black belly prince cruel concubine

Chapter 364 The Death of Wen Cai

Chapter 364 The Death of Wen Cai (2)
Yimo glanced at him, for the sake of his running errands, forget it.Pass the package to Zhang Yuelu and let him take it into the house.Then he said to Li Chennian, "Didn't the emperor ask you to lead the army to go to war? If you're not on the battlefield to command generals, what are you doing here?"

Li Chennian also imitated her, lying comfortably on the wicker chair, "We have to wait until the eldest brother is finished with the army before we start, there is no need to rush now."

"Then you are really willing to be a general for the rest of your life?" Yi Mo asked suddenly.

Li Chennian replied casually, "What else can I do if I don't become a general? I don't have the wisdom and decisive and ruthless methods of my elder brother, and I don't have the ruthlessness and ambition of my third brother. I might as well hide away." Go to a small country far away to be happy and at ease."

"Li Chenxue..." It was the first time Yi Mo had heard someone talk about the third prince whom he had never met before, "What kind of person is he?"

"He..." Li Chennian hesitated to speak, "You will know when you meet in the future, it's hard for others to tell." He, the third brother, has a deep mind. Some people say he's 'friendly, benevolent and righteous', while others say he's 'vicious and vicious' ', in the end, only the benevolent see benevolence and the wise see wisdom.

Li Chennian didn't like to mention his third brother, so he changed the subject and said, "My good sister, you have to give Xifu a serious try. The eldest brother has confessed, but if there is even a little inappropriateness, you must change it. If it is really inappropriate, you can You have to tell me, you can't hide it, or if the elder brother finds out, I'm finished. You know, I'm taking this opportunity to curry favor with him, just to let him protect me when I go out. Take care of my concubine mother. You also know that my concubine mother has been demoted as a talented person and the Ren family has collapsed again. She must have offended many people because of her flamboyant temper back then..." He said it without any scruples. One is that you can trust Yimo, and the other is that you want to be able to make a promise.He was away on an expedition, and what he worried about the most was his mother in the deep palace.

Yi Mo understood better than him, "You can rest assured about your mother's affairs. The emperor demoted your mother as a talented person to protect her safety. The Ren family has collapsed. If your mother is still in a high position, she will be framed by others." But now he is just a young talent, and will not attract much attention, at most he will be wronged by some cynicism, and there is no fear of his life."

Li Chennian smiled wryly at the moment of astonishment, "Look, you can see more clearly than me... Hey, I am really not suitable to live in the royal family, it is better to be in the military camp, everyone is a strong man , Say one is one, say two is two, how can there be so many detours."

"No one is born with it. After you live for a long time, you will naturally understand." Yi Mo didn't want to talk to him again, he stood up and wanted to go back to his room to try on the wedding clothes, but he was startled by his bluffing just as he got up.

"Ahhh—your belly?!" Has it become so big? !
Li Chennian thought it was too scary. He had seen her half a month ago. Although he didn't notice her belly at that time, it was definitely normal.At first glance today, it's scary, okay, it looks like a doll is stuffed inside.Ah, wait, doll? ……baby!
Li Chennian's eyes widened in an instant, and with trembling hands, he just pointed at her belly and stammered, "You, are you, are you, pregnant?!"

Yi Mo didn't answer him, and she also looked down at her stomach. She didn't see her all night, it seems to have grown bigger again?How can it grow so fast!According to the book, this level of pregnancy will be at least four months later, but she has only been there for three months!
Without her responding, Li Chennian also knew that she must be pregnant, and she must be the son of the prince.He stammered again and asked, "How many months? Look at it like this, four months? Five months?" Ah, so the two of them had been secretly dating half a year ago!
Yi Mo was thoughtful, "Looks like four or five months old?"

Li Chennian nodded honestly, "When I was at the border, I saw a local pregnant woman. You look exactly like that old sister when she was four or five months pregnant."

"But I'm only three months old!" Yi Mo said with certainty.

Without even thinking about it, Li Chennian blurted out, "Twins!?"

Yi Mo frowned, suppressing the excitement in her heart, and shouted, "Yuelu, go call Lixiao." But the trembling voice leaked her inner emotions.

In the front hall of the palace, Aunt Gusu and Princess Jingyang sat in the hall and chatted with each other.Jingyang sighed, "Nurse is getting old now, so you have to take good care of yourself."

"Thank you, Concubine Wang, for your concern. This old servant has lived a long life, so he is at the end of his life. There is nothing worth cherishing in this world. I just hope that after a hundred years, I can still serve my old master when I get down here." The old master of Mammy Gusu It was the late Empress Dowager Rong, the direct sister of Duke Rong.

Jingyang smiled and didn't say anything else. At this time, the maid from the mansion came in, "Princess, mother. The princess sent someone to say that the wedding dress doesn't fit, it's a size too small."

Mother Gusu was in a hurry when she heard the words, "How could it be so small? What should I do? If I do it again now, it will be too late. What should I do?" What a joke.If something like this really happened, those palace ladies who made happy clothes would all lose their heads.

The servant girl said, "The princess told Mammy not to be nervous. Our princess, like the girls in the folk, has been embroidering her wedding gown since the day she became an adult. She just finished embroidering her new wedding gown yesterday, so she asked her servant to bring it over for Mammy to see." Look, does it fit?" As he spoke, two maidservants presented the wedding dress that Li Chennian had brought.

Aunt Gusu looked at the fabrics, tailoring and embroidery skills, although she was puzzled why the fabrics and tailoring were all from the palace, it can be seen that the embroidery skills were higher than the wedding clothes they prepared, so she put it on her lips Doubt swallowed.Nodded, "If that's the case, let's arrange it according to the princess's words."

Aunt Gusu led people out of the palace, and Li Chennian also sneaked behind her.

In the wing room, Yi Mo stared at Li Xiao nervously, "How is it?"

Li Xiao put on a thin finger cot, put two fingers lightly on her pulse, checked for a while, and replied, "One!"

Yi Mo lost his mind for a while, staring at his abnormally large belly, and murmured, "How could it be one? If it was one, it shouldn't be so obvious..."

"I only diagnosed one heart pulse." Li Xiao told her clearly, "But you are indeed abnormal. It should be too much. I won't drink the medicine for two days. Let's see after a while, if He was still so big when he gave birth, so he had to be prescribed weight-loss medicine, otherwise it would be very easy to give birth..."

Yi Mo's mood was a little depressed, and he waved at him absent-mindedly.The greater the hope, the greater the disappointment... She slowly touched her belly, if God could leave her a child, she should be content.

It's night, in the Eastern Palace.

The crown prince stood beside the bed, stretching his hands, and two court ladies knelt at his feet to undress him.In the shadows in the corner of the hall, a hidden guard knelt on the ground to report to him.

(End of this chapter)

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