black belly prince cruel concubine

Chapter 345 Ren Zhehe Goes to Jail

Chapter 345 Ren Zhehe Goes to Jail (1)
The weather in June is sunny and everything is flourishing. The golden sun is like fine wine, and it falls lazily, illuminating the people working in the fields mesmerizingly.Many crops are in the ripening stage in June.The rice in the field seems to be full of grains overnight, full of grains, and a bumper harvest.Many rice stalks were bent over.

The weather in June is also like a baby's face, it can change as soon as it is said, don't look at the sunshine at the moment, but it may be stormy later.These rice paddies that have entered the mature stage and are growing luxuriantly cannot withstand the devastation of wind and rain. Farmers get up early and go to the field with their trousers rolled up, and use cut wooden sticks and hemp ropes to tie several nearby rice plants together to prevent It was blown into the rice field by the strong wind, and the harvest was ruined!
Wearing sackcloth, Yan Wenshu stood in the field with his hands behind his back, looked up at the hard-working people in the field, and sighed softly, "It's like this every year!" He bent down and pulled out the most luxuriant rice, Looking at the slender rice stalks, "Although the grains are good, the stalks are still weak. If we can find better varieties, then we won't have to spend so much manpower and material resources every year."

Yu Qingfeng also looked at the green rice fields, and saw that there were as many grasshoppers in the field as leaves of grass, jumping and scurrying under the green leaves, very happy, "Teacher, don't worry, I believe the Ministry of Finance will soon find a more suitable one for us to bear." The rice planted by the people of the Celestial Dynasty. Now the Minister of the Household Department has gone to Wan Country to negotiate, and I believe that good news will come back soon..."

Yan Wenshu picked up the immature ears of wheat on the tips and put them in his pocket, dropped the stalks, clapped his hands, and smiled lightly, "I have nothing to worry about, I'm already very old, they are the ones to worry about Those young people who want to make political achievements. Hey, for an old man like me, talking too much will only make people feel disgusted. Besides, although the straw is slender and easy to fall, the grains produced are full and crystal clear. This year has not yet encountered strong winds, and I am afraid that the harvest will be much better than last year. Hey! We inherit the heavenly dynasty, and we are considered lucky. Compared with some barren lands, we are much richer. At least no one will be frozen to death in the winter, and no one will be starved to death during the festival. .Food and drink enough, great luck..."

Yu Qingfeng disagreed with his words, "Did the Grand Master forget? In the past few years, there have been locust plagues every year. I don't know how many people starved to death and how many people died from freezing."

"Yes, there are locust plagues every year." Yan Wenshu said meaningfully, "The previous chronology was the most prosperous and affluent place. The annual grain output was the highest in all counties in the country, and the tribute to the court was also the best and the most. But in the past few years, the imperial court has allocated batches of historical chronicles for disaster relief and beating silver, but the people in the chronicles still deserve to die, and they should go."

"Grand Master, have you heard all those rumors?" Yu Qingfeng talked about Ren Zhehe, "Grand Master thinks this matter is true or false?"

"Is it true or not? The emperor sent Inspector Yu Shi Zhang to investigate the matter personally. Master Zhang will return to Beijing tomorrow. Qingfeng wants to know whether it is true or not. Will you know tomorrow?" Yan Wenshu walked along the Tiankan to Walk to the side of the farm orchard.The indifferent and leisurely demeanor of Mount Tai collapsed in front of his eyes without changing his face really made people itch with hatred.

Yu Qingfeng didn't have his grace, he frowned and said, "But Zhang Lin was recommended by Ren Zhehe at the beginning, and Ren Zhehe was kind to him, will he be favoritism because of this..."

"Look! Qingfeng used the word favoritism, which shows that the answer you asked about the truth earlier is already in your heart." Yan Wenshu stood in a watermelon field, where the watermelons were big and round, he stretched out his hand and patted, Looked good and bad, then stood up and looked around.

Yu Qingfeng was dedicated to serving the people, thinking about the people who died of starvation and freezing in the annals, he couldn't help becoming anxious, "Grand Master! You..."

"Why rush." ​​Yan Wenshu saw a farmer in a short shirt and green clothes entering the garden, so he raised his hand to beckon him, smiled at the old man who was coming, and signaled Yu Qingfeng to be calm, "There will always be someone who should come." Here." After finishing speaking, he ignored him and raised his voice to the farmer, "Brother, this orchard belongs to you, right? Can you buy this big watermelon? We passed by and saw that your watermelon is growing big and booming. , greedy, want to buy and try something new."

The old man is simple and enthusiastic. Seeing Yan Wenshu's age and extraordinary appearance, he hurriedly smiled and said, "Hey, what are you buying? I will give it to you. Take it and eat it." The old man bent down and tore off the melon vine, Very generously gave it to him.

"Ah! How embarrassing." He said he was embarrassed, but the action of picking up the watermelon was more cheerful than anyone else, and he looked very much like an old man who was used to taking advantage of small things.Dirty!It really ruined his tall and bright temperament!
"Thank you, thank you, thank you so much." He repeatedly bowed down to thank the old man with a big watermelon in his arms.

"It's okay, let's eat quickly. It's hot today, so eat it to cool off the heat."

"Good." Yan Wenshu walked out of the small mountain village with watermelon and Yu Qingfeng in his arms.This place is not far from the capital, half an hour by carriage.

Yan Wenshu returned to the carriage and handed the watermelon to the attendants, "Open it and give it to Lord Yu to taste, so that he can calm down his anger."

Yu Qingfeng looked a little embarrassed, and smiled wryly, "Teacher, you..."

Yan Wenshu didn't look at him, and found a shady place, sat down on a big rock, picked up a piece of dog's tail grass and played with it in his hands, "Do you really think that Ren Zhehe can cover the sky with one hand in the court hall?" What about people from Concubine He's lineage, let's not talk about the current upstart, can the people of Lei Ting Palace let him go? That Princess Ping'an is a ruthless master who must take revenge. Ren Zhehe framed Lei Ting Palace back then , I'm afraid she remembers this matter better than us, you said he can make Ren Qihe feel better?"

No, but in the end... "But Princess Ping An is a girl after all, can she win against the wily Ren Zuoxiang?"

"Although she has a tough temper, she is only a woman after all. How can she be the opponent of Ren Zuoxiang." The same words resounded in the residence of the right minister.

Cai Qing held a letter in his hand, and the flamboyant handwriting on the letter seemed to be written by Yi Mo.

Cai Xuehui picked up the teapot to buy tea for her father, peeked at the envelope, slightly frowned, wondering, how could it be her letter?In Cai Xuehui's view, no matter how powerful a woman is, she is still a boudoir woman, and there is no room for meddling in the political affairs of the court and China.Does this Princess Ping An want to rule like a man and be successful in politics? !

In the past, she admired her to some extent, but today she can't help being a little mocking. It's really fantastic that a woman in a deep boudoir wants to meddle in the government affairs!

The aide was sitting below, and when he saw that the young lady brought him some tea, he quickly stood up to thank him, then sat down cautiously, and said, "But Mr. Xiang, this is also a great opportunity. If you really follow Princess Ping's words, bring him The Golden Luang Palace, then..."

Cai Youxiang felt a little hesitant, looked at the envelope again, sighed and said, "These are all from the hands of a woman, and the truth or falsehood is unpredictable. I am worried that not only will not overthrow Zuoxiang by then, but it will also be destroyed." Lost us too. Such an uncertain thing..."

(End of this chapter)

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