black belly prince cruel concubine

Chapter 359 Design, Temptation

Chapter 359 Design, Temptation (2)
Feeling wronged, Yudie looked at her dry, cracked and swollen hands. The originally delicate skin was worn rough, and the palms were still faintly blood-red. These days, she was chopping firewood in the woodshed every day, so she had no time to learn how to wash clothes and cook.

Yu Wenchen came back from the outside, and as soon as he entered the yard, he heard his mother yelling and scolding. His unhappy mood was even more cloudy. He wanted to take his feet back and exit the yard.But was spotted by Yu's sharp eyes, and Yu's scolded sharply: "Why are you hiding! You bastard with no bones, come here for my old lady—" Since Yu Die is the adopted daughter of the Wang's family, Yu can only scold and dare not She beat her son, but she didn't have any scruples about her son. She beat and scolded her son at every turn. She raised her hand and slapped her son's face, cursing, "You useless thing, look like you married someone! Clumsy and clumsy I can't do it, even serving my mother to wash her feet will burn her skin red! Now I'm a prodigal son again, and I'm going to throw such good clothes to Zhang beggar in the village..."

Seeing Yu Wenchen looking at her, Yudie hurriedly found out the hole in the clothes that had been burned by the sparks and showed him, "It's not Wen Chen, it's because the clothes are broken and can't be worn anymore, that's why..."

"I can't wear this kind of hole? Then we ordinary people can't wear clothes anymore!" Yu said with an angry smile, "Look at the people in this village, there are not many holes in any clothes. Filling scars? Yo, do you still think you are the eldest lady of the palace? You are marrying a useless man with no money and power. You marry a chicken as a chicken and a dog as a dog. Your men live like dogs. You have to follow. Still want to get dressed, dream!"

After scolding, Yu felt relieved, and then lay in the yard humming a little tune, eating melon seeds and basking in the sun.Yuwen stood there with a gloomy face, motionless, Yudie looked at him worriedly, wanted to say something, but swallowed it again.

Yuwen glanced at her deeply, his eyes were extremely cold, "Mother is right, you are no longer Miss Da, you should save your clothes and don't throw away this one in your hand, take it back and mend it, you can still wear it For a while."

Yudie smiled and shed tears, "I know." What she was crying was not that she would not be able to enjoy the glory and wealth in the future, but what she was crying about was Yu Wenchen's attitude towards her.She finally understood why the prince would tell her 'you will regret it' over and over again.The two of them lived in different environments since they were young, and some habits cannot be changed for a while, but it was her bad habits that deeply hit his self-esteem.The gap in real life makes the distance between her and him farther and farther, and also makes the love between her and him weaker and weaker.

Yuwen walked out of the village with a sullen face, stopped a passing ox cart and took a ride to the capital. Instead of going to the Liyuan, he went to a small tavern, ordered a few jugs of wine, and drank heavily.

"Huh? Isn't this Brother Wen Chen?" A rich man stepped into the tavern and immediately exclaimed when he saw Yu Wenchen sitting in the corner, "Why didn't Brother Wen Chen go to Liyuan today? Is it Xiumu?"

Seeing the person coming, Yu Wenchen hurriedly stood up and greeted him, "Mr. Qian." He drank a little too much, his head was drowsy, and his body fell to one side uncontrollably.

Qian Huan grabbed him quickly, "Hey, sit down quickly, sit down quickly, you are the son-in-law of Lord Lei Ting now, how dare I let you be present. Also, if you fall because of this, you will get a wound Come on, go home and show Madam Zun, she will definitely sue me in front of the prince, and then I, Qian, will be finished!"

Qian Huan's teasing laughter made Yu Wenchen's face even uglier. Others said that he was the son-in-law of Lord Lei Ting, and he was very powerful and capable.But only he knows how the Lei Ting Palace looks down on him!
"Brother Wen Chen is in a bad mood?" Qian Huan is a smart man. Seeing him drinking alone here, he knew that he must be in a bad mood, so he came up with an idea and said, "If Brother Wen Chen can trust Qian, just go with Qian Let's go to a place, as long as we get there, no matter how much trouble Brother Wen Chen has, he will forget about it. Will Brother Wen Chen go?"

Yu Wenchen nodded without hesitation, "Mr. Qian, please lead the way."

"Haha, no trouble, no trouble."

Qian Huan took Yu Wenchen into a gambling house, and the gambling house was buzzing with people, and it was very lively.

"Brother Wen Chen, give me a hand?" Qian Huan took him to the odds and evens gambling table, tossed the money in his hand, studied the situation on the gaming table, and was hesitating whether to place an order or an even.

Yuwen was shy with deep pockets, and the only money he had was paid for the drink just now, so he didn't have any spare money to place bets.Shaking his head, "Master Qian, you can play, I won't..."

Before he finished speaking, Qian Huan stuffed the silver into his hand, "Brother Wen Chen, please help me place a bet, maybe you are lucky and win at the opening."

Yu Wenchen had never taken such a large ingot of silver, his heart was trembling, and he evaded giving the silver to him, "Forget it, I'm not lucky, you should do it yourself."

"It's okay." Qian Huan waved his hands again and again, "How can you say that you must be more lucky than me, you can even marry the daughter of the prince, and I married a wicked woman... Also, I was here yesterday Losing 300 taels in a row, I feel as if I have touched shit. Come and help me, the loss is mine, and the win is half yours. Hurry up, it’s about to open, it’s about to come..."

Because of Qian Huan's bewitching and urging, Yu Wenchen pressed the money on the 'bill', his eyes were fixed on the betting game that was about to announce the result, he was so nervous that he held his breath, as if he had forgotten the troubles just now.

"Go, two two three, single!"

"Yeah!" Qian Huan jumped up happily, hugged Yu Wenchen, and said excitedly, "Brother Wen Chen, you are indeed a lucky star, and you are so lucky. Hahaha, look at how much money we have won. Come, come, these ingots are yours, take them."

Yu Wenchen held the money in his hand, a little stunned, is the money really his?So much silver, is it really his?He never knew that there are industries in this world that make money so fast, and a coin of silver can be multiplied several times in a blink of an eye!He turned his eyes to look at the big man who was laughing like crazy. What he saw with his own eyes just now was that the big man won 5000 taels of silver with only five taels of silver. 5000 taels, 5000 taels, he has never seen so much money in his life...

"Brother Wen Chen, let's come again, do you think it's single or double?"

Yu Wenchen was so excited that his hands were trembling, and he bet all the money in his hand on the 'order'.

Two hours later, everyone gathered around Yuwenshen's gambling table.Because the bet was too high, Yuwen Shen saw that all the 8000 taels he won had been bet on odd or even pairs. Just as the result of the bet was about to be revealed, the boss of the gambling shop came out surrounded by everyone.

"I bet 5 taels of 'double'." As soon as the boss's words came out, everyone was in an uproar!

Yuwen Shen also opened his eyes wide in shock, five or fifty thousand taels? !
The owner of the gambling shop threw down the 5 taels of silver note and looked at Yu Wenchen with sharp eyes, "Boy, I will bet with you for a game, and we will bet on odd or even. If you win, the 5 taels of silver note will be yours." Yes. If you lose, in addition to the 8000 Liangye in your hand, I will give you another hand! Do you want to bet or not?"

(End of this chapter)

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