black belly prince cruel concubine

Chapter 347 Ren Zhehe Goes to Jail

Chapter 347 Ren Zhehe Goes to Jail (3)
The last word was choked in his throat before he could see his eyes widen suddenly. At some point, a bloodstain appeared on his neck. With a slight force, the blood spurted out violently!

Yi Mo looked at the carriage that had turned around the intersection expressionlessly, then lowered his head and wiped the blood on the dagger with a snow-white silk handkerchief...

In the Jinluan Hall, Emperor Qianmin was sitting majestically on a dragon chair, accepting the worship of civil and military officials.

"The ministers are waiting to see the emperor, long live the emperor, long live, long live!"

"The ministers are waiting to see the emperor, long live the emperor, long live, long live!"

One court in three days, one court in five days!Today is the day of the imperial court, all the civil and military officials in the capital have arrived, even He Zong, the great general of Zhenguo who rarely shows up, is standing on top of the Jinluan Hall in a military general's court uniform.

Eunuch Su Mu flicked his fly whisk and routinely shouted, "Let's play if there is something to do, and leave the court if there is nothing to do!"

"The minister has this report." The Minister of the Ministry of Finance came out, "Reporting to the emperor, it was windy and rainy last night, and the rice in the capital, Shao'an, and Shenzhen were mostly damaged. The people have gone to the field early this morning to rescue them. Big. But if it goes on like this for a long time, it will not be a solution, and I ask the emperor to make a decision."

Speaking of this, Emperor Ganmin felt a headache, and looked at Cai Qing, Prime Minister on the right, "Cai Qing, is there any result for the servant of the household department to go to Wan country?"

"Back to the emperor, Lord Zi has found better quality grain seeds, and will leave for the country soon."

"Okay, okay!" Emperor Qianmin was overjoyed, "When Zihuan returns to the country, I will personally host a banquet to reward him. By the way, the Ministry of Households sent people to test the seeds for two more seasons, and distributed them to the people after seeing the results." , don’t let this happen.”

"The minister waits to obey the order." The Minister of the Household Department led a group of officials from the Household Department to kneel down to accept the order.

"Okay, is there anything else to report?" Emperor Qianmin waved his hands to get his ministers to stand up and look at others. The day of the dynasty is the most troublesome thing, but most of them are insignificant things.If it was normal, it would have become a noisy market at this moment, but why is it so quiet today?

Seeing that all the ministers of His Highness were honest, Emperor Ganmin couldn't help smiling knowingly, and finally let him be quiet for a while.He stood up, "Since it's all right, let's go back."

But someone refused to let him go. The mace came out and said, "My Majesty, Mr. Zhang Linzhang has returned and is waiting for your summons outside the palace."

"Oh? Zhang Lin is back?" Emperor Ganmin sat down again, "Show him in."

"Yes." Mr. Su Mu passed on a message, "Master Zhang Linzhang, the inspector and censor, came to the pilgrimage to meet—"

"Xuan Inspector and Censor Zhang Lin Zhang adults enter the pilgrimage to meet—"

"Xuan Inspector and Censor Zhang Lin Zhang adults enter the pilgrimage to meet—"

The noise came out of the palace gate one after another.Outside the hall, Zhang Linjing was standing beside the carriage. He stood with his head down, staring blankly at the toe of the shoe, as if he wanted to stare at it.Hearing the noise, he suddenly looked up.

The servant who was serving him suddenly stepped forward and quietly stuffed a jade pendant into his hand.You don't need to look at him to know that it is his mother's jade pendant.When he was a child, he went to the temple with his father and mother to offer incense. On the way, he met robbers who robbed people of money. His father was a miser and was reluctant to give up money.Those bandits were angry and wanted to kill him. When his mother saw her, she stood in front of him desperately. The jade pendant placed in front of Hao Hao saved her, but the jade pendant also had deep knife marks.He rubbed the marks on it carefully, with a gloomy look in his eyes.

The boy stepped forward, and from outsiders' eyes, he was considerately dusting his master's body, but only Zhang Lin knew that he was threatening him.

"My lord, Prime Minister Zuo asked the little one to pass a message to you, asking you to think more about your elderly mother at home. The old man doesn't want anything else when he is old, he just hopes to enjoy his old age in peace. I believe that you have always been a filial son, no Let the old lady still follow the adults at this age."

"Xuan Inspector and Censor Zhang Lin Zhang adults enter the pilgrimage to meet—"

Seeing someone from the palace coming to pick him up, the young servant took a step back knowingly, "My lord, go quickly, don't keep the emperor waiting for a long time."

Zhang Lin followed the palace guards into the Golden Luan Hall, "I see the emperor, my emperor, long live, long live, long live!" He was covered in dust, and he was still wearing regular clothes and not court clothes. It can be seen that he rushed back to the capital overnight, but he did not return. House freshen up.

Seeing his behavior like this, Emperor Ganmin seemed to have guessed something, his joyful face gradually darkened, and he said in a dignified voice, "Zhang Aiqing, how is the investigation going?"

As soon as Emperor Ganmin's question came out, all the officials looked at him one after another, nervous, eager, and expectant... Only Ren Zhehe stood with his head down, not looking at anyone, as if he had nothing to do with himself .

Zhang Lin knelt on the main hall, with his head bowed, holding his mother's jade pendant tightly in his hand, a struggle flashed in his eyes, and he didn't speak for a long time.

The crown prince was standing under the jade steps of the Dragon Terrace with his arms folded. His position just caught Zhang Lin's expression. He couldn't help but sneered and lowered his eyes carelessly.

"Zhang Lin, I'm asking you something! Is the matter clear?" Seeing that he didn't reply for a long time, Emperor Ganmin couldn't help shouting angrily.

Zhang Lin closed his eyes slowly in pain, kowtowed and replied, "Back to the emperor, I have already found out. What Master Yu said is purely fictional!"

As soon as these words came out, the entire hall was in an uproar!

"It turned out to be fake..."

"Let's just talk about it, Mr. Zuo Xiang is so diligent and caring for the people, how can he accept bribes..."

"Yes, yes, it has long been said that Mr. Zuo Xiang was framed by others, but now it has been found out that Mr. Zuo Xiang should be innocent..."

When Ren Zhehe heard the officials talking one by one, the corner of his mouth cracked into a smile, and he stared coldly at Zhang Lin who was kneeling in the hall.You should be so obedient and obedient, you have to force the truth to arrest your mother, you are so obedient, really slavish!
The crown prince looked at Ren Zhehe triumphantly, the sneer at the corner of his mouth deepened, and the murderous look in his eyes was fleeting.snort!Those who dare to design him are really impatient.Now I am smiling happily, I don't know if I can still be so happy when I die.

"Okay, since it's just speculation, let's forget about it and don't mention it in the future." Emperor Qianmin heaved a sigh of relief, but there were some doubts in his eyes. Zhang Lin's expression just now didn't look so simple.But after thinking about it, maybe he was worrying too much, even Zhang Lin didn't have the guts to lie to him!
Emperor Ganmin wanted to expose this, but Ren Zhehe didn't give up. He knelt down and begged, "Your Majesty, I request that the Minister of Industry and Industry of the Emperor be guilty of slandering and slandering important officials of the court." He has always been diligent in government and loving the people, honest and fair, and has never made the slightest mistake. Now he is so slandered and slandered by Master Yu in the Golden Luan Hall, how can he stand here facing the emperor, the prince, and the colleagues in the palace! The minister disarms and returns to the fields, tell the old man and return to his hometown."

(End of this chapter)

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