black belly prince cruel concubine

Chapter 372 Wen Nuo's Destination

Chapter 372 Wen Nuo's Destination (1)
"Dawn—!" The panicked roar spread far away on the Blood Rain Cliff.

Suzaku and Baihu were also in a hurry, Qi Fei jumped up and helped the master down from the canopy.Li Xiao rushed over and saw the blood under her body, her calm face also changed drastically!
Yi Mo tried his best to maintain his composure, grabbed Li Xiao's arm tightly, and shouted, "We must keep him!"

Wen Nuo also came to his senses, ran over with a pale face and hugged her body, which was barely standing still, panicked, "Yimo..."

Li Dawn checked her pulse, and her face sank again, "It's already started to bleed..." The implication was: there was nothing he could do.

However, Yi Mo saw hesitation in his eyes, his hands grabbed his shoulders suddenly, his deep and contemplative eyes were as sharp as iron nails, "I know you have a way, help me keep him! Be sure to help me keep him!"

Li Xiao stared at hers with bright eyes, cruelly waved her hands away from him, and responded in a cold voice, "If you want to keep him regardless of the consequences, you have to live, I can't Let you take risks."

Yi Mo slid down Wen Nuo's arms and sat on the ground. Hearing Li Xiao's words, his brows and eyes were furious, and the compelling sharpness in his eyes erupted instantly, exaggerating a chilling coldness. That strong attitude seemed to be irresistible Take her life, "Li Xiao, I order you, keep him!"

Shocked by the coldness and determination in her eyes, Li Xiao had no choice but to say in a deep voice, "There is a possible way, but no one has ever tried it, and I don't know the final result. I advise you to think it through!"

Yi Mo replied firmly, "Don't think about it, just do it."

Wen Nuo heard the heaviness in Li Xiao's voice, and hurriedly said, "Wait, what method are you talking about?" If the method was simple, Li Xiao would not be so difficult.

"Prick the acupoints with steel needles!" Li Xiao stared at Yimo's face closely, trying to see a trace of regret on her face, "Use three inch-long steel needles to pierce the Baihui acupoint on the top of the head and the Yamen acupoint on the back of the head respectively. And the Shenting acupoint in the front five points of the brain!"

"Master!" As soon as Li Xiao finished speaking, Suzaku and Baihu exclaimed in unison, "Master, no! These three places are dead spots on the brain, if there is a slight deviation, even Immortal Da Luo can't save it."

Wen Nuo also looked at her nervously, "Yimo, you..." He wanted to persuade her, but he didn't know how to say it.

Yi Mo didn't care about it, the determination in his eyes was not shaken by everyone's obstruction, he felt the pain in his belly intensify, and he couldn't wait to say, "Li Xiao, get the steel needle ready."

Li Xiao knew that she had made up her mind and could not persuade her anymore, so she stopped talking.He took out the anti-abortion pills prepared in his bosom, gave her three pills in a row, and then told Suzaku and Baihu, "You two come here and give her some zhenqi, so that the medicine can spread quickly in her body. Depending on the situation, you need to find a safe place for piercing acupuncture points with steel needles."

On the other side, Xue Ruxue, who escaped unharmed, was taken out of Shengfeng Ridge by the killer of Xingfenglou.In an inn in Xialing County, the nearest boundary to Shengfeng Ridge, the third prince Li Chenxue looked gloomyly at the man in black who was kneeling on the ground and pleading guilty.

"Master, this subordinate is incompetent!" The man in black shivered and curled up on the ground. According to the rules of the Xingfeng Building, if the mission failed, he apologized with death!But he didn't want to die. This time it wasn't that they were incompetent, but that the other party was too powerful.

"More than 50 masters have lost all of them..." Li Chenxue sat in the grand teacher's chair, crossed her hands in front of her body, and gently stroked the extremely delicate and smooth curved nails with the balls of her thumbs.An invisible coercion permeated with his murmur, and the air seemed to exude a cold breath like the god of death.Suddenly, the corner of his mouth slowly cracked into a light smile, which seemed to be admiration or joy, " expected of the woman I like. If she really dies like this, I will doubt my own vision."

The man put his head on the cold floor, not daring to relax because of his laughter, but became more nervous and cautious.He knew the master's temper well, the brighter the master's smile, the more angry he was.Fifty elite masters were destroyed on the Blood Rain Cliff, which was equivalent to destroying half of the master's effort.Those masters were cultivated by their masters since they were young, and they will be of great use in the future. I didn't expect it to be like this...

"Where is Xue Ruxue?" Li Chenxue asked.

The man couldn't figure out the relationship between Xue Ruxue and his master, so he replied cautiously, "Miss Xue is outside, she was wounded by an arrow..."

Before she finished speaking, she was interrupted by Li Chenxue, "Let her in."

Xue Ruxue was helped in. Her face was pale, her hair was disheveled, and there was a feathered arrow stuck in her arm.Everyone was only concerned about running for their lives, no one had the leisure to draw an arrow to bandage her wound.

Black blood slipped from the cuff, dripping drop after drop onto the clean floor.Li Chenxue looked at the blood on the ground and frowned in disgust. Although she was unhappy in her heart, she didn't say anything.

Xue Ruxue pushed away the killer who was supporting her, sat down on the nearest chair, accidentally touched the arrow wound on her arm, and immediately grinned in pain.Xue Ruxue is the eldest lady of Yaowang Valley. She was spoiled and spoiled since she was a child, and she has a lot of senior brothers to take care of her. How could she have suffered such a serious injury? While feeling sore in her heart, she felt that the wound on her arm hurt so badly, her eyes immediately turned red and watery Looking at Li Chenxue, "please ask for a doctor." Although she is a doctor herself, it is not convenient to bandage with one hand, and if this kind of arrow wound is not treated properly, it will definitely leave ugly scars.

Xue Ruxue's heart is not as indifferent as she looks on the surface, as if she doesn't care about anything. In fact, she cares the most. She cares about this beautiful face that she has been proud of since she was a child. Whitening skin, she cares about this extraordinary medical skill that is respected by the world, she cares about the noble title of Miss Yaowanggu, and she cares even more about the affectionate affection of that unruly man in the Eastern Palace!

There is a doctor in the Xingfeng Building, so there is no need to go outside to ask for it.

The doctor was quickly summoned and saluted Li Chenxue before drawing Xue Ruxue's arrow, but when he tore open his sleeve and saw the terrifying black blood spots on the wound, his expression changed in fright!
The wound was covered with dense black worms, the worms were as thin as hair, half of them got into the flesh and half of them were exposed outside, if you didn't look carefully, you might think it was black blood spots, but if you looked closely, you could find those worms were wriggling constantly, Desperately drill into the flesh and blood!
As white as jade's arm, one section is tender and smooth with rosy white, but the other section is covered with dense 'black hair', which makes people feel creepy!

"Ahh——" Xue Ruxue screamed with wide eyes in horror, "What is this, what the hell, it's so disgusting! It's so disgusting—" She also ignored the pain, raised her arm and shook it desperately, wanting to Get rid of those black bugs that keep drilling into the body, but the bugs seem to have suction cups, which are tightly absorbed in the flesh and blood, and they can't be shaken off no matter how you shake them.

"It should be a kind of Gu poison!" The doctor said uncertainly.

(End of this chapter)

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