Chapter 376 Twins? ! (2)
"Master, don't worry, Xuanwu has sent more people to investigate, I believe there will be results soon." Suzaku handed her the wrung veil to wash her face.Wanting her to be happier, he suggested, "Master, after breakfast, let's go down the mountain to Zhangjia Village. I heard from Baihu that it's very lively there, and the people are pure and hospitable. I think it should be a A land of idyllic beauty."

"En." Yimo put aside the boredom in her heart, put on her dress, and asked Suzaku to comb her into a woman's bun.Now that her stomach is so obvious, if she still had a girl's hairstyle, it would only attract other people's eyes.

Zhangjia Village is located in the valley of Shengfeng Ridge. The location is remote and difficult to find. The people in the village rarely have contact with outsiders, so they don't have the philistine and snobbish flattery of those people in the secular world.The people here are simple and simple, rest at sunset and work at sunrise, living a simple and happy life.

Yimo stood under the big banyan tree hung with red silk ribbons to pray for blessings at the head of the village. Looking at this small village, he couldn't help but think of the words in the book: the land is flat and the houses are like houses. The traffic on the rice paddies, the chickens and dogs hear each other, among them, the men and women are dressed like outsiders, with yellow hair hanging down, and they are happy...

There is a market in the village, and Yi Mo and Suzaku walk around the market.The market is small, but it is very lively with people coming and going. It is a coincidence that Yi Mo and Suzaku happened to catch up with the market day once every five days, and there are many people coming to the market.Seeing so many people, Suzaku was a little worried. Her master's stomach is so big, what if she gets squeezed.But when she saw those villagers automatically stay away from her master, she immediately breathed a sigh of relief.

"Hey, sister-in-law, your stomach must be six months old, right?"

Yi Mo looked sideways, and saw a young guy with a dog skin plaster on his forehead sitting in front of the small booth and looking at her with a smile.

Yi Mo looked around, and saw that she was the only one with a big belly, turned to look at the young man, and pointed to himself uncertainly, "Are you talking to me?"

The young man was probably in his prime, and although he wore a blue shirt that was old, it was clean and tidy. If you don't look at the unruly and evil look on his brows, it will give you a sense of honesty and honesty.

The young man raised his hand and beckoned her to come and sit down, "Sister-in-law, there are no pregnant women here except you. Who else can I talk to if I don't talk to you?"

Yimo has been staying on the mountain this month, Suzaku and Baihu are often not around, but the people she can see are taciturn, it is really boring, now seeing a stranger who is willing to take the initiative to talk to her, she is happy in her heart, according to her words Take a seat at the boy's booth.

Seeing her sitting down, the young man smiled brightly. He pointed at the signboard and introduced him enthusiastically, "Little sister-in-law, did you see it? Sending Guanyin to be reincarnated!" "I am the reincarnation of Avalokitesvara. Sister-in-law, you have accumulated eight lifetimes of blessings to meet me." As he said, he pretended to count with his fingers, and said flickeringly, "This master calculated that you saved the suffering in your previous life. , this life is also benevolent and generous, so I specially show up to help you get a man in one fell swoop."

Suzaku looked at the boy like an idiot, her master is kind and generous?Relief?She dares to guarantee with her life that her master will definitely kill more people than save them!
Yi Mo still looked at the young man with interest, and tried to create a confident expression, "Then master, how can I cooperate with you?"

The boy was immediately elated, and said anxiously, "As long as you pay five taels of silver, I will help you cast a spell, and I guarantee that you will give birth to a son in four months!"

Mo Yiyan handed over five taels of silver, "Master, start casting spells."

The young man collected the money happily, "Okay. Sister-in-law, come and sit down. I'm going to start. Don't move, I'm going to start to work..." Putting his hands on Yi Mo's head.

Seeing his movement, Suzaku wanted to stop him.Yi Mo raised his hand to stop her, smiled and shook his head.

Naturally, the boy didn't see the eye contact between the two of them. Now his eyes were full of the emerald jade hairpin on the ink head, and he touched it with trembling hands. It was really as warm and smooth as the book said.Mom... This is a real jade hairpin, how much is it worth?Suddenly, a silver light flashed in front of my eyes, huh?With his sharp eyes, he noticed that there was a faint silvery white color in the middle of the hair, and stretched out his hand cautiously, and looked at the hair curiously——

Seeing this, his face turned pale with fright!Hastily put down his hands, and took a few steps back in shock.Looking at Yi Mo with a face full of horror, "You, why are you..." There are steel needles stuck in your head!

Yi Mo still smiled with spring breeze on his face, stretched out his hand gracefully to caress the messy bun, and asked softly, "What's wrong? What's the problem?"

The young man was still in shock, and stared at her in horror, "You..." How can you still laugh? !How painful it would be to be nailed into the brain with a steel needle!Why is she, a weak woman, still acting nonchalant?

Yi Mo glanced behind him, smiled and said to him, "A woman with a big belly in a blue dress is rushing towards you murderously, do you want to hide?"

"Ah?" The boy turned his head subconsciously, and saw his distant cousin with a child in her arms angrily killing him with a kitchen knife. He was so frightened that he immediately forgot about the steel needle, and then ran away.

"You kill a thousand knives, how dare I tell you to lie! How dare I tell you to lie!" The woman had a big belly, but she ran like a tiger, holding a knife in the same way as the guards in the rivers and lakes. Dart masters.

Some acquaintances at the market saw it and immediately shouted worriedly, "Sister-in-law of the Xu family, run slowly, your stomach is already eight months old, if you accidentally fall, something serious will happen."

Xu's sister-in-law was chasing madly, but she turned her head to the neighbor, "Ms. Zhang, don't worry. It's okay, wait until I catch that stinky little... ah!" After that, the whole person rushed forward, frightened the surrounding villagers to rush over to pick her up, but unfortunately they were too far away.

The moment Xu's sister-in-law landed on the ground, a plain hand was on her side, preventing her from leaping forward.Seeing this, everyone breathed a sigh of relief, it was really scary!
The Xu family's sister-in-law was also frightened and stupid, and she didn't come back to herself until someone helped her sit down.The boy also ran back in fright, and squatted beside her, asking questions with concern, "Auntie, are you all right? Didn't you get hurt anywhere? Is the baby in my stomach all right?"

Mrs. Xu's sister-in-law had a strong heart, and she regained her composure in an instant. She slapped the young man on the head and scolded angrily, "Why are you running away! Are you guilty of being a thief? Tell me, were you lying again just now?"

Seeing that she had returned to her usual tough demeanor, the boy immediately knew that she must be fine, and it was another false alarm.Seeing this, the others also turned around and left with a sigh of relief, as if they were not surprised after seeing too much.This sister-in-law of the Xu family is the most restless when she is pregnant. She was about to give birth last year, and she climbed a tree to dig out a bird's nest. If Mr. Li's family didn't pass by and saw her down, she might have to learn how birds nest in trees. Le.

(End of this chapter)

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