black belly prince cruel concubine

Chapter 350 Liang Yaozu, Appear!

Chapter 350 Liang Yaozu, Appear! (1)
Ren Zonghe never expected that he would fall into the hands of a woman!I thought that all this was caused by the prince behind the scenes, but now that I think about it, the prince's presence in it is just a role in fueling the flames.

Ren Zhehe fell down on the straw mat in a daze, more of a shock in disbelief, and murmured self-deprecatingly, "I didn't expect that I, Ren Zhehe, would be destroyed by a woman's hands, hehe, in the end, I would be destroyed by a woman." In the hands of others! After fighting for a lifetime, being shrewd all my life, and being cautious all my life, it turned out to be like this in the end, it turned out to be like this..."

The person who declared the decree recognized that the person who came in was Princess Pingan of the Thunder Palace and the future empress dowager. He immediately put away his arrogance and saluted her flatteringly. After so many years, I have already become a human being, knowing that if I stay here again, I should hear things that I shouldn’t hear, and I don’t need my master to chase them away, so I retreated wisely, "Your Highness, the slave has something to do, so I'll let you know." Take your leave first."

As he said that, he exited the prison door, and when he went out, he happened to run into the Thunder King who came in a hurry.

"Oh, you killed this king."

The eunuch Xuanzhi vomited blood in his heart, obviously he was the one who went on the rampage, so why blame him for it?But he is a prince, and he is a slave.I had no choice but to bow down and make amends, "My lord, please forgive me. I am a slave who has blind eyes and can't see when I walk. I also ask my lord to be generous. Don't blame me."

"Oh, there's no need to apologize for such a trivial matter. It's okay, go, it's okay." Chengxi is happy now, even if he slaps him in the face, he will smile and tell you that it's okay.

Haha, Cheng Xi is here to see what happens to Ren Zhehe.Tsk—he likes things like adding insult to injury the most.

Cheng Xi hurriedly jumped over the eunuch who was in the way, walked into the cell, moved a long wooden stool aside, sat down in front of Ren Zhehe, patted the other half of the stool, and shouted, "Girl, come, sit down." !” The voice was not to mention how light and joyful it was.

His daughter now has a double body, how can she stand for a long time!

After Yi Mo sat down, Chengxi immediately raised Erlang's legs and looked at Ren Zhehe with a look of arrogance. Seeing Ren Zhehe's tattered appearance, he was overjoyed, "Hey, this is Mr. Zuo Xiang, right? Oh, look These ignorant slaves, how can you say that you are always the prime minister of the court, oh no, you used to be the prime minister of the court, how can you neglect you so much? The clothes, the artificial legs, oh, and the food, they are all rotten. How can you give it to our former high-ranking and powerful Lord Zuoxiang?" Stretching his foot, he kicked down half a bowl of rice left, "It's all broken, don't eat it, don't eat it. This king and the jailer here are still there. Kind of friendship, wait a moment, I will tell them, let them get you a table of delicious food..."

Cheng Xi laughed so frightfully, "Speaking of it, I have to thank Mr. Zuo Xiang. If it weren't for the credit of Mr. Zuo Xiang, how could this king have friendship with the jailer in this cell. Oh, let's talk again. , This king and Lord Zuoxiang really have a destiny, Lord Zuoxiang also came in the cell where this king was squatting back then. It is a pity that Lord Zuoxiang is not as lucky as this king, he can come in and out but cannot get out. "

The person Ren Zonghe looked down on most in his life was Cheng Xi, who was arrogant, conceited, illiterate, and extremely stupid.If the emperor hadn't tolerated him, if Cheng Yimo hadn't been protecting him in secret, with his arrogant actions of making thousands of enemies, he would have died long ago.He allowed Zonghe to rise from a poor family to the Zuoxiang position of less than one person and more than ten thousand people. He has experienced countless winds and rains, and countless lives and deaths.He was able to get out of traps again and again, and he was able to cover the sky with one hand in the annals under the eyes of the emperor, because of his wit and wisdom, because of his caution, and because of his humble flattery to the emperor.But what did he attack?Nothing at all!How can such a stupid person show off his power and yell in front of him all day, how can he bear it, how can he bear it? !

Ren Zhehe also looked away, showing no sign of anger at Cheng Xi's cynicism.How can a dying person still have so much competitive spirit, leaning against the corner, muttering blankly, "Some people have struggled for most of their lives, for that little money, for the glory that is nothing For the power and position that others despise, they sold their souls and lost their dignity; but some people are born with high positions and powers, and they will be honored and have endless money to squander... Hehe, God is really unfair. "

Cheng Xi couldn't understand his bitterness and unwillingness, and said with a smile, "Because some people did good deeds in their previous life, they will be reborn in a wealthy and wealthy family in the next life, enjoying the glory and wealth. And some people committed heinous crimes in their previous life, so they are doomed." In the next life, you can only suffer for the rest of your life. So, this king has done great things in his previous life, so he can enjoy endless glory and wealth in this life. And you must have been a rape and robber in your previous life, so this life is like this. Oh, yes , the crimes you have committed in this life are worse than rape and robbery, dead people, dead people can pile up into mountains. Hehe, I'm afraid you can only be pigs and dogs in your next life." He had a wonderful idea, "Well, how about you Next time, I will tell Lord Yan that you will be reincarnated as a dog, because I don’t have pigs in my family, only vicious dogs. You can reincarnate in my family, and be my vicious dog. I will definitely treat you well. your……"


Yi Mo couldn't help laughing out loud, her father's ability to harm others became more and more profound, and he didn't even use dirty words when swearing.

Ren Zhehe glanced at him weakly, ignored him as a lunatic, turned his eyes to Cheng Yimo, and asked him the most incomprehensible thing, "How did you make Jiang and Wang betray me?" People, because they are greedy for money and afraid of death, such a person is best controlled, and will be the least likely to betray him.Because the two were also involved in it, and they both took a lot of benefits. If it is found out, it will also be a crime of ransacking the family and exterminating the family.But what he didn't expect was that the two people he thought would be the least likely to betray him were the first to betray him!

Yi Mo made a gesture, and two figures suddenly appeared in the air. Ren Zhehe looked up, and when he saw their faces clearly, he opened his mouth wide in surprise, "Jiang Chunhua? Wang Zeming? No, no, you are not Jiang Chunhua, you It's not Wang Zeming either, both of them are ordinary people and don't know martial arts." He looked at Cheng Yimo, and instantly understood, "It turns out that Jiang and Wang who were in Sendai and An Yue have been replaced by you long ago. You When was it changed?"

Yi Mo raised her hand to make the two of them retreat, and said in a low voice, "It doesn't make any sense if you know." She lowered her eyes and straightened her embroidered robe, "I'm here to thank you today. If it wasn't for you, how could I I got that windfall out of thin air." After that, without looking at his stunned expression, he got up and walked out of the cell.

Ren Zhehe's eyes were full of astonishment, and when he understood the meaning of her words, he suddenly went crazy, "Come on, I want to see the emperor! Come on! I want to see the emperor, I have something important to report to the emperor, come on!" -"

Yi Mo's last words made Ren Zhehe unwilling to die. He thought the prince took it secretly, but he didn't expect it to be that bitch!Why, why? !For the food and money, he was finally reduced to having his family ransacked and his family wiped out, but it was only at the end that he realized that he was making a wedding dress for someone no!He wanted to tell the emperor, tell the whole world, that he wanted that bitch Cheng Yimo to be buried with him!
(End of this chapter)

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