black belly prince cruel concubine

Chapter 373 Wen Nuo's Destination

Chapter 373 Wen Nuo's Destination (2)
"Gu poison?" Xue Ruxue used to play Gu, but she had never seen such a weird Gu. She was terrified in her heart, and shouted angrily, "Help me kill it!"

The doctor in the Xingfeng Building is not only skilled in medicine, but also highly respected by the killers in the building, because when everyone is injured and waiting to die, offending the doctor is undoubtedly making friends with the god of death.

Xue Ruxue's rudeness made the doctor very unhappy, and seeing that his master was neither surprised nor panicked when he saw the woman was wounded like this, obviously this woman is not an important person to the master, so he couldn't help feeling bad , said coldly, "This kind of insect medicine stone cannot be removed, only scalding it with boiling oil!"

"Then what are you talking about, go get ready!" After leaving the East Palace, Xue Ruxue has always been aloof, and her status as Miss Yaowanggu makes her treated as precious as a princess in the martial arts world. In front of these desperadoes, She naturally didn't have a good face.

A glint flashed in the doctor's eyes. After half a cup of tea, the hot oil was ready, and the two killers lifted the oil pan up.Li Chenxue looked at the oil pan with great interest. The oil in the pan was still boiling, and as soon as he got close to it, steaming heat would rush towards his face.The two assassins took a look at the doctor, and in a tacit understanding, Qiqi took three steps back, staying away from the frying pan.And Xue Ruxue, a mentally handicapped girl, took a step forward recklessly. The scorching heat made her look away, "How do I get rid of it? Splash the oil on the wound? Be careful, if it hurts your skin, be careful of your... ..."

Before the word 'head' came out, the doctor suddenly grabbed Xue Ruxue's injured arm and pressed it into the oil pan!

"Ahh—" The shrill scream penetrated the roof and went straight to the sky!
After a burst of 'crackling', a smell of oily meat wafted in the air.

Under the Blood Rain Cliff, in an abandoned temple.Yi Mo was placed on the simple bed behind the Buddha statue, and he took her pulse at dawn, with a very serious expression on his face, "If you don't use steel needles to prick the acupoints, I'm afraid even the god Da Luo won't be able to keep it."

Yi Mo sat cross-legged on the bed, her cold face was calm and unwavering, there was no panic about an imminent miscarriage, no fear of facing an enemy, she was the calmest at this moment, "Then let's begin."

Li Xiao took out the prepared steel needle, "After the steel needle pierces the acupoints, you must immediately take the next dose of anti-abortion medicine. Pricking the acupoints alone is futile."

Wen Nuo hurriedly said, "I know how to make medicine, I will make medicine."

"No, this anti-fetal medicine is different from the usual ones, and I have to suffer it myself. Not to mention the dosage and ingredients, but if the temperature of the torment is not right, then this anti-fetal medicine will immediately become a life-threatening poison." In the technique of splitting body, he can't take care of both boiling medicine and puncturing acupuncture points.

Yi Mo understood what he meant, glanced at Wen Nuo, and decided, "At dawn, you boil the medicine, and Wen Nuo will prick the acupuncture points."

Wen Nuo's master is also a master of medicine. Although he didn't learn the fur of his old man, he is the best at recognizing acupuncture points.

Li Xiao nodded, and ordered Suzaku Baihu and others to guard outside the temple and not let idlers approach.

Looking at the inch-long steel needle in his hand, Wen Nuo felt chills in his heart, and his fingertips were trembling slightly. The pain of the steel needle entering the brain was like digging out a bone and heart!This kind of excruciating pain had to be planted by him himself!

Yi Mo looked at Wen Nuo's trembling fingertips, and suddenly heard his abnormal behavior on the Blood Rain Cliff, endured the cramping pain in his stomach, and said to Li Xiao who was boiling medicine in front of the Buddha statue, "Li Xiao, Wen Nuo, he has been poisoned." ?” The poison has not been cured, if it occurs when she injects the needle, then there is no need to protect the pregnancy, and go directly to the underworld to report.

"It's not a Gu, it's because he was hypnotized. Someone planted an inducement worm in his heart. Once his emotions are liked by the inducer worm at a certain moment, he will be controlled by others." Li Xiao found a dilapidated casserole and put Throw in all the medicinal materials, "Don't worry, the trigger bug has been eliminated, and there will be no abnormal regeneration."

After listening, Wen Nuo and Yi Mo breathed a sigh of relief at the same time.Wen Nuo looked at Yi Mo full of guilt, if it wasn't for him, she wouldn't have to suffer so much today.

"Wen, the other party is here for me, even if it wasn't you, it would be someone else." Yi Mo didn't want to say any more, he would not be burdened with this kind of thing until he figured it out, "Wen, let's start .”

"En." Wen Nuo cheered up, the incident had already happened, no matter how guilty and sad he was, the only thing he could do now was to try his best to keep the fetus in her womb, so that her suffering would not be in vain.

He took out a steel needle and aimed the sharp point at Baihui acupoint, the intersection of the midline of the top of the head and the line connecting the tips of the two ears.He was about to insert it, but his hand stopped, his eyes were full of unbearable and pity, and even more hesitation and fear. If he inserted it wrongly or could not control his strength well, would Yi Mo die just like that? !

The steel needle was hanging above his head, he hesitated several times but failed to make a move.Yi Mo felt the cramping pain in his abdomen getting stronger and stronger, and couldn't help urging, "Wen, what are you waiting for!"

Wen Nuo was even more flustered, and finally let go of his hands that he couldn't let go, and choked up his voice, "Yimo, what should I do? I can't let go..."

Yi Mo opened her eyes suddenly, and a hot current flowed from between her legs in an instant, she knew that she couldn't wait any longer.There was a sharp light in his eyes, and there was cruelty in the cold light, but this cruelty was aimed at himself!She shot like lightning, pulled out the steel needle in Wen Nuo's hand, and inserted it into her Baihui acupoint with lightning speed!
"En!" The piercing pain instantly hit the whole body.A dense bulge suddenly shuddered on his back, and cold sweat slid down his forehead.

Yi Mo clenched his teeth, his face was as pale as paper, and he never made a sound except for the uncontrollable muffled hum.

Wen Nuo looked at her with distressed eyes, "Yimo, are you okay?"

Yimo was so painful that she couldn't open her eyes, she nodded to him subconsciously, then without giving herself a chance to breathe, she snatched a steel needle again with lightning speed, and inserted it into the hair on the front of her head without any mistakes. Shenting acupoint at the fifth point of the world!
The sharp tearing pain swept over again like a torrent of mountains and seas, the rushing blood in her body instantly coagulated, and the sharp stabbing pain made the spasm in her stomach twitch!She bent down in pain, biting her lips for blood, her pale face quickly turned purple, and the sweat on her forehead dripped onto her eyelashes, instantly blurring her vision.

Wen Nuo quickly supported her falling body, anxious, distressed, and reluctant, wishing that he could replace her.

"Yi," his words were still in his mouth, and he saw Yi Mo strike again, and with his hand raised, he plunged the last steel needle into the Yamen acupoint in the depression between the two cervical spinous processes on the back of his head!
When the three steel needles were inserted into the brain, Yimo suddenly felt the blood in his body boil instantly, as if the boiled water was running wildly in all directions in the blood vessels, and the blood vessels were about to be squeezed!
Yi Mo's face was livid, blood was surging in his heart, a mouthful of blood spewed out from his mouth, and then he couldn't bear it any longer, so soft that he fell into Wen Nuo's arms.

Wen Nuo was so frightened that his heart beat violently, and he shouted in panic, "Lixiao! Lixiao——"

(End of this chapter)

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