black belly prince cruel concubine

Chapter 371 Rage, bloodbath!

Chapter 371 Rage, bloodbath! (4)
"Master—" Seeing this, the subordinates who were fighting with the Xingfenglou screamed in alarm!
The moment her body fell, Yi Mo quickly made a decision in her heart, if force was not used until now, then both she and Wen Nuo would be thrown to death.In order to survive, she couldn't tolerate her not making a move.

Yi Mo gritted his teeth, and stroked his slightly protruding belly with his right hand, he was worried but more determined: My child, Yi Mo, shouldn't be so weak!After today, if you are still here, no one can take you away!
The deep eyes were stern in vain, the majestic and thick internal energy surged out like a group of wild horses, and the majestic and majestic momentum seemed to pour down from the sky, instantly smashing the sky and covering the earth!
Using the strength of both feet on the cliff, tap lightly, and in an instant, Wen Nuo flew up the cliff.At this moment, Yi Mo's body was full of ferocity and evil spirit, his cold eyes were like an abyss of thousands of blades, and there was a manic situation in his eyes.When the cold wind suddenly picked up, strands of black hair danced wildly in the wind like thin snakes, and the snake hesitated.At some point, there was an extra soft sword in his hand. The soft sword was as hard as iron under the strong true energy. Seeing the figures who were attacking quickly, the cold and stern face was full of ruthlessness, "Today, don't even I want to leave Blood Rain Cliff alive!"

The manic and domineering zhenqi came out of his body like a flood of beasts, and the pressure of tearing caused the air flowing in the air to twist for a while, and Yi Mo charged into the crowd with a soft sword.The stern sword edge and lightning-quick skill made the four killers of the Xingfeng Building unable to stand together. Their expressions changed suddenly, and they shouted urgently, "Quick back!"

"Want to leave?" With a sweep of the sword in Yi Mo's hand, he cut off the nearest man in black at the waist, and the blood column that rushed up in an instant stained her whole body with blood.He carelessly raised his hand to wipe away the blood splattered on his face, and sneered cruelly, "I'll see who has the ability to get away." His eyes were red, like wolves and tigers, bloodstained, with a murderous look!
Leaping into the crowd again, the sharp sword in his hand was like the scythe of death, if he waved his hand down, a life would be lost.Yi Mo's eyes turned red, and even Suzaku Baihu and the others felt terrified when they saw that crazy and ferocious appearance.Suzaku wanted to step forward to stop it, but was stopped by Bai Hu, who shook his head at her, "Master is angry, you let her vent."

The people in Xingfenglou were really frightened. They raised their knives and fell, harvesting heads mercilessly. Such a cruel method, even these killers who make a living by killing people feel chilling.

"This person is crazy, what are you doing hiding! Get out and kill her together!" one of the men in black shouted towards the forest.

As soon as the words fell, dozens of black figures suddenly sprang out.

Suzaku instantly clenched the sharp sword in his hand, he didn't expect that Xingfenglou would send so many masters to ambush here.If the master didn't make a move, with the strength of a dozen of them, they wouldn't be able to break through this tight encirclement.

Experts from all directions quickly surrounded Yimo, knives, swords, mallets, sticks... eighteen kinds of weapons all attacked her.Yi Mo was covered in blood, even his hair was dyed scarlet.The originally beautiful face was no longer gentle, only violent and sharp, her eyes were bloodthirsty and ferocious, her eyes were already red, she would kill anyone she saw, behead anyone she saw.

Blood Rain Cliff, Bloody Wind Building, Bloody Rain!
Piles of bones, piles of wreckage, the gurgling blood gathered into a trickle, and even the land on the cliff was dyed crimson.As the breeze blows, the strong smell of blood rushes into the nostrils, making people feel sick.

Wen Nuo was stunned on the top of the cliff, watching helplessly as the pile of corpses piled up higher and higher, and the blood flowed more and more on the ground—at first, there was pity and resentment in his heart, but in the end, only numbness remained.

The nearly fifty master-level killers in Xingfenglou are as worthless as winter melon and cabbage in Cheng Yimo's hands? !On the small hill in the distance, Xue Ruxue stared in horror at the woman who appeared on the blood rain cliff like a god of death.The woman's figure is like a ghost, with countless afterimages looming in the air, and no one can see which one is her real body. When the wrist is turned, a living life passes away, vicious and vicious, killing each other!
And the other killers of the Xingfenglou who were guarding her were as shocked as she was when they saw it, as if they had seen a ghost!
"Damn it! Let's go." One person said, and the others nodded in agreement. Those fifty people couldn't attack it together, and they just got stuck between their teeth when they went.Bah, I'm afraid it's not even enough to plug the teeth!

One of them retreated with Xue Ruxue, and the others followed.

Yi Mo seemed to feel something suddenly, his stern gaze suddenly turned and landed on the hill, just in time to see the few people who were about to retreat.

When he saw the petite black figure surrounded by several men, the murderous aura in his eyes suddenly condensed into a sharp arrow, wishing he could just shoot her to death.Although I couldn't see the woman's face clearly, I didn't know who the woman was.But for some reason, she felt that the woman must be playing tricks in the dark.

The thick true energy leaked out from the palm, with five fingers bent, a feathered arrow was sucked into the hand.She raised her breath suddenly, and flew to stand on the canopy of the tree, looking at the shadow that was so far away that she could hardly see her figure clearly, nodding, pulling the string, drawing the bow, and was about to shoot, but suddenly felt a sudden pain in her stomach, and her arms trembled slightly , the sharp arrow shot out like a meteor——

Just because Yi Mo's arm trembled, the arrow missed its aim and only shot into Xue Ruxue's arm.

Xue Ruxue let out a cry of pain and rolled to the ground. The killer in black hugged her and ran for his life while cursing, "Damn it! You can still shoot from such a distance!"

Seeing that Yimo failed to shoot the arrow into the woman's vitals, she wanted to shoot the arrow again, but the falling pain in her belly became more and more intense, and the pain made her almost fall from the tree with a shaky spirit!
Wen Nuo looked up, looking at the blood dripping from her lower body along the culottes with horror on her face, "Yimo!"

Yi Mo heard the sound and looked down. Although she was covered in blood, she could clearly distinguish which blood was her own and which blood belonged to others.For example, the blood on her hands, face, and head belonged to others, but the blood under her body that slid from between her legs along her thighs to her ankles was her own!The blood flowed more and more, faster and faster, as if something was flowing away from her body...

(End of this chapter)

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