black belly prince cruel concubine

Chapter 346 Ren Zhehe Goes to Jail

Chapter 346 Ren Zhehe Goes to Jail (2)
At this time, the housekeeper knocked on the door to report, "Master, Master Yumae Yu and Master Feng Chengyi have come to see you."

Cai Qing stood up in shock, "Why are the two of them here? Could it be..." He glanced at the envelope on the table.

The staff members were also very surprised and quickly stood up.

"Invite them to the main hall, the truth will come soon."

"Yes." The butler hurried down to greet him.

Cai Xuehui stood in the study in a daze, jade mace?Minister of the Ministry of Industry, Jade Mace, the father of Yuqing?She suddenly remembered the messages from the noble ladies in the circle, saying that because of the prince's wedding, the world would be pardoned. Her prison sentence was specially given to her to become a nun in Qingpin'an.

Thunder Palace.

Yi Mo asked while drinking the medicinal soup brought by Li Xiao, "Have Yuelu and the others arrived?"

Qinglong replied, "It's already here, just wait for your master's order before we can act."

Yi Mo finally showed a smiling face while taking the medicine, and suddenly he didn't realize how bad the medicine was, but he pursed his lips unsatisfactorily, "Let him wait patiently, we will not only kill Ren Zhehe by surprise, but also Let him suffer from being dumb!"


As I said a long time ago, the summer sky is like a child's face, and it changes as soon as it changes.It was still sunny during the day, but in the evening, it was overcast and windy, and gusts of wind suddenly rose, and in an instant, the sky was covered with dark clouds.

The colorful sunset just before was instantly submerged in the black clouds, and the dark clouds quickly enveloped them like chasing the stars and the moon. The hazy weather was very depressing, giving people a sense of storms coming!
Tonight, many people may not be able to sleep because of the coming 'wind and rain'.

"It seems that there will be a heavy rain tonight." Taishi Yan ordered people to close the doors and windows of the mansion, and asked the housekeeper to make tea and serve it, and then took out the jade chessboard that he had treasured for many years, "Qingfeng, we haven't seen you for a long time." It's time to play chess, how about staying in my grand master's mansion to accompany me for the next night of chess?"

Yu Qingfeng put aside the worries in his heart, nodded with a smile, "I give up my life to accompany the Grand Master."

The dark clouds rolled like ink, the thunder roared in the clouds, and the wrist-thick lightning split down from the sky, instantly splitting the towering tree on the top of the mountain in half. The posture was quite astonishing.

At night, thunder roared, and the sky was full of lightning!The strong wind blew the big tree outside the window down, and after half an hour of continuous thunder, the raindrops finally fell.The fast and urgent raindrops were like pearl necklaces with broken strings, and the entire capital city was shrouded in rain.In a short while, rainwater dripped from the eaves, first drop by drop with a clear sense of rhythm, but within a few breaths, a water column was formed, continuously flowing into the water tank.

At midnight, the rain was still falling, and it was getting heavier and heavier, with a tendency to keep on going.Yi Mo did not go to bed and fall asleep as usual, but sat leisurely in the recliner, she closed her eyes gently, and listened quietly to the sound of rain ticking outside the window. It is raining tonight, and the shift watcher might not come out to do the shift. .Yi Mo had no choice but to ask Hua Wu from time to time, "What time is it?"

The master didn't sleep, how dare Hua Wu go to rest, she stood quietly and waited, "Back to the princess, it will be Zishi in a moment."

Yimo En let out a cry, then slowly closed his eyes, and Youyou ordered, "Go and call Qinglong."


Not long after, Qinglong came over.Hua Wu stood outside the door and did not go in, because she knew that they had important matters to discuss, and if the master needed her to serve, she would call her.

A quarter of an hour later, Qinglong came out of the room.

"Huawu." Qinglong just came out of the courtyard when a call came from the house.

"The servant is here." Hua Wu pushed the door open and went in.

Yi Mo got up from the rocking chair, took off his clothes and went to bed, "Go down and rest. By the way, you went to bed late today, so you don't have to wake up so early tomorrow, sleep more."

"Thank you princess, I will leave the servant girl."

It was even louder in the middle of the night, and riots broke out at the two private grain storages of Sendai and Anyue far away in the Annals, and the three private grain storages of Shen Shen, Anshui, and Shao'an, which were close to the emperor's eyes.The white tiger led two thousand cavalry all the way to the west, killing all the private soldiers guarding the private treasury!
Zhang Yuelu also led a thousand cavalry to burn, kill and loot the grain depot in Shao'an. Riding on a tall war horse, he raised a big knife in his hand. He was so bold and shouted in a rough voice, "Kill! Kill!" Whoever kills the most and kills the most fiercely, I will reward him with more rice!"

Before setting off, he gave each soldier a burlap bag, which was so big and deep that it could hold two grown men.He tied the pocket on the waistband of his trousers, and patted it with his hands, "See, whoever fills up the pockets on his waistband, I will reward him with an extra ten taels of silver!"

"Come on—"

"Kill ah-"

"Help me—"

In an instant, there were screams and killing roars, but unfortunately they were all covered by the thunder in the sky.

These bandits are like locusts crossing the border, leaving nothing behind where they go, even the shit on the ground was put into sackcloth bags by those lunatics and taken home to nourish the back garden.

Thunderstorms are the best time to commit crimes. No matter how much commotion there is, it cannot withstand the sound of wind, rain, thunder, and lightning.

All night!Under the leadership of Baihu Zhang Yuelu and others, the iron cavalry killed and robbed for a whole night!When they came, they were all empty-handed, and when they returned, even the horses were bent over, so heavy that they couldn't even walk.

The wind and rain finally stopped on the eve of dawn, the sky gradually dawned, the sky was pale white, colorful clouds surged in the sky, after a night of washing, the clouds became more ethereal and beautiful, and the deep red color was as bright as blood.Today's Yunxia is extraordinarily deep red, and there is a strangeness in this red.Under the boundless sky, the prosperous imperial capital is shrouded in this layer of deep red, which faintly reveals the breath of death!

Ren Zuoxiang got up early in the morning, and the sound of rain and thunder from last night kept ringing in his ears, making it impossible for him to sleep at all.While yawning, he looked at the bronze mirror, saw the blue under his eyes in the bronze mirror, and frowned, "Come here!"

"Master Xiang." The maid who waited for him to get up stood tremblingly beside the curtain.

"Go and get some ice water for Truth to apply to her face."

"The slaves obey."

After Ren Zhehe finished washing and washing, he simply drank a bowl of clear soup and got on the carriage to go to the palace.

The carriage slowly drove to the corner ahead. At this moment, a man covered in blood suddenly appeared on another street. The man held the corner of the wall, endured the pain, held his last breath, and staggered towards the prime minister's mansion.But when he saw the carriage at the corner, his ashen-faced face burst out with joy at seeing hope, "Master," Lord!

(End of this chapter)

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