black belly prince cruel concubine

Chapter 348 Ren Zhehe Goes to Jail

Chapter 348 Ren Zhehe Goes to Jail (4)
When the officials of Ren Zonghe's party heard this, they were so frightened that they knelt down and cried, "Your Majesty, absolutely no, Ren Zuoxiang has always been the mainstay of the court and the right arm of the Emperor..."

"Yes, Your Majesty, this matter must never happen. He has been an official for many years and has made countless contributions..."

Zuo Xiang's faction knelt down the whole hall, crying so much that he felt sincere, anyway, he wanted the emperor not to let Zuo Xiang return home, anyway, he wanted the emperor to punish him for the great crime of jade mace.

"Your Majesty, Lord Yu has slandered Prime Minister Zuo and wiped out his reputation for the first time. Please, for the sake of the Seventh Prince and Concubine Shu, please severely punish Lord Yumae!"

"Please, Your Majesty, severely punish Lord Jade Mace!"

"Please, Your Majesty, severely punish Lord Jade Mace!"

All the ministers knelt down to beg for orders, and if the emperor refused to agree, they would sprint and kneel down!

Emperor Qianmin's face turned cold in an instant, and he glared angrily at Ren Zhehe, who was kneeling at the top: "How courageous!"

The superior can spoil you, promote you, tolerate you deceiving him, and tolerate you making tricks behind his back, but he can never tolerate you climbing on his head to threaten him!In the past few years, Ren Zhehe's power in the court has grown, and his courage has also grown. Not only did he deceive the upper and lower, causing the chronicle to be littered with corpses, but he also repeatedly climbed to Ganmin. God forced him to make a decision.Emperor Ganmin had already had a murderous intention towards him, but he could only bear it back when he thought of all the important officials in the hall, and said in a deep voice, following Ren Zhehe's wishes, "In that case, I..."

"Your Majesty, please wait, Mr. Feng has something to announce!" Seeing the anger in the Emperor's eyes, Cai Qing knew that the time had come, so he spoke before he gave an order.

Feng Chengyi came out, lifted his clothes and knelt down and said, "My Majesty, there is a man named Wei Feng who represents the world's literati and officials and wants to plead for the people. He is already waiting outside the palace."

When the word 'Wei Crazy' came out, Ren Zonghe's face turned livid, and his hands under the embroidered robe were clenched tightly.They actually brought people outside the Golden Luang Hall? !The palace is heavily guarded, if there is no order from the emperor and the prince, no one would dare to put it in the important place of the court - the Golden Luan Hall!
The emperor is naturally impossible, so there is only... the crown prince!Ren Zhehe suddenly raised his head and looked angrily at the prince standing proudly at the foot of the jade steps.Okay, I didn't expect to be stabbed by him.

Emperor Qianmin glanced at the prince without moving, "Xuan!"

"Xuan Wei madly entered the palace!"

Wei Feng was waiting in the side hall next to the Jinluan Hall, so basically as soon as the announcement was made, others appeared at the entrance of the Jinluan Hall.

Although Wei Feng has a rough name, his appearance is very delicate.At the age of thirty or so, because of his baby face, it seems that he is only a weak year.The baby's face was very fair, her hair was tied up high by a jade crown, and she was dressed in a jade-colored long gown, making her look as gentle as jade.He stepped into the hall neither humble nor overbearing, even with a little arrogance between his brows, he lifted up his robe chicly, and knelt down to pay his respects, "The grass people refer to the emperor, my emperor, long live, long live, long live, long live, long live, long live, long live, long live, long live. Chitose!"

"Exemption." Emperor Qianmin stared at him without anger, "I heard that you want to plead for the people?"

"Yes, the grassroots want to plead for the lives of tens of thousands of people! Please punish the murderer who caused tens of thousands of people's families to be destroyed and their wives to be separated. Please give the people justice." Good account books and letters between Ren Zonghe and 'Jiang Chunhua' and 'Wang Zeming'.

When he saw his familiar handwriting on the letter, Ren Zhehe's eyes widened in surprise, and his first thought was that the two of them, 'Jiang Wang', dared to betray him!Suppressing the urge to go forward and tear up all the letters and account books, he knelt on the ground and begged, "Your Majesty, I am wronged, I am wronged. Your Majesty, these letters are all fake, they were all forged to frame my minister. Please the emperor must trust the subject, please the emperor must trust the subject!"

Emperor Qianmin had a gloomy face, and without looking at him, he ordered Su Mu to present the letter and the account book. When he saw the data on the account book, he was furious and furious, "Okay! Okay! Well, Ren Zhehe, what a shame! How courageous——!"

Emperor Qianmin's eyes were red with anger, and he raised his hand and smashed the jade seal placed on the corner of the dragon case.The jade seal was hard and heavy, and when it hit Ren Zhehe's head, a bloody hole was immediately smashed out.His old eyes were dazzled by the impact, and he fell to the ground without getting up for a while.

"The Holy One calm down!"

"The Holy One calm down!"

"Holy Majesty calm down..."

The emperor was furious, and all the civil and military officials in the hall were so shocked that they knelt down one after another.At this time, no one dared to help Ren Zuoxiang, leaving him alone in a pool of blood.The jade seal that fell was lying beside him, and Su Mu also knelt on the ground. Because of the emperor's anger, he even forgot to pick up the jade seal that fell on the ground.

Emperor Qianmin was driven mad by the data in the account books.In recent years, the officials of the Chronicle have reported locusts to disturb the people every year, sent many people to investigate, and sent many officials to send money to disaster relief, but nothing unusual was found.It turned out that it wasn't that they hadn't discovered it, but that they were all collaborators!Okay, okay, I didn't expect him to have such a big group of moths!And the dignified left prime minister is still the number one of these moths.Most of the grain from the Chronicle and the money sent for disaster relief went into his treasury!

Emperor Ganmin was so angry that he beat the dragon case until it made a 'bang bang' sound, and said with gritted teeth: "It's very good! The money for disaster relief has just come out of the treasury, and the back foot has entered your private treasury." , when I emptied my treasury, did you, Ren Zhehe, start moving me to sit on this chair!"

Ren Zhehe, who was dizzy from being hit, got up hurriedly when he heard this, knelt down and kowtowed, "I dare not! I dare not! I dare not..."

"Why don't you dare? I think you are so bold." Emperor Ganmin no longer wanted to tell him more, "Come here! Put Ren Zhehe in prison and dismiss him for investigation."

"Observe the order." Two generals entered the hall and escorted the ashen-faced Ren Zhehe out of the Golden Luan Hall.

Another person in the palace was quite eye-catching at this time. It wasn't Wei Feng who pleaded for the people to move to the prime minister, but the inspector Yushi Zhang Lin who was ordered by the emperor to thoroughly check the chronology.

Eunuch Su Mu carefully picked up the jade seal and put it back on the dragon case. Emperor Ganmin took a look at the intact jade seal and heaved a sigh of relief. He was so mad that he hit someone with the jade seal.Turning to look at Zhang Lin who had been kneeling on the ground, "Zhang Aiqing, is this what you said 'nothing exists'?"

Without explaining, Zhang Lin took off his official hat, respectfully and solemnly placed it lightly on the Golden Luan Hall, then kowtowed and begged, "May the emperor grant the death penalty to this humble minister!"

"Come here, send Zhang Lin to prison!"

The emperor was very angry, and dismissed the two important court officials for investigation, which made the officials in the palace panic and everyone was in danger.

"This matter is handed over to the Right Prime Minister for investigation, with the assistance of Feng Chengyi, the Minister of Dali Temple, and the supervision of the officials of Yushitai. All officials involved in this matter will be dismissed for investigation!"

(End of this chapter)

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