black belly prince cruel concubine

Chapter 360 Design, Temptation

Chapter 360 Design, Temptation (3)
Yuwen Shen was stunned by his words on the spot, but the surrounding people were extremely excited by his words. It is common for gamblers to gamble their lives in the gambling shop. Betting 5 taels of silver with one hand is really fucking worth it !
"Bet! Bet! Bet with him—" the crowd shouted, "Bet, bet with him!"

Yu Wenchen was awakened by the voice, a little timid in his heart, and was about to say no.Qian Huan said seductively, "Brother Wen Chen, 5 taels, as long as you win, the 5 taels will be yours. You are so lucky today, and you have never lost before. Taking advantage of this good luck, Bet with him!"

right!As long as he wins, the 5 taels will be his.With this 5 taels, he will never be blinded by the Thunder Palace again; The neighbors in the village will no longer point fingers behind his back.Besides, he is so lucky that he will definitely win. As long as he opens his mouth and closes his eyes, the 5 taels will be his.

Yuwen Shen couldn't bear to part with such a great opportunity, he responded with trepidation, "Okay, I'll bet with you."

"Okay, refreshing." The owner of the casino secretly winked at the person who started the game, "Let's play."

Yuwen held his breath, staring at the game that was about to start——

"666, double!"

When it was turned on, Yuwen sank his head and felt that the sky was falling down.Without thinking about it, he turned around and ran out of the casino.

The owner of the casino sharpened his eyes and waved, "Catch me back." The two thugs chased after him in an instant.

As soon as Yuwen Shen ran out of the gambling house, he was pushed back by two thugs.The boss didn't say anything, just made a gesture. Seeing this, the two thugs suddenly looked fierce, and then punched and kicked Yu Wenchen, "Dare to run! Don't look where this is..."

"Tell you to run, and see if the man will not interrupt your dog legs."

Sticks add up, mercilessly.Yu Wenchen was a frail scholar who had no power to resist, and was immediately beaten to the ground limply.

The owner of the casino gave him a mocking look, and asked someone to bring a knife, "It was agreed before the game started, if you win, you will take the 5 taels, and if you lose, you will keep the 8000 taels!"

When Yu Wenchen saw the knife in his hand, he finally realized that what he said was not just casual talk, but that he really wanted to chop off his hand.My heart suddenly panicked, "No! No! You can't cut off my hand, you can't cut off my hand."

The owner of the gambling shop blew the sharp blade, casually, with chills in his heart, "Why not, you voluntarily gave me your bet, and it is mine. Even if you go to court and stand in front of the official, I will take it for granted." You said, why can't I cut off your hand?" Then he raised the knife and chopped off at Yu Wenchen's wrist.

Yu Wenshen's eyes widened in horror, and he yelled in fear, "No—"

"Wait!" Qian Huan suddenly said, with panic on his face, he stopped the owner of the gambling shop, "Boss Zhang, please be merciful. This is the son-in-law of Lord Lei Ting. For the sake of Lord Lei Ting, please accommodate me." Accommodating, we can discuss things, we don't have to cut off hands..."

Yu Wenchen also seemed to grasp the last hope, and hurriedly said, "Yes, I am the son-in-law of Lord Thunder, just say what you want, as long as you can keep my hand, I will promise you whatever you want."

"Really?" Boss Zhang's eyes were shining brightly, he snorted, and then called two thugs, "Bring him, let's go to the palace to ask for debts!"

When Yi Mo returned to the palace, he saw a gambling carriage parked outside the gate of the palace.Yi Mo got out of the car and saw the old housekeeper waiting at the door, so he beckoned him over and asked, "Father, have you been to the casino?" The shop pawned all the clothes, and in the end, if the gambling debts were paid off, she had to take the people from the gambling shop home to get the money. Fortunately, her father knew how to measure and didn't often go to the gambling shop, otherwise he would lose like him. , must go bankrupt.

"This, miss, isn't it..." The old housekeeper's face was a little ugly, and his speech was also hesitating.

Yi Mo thought that something serious happened, his voice became sharp, and he asked, "What happened?"

The old butler was most afraid that his lady would get angry, so he hurriedly said, "Miss, it's not the master who entered the gambling house, but the uncle..."

Uncle?Yi Mo thought about it twice before he remembered who the uncle the old housekeeper was talking about was, "Yuwen Shen."

"That's not true." The old butler said with anger, "Mr. Yu is really..."

Before the butler could say anything, he saw Boss Zhang leading someone out of the palace.Boss Zhang was all smiles, and when he passed by the door, he greeted the old housekeeper, "Your housekeeper is well." Holding a thick stack of bank notes in his hand, he waved it in front of the old housekeeper flauntingly, "Your lord, how can you?" So generous."

The two thugs behind Boss Zhang are usually used to barking their teeth and claws. Now, when they went to the palace, they saw that even the noble prince had to give their boss three points. It's like eating the guts of an ambitious leopard and becoming unscrupulous.Seeing a girl who was as beautiful as a fairy standing beside the old housekeeper, a lustful thug could not help but tease him, his obscene eyes lingered on Yi Mo's face and chest, "Who is this little girl? She is so beautiful, Come! Have fun with our Master Zhang!"

As soon as this statement came out, the world suddenly became quiet!

The carriage outside the door stopped moving, the old housekeeper opened his mouth but his voice became hoarse, the servants sweeping the floor in the mansion were stunned, the guards patrolling the yard were dumbfounded, even Zhang Yuelu who was about to stretch his feet up the steps was here The moment is fixed!

Everyone just felt that the sky in front of them was about to collapse - a catastrophe was imminent!

But the self-awareness that there is no death coming after killing him, he still smiles like a pornographic hooligan, and even walks over to touch Yimo's pretty face.

Unfortunately, before he had time to raise his hand, a slender hand strangled his neck, and then he heard a crisp sound in his head, and then lost consciousness.

Boss Zhang and the other thugs watched in astonishment as his body slipped and fell to the ground!
The other thug suppressed his fear, bent down slowly, stretched out his hand tremblingly to test his breathing—suddenly opened his eyes wide, terrified, "Zhang Zhang, Master Zhang, Hu San'er, die, die! "

Boss Zhang's heart trembled violently, and his eyes were full of fear of death.Although these people are not very good people, they have never killed people, at most they have cut off people's hands and feet.In the imperial capital, at the feet of the emperor, no one dares to kill anyone, not even a high-ranking prime minister!But now there are people who dare to kill people for no reason, in full view and in public.Such a person who regards ethics and laws as nothing is the most frightening person!

Boss Zhang suddenly remembered the folk rumors, and suddenly raised his head to look at the indifferent woman, his pupils gradually dilated because of fear, "You, you are Princess Ping An?" Although it was a question, it was an affirmative sentence.Immediately afterwards, his actions were expected by everyone, and he ran away!
(End of this chapter)

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