black belly prince cruel concubine

Chapter 361 Design, Temptation

Chapter 361 Design, Temptation (4)
The old butler nodded in relief, but any normal person would run away when they saw his young lady.But... "Ah, come back." The old butler suddenly shouted.

Boss Zhang was still quite sensible, turned around immediately, put the silver ticket back into the hands of the old housekeeper, and started to run again.

"Come back!" Yi Mo said this time.

Boss Zhang stood in front of her with a dead face, uneasy in his heart, and couldn't figure out what she was going to do for a while.Are you going to hang him on a tree? !

Kneeling down on the ground with a 'plop', "Her Majesty, please forgive me, you are a small person with blind eyes, your lord has a lot, don't worry about it with the villain..."

Yi Mo squinted at him, and spread his palms.Boss Zhang was a little dazed when he saw the white jade hand spread out in front of him, not understanding what it meant.

cough cough!The old housekeeper coughed twice, and secretly raised the bank note in his hand to give him a hint.

Boss Zhang suddenly realized, and hurriedly took out the bank notes from his pocket, and stuffed them all in one go, even taking out the private money stuffed in the soles of the shoes.My heart was bleeding from pain, but my face was full of smiles, "His Royal Highness, please accept it!"

Yi Mo took a rough look and saw that there were as many as 10 taels, so he was quite satisfied.Nodding expressionlessly, "Well, get out!"

When Boss Zhang heard this, he was so happy that he could kneel down and kowtow to her three times, and then shouted "Long live!"

After the irrelevant people left, only Yimo, the old housekeeper and Zhang Yuelu who was the stump remained at the door.Yi Mo stared at the old housekeeper, but the old housekeeper pretended not to know, and planned to get away with it, but couldn't stand his lady's inhuman willpower, so he obediently compromised in the end and obediently gave him the 20 taels that Boss Zhang gave him. The banknotes were put into her hand.

The villain in the old butler's heart burst into tears, "Miss, do you want to tell the prince?"

"What do you mean? Is the banknote in the casino owner's place or mine?"

"..." Of course it means you are here.When she heard her words, the old butler immediately understood that she didn't want the prince to know.Woohoo!He knew that the young lady was going to embezzle the family's money again...

Yimo handed the banknote to Zhang Yuelu, and asked him to take it back and put it away.Then he left a word and entered the mansion lightly.

"Don't cry like you've lost your master."

"..." Woohoo, Miss, you will be struck by lightning!He even cursed your father.

When Yi Mo walked to the entrance of the front hall, he heard the angry father shouting in the hall, "You are so good! You are so good! You lost 20 taels of my king in two hours. Hmph, you really treat yourself like a fool!" The son-in-law of the palace? Are you really unscrupulous?"

"I don't even look at what you are, you shit outside, and you dare to ask me to wipe your ass..."

"If it wasn't for Yudie's face, even if you were chopped off, this king wouldn't even look at you..."

Yi Mo shook his head, he has a knife mouth and a bean curd heart, although he said it harshly, he still treated Yu Wenchen as a son-in-law.Otherwise, with his money-loving character, how could he be willing to give him 20 taels to pay off his debts!
When Yi Mo walked in, she saw Yu Wenshen kneeling on the ground without saying a word, she glanced at him, her body was messed up and her face was wounded, she must have been beaten by someone from the gambling house.

Yi Mo asked coldly, "What's going on?"

She replied angrily, "What else can I do! This kid wanted to make a fortune, so he went to the casino to gamble, but he lost not only the money, but also a hand. The people from the casino came to the door and said, if you don't give 20 taels, just cut off his hand! Hmph, a pig’s trotter is worth 20 taels, even his humble life is not worth 20 taels!"

Cheng Xi was so angry that he couldn't choose what to say, "Yuan Long, throw him out for me, I don't want to see him again!"


Yuen Long took orders and sent someone to throw Yu Wenchen out.Yuwen Shen was covered with injuries, lying alone in the back alley of the palace.After waiting for half a stick of incense, he got up from the ground, supported the wall and walked out of the alley.Before leaving, he looked back at the resplendent palace, and the hatred in his eyes overshadowed everything.For all the shame given to him by the palace today, he will definitely repay him twice in the future... Slowly clenched his hands, shame and hatred intertwined in his heart, making him forget that if he hadn't presented the money, he might have lost his hand !
Yu Wenchen walked out of the city gate with scars all over his body, passing by a tea shed outside the city, when a clear and soft female voice stopped him.

"Young Master Yu, come in and have a seat."

Yuwen glanced at her deeply, ignored her, and walked straight forward.

"Brother Wen Chen, what's the harm in coming in and sitting?" At some point, Qian Huan appeared behind the woman and introduced to Yu Wenchen, "Brother Wen Chen, this is the eldest lady of our Medicine King Valley. Well, it’s comparable to Hua Tuo’s life. Although your injury is not serious, it’s better to treat it early, so as not to cause the root cause of the disease in the future.”

Yu Wenchen saw Qian Huan, then looked at his nonchalant expression, and suddenly recalled what happened today.It was the gambling house that Qian Huan took him to, it was Qian Huan who bewitched him to gamble, and it was Qian Huan who encouraged him to gamble with the owner of the gambling shop... He stared at Qian Huan and Xue Ruxue through gritted teeth, and said angrily, "Everything today is so messed up." It was designed by you!"

Xue Ruxue did not deny it, picked up the teapot, poured him a bowl of tea, and said quietly, "Although we can arrange for you to gamble, we cannot arrange for you to be beaten by the boss of the gambling shop, nor can we arrange for you to be humiliated and abused by Lord Thunder. Let alone design Thunder Palace to throw you out."

Yu Wenchen went to sit opposite her, his face darkened quickly because of her words, yes, whether it was their design or not, he was beaten, insulted by Thunder King, and kicked out of the palace, everything was a fact.

Xue Ruxue continued, "Have you ever thought that as long as you reach a high position, no one will dare to design you easily, no one will dare to beat and scold you casually, and no one will dare to throw you out of the palace."

"What do you mean?" Yuwen lowered her eyes coldly and stared at her closely.

"King Thunder has no son to inherit the throne, only one biological daughter and one adopted daughter. If the biological daughter is gone, then the husband of the adopted daughter is the legitimate heir. Don't you think so?" The soft voice was bewitching.

Yuwen Shen's heart trembled violently, her words were like a snap of her fingers, breaking a hole in the hazy sky, and suddenly a thousand miles of light burst out from the crack, gorgeous and brilliant, instantly illuminating his gloomy life!

Yes, as long as Cheng Yimo is gone, then as Cheng Yudie's husband, he is the best heir to the throne.As long as he becomes the Thunder King, no one will dare to bully him, beat him, scold him, or belittle him!As long as he becomes the Thunder King, everyone will come to curry favor with him, flatter him, curry favor with him!

Xue Ruxue caught a glimpse of the ruthlessness and ambition in his eyes, and suddenly a bright and beautiful smile appeared on his cold and pretty face, with a piercing chill in his smile.

(End of this chapter)

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