sense of irony.There was a slight pause in the movement of reaching out to pick up the vegetables, and his fingers tightened.To him, what Princess Lei Ting said meant dislike.

Yimo took a panoramic view of his expression without making a sound, without making a sound, and ate the food on his own.

After eating almost, the maid handed over the teacup.The more inferior Yuwen Shen felt, the more gentle and refined he was. He smiled and thanked the maid serving him tea, maintaining his gentle and polite image to the extreme.He took the teacup, imitated the behavior of those nobles in the pear garden, and took a shallow sip.But as soon as the tea was served, he heard low laughter coming from his ears.He raised his head in shock, and saw the maids standing beside him covered their mouths and looked at him with smiles, even Princess Lei Ting looked at him in surprise.

Yi Mo coldly shouted, "Get out!"

The maidservants who were still smiling just now changed their faces, and cautiously retreated out of the room with their faces lowered in horror.

With a sullen face, Yi Mo took the teacup, took a sip of the tea, put it in his mouth, and then spit it into the spittoon prepared by his side.

When Yuwen Shen's eyes touched the spittoon that was prepared at some time, his face immediately flushed red with shame, and he was ashamed.Thinking of the faces of those maidservants covering their mouths and laughing just now, I was so ashamed and indignant that I wished I could find a hole in the ground and go in!
Jingyang laughed dryly, wanting to help him out, "It's okay, it's okay, Wen Chen is here for the first time, first time..."

Although Jingyang had good intentions, in Yuwenshen's view, it was a disguised humiliation.

The meal ended with a joke made of Yu Wenchen's ignorance.Jingyang hadn't seen Yudie for many days, so he missed them so much, so he tried his best to keep the two of them to live in the palace for a few days.Yu Die couldn't shirk, so she agreed.

There is no need to tidy up the other rooms, the yard where Yudie used to live is now empty, and there is a special servant to clean it, just change a set of bedding and sheets to move in.

In the afternoon, Jingyang, Yimo and Yudie were all talking in the boudoir.Yuwen Shen couldn't be alone, so he had to hang out in the garden of the palace.The garden of the Thunder King's Mansion is taken care of by a dedicated gardener. It is almost as prosperous and exquisite as the Royal Garden of the Imperial Palace. Yu Wenchen, like Yu Die, usually likes to take care of flowers and plants when he likes playing chess. He also has a unique experience in raising flowers and plants, because he worked as a gardener in a wealthy family before he entered the Liyuan to teach chess.

Seeing the extremely rare Shuangshu different-colored peonies on the market, he squatted down happily to see what species it was.

At this time, two maids were passing by the garden, and Yuwen Shen was about to get up, but when she heard their conversation, she immediately squatted down again.

I only heard one of the servants sneering with a smile, "Have you heard that at the dinner table today, our uncle drank all the tea for rinsing his mouth. Hehe, our uncle came from a poor family, so I'm afraid he didn't drink it at home." Have such expensive mouthwash tea..."

The other servant girl didn't even show her smiling face, and sarcastically sneered, "Young master! It's just a good fate. People from small families always lose their petty air, and when they look at a rude man who brings tea and water, To make the girl say thank you is really embarrassing to our royal family... Hmph, when the newlyweds of other families return home, the husband's family has to bring things. It's like Mr. Jiang's son-in-law, but he brought three carts full of gold and silver treasures Not only the first-class servant girl in the mansion was rewarded, but even the old man who guarded the door got a few coins. Look at our uncle. When he came back, he was empty-handed. Hmph, he was ashamed to step into the palace. door……"

While speaking, he vaguely saw a figure among the flowers, not only stopped talking, but raised his voice deliberately and said, "You don't know, I went to Yujia Village with Miss Yudie's wedding party that day, huh! Didn't you see Husband?" The house at home is dilapidated and old, and even the toilet in the palace is better than it. And the wedding clothes worn by my uncle that day, the fabric, even the clothes worn by the servants in our mansion, are of higher quality... You Saying that such a person deserves us to respect him as a master? Ah bah!"

These maidservants are the most sharp-tongued, merciless in their words, and they even pick up ugly words.

It wasn't until the two maids walked away that Yu Wenchen stood up from the flowers. He held the flower of the double-colored peony in his hand tightly. The flower that was blooming like a raging fire had lost its shape in his hands at this moment.Anger and humiliation intertwined in his eyes, he threw down the remaining flowers angrily, and turned to leave.But when he turned around, he saw Princess Ping An standing proudly in the distance.She was dressed in a rich and brocade robe, standing awe-inspiringly and coldly on a high place, looking down at him condescendingly.

The indifferent voice fell on his ears, like sprinkling salt on his scarred heart, making her worse!
"Respect yourself, and people will respect you; if you are arrogant, people will demean you!"

Yi Mo has no other intentions, but just wants to tell him that as long as he respects himself and renews himself, others will admire and respect him; if he despises himself, others will also belittle him.

It can be seen that Yu Wenshen's current state of mind naturally cannot understand her meaning.

That night, the two of Yu Die did not stay at Lei Ting Wang's Mansion, and Yu Wenchen found an excuse to evade Jing Jing's request to stay.

Outside the gate of the palace, the smile on Yuwen Shen's face disappeared as soon as he left the palace.

Yudie looked at him worriedly, "Wen Chen, you..." She didn't say any comforting words.Because she knew that Yu Wenchen was not as free and aloof as he appeared on the surface. He was arrogant because of his talent, but he was deeply inferior because of his poor family and inferiority in everything.If you comfort him at this time, it will only make things worse.

The words of the two maidservants kept floating in Yuwen's mind, his face turned livid, he snorted coldly, with a sullen face, he rudely pulled Yudie towards the carriage.Yudie was caught off guard, and was staggered by him, almost falling to the ground.

And all this is seen by the person hiding in the dark.The person in the dark was dressed in black and a black robe, with a wide brim covering half of his face, only showing his delicate chin and a beautiful red lip!

Under the black clothes, it is not difficult to see that the body is soft and petite, and with the sexy and beautiful red lips, it is certain that this person is a woman, and she is also a beautiful woman.If the guards of the palace were vigilant, they would have discovered that this woman had been hiding in the shadows of the palace for many days. Ever since the imperial decree was granted by the emperor, the woman has been hiding in the dark and watching the movements of the Lei Ting Palace.No, to be exact, Princess Ping'an showed Yimo's movement!

The carriage left the palace and went straight back to Yujia Village. The black-robed woman glanced at the slowly closing gate of the palace, and turned around resolutely to follow the carriage——

The carriage stopped at a small town near Yujia Village, and Yu Wenchen got out of the carriage.Yudie opened the curtain and asked softly, "Wen Chen, aren't you going home?"

"You go back first, the paper and ink at home are used up, I'll go to the town to buy some." After finishing speaking, she left without waiting for Yudie to open her mouth.

Yuwen Shen didn't go to the study to buy paper and ink, but went into a tavern in a small town, where he sat alone in a cubicle drinking wine through a bamboo curtain.He didn't know whether his eyes were red because he was drunk, or he was blinded by anger, he suddenly went crazy, raised his hand and dropped the wine glass, pointed at the wine stain on the ground and cursed, "Bitch! Bitch! I told you to look down on people! Damn slut! Why do you look down on people? What do you have? It’s just a good birth. Any prince or princess is bullshit! They’re all bullshit! They’re all sluts, they’re all damned, they’re all damned!” he yelled and cursed , he roared, and he tried his best to vent the resentment and humiliation in his heart.In the end, tired of cursing, reeking of alcohol, he lay on the table crying and cursing, "God, why are you so unfair? Back then, when I passed the examination for scholar talent, you let me replace you with the dude of the county lord... Now that he has obviously fawned on the Lei Ting Palace, and has become the son-in-law of the Palace, why do you want to, why..." Suddenly, the voice stopped abruptly.

He widened his eyes in astonishment, and saw a bare hand lift the bead curtain, and a graceful figure walked in——

(End of this chapter)

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