black belly prince cruel concubine

Chapter 363 The Death of Wen Cai

Chapter 363 The Death of Wen Cai (1)
There are still three days until the prince's wedding day. Officials from all over the country are busy. Congratulatory gifts are being sent to the capital continuously. In previous years, the weather in July was such that no one wanted to go out, but this year the streets were full of people. ,Crowded.

In the Thunder King's mansion, the empress sent the old lady to give wedding clothes to the bride to try on.Jing Jing was afraid that her daughter would be bullied when she entered the palace, so she had no choice but to put down her temper and lower her identity to greet the old mother who came to the palace in person.

"This old slave sees the concubine, concubine, and good luck." The old mother is also a well-behaved person, and she doesn't rely on the power of the royal family to make faces indiscriminately. Besides, she doesn't dare to show faces in the Thunder Palace, let alone the daughter of the palace. In the future, she will enter the palace to be the crown princess. As the mistress of the palace, she is the eldest princess who came out of the palace, the emperor's direct sister, who dares to put on airs in front of her!
"Grandmother Gusu, please get up, please get up." Jingyang greeted kindly, "Come on, quickly serve tea to Grandmother. Sit down quickly, Grandmother, there is still a long way to go from the palace to the palace, I'm afraid I'm exhausted, hurry up Sit down and rest."

This old nanny is quite old and is the most prestigious old man in the palace. She was appointed by the late emperor to teach the princes and princesses in the palace to be strict and fair. Even the current emperor has been taught by her. .

Not to mention, Princess Jingyang is still a little timid looking at her now.Ahem, even a wild and stubborn person like the Seventh Prince Li Chennian behaved well when looking at her.

No, Li Chennian wanted to take advantage of the time before the expedition to find his cousin Yimo who he thought was the most interesting.But as soon as he walked to the gate of the palace, he met Aunt Gusu who came out of the palace, and immediately turned around and hid like a mouse seeing a cat.

Fortunately, I patted my chest, my lady!How did this old monster get out of the palace! ?He pulled the big burden on his back, then circled around the palace twice, finally found the shortest wall, then made two run-ups, kicked his legs on the wall, and passed the wall.As soon as he landed gracefully, he saw two vicious dogs rushing towards him, "Wow woof! woof—woof woof!"

ah!He was so scared that he ran away, what the hell, the palace still has dogs?This Thunder King's hobby is really vulgar.

By the time he broke into Yimo's yard by mistake with his baggage on his back, he was already in a panic. The door was closed with a bang, blocking the eyes of the vicious dogs and tigers outside the door.Just about to breathe a sigh of relief——

"Brother, you are so brave, you actually stole to the palace?" Zhang Yuelu hung upside down under the eaves of the corridor, with his hands crossed over his chest, looking at the thief who was sweating profusely after being chased by vicious dogs while carrying a bag. .

Li Chennian turned around and was startled when he saw Zhang Yuelu, but when he looked carefully, why did he feel like he had seen this person before? !

Zhang Yuelu was really taken aback when he saw his face clearly, turned around hurriedly, with a look on his face, why is it him!

When Li Chennian saw that the other party was obviously avoiding his behavior, he suddenly felt suspicious. He walked over and tilted his head to see his face clearly, "Brother, you look familiar, have we met somewhere?"

Zhang Yuelu hastily raised his hand to block his sight, and explained, "My lord, I have a popular face, and anyone who sees it will find it familiar, brother, you don't have to worry about it."

"Really?" Li Chennian tried hard to think about it, but he couldn't remember where he met him.Hey, just treat him as the face of the public.And at this time——

"Excuse me." An indifferent voice sounded from behind Li Chennian.

Li Chennian moved his body away rationally, then turned his head to look at the person.When he saw the face of the visitor, he was dumbfounded, "You, you, you..."

Li Xiao didn't even look at him, and calmly floated past him with a medicine bowl in his hand.

A disgusting smell of medicine finally brought back his sanity, pointed at Lixiao, and said to Zhang Yuelu, "He, he...he is the genius doctor of Lixiao!?"

Suddenly remembered who Zhang Yuelu was, and immediately widened her eyes again, "Aren't you from Goshawk Villa? Why are you in the palace?!"

Seeing that Zhang Yuelu recognized the other party, she had nothing to hide, so she put down her hands and greeted him casually, "Cao Min pays homage to the prince who stands side by side with one word."

At this time, Yi Mo pushed open the door and came out, and Li Xiao brought her the medicine bowl.She was the calmest, looked at Li Chennian who was the unexpected visitor, then took the medicine that Li Xiao handed over, and drank it in one gulp.

Li Chennian looked at the scene again, he was the most restless, pointing at Yimo with trembling fingers, "You, you, you..." He remained silent for the last half a day.

Zhang Yuelu walked to Yi Mo's side, and whispered, "Master, he found out about our relationship with Cangying Villa. Do you want to kill people to silence it?"

After hearing this, Li Chennian came back to his senses, and in order to save his life, he quickly bowed down and took out a flattering gesture, "My dear sister, I am your cousin, you can't be so cruel. Besides, wait Three days later, you and my eldest brother will get married, and you will be my sister-in-law, we are a dear and friendly family..." I heard from Shan Meng that there is a person in Cangying Villa whose kung fu is comparable to the ancestor of Huang Sheng's family, ah, he This three-legged cat's kung fu must not be able to beat it, so let's get closer through relationships.

Yi Mo gave the empty bowl to Li Xiao, and Li Xiao drifted away silently.She walked under the bamboo and rattan shelf in the yard, sat on the rattan chair and while enjoying the shade, she replied, "You can keep your mouth shut!"

"Yes, yes, yes!" Li Chennian hurriedly nodded in agreement, he turned his head to look at Zhang Yuelu, his master had already spoken, so he wouldn't hold on to it, would he?
"But at least you have to take out something equivalent to your life to pay back." Yi Mo looked sideways at Li Chennian who looked shocked, "You are a dignified king and a commander of the 30 Wei Yunjun .” The implication is that if the value of the exchanged object is too light, it will not work.

Li Chennian forced his face to stuff the burden on his back into her arms, "I'm just running errands, why am I so unlucky!"

Opening the package with ink, I saw a blood-red embroidered phoenix wedding dress lying quietly in the package. The phoenix outlined with golden threads shone dazzlingly in the sun. The head, in the streamer of golden thread, seemed to spread its wings to fly!

The slender fingers slowly caressed the golden phoenix on the wedding dress, and the embroidery skills were so exquisite that it was vividly displayed in front of her eyes.Yi Mo knew who made this wedding dress without asking.The soft touch conveys deep love, except for A Yu, no one would embroider this wedding dress with such deep affection.Her clear eyes gradually became moist, and she felt his anticipation for the wedding, his longing for the future and his deep affection for her as if she felt it herself.

Li Chennian was delighted to see her, and immediately seized the opportunity, "Good sister-in-law, just for the sake of my younger brother's new wedding dress, you can bypass me!" She's still a 'good sister', but now she's a 'good sister-in-law' again. She's really not serious.

(End of this chapter)

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