black belly prince cruel concubine

Chapter 362 Design, Temptation

Chapter 362 Design, Temptation (5)
Time passed by like a fleeting moment, and suddenly June passed, and the scorching hot July day ushered in.

The ghost festival in July and a half is the wedding day of the crown prince and the crown princess. When Si Tianjian announced the time, he was so angry that the prince's hall threw down the handout.OK!Si Tianjian really has the guts to let him and Mo'er get married on Ghost Festival, it's so boring!

Si Tianjian was really wronged. When he learned that the crown prince had broken his hand, he was afraid that the crown prince would kill him in a fit of anger. He quickly put on the official mansion and went to the palace overnight, knelt in front of the saint, and cried to explain.It means that it's not that he can't get along with the prince, but that his fate can't get along with the prince.He also wants to choose a good day with a full moon for the crown prince, but the horoscope does not allow it.

The prince's fate is too monstrous, and Princess Ping's character is too fierce!And both of them are full of murderous sins, only Ghost Festival's evil spirit can barely suppress it!

Emperor Ganmin felt that what he said was reasonable, and then ignored the resentful and fierce eyes of the crown prince, so he made a decision and made a decision.

Therefore, it is only half a month before the prince's wedding.

The Ministry of Rites started preparations from the moment the imperial decree was issued, so seeing the time getting closer, they did not rush at all, and they were still running in an orderly manner.They don't panic, but panic!Cheng Xi watched helplessly as his daughter's belly grew bigger day by day. Since she became pregnant two days ago, her belly looked like it was blowing up a balloon!
Looking at Yi Mo without knowing it, he will definitely say, 'Ah, girl, you must have eaten well and slept well these few days. Gotta drum up. '

The informed Chengxi looked at Yi Mo and said, "Can you use a belt to strangle your bulging belly down!" It's annoying!
Yi Mo gave him a blank stare, obviously speaking stupidly, and he didn't even bother to talk to him.She was upset when she looked at him!

"Before the big wedding, you'd better not go out. Yesterday, a servant girl became suspicious. If the news of being pregnant out of wedlock gets out, you have to poke your back and scold you to death!" Chengxi is most worried about this. , his most precious daughter, obviously the most capable, obviously the smartest, not only won the battlefield but also the prison cell, even the mighty Ren Zhehe is not her opponent, but in the eyes of others, she is fierce, cruel, and useless. human nature.Not only did he not receive the admiration and appreciation he deserved, but he was also feared and disgusted by others, like a snake and a scorpion.He really wanted to hold their ears and tell them how excellent and smart his daughter is, but unfortunately he could shut one person's mouth, but he couldn't shut up the world's mouths.That's all, if he let the news of being pregnant out of wedlock get out, then he can go underground to meet his ancestors!

"I know, I know." Yi Mo looked at the parenting book in his hand, and the more he listened to the words he had to say several times a day, the more impatient he became.

As long as you see your daughter, you will know that you are rejected.Frustrated and pursed mouth, you said he was easy? He, he became so nagging that he didn't even go to his favorite Huaxiang restaurant and guarded her all day long. What is this for?It's not for her good!
Why!Poor parents all over the world!

Cheng Xi stared at her belly for a while, then suddenly said in surprise, "Ah, your belly is so big, can you not fit into the wedding dress?!"

Yi Mo lowered his head and looked at his belly, "It's not too big." The meaning is that it fits under the clothes, so that he doesn't have to look for trouble.

"Father, you should go out and play." Don't dazzle her all day long.

"No, I have to watch you every step of the way, lest you go out for a walk without paying attention." It doesn't matter if you go out for a walk, the important thing is to be seen.

"..." What if she is a prisoner?
He was very bored, lying listlessly on the table, without makeup, without delicious food, without soft songs to linger, and without sonorous opera to comfort him, he couldn't cheer up at all, "Daughter! What are you looking at?" Parenting Encyclopedia, come, my father will write a book for you. I think that when my father fed you with feces and piss, I have a lot of experience. You see, you look like this now, all because of your father. credit!"

"..." Yimo's head is full of black lines, you are the one who was fed up with shit and urine!
"Come, come, my father will teach you the experience. When you are just born, if you don't cry, you slap him hard on the buttocks, because if a newborn baby doesn't cry, there are two reasons, one is dead, The second is dumb. I think you didn’t make a sound at the beginning, or your father slapped you cruelly, so you opened your mouth. You don’t know, when you opened your mouth and smiled, your mother was so happy that she shed tears..."

"Also, you can't get used to a child. The more you get used to it, the more spoiled her temper will be, just like when you were a child. When you got up when you were a child, you hated the maid dressing you the most. Whenever she got close to you, she bared her teeth and insisted on waiting. I put it on for you, and you were restless at that time, and you were always moving in clothes. Every time I put it on for you, I had to wear it for half an hour. It’s winter, and the sweat is rushing out. You bastard still doesn’t understand You are considerate, every time this king puts you on his shoulders and lets you ride a horse, you hold on to my hair and don’t let go. Sometimes you are so cruel that you have to let me tear you off before you give up. ..." Cheng Xi talked about the past in a slow voice, and Yi Mo was still holding the book to read, but the book never turned a page, obviously listening quietly.The cicadas on the tree outside the window were chattering non-stop, and the unhurried noise inside the house formed a beautiful long tune with it, adding a layer of irritability to the sweltering weather.

Yi Mo didn't know that in the near future, this faint noise would become the best memory in her life!
(End of this chapter)

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