Chapter 375 Twins? ! (1)
On Shengfeng Ridge, Yimo lived a truly carefree life.The abandoned ruined temple has been repaired by Suzaku Baihu and others. Although it can't be said to be resplendent, it can be regarded as the residence of a wealthy family.It is completely different from the dilapidated and shabby look when I first came here, with high-quality window paper, brand-new utensils, painted mahogany tables and chairs, and a flower shed built under the east wall of the yard at dawn, on a few slender bamboo frames, It is covered with flower vines, and the dense green leaves are delicate and beautiful against the white and tender little flowers.

Sitting under the flower stand, Yimo closed her eyes and rested her mind. She had been lying on the bed for more than half a month, and she was only allowed to walk on the ground in the past few days, and she could not go far.Hey, it's really torture.

Now the baby in my stomach is four months old, and the flat belly is bulging like a ball, looking like a pregnant woman in May or June.This abnormal situation made her suspect that there was more than one of them, but every time at dawn, she would categorically tell her: there is definitely only one fetal pulse!
Open one eye and look at the swollen belly, is it really caused by being too fat? !

Suddenly felt something kicked in his stomach. Regarding this situation, Yi Mo went from being surprised at first to amazed and finally to expressionless. He stroked his stomach as if to comfort him, and said in a helpless tone, "Okay, okay, you Not fat, you are the thinnest, you are the cutest, you are the most romantic and suave."

Sure enough, the things in my stomach quieted down instantly.

Why!Yi Mo was almost annoyed by this thing, every time Li Dawn said that he was too fat due to overnutrition, he would start to fuss.The baby in other people's womb usually moves in the fifth month, and he started to move in the fourth month, and he seems to be able to understand human language.So much so that Yi Mo almost thought that he was pregnant with a monster!

If one day really annoys her, she will invite Taoist priests to collect the demons!
"Master, this is the den of Xingfenglou that Xuanwu found near Shengfeng Ridge." Suzaku walked in and handed her the note from Xuanwu.

Yi Mo took a look, squinted his eyes and murmured, "Xialing County, Essence Inn..."

She leaned on the handrail and stood up, "Let the white tiger prepare, I will make it impossible for any of them to escape."

"Yes." Suzaku led the order to go down to discuss with Baihu to encircle and suppress Xingfenglou's hideout in Xialing County.Xingfenglou caused the master to suffer such a great crime, if they were not killed, it would be difficult to appease the anger in their hearts.

Yi Mo stood under the flower stand, looking at the small white flowers hidden among the green leaves, he couldn't help thinking of the new wedding dress embroidered with hundreds of flowers.I don't know how Ayu is doing now?The prince got married, but he lacked a bride... How should he face the officials and the common people?

Thinking about it now, although she felt sorry, she didn't regret it.If she insists on marrying Wen Nuo regardless of his life or death, then she will never feel at ease for the rest of her life.

Reaching out to pick off a pure white flower, she held it in the palm of her hand and played with it absent-mindedly.Ayu, please wait patiently for a few more days, when all the grievances and grievances here are settled, let's get married again.Suddenly, he thought of his angry words when he left Beijing, "Cheng Yimo, if you dare to leave the capital, I don't want you anymore", and couldn't help but chuckle, what a childish temper!
Hiss... There was a sudden tingling pain from her fingertips, she came back to her senses, and looked at it intently.It turned out that there was a bee hiding in the heart of the flower, which flew out and stabbed her.

The dark red blood overflowed from the fingertips, condensed into a drop and fell to the ground at the same time as the flower.Viscous blood dripped on the ground, stained with blood and splashed to the side of the flower heart.The pure white petals are splashed with scarlet red, the extreme white and the dazzling red complement each other, making it look so strange.Yi Mo's heart jumped violently, an inexplicable haze quickly enveloped his heart, and the relaxed and happy mood disappeared.

"What are you doing?" Li Xiao came back from picking some herbs from the forest, and as soon as he entered the yard, he saw Yi Mo standing there in a daze.

Yi Mo came back to his senses in an instant, shook his head, "It's okay." Although he said it was okay, the gloom and boredom in his heart have not faded away, and it always feels like something big is about to happen.

"I went to the mountains to gather medicine today and found a living spirit grass." Li Xiao was in a happy mood today, and it was rare for him to talk to her for a while. Normally, he would definitely take a look at her and then treat her as if it didn't exist.

Yi Mohun looked at the blood-splashed flower, and answered him absent-mindedly, "What is the life grass used for?"

"Spiritual Grass has many uses, promoting blood circulation and removing blood stasis, nourishing the body and nourishing qi, clearing heat and detoxifying, but its most effective effect is to protect the fetus, which can help the fetus in the womb to grow rapidly. Generally, the fetus is formed in three months, and the October melon is ripe. Pregnant women who have eaten life grass can give birth normally in September, and the baby will be healthier and smarter." He is not sure if Cong is smart, but it is true that he is healthier.

Yi Mo's heart twitched, "What about the life grass? Did you bring it back?"

"No, it hasn't grown yet, and it will take a few days to fully mature." Li Xiao sorted the antinatal drugs he picked into water, washed them, and then put them in the yard to dry, "But you don't have to worry about being picked by others. I sprinkled medicinal powder around, no matter if it is a human or a beast, as long as they get close, they will definitely be poisoned and die."

Hearing the word 'death', Yi Mo suddenly realized his conscience miraculously, "In the future, we should do less murder."

Li Xiao glanced at her strangely, and sneered in her heart, she actually talked about murder with him? !Shaking her head, she got up and went to the kitchen to make medicine, thinking she was in a daze!

Among them, she was the one who committed the most crimes, and she had the nerve to ask him to do less crimes!Sigh——the world is too mysterious!
Originally, Yimo only waited for Baihu and Suzaku to arrange the bloodbath and wash the Xingfeng Tower before returning to Beijing, but now there is a living spirit grass, so she has to wait for the living spirit grass to mature, and then wait for the dawn to become an anti-fetal medicine, and she will drink it Only later will we get the next thing.

So she still has to live in Shengfengling for a few days, but she can get out of bed and walk around these days instead of lying in bed all the time.During dinner, Li Xiao said to her, "There is a Zhangjia Village at the foot of the mountain. The people in the village are very hospitable. If you are bored, you can go there for a walk."

Yi Mo has been really bored recently. She eats and sleeps all day long, or goes for a walk in the yard. She can count the number of stones and grass in the yard.

The next day, Yi Mo got up very early, and she woke up just after dawn, lying on the bed tossing and turning.Suzaku opened the door and came in, put the clean clothes on the head of the bed, then lifted the bed curtain and hung it on a wooden hook, "Master, are you awake?"

Yi Mo turned over and sat up on the bed, looked at Suzaku intently and asked, "Can you find out who the woman who appeared in Shengfeng Ridge was?"

"No." Suzaku shook his head, "The other party is very strict in protecting them, and never leaked anything."

Yi Mo frowned, always thinking that if the woman is not removed, she will become a serious problem in the future.She thought about it for a long time last night, but she couldn't think of who that woman was, let alone how she had a grudge with that woman? !If he didn't have a deep hatred with her, why would he take such painstaking efforts to deal with her!

(End of this chapter)

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