black belly prince cruel concubine

Chapter 351 Liang Yaozu, Appear!

Chapter 351 Liang Yaozu, Appear! (2)
"Come on, I want to see the emperor, come on, I want to see the emperor—"

At this time, it's time for dinner.A jailer came over and threw the rice bowl in front of him, "Eat quickly, you can go on the road tomorrow when you are full!"

Ren Zhehe took the opportunity to grab the jailer's hand, "I want to see the emperor, I have something important to see the emperor. Go and report it."

The jailer sneered and said mockingly, "You think you are still Mr. Zuo Xiang, you see clearly, you are now a death row prisoner, the emperor can see you just as you say..."

"What are you talking about! If you are told to go, go, if you delay the big event, be careful of your dog's life!" Ren Zhehe has been an official in the court for many years, and his official authority is not angry. Although he is in trouble now, a little The jailer can still suppress it.

The jailer was intimidated by him and hesitated. If there was a major delay, his life would be over.

"You, you wait, I will report to the warden."

The warden got the news, adjusted his official uniform, and then went straight to the palace——

It's a pity that he didn't go to the imperial study of Emperor Ganmin, but the East Palace of His Highness the Crown Prince.

In the East Palace, the crown prince was checking the memorial presented by Cai Qing.Eunuch Boots bowed in and reported, "Master, there is news from the prison that Ren Zhehe wants to see the Emperor."

The prince didn't raise his head, and ordered in a cold voice, "Find a way to make him never speak."


Ren Zhehe didn't see Emperor Qianmin until the execution on the second day.

At noon on the second day, the sun rose to a high altitude, and the dazzling sunlight blinded everyone.In the execution ground of the vegetable market, the Ren family, who had committed many crimes, was ransacked and beheaded. The people who came to watch surrounded the three floors outside the execution place and the three floors inside.At noon, with the sound of a gong, dozens of bloody human heads, large and small, fell down one after another. Among all the heads, only Ren Zhehe's eyes were wide open, and his jaw was about to split—he would die with his eyes closed!
In a teahouse next to the execution ground, the man slowly looked away, his calm face could not tell whether he was happy or worried, "It's really sad and deplorable that a generation of powerful ministers, once a prime minister, ended up like this in the end."

"Third Master, what's there to lament, the damned will always die, it's just the difference between dying sooner and later." The boy in Tsing Yi said nonchalantly.

"Yes, the damned will always die, but it's the difference between early death and late death." The man's casual gaze passed through the crowd and landed on the corpse that had long since lost its vitality.Turning his eyes, he was stunned!

In the crowd, the woman was wearing a gilded black cloak that hung down to the ground. She stood quietly, exuding coldness and calmness all over her body.Her hair was pulled up high, revealing her slender and soft neck. From his side of the line of sight, he could only see her graceful and delicate side face. Although she couldn't see the whole face, he was sure that she was the one who made him cry under the plum tree. A beautiful woman who loves every time she sees her.

The young man in Tsing Yi raised his eyes and was also taken aback for a moment, obviously recognized that the woman was the one drawn into the painting by his master.He frowned slightly. When he saw a real person, he always felt a little familiar, as if he had seen it somewhere.Suddenly, he slapped his head violently, and exclaimed, "Ah! I remembered, she is the princess concubine personally appointed by the emperor, Princess Ping An of Thunder Palace!"

"Prince, son, concubine?" The man murmured in ecstasy, his warm eyes suddenly became dark and turbulent, his five fingers slowly clenched, and the teacup in his hand shattered.

The young boy in Tsing Yi immediately realized, "Master, you still like her..." Suddenly realizing that he had said something wrong, he shut up immediately.

And these words happened to be heard by the black-robed woman who just passed by the door.The woman's elite eyes flickered a few times, then turned and hid in the next room.

After watching the beheading, the crowd dispersed one after another, and Yi Mo and Cheng Xi also got into the carriage and went back to the palace.

As soon as he returned to the mansion, Yuan Long came to report in a hurry, "My lord, it's not good, it's not good, your dog gave birth to puppies."

Huh?Cheng Xi was startled, "How can you give birth to a puppy, isn't it pregnant yet?"

"My lord, I'm pregnant a long time ago. It's that vicious bitch named 'Momo', she gave birth as soon as you returned home, and she gave birth to a doll."

'Ink ink'?Yimo's head was covered with black lines all of a sudden, the other ones wouldn't be called 'Yi', 'Chengcheng' or something like that?
Cheng Xi suddenly remembered, "Oh. That's the one. No wonder her belly has been so big in recent months. I thought she ate a lot."

At this moment, the old housekeeper put the puppy into a basket and brought it to Cheng Xi, with a smile on his old face like a chrysanthemum, "My lord, my lord, look at how cute this little puppy is, I haven't opened my eyes yet."

Cheng Xi glanced into the basket curiously, and immediately thought of Ren Zhehe, opened his mouth and said, "Let's call it Ren Ren." After speaking, he looked at Yi Mo with a smile, "I just told that old guy to give up. When he went down, he talked to Lord Yan, but he didn’t expect him to say so soon. Oh, Ren Ren, don’t worry, this king will take good care of you in the future..." Then he left with his little heart in his arms, When he was about to leave, that smile made Mo shudder.

Yuen Long's eyes were full of doubts, what did the prince say again, why couldn't he understand a single word?

Yi Mo looked at her father's receding figure, narrowed her eyes, looked at Yuen Long, and asked through gritted teeth, "What are the other dogs called?"

"Call..." Yuen Long reacted immediately, scratched his head and laughed dryly, then turned around and ran away, "Oh, I still have something important to do, so I'll take my leave first."

Yi Mo didn't stop him, but turned his ferocious gaze to the old housekeeper.

The old housekeeper pulled the door frame tremblingly, with a look of "the little girl in the cardamom age will defend her innocence to the death when she meets a vicious robber" and her face is full of water.Not wanting to ask any more, he turned around and left.

Seeing her figure disappear at the end of the veranda, the old butler couldn't hold on any longer, slid along the door frame and sat on the floor, panting heavily.Thinking back to the scene just now, he couldn't help but feel afraid for a while, if the lady was in a bad mood, he would definitely be slapped to death by her palm.But if he told her the truth, he would definitely be tortured to death by her limbs.Of the two ways to die, he prefers to choose the former.

Yi Mo went back to the yard and handed the cloak to Hua Wu.Qinglong stood aside, "Master, Wei Kuang is here, do you want to see him?"

Yi Mo washed his hands in the golden basin, took the towel from Hua Wu, "Take him to Goshawk Villa, I'll be there in a while."

"Subordinates obey."

The weather is hot today, and I sweated a little when I went out. When the wind blows, my clothes stick to my body and I feel uncomfortable. "Hua Wu, prepare hot water."


After taking a shower, she changed into a dress before getting into the carriage and going to Goshawk Mountain Villa.

At the gate of the villa, Zhang Yuelu looked eagerly, and when he saw the carriage approaching from afar, he instantly showed a smile brighter than flowers.He flew up to meet her, "Master, you are finally here." He lifted the curtain of the car and reached out to take her down.

(End of this chapter)

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